Pandas AI: Shaping the Future of Data Analysis

Pandas AI

Prepare for Efficient, Automated, and Advanced Insights with Pandas-AI and witness generative AI capabilities.

Have you ever imagined that you would be able to interact with your data just like best friends? No one might have thought of it.

What if I say, you can do it now?

Well, this is what Pandas AI is for. It is an incredible Python library that empowers your data frames with the capabilities of Generative AI. the time has gone when you spent hours staring at complex rows and columns without making any meaningful progress.

So, Does it replace Panda?

Worry not, Pandas AI is not here to replace Panda, it can be considered as an extension of Panda. Pandas AI comes with limitless features, imagine having a data frame that can write its own reports or one that can effortlessly analyze complex data and present you with easily understandable summaries. The possibilities are awe-inspiring!

In this concise guide, we’ll take you through a step-by-step journey of harnessing the power of this cutting-edge library, regardless of your experience level. Whether you’re an experienced data analyst or just starting out, this guide equips you with all the necessary tools to confidently dive into the world of Pandas AI. 

So sit back, relax, and let’s embark on an exploration of the thrilling possibilities that Pandas AI has to offer! Before we deep dive into Pandas AI, let’s brush Panda basics and key features.

What is Panda and its Key Features?

Pandas is a powerful open-source Python library that provides high-performance data manipulation and analysis tools. It introduces two fundamental data structures- DataFrame and Series, which enable efficient handling of structured data. 

Let’s explore some of the key features of pandas.

  • It provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures like DataFrames, which are similar to tables in a relational database.
  • Panda allows you to read and write data in various formats, including CSV, Excel, SQL databases, and more.
  • It offers flexible data cleaning and preprocessing capabilities, enabling you to handle missing values, duplicate data, and other common data issues.
  • Panda provides powerful indexing and slicing functions, allowing you to extract, filter, and transform data efficiently.
  • It supports statistical operations such as grouping, aggregation, and calculation of summary statistics.
  • Panda offers a wide range of data visualization options, including line plots, scatter plots, bar charts, and histograms.
  • It integrates well with other popular Python libraries like NumPy and Matplotlib.
  • Panda is widely used in data analysis, scientific research, finance, and other fields where working with structured data is required.

Pandas AI is an extension of Panda with the capabilities of generative AI, taking data analysis to another level. Now, let’s get started with Pandas AI.

Pandas AI: a step ahead of data analysis game

Pandas AI refers to a Python library called “Pandas AI.” It is a powerful tool that incorporates generative artificial intelligence capabilities into the popular data manipulation and analysis library called Pandas.

Introducing Pandas AI, an incredible Open Source Project! It expands the power of Pandas, a Python library, by adding generative artificial intelligence features. Acting as a user-friendly interface on top of Pandas, it allows you to interact with your data effortlessly. By using smart prompts with LLMs APIs, you can transform your data into a conversational format. This means you can directly engage with your data, making data exploration more intuitive and interactive. 

The best part? With Pandas AI, you don’t have to create custom in-house LLMS, saving both money and resources.

Extensive Role of Pandas AI in Data Analysis

As we have already mentioned that Pandas AI is an extension of the Panda capabilities. But how? Let’s explore the role of Pandas AI in improving the world of data analysis for good.

Leveraging Automation Power

Pandas AI brings the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to the existing Python Pandas library, making it a next-gen tool for simplifying data analysis. It has cut down the time analysts spent on repetitive complex tasks by automating them within minutes. Pandas ai enhances the productivity of analysts as they can now only focus on high-end decision-making. 

It has reduced the time and efforts of analysts in managing the below operations fall within the data analysis pipeline.

  • Data filtering
  • Data sorting
  • Data grouping
  • Data Restructuring
  • Data cleaning
  • Data integration
  • Data manipulation
  • DataFrame description
  • Data standardization
  • Time series analysis

Imagine, the implementation of AI to the above operations. Start thinking about where can you implement AI and automate your daily tasks.

Next-level Exploratory Data Analysis

When it comes to analyzing data, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a critical step. It helps analysts uncover insights, spot patterns, and catch any unusual data points. Now, imagine taking EDA to the next level with the help of Pandas AI. This incredible tool automates tasks like data profiling and visualization. It digs deep into the data, creating summary statistics and interactive visuals. This means analysts can quickly understand the nature and spread of different variables. With this automation, the data exploration process becomes faster, making it easier to discover hidden patterns and relationships efficiently.

Advanced-Data Imputation and Feature Engineering

Dealing with missing data is a frequent hurdle in data analysis, and filling in those gaps accurately can greatly affect the reliability of our findings. Here’s where Pandas AI steps in, harnessing the power of AI algorithms to cleverly impute missing values. By detecting patterns and relationships within the dataset, it fills in the gaps intelligently. 

But that’s not all! Pandas AI takes it a step further by automating feature engineering. It identifies and creates new variables that capture complex connections, interactions, and non-linear patterns in the data. This automated feature engineering boosts the accuracy of predictive models and saves valuable time for analysts.

Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning

Pandas AI effortlessly blends with machine learning libraries, empowering analysts to construct predictive models and unlock profound data insights. It simplifies the machine learning process by automating model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and evaluation. Analysts can now swiftly test various algorithms, assess their effectiveness, and pinpoint the best model for a specific challenge. The beauty of Pandas AI lies in its accessibility, allowing even non-coders to harness the power of machine learning for data analysis.

Accelerating Decision-making with Simulations

With Pandas AI, decision-makers gain the power to explore potential outcomes through simulations. By adjusting data and introducing different factors, this library enables users to investigate “what-if” situations and assess the effects of different strategies. By simulating real-world scenarios, Pandas AI helps make informed decisions and identify the best possible courses of action. It’s like having a crystal ball that guides you toward optimal choices.

Get Started with Pandas AI

Here’s how you can get started with Pandas, including some examples and their corresponding output.


Before you start using PandasAI, you need to install it. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command.

pip install pandasai

Import Pandas using OpenAI

Once you have completed the installation, you’ll need to connect to a powerful language model on the backend, the OpenAI model. To do this, you’ll need to follow these steps.

  • Visit OpenAI and sign up using your email or connect your Google Account.
  • In your Personal Account Settings, look for “View API keys” on the left side.


Import Pandas using OpenAI

  • Click on “Create new Secret key”.
  • Once you have your API keys, import the required libraries into your project notebook.

These steps will allow you to obtain the necessary API key from OpenAI and set up your project notebook to connect with the OpenAI language model.

Now, you can move to import the following.


import pandas as pd

from pandasai import PandasAI

from pandasai.llm.openai import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI(api_token=your_API_key)

Running Model on the DataFrame with Pandas AI

Run the OpenAI model to Pandas AI, using the below command.


pandas_ai = PandasAI(openAImodel)

Run the model on the data frame using two parameters and ask relevant questions.

For example-, prompt='the question you would like to ask?')

Now that we have everything in place, let’s start asking questions.

Let’s interact with DataFrames using Pandas AI

To ask questions using Pandas AI, you can use the “run” method of the PandasAI object. This method requires two inputs: the DataFrame containing your data and a natural language prompt that represents the question or commands you want to execute on your data.

To verify the accuracy of the results, we will compare the outputs from both Pandas and Pandas AI. By observing the code snippets, you can see the outcomes produced by each approach.

Querying data

You can ask PandaAI to return DataFrame rows with a column’s value greater than a specific value.

For example-

import pandas as pd

from pandasai import PandasAI

# Sample DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame({

    "country": ["United States", "United Kingdom", "France", "Germany", "Italy", "Spain", "Canada", "Australia", "Japan", "China"],

    "gdp": [19294482071552, 2891615567872, 2411255037952, 3435817336832, 1745433788416, 1181205135360, 1607402389504, 1490967855104, 4380756541440, 14631844184064],

    "happiness_index": [6.94, 7.16, 6.66, 7.07, 6.38, 6.4, 7.23, 7.22, 5.87, 5.12]


# Instantiate a LLM

from pandasai.llm.openai import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI(api_token="YOUR_API_TOKEN")

pandas_ai = PandasAI(llm)

pandas_ai(df, prompt='Which are the 5 happiest countries?')

6            Canada

7         Australia

1    United Kingdom

3           Germany

0     United States

Name: country, dtype: object

Asking Complex Queries

In the above example, if you want to query to find the sum of the GDPs of the two most unhappy countries, you can run the following code.

For example-

pandas_ai(df, prompt='What is the sum of the GDPs of the 2 unhappiest countries?')


Data Visualization with Pandas AI

Visualizing data is essential for understanding patterns and relationships. Pandas perform data visualization tasks, such as creating plots, charts, and graphs. By visualizing data, you can gain insights and make informed decisions about AI modeling and analysis.

For example-

pandas_ai( df, "Plot the histogram of countries showing for each the gdp, using different colors for each bar", )

Data Visualization

For example-

prompt = "plot the histogram for this dataset"

response =, prompt=prompt)

print(f"** PANDAS AI: {response}")

Plot histogram with Pandas AI

Handling multiple DataFarmes Together Using Pandas AI

PandaAI allows you to pass multiple dataframes and ask questions based on them.

For example-

##Example of using PandasAI on multiple Pandas DataFrame

import pandas as pd

from pandasai import PandasAI

from pandasai.llm.openai import OpenAI

employees_data = {

    "EmployeeID": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],

    "Name": ["John", "Emma", "Liam", "Olivia", "William"],

    "Department": ["HR", "Sales", "IT", "Marketing", "Finance"],

salaries_data = {

    "EmployeeID": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],

    "Salary": [5000, 6000, 4500, 7000, 5500],


employees_df = pd.DataFrame(employees_data)

salaries_df = pd.DataFrame(salaries_data)

llm = OpenAI()

pandas_ai = PandasAI(llm, verbose=True, conversational=True)

response = pandas_ai([employees_df, salaries_df], "Who gets paid the most?")

# Output: Olivia

Code source- GitHub

Enforcing Security

To create the Python code for execution, we first take a small portion of the dataframe, mix up the data (using random numbers for sensitive information and shuffling for non-sensitive information), and send only that portion.

If you want to protect your privacy even more, you can use PandasAI with a setting called enforce_privacy = True. This setting ensures that only the names of the columns are sent to the LLM, without sending any actual data from the data frame.

For example-

Example of using PandasAI with a Pandas DataFrame

import pandas as pd

from pandasai import PandasAI

from pandasai.llm.openai import OpenAI

from .data.sample_dataframe import dataframe

df = pd.DataFrame(dataframe)

llm = OpenAI()

pandas_ai = PandasAI(llm, verbose=True, enforce_privacy=True)

response = pandas_ai(


    "Calculate the sum of the gdp of north american countries",


# Output: 20901884461056

Code source- GitHub

Pandas AI with other LLMs


PaLM 2 is a new and improved language model made by Google. It’s really good at doing advanced thinking tasks like understanding code and math, answering questions, translating languages, and creating natural-sounding sentences. It’s even better at these things than our previous language models. We made it this way by using better technology and improving how it learns from data.

To use this model, you can get the Google Cloud API Key. After getting the key. Create an instance for the Google PaLM object.

Use the below example to call GooglePalm Model

from pandasai import PandasAI

from pandasai.llm.google_palm import GooglePalm

llm = GooglePalm(google_cloud_api_key="my-google-cloud-api-key")

pandas_ai = PandasAI(llm=llm)

Google VertexAI

If you want to use the Google PaLM models through Vertexai api, then you must have the following.

  • Google Cloud Project
  • Region of Project Set up
  • Install optional dependency google-cloud-aiplatform
  • Authentication of gcloud

After setting everything, then you can create the instance for Google PaLM using VertexAI. Use the below example to call Google VertexAI.

from pandasai import PandasAI

from pandasai.llm.google_palm import GoogleVertexai

llm = GoogleVertexai(project_id="generative-ai-training",



pandas_ai = PandasAI(llm=llm)

HuggingFace models

Same as OpenAI, you also need a HuggingFace models

 To use this model. You can get the key

Use the key for instantiating the HuggingFace models. PandasAI supports the following HuggingFace models-

  • Starcoder: bigcode/starcoder
  • OpenAssistant: OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-1-pythia-12b
  • Falcon: tiiuae/falcon-7b-instruct


For example-


from pandasai import PandasAI

from pandasai.llm.starcoder import Starcoder

from pandasai.llm.open_assistant import OpenAssistant

from pandasai.llm.falcon import Falcon

llm = Starcoder(huggingface_api_key="my-huggingface-api-key")

# or

llm = OpenAssistant(huggingface_api_key="my-huggingface-api-key")

# or

llm = Falcon(huggingface_api_key="my-huggingface-api-key")

pandas_ai = PandasAI(llm=llm)
  • If you want to continue without the key, then you can use the following method by setting the HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY environment variable.
from pandasai import PandasAI

from pandasai.llm.starcoder import Starcoder

from pandasai.llm.open_assistant import OpenAssistant

from pandasai.llm.falcon import Falcon

llm = Starcoder() # no need to pass the API key, it will be read from the environment variable

# or

llm = OpenAssistant() # no need to pass the API key, it will be read from the environment variable

# or

llm = Falcon() # no need to pass the API key, it will be read from the environment variable

pandas_ai = PandasAI(llm=llm)

Challenges Ahead of Pandas AI

As we delve into Pandas AI and its potential to transform data analysis, it’s crucial to address certain challenges and ethical considerations. Automating data analysis highlights important concerns regarding transparency, accountability, and bias. Analysts need to be cautious when interpreting and validating the results produced by Pandas AI, as they retain the responsibility for critical decision-making based on the insights derived. 

Let’s remember that while Pandas AI offers incredible possibilities, human judgment, and careful assessment remain indispensable for making informed choices.

Below are some other challenges that you must consider for better data analysis.

  • Interpretation of Prompts- The results generated by Pandas AI heavily rely on how the AI interprets the prompts given by users. In some cases, it may not provide the expected answers, leading to potential discrepancies or confusion.
  • Contextual Understanding- Pandas AI may struggle with understanding the contextual nuances of specific datasets or domain-specific terminology. This can sometimes result in inaccurate or incomplete insights.
  • Limited Coverage- Pandas AI’s effectiveness is influenced by the breadth and depth of its training data. If the library hasn’t been extensively trained on certain types of datasets or domains, its performance in those areas may be limited.
  • Handling Ambiguity- Ambiguous or poorly defined prompts can pose challenges for Pandas AI, potentially leading to inconsistent or unreliable outcomes. Clear and precise instructions are crucial to ensure accurate results.
  • Dependency on Training Data- The quality and diversity of the training data used to develop Pandas AI can impact its performance. Biases or limitations in the training data may influence the library’s ability to handle certain scenarios or produce unbiased insights.

Consider potential challenges and exercise caution when relying on Pandas AI for critical decision-making or sensitive data analysis. Consistent evaluation and validation of the generated results help mitigate these challenges and ensure the reliability of the analysis.

Pandas AI with Solid Future Prospects

PandasAI holds the potential to revolutionize the ever-changing world of data analysis. If you’re a data analyst focused on extracting insights and creating plots based on user needs, this library can automate the process efficiently. However, there are a few challenges to be aware of while using PandasAI.

The results obtained heavily rely on how the AI interprets your instructions, and sometimes it may not give the expected answers. For example, in the Olympics dataset, the AI occasionally got confused between “Olympic games” and “Olympic events,” leading to potentially different responses. 

Nevertheless, its advantages in simplifying and streamlining data analysis make it a valuable tool. It’s advanced functionalities and efficient capabilities are indispensable assets in a data scientist’s toolkit.


Collaborate with OnGraph for advanced Data Analysis with Pandas AI.

Python 3.12: Faster, Leaner, and More Powerful


Python, the ever-evolving and versatile programming language, continues to deliver cleaner and more powerful versions with each release. The latest installment, Python 3.12, promises groundbreaking improvements that are set to revolutionize the programming landscape. Let’s delve into the exciting advancements and features that await developers in Python 3.12.

PyCon 2023 Showcases Python’s Promising Future

The recent PyCon 2023 event shed light on the promising future of Python, captivating developers with its potential to facilitate faster and more efficient software development. Python 3.12 is anticipated to bring forth a series of advancements that will pave the way for innovation and optimization.

Memory Usage Optimization

Python 3.12 introduces impressive optimizations, with influential figures like Mark Shannon and other notable speakers addressing various challenges faced by Python. One of the key achievements is a significant reduction in Python’s memory usage. 

The object header, which previously occupied 208 bytes, has now been minimized to a mere 96 bytes. This improvement provides ample space for storing objects in memory, leading to enhanced performance.

Support for subinterpreters

Subinterpreters are a new feature in Python 3.12 that allows developers to run multiple independent Python interpreters within a single process. This can be useful for tasks such as testing and debugging. For example, a developer could use subinterpreters to run a test suite in a separate interpreter or to debug a program in a separate interpreter without affecting the main interpreter.

Adaptive specialization

Adaptive specialization is a new feature in Python 3.12 that allows the Python interpreter to generate more efficient code for specific types of data. This can improve performance for certain types of applications. For example, if a program frequently performs operations on a large array of numbers, the Python interpreter can specialize the code for those operations to make them faster.

Improved error messages

The error messages in Python 3.12 have been improved, making it easier for developers to debug their code. For example, error messages now include more information about the source of the error, which can help developers to identify and fix the problem.

Enhancing CPython’s Stability and Compatibility

Python 3.12 prioritizes stability and compatibility by refining CPython’s numerous C APIs. Core Python developer Victor Stinner emphasizes keeping public APIs private to minimize dependencies on potential version changes. Additionally, the third-party project HPy offers a more stable C API for Python, benefiting influential projects like NumPy and ultrajson.

Some of the highlights of Python 3.12

Python 3.12 introduces several enhancements that make programming with the language easier and more efficient. These improvements include.

  • The simplified syntax for generic classes- Writing generic classes, which enable code reuse and efficiency, is now more straightforward with the new type annotation syntax.
  • Increased flexibility in f-string parsing- F-strings, a way to format strings, now offer greater versatility, allowing for more powerful and expressive usage.
  • Enhanced error messages- Python 3.12 features even more improved error messages, making it simpler to understand and fix issues in your code.
  • Performance enhancements- Many significant and minor optimizations have been made in Python 3.12, resulting in faster and more efficient execution compared to previous versions.
  • Support for Linux perf profiler- With the inclusion of the Linux perf profiler, it is now easier to profile Python code and obtain function names in traces.

Partner with OnGraph for Cutting-Edge Python Development

To stay ahead of the competition and leverage the capabilities of Python 3.12, consider partnering with OnGraph, a leading provider of next-generation Python development services. With their expertise and in-depth knowledge of the latest Python version, OnGraph ensures that your projects are at the forefront of innovation.


Remix: The Next-Gen React Framework For Faster Websites

Remix feature

Remix with its strict focus on web standards allows it to meet the needs of modern-age web app user experience. So, get ready to build faster and better websites with old-school techniques.

With its formal release in October 2021, Remix is at the top of the list of every UX designer who wants to develop out-of-the-box designs. 

Remix stats

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Staying ahead of the competition and delivering outstanding user experience is becoming one of the topmost priorities of businesses to scale. If you are still unaware of what Remix is and how it can help your websites run faster, then you are on the right track. 

So, let’s get you started with this detailed guide to Remix. 

What is Remix?

Remix is a cutting-edge JavaScript framework that redefines the way developers build web applications. Developed with a focus on performance, flexibility, and developer productivity, Remix offers a comprehensive solution for building modern, scalable, and maintainable web projects. 

Powered by React, Remix leverages the best practices of server-side rendering and client-side rendering, providing a seamless experience for users and search engines alike. With Remix, you can easily create dynamic and interactive web experiences while ensuring optimal performance and search engine optimization. 

Its intuitive and component-based architecture, combined with powerful routing capabilities, enables you to build robust and feature-rich applications with ease. Whether you’re starting a new project or migrating an existing one, Remix empowers you to deliver exceptional web experiences that delight your users.

What to Expect from Remix?

  • It can be compiled using esbuild, a speedy tool for bundling and minimizing JavaScript/CSS.
  • The server side of the application follows progressive enhancement, meaning it only sends essential JavaScript, JSON, and CSS to the browser.
  • It can dynamically render content on the server side.
  • It has the ability to recognize when to update data that has been changed, thanks to Remix overseeing the entire process.
  • It provides a comprehensive solution that includes React Router, server-side rendering, a production server, and optimization for the backend.

As businesses and developers/designers are pushing the boundaries of the web and its applications, existing tools seem to have some restrictions. With Remix, all your fancy UX ideas will come true.

Why did Remix come into the picture?

For that, we are highlighting how the website was created earlier to understand the exact need to use Remix. In the early days, web pages were primarily made up of plain HTML. If developers needed to update data, they would add a form to send the data to the server.

Over time, frameworks were created to allow developers to incorporate dynamic data into static templates, ensuring users always had up-to-date information. PHP was commonly used for this purpose, with PHP tags inserted into HTML files to insert dynamic content from external sources.

However, as developers embraced the concept of “separation of concerns,” mixing PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS in the same file became burdensome. PHP templating lost popularity as JavaScript frameworks like Node and React gained traction, and specialized roles like front-end and back-end developers emerged.

But as web development progressed, the idea of splitting a single page into multiple files became cumbersome. Developers began to explore the use of CSS-in-JS, loaders for dynamic information, and actions for data manipulation. This led to the emergence of React Remix.

React Remix, built on top of React, doesn’t disrupt current patterns but introduces paradigm shifts. Unlike React, which is a frontend library, React Remix, along with competitors like Next.js and Gatsby, aims to enable server-side rendering (SSR). It benefits developers seeking SSR advantages and can be seen as the evolution of old and PHP frameworks.

How is Remix different from other Frameworks?

Let us help you understand how Remix can improve the user experience of your web apps like no other framework can.

Nested Routes 

Every website has multiple levels of navigation that control the child’s views. You can see that these components are mostly coupled to the URL segments. On top of it, these components define the semantic boundary of the data loading and the code splitting. 

In the below example, you can see the flow of the URL-


  • defines the root.
  • Sales define an internal component of the root
  • Invoices are the internal component of sales.
  • And the last is the invoice_id which is the child component of invoices. 


nested Routes in Remix

Image Credits:

In general, most web apps fetch internal components, leading to a waterfall request model where one component will load after the previous one is done loading. It results in slower web apps and long loading times.

Using nested routes, Remix successfully degrades the loading state of each component. It loads the data in parallel on the server and sends the completely formatted and loaded HTML document at once, leading to faster loading.


before and after Remix

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Without Remix, loading will waterfall requests, while with Remix, the complete document will load along with its components in parallel. Remix prefetches the entire data (Public Data. User Data. Modules. heck, even CSS.) in parallel even before the user clicks the URL, leading to zero loading states. 

Data Loading in Remix

In general what your code does? It changes data, right? What if you only have props but there is no way that you can set the state? If your framework does not let you update the data that you have loaded from different sources, then what’s the purpose? Well, Remix does not do that. It allows you to update data with its built-in data updates.

Let us explain to you with a simple example.


export default function NewInvoice() {
  return (
    <Form method="post">
      <input type="text" name="company" />
      <input type="text" name="amount" />
      <button type="submit">Create</button>

Now, we will add an action to this route module. At first glance, it will look like an HTML form but you will get a next-level fully dynamic user experience that you have exactly in mind.


export default function NewInvoice() {
  return (
    <Form method="post">
      <input type="text" name="company" />
      <input type="text" name="amount" />
      <button type="submit">Create</button>

export async function action({ request }) {
  const body = await request.formData();
  const invoice = await createInvoice(body);

Remix successfully runs the required action on the server side, then revalidates the data with the client side. Not only this, the Remix will handle the race conditions from getting re-submitted. 


Rexim running requests

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Remix uses transition hooks to make the pending UI. it can handle all the states simultaneously.

export default function NewInvoice() {
  const navigation = useNavigation();
  return (
    <Form method="post">
      <input type="text" name="company" />
      <input type="text" name="amount" />
      <button type="submit">
        {navigation.state === "submitting"
          ? "Creating invoice..."
          : "Create invoice"}

Apart from this, Remix allows the data to be transferred to the server for skipping the busy spinners for mutations. 


export default function NewInvoice() {
  const { formData } = useNavigation();
  return submission ? (
  ) : (
    <Form method="post">
      <input type="text" name="company" />
      <input type="text" name="amount" />
      <button type="submit">
        Create invoice

Handling Errors 

It is obvious that the websites run into errors. But with Remix, the good thing is that you do not have to refresh the website. Keeping the complexity of handling errors in mind, Remix comes with built-in error-handling features. 

Remix is capable of handling errors during server rendering, client rendering, and even server-side data handling. In most frameworks, if there’s an error in a part of a webpage or if a specific section fails to load, the entire page breaks, and an error message is displayed.

Error handling without Remix

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However, in Remix, if we make a component or a route, we can set up a special error template that handles any errors that occur in that specific component or route. When an error happens, instead of seeing the actual component or route, we’ll see this customized error template. And the error will only affect that specific component or route, without breaking the whole page.


Remix error handling

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SEO with Meta Tags

In simple terms, Remix allows us to customize the information that appears in search results and social media previews for each section of our website. We can do this by using a special component called Meta, which we place in the header of our web page.

The Meta component adds the specific information we want to show, such as the page title, description, and social media links. To make it work, we need to create a function called export meta that returns an object with the desired information.

When we visit a page on our website, the Meta component checks if there’s a meta function defined for that page. If there is, it uses that function to add the custom data to the header of the HTML document. And when we leave that page, it automatically removes the added information.


import { Meta } from 'remix'
export const meta = () => {
return {
title: 'A title for this route',
description: 'A description for the route',
keywords: 'remix, javascript, react'

export default function App() {
return (
<html lang="en">
<Meta />
<h1>Testing SEO Tags</h1>

In the above example, the head is empty, with the meta component. This meta function will look for an exported meta function and fills the data into the head. 

On running the above code, the source code will look like this.

Remix- SEO with Meta Tags

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Styling in Remix

Remix uses a traditional method of linking to a stylesheet for styling a particular page. Similar to setting SEO meta tags, we can assign a stylesheet dynamically to each page using a special component called <Links/>.

With the help of the <Links/> component, we can load a specific stylesheet for a particular page. We need to define a function called “links” that exports an array that stores information about each stylesheet we want to use on the page. These stylesheets will be removed automatically when we leave that page.

For creating a stylesheet, create a directory called “styles” in our app. Inside this directory, we can create a file called “global.css” for styles that apply to the entire app, or we can manually create separate stylesheets for each page.

Remix Styling

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For using this stylesheet, you can use the below code.


import { Links } from 'remix'
import globalStyleURL from '~/styles/global.css'
export const links = () => {
return [{ rel: 'stylesheet', href: globalStyleURL }]

export default function App() {
return (
<html lang="en">
<title>Just a title</title>
<Link />
<h1>Testing Styling</h1>

On checking the source code, you will find that the stylesheet is available in your app as a link tag.

Forms in Remix

Remix connects forms to the application’s state and handles form submissions in React. Instead of manually linking forms to the state and handling submissions with event listeners. An action function automatically gets the form data after submission. It utilizes standard “post” and “get” request methods to send and change the form data just like PHP.

When you submit a form, it triggers the action function that handles the submission. By default, the form data will be sent to the action handler function via the request object. The action function executes on the server, enabling easy communication with a database using the form details. This eliminates the need for client-side mutations.

You can create a form in Remix using either the HTML form element (“<form>”) or import a Remix’s Form component. Unlike traditional form elements, this Form component uses the fetch API for sending the form data, which is faster. The entered data will be sent to the action function that you can access within the action function via input field names.

Let’s create a basic form by utilizing the new.jsx route component in the “posts” directory.


import { Form, redirect } from 'remix'
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
const form = await request.formData()
const title = form.get('title')
const content = form.get('content')
console.log({ title, content })
return redirect('/')


export default function NewPost() {
return (
<h1>Add a new post</h1>
<Form method="POST">
<label htmlFor="title">
 Title: <input type="text" name="title" />
<label htmlFor="content">
 Content: <textarea name="content" />
<input type="submit" value="Add New" />

Did you notice that we brought in a function from Remix called “redirect”? This function works similarly to the redirect function in react-router.

This function tells Remix that after the form is submitted, it should send the user to the index route, which is the homepage. Normally, we would use this to update a database with the form data, but for the sake of simplicity, we will just log to the server’s console. Keep in mind that this action function only runs on the server. So let’s go ahead and do that.


Remix Forms

Image Credits-



Forms output

Image Credits-


It’s important to understand that when you submit a form using the “post” method, it is automatically handled by the action function given in the component. However, if you choose to submit the form using the “get” method, Remix (a tool or framework) requires you to define a loader function to handle the form data on the server.

Are there any limitations limited to Remix?

The Remix framework, like any other tool or framework, has certain limitations. Here are some of the limitations of the Remix framework.


  • Learning curve- Remix is a relatively new framework, and as such, there may be a learning curve involved in understanding its concepts and best practices. Developers who are already familiar with other frameworks may need some time to adapt to Remix’s specific way of doing things.
  • Limited community support- Compared to more established frameworks like React or Angular, the Remix community might be smaller, which means there may be fewer resources, tutorials, and community support available. This could make troubleshooting and finding solutions to specific issues more challenging.
  • Restricted ecosystem- The Remix framework has a specific ecosystem of plugins, libraries, and tools. While it offers a robust set of features, the range of available integrations and extensions might be more limited compared to more mature frameworks with larger ecosystems.
  • Compatibility with existing codebases– If you already have an existing codebase built on a different framework, migrating it to Remix might require significant effort and refactoring. Remix follows its own conventions and patterns, so adapting an existing codebase might not be a straightforward process.
  • Limited adoption– As of now, Remix may not have gained widespread adoption in the developer community. This means that finding developers experienced in Remix might be more difficult, and collaborating on projects using Remix could be challenging if team members are unfamiliar with the framework.

Build next-gen Remix apps with OnGraph

The Remix framework exhibits immense potential for shaping the future of web development. With its innovative approach to building modern applications, Remix enables developers to create robust, scalable, and performant experiences for users. 

As the demand for fast, interactive, and accessible web applications continues to grow, Remix stands poised to play a significant role in driving this evolution. With its focus on developer productivity, code maintainability, and seamless integration with existing technologies, Remix paves the way for a future where building cutting-edge web applications becomes more efficient, enjoyable, and impactful than ever before. Looking for a next-gen, fast, and smooth Remix application? Let’s connect for a call today with one of our solution architects and build the next app with us.

Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence: Insights, Innovations, Impacts, and Challenges


Have you ever imagined that machines could also think and act like humans? No, right! Well, now everything is possible with artificial intelligence. It has gained immense attention from across the globe, and companies are willing to adopt it to transform digitally and smartly. You can consider it a wind that swept the whole market with its limitless features and efficiency to eliminate manual jobs. The Artificial Intelligence market is growing like anything and is capturing a considerable market sector, including different industrial sectors. So, will it cut down the job opportunities? It can be true or not. It depends on what we are expecting it to do. 

According to Forbes, businesses leveraging AI and related technologies like machine learning and deep learning tend to unlock new business opportunities and make huge profits than competitors.

Over the years, AI has evolved gracefully and helped businesses work efficiently. This article will focus on what AI is, how it evolved, its challenges, and its promising future. 

Artificial Intelligence business based on insights

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

Artificial intelligence significantly deals with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. In simple words, artificial intelligence is when machines start acting intelligently, taking considerable decisions like humans, and making focused decisions. 

Today, we hear terms like machine learning, deep learning, and AI. all are interconnected and embrace each other for improved productivity.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

We all are eager to know what started this beautiful and promising technology helping the human race. But from where did the AI’s journey start? So, let’s dig into the past.

When did Artificial Intelligence start to rise? 

The roots of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be traced back to ancient times when individuals began to contemplate the idea of creating intelligent machines. However, the modern field of AI, as we know it today, was formulated in the mid-20th century.

  • The first half of the 20th century saw the emergence of the concept of AI, starting with the humanoid robot in the movie Metropolis. In 1950, prominent scientists and mathematicians began to delve into AI, including Alan Turing, who explored the mathematical possibility of creating intelligent machines. He posited that since humans use information to make decisions and solve problems, why couldn’t machines do the same thing? This idea was further expounded in his paper, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” which discussed the building and testing of intelligent machines.


  • Unfortunately, Turing’s work was limited by the technology of the time, as computers could not store commands and were costly, hindering further research. Five years later, Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon initiated the proof of concept with the “Logic Theories” program, which mimicked human problem-solving skills and was funded by the RAND Corporation. This first AI program was presented at the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence in 1956.


  • From 1957 to 1974, AI continued to advance as the challenges that had hindered Turing’s work became solvable. Computers became more affordable and were able to store information. Additionally, machine learning algorithms improved, allowing researchers to determine which algorithms were best suited for different scenarios. Early demonstrations such as the “General Problem Solver” by Newell and Simon and Joseph Weizenbaum’s “ELIZA” showed promising problem-solving and language interpretation results, resulting in increased AI research funding.

With the common challenge of computational power to do anything substantial: computers simply couldn’t store enough information or process it fast enough. 

  • The 1980s saw a resurgence of interest in AI with the expansion of algorithmic tools and increased funding. John Hopfield and David Rumelhart introduced the concept of “deep learning,” allowing computers to learn based on prior experience, while Edward Feigenbaum created expert systems that replicated human decision-making.


  • The Japanese government heavily invested in AI through their Fifth Generation Computer Project (FGCP) from 1982 to 1990, spending 400 million dollars on improving computer processing, logic programming, and AI.


  • In the 1990s and 2000s, many significant milestones in AI were reached. In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue defeated reigning world chess champion, Gary Kasparov, marking a significant step towards artificial decision-making programs. That same year, Dragon Systems developed speech recognition software for Windows, further advancing the field of spoken language interpretation. 

The fact holding us back has not been a problem anymore. Moore’s law estimating that the memory and speed of computers double every year has been solved this year. 

AI is a revolution that is now a top demand in the market. AI is not a single step; many things have happened and been introduced in the past that make AI stronger with time. So, what are those revolutions? Let’s check.

Artificial Intelligence Revolution

The AI revolution refers to the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its growing impact on society. The AI revolution is characterized by a rapid increase in the development and deployment of AI technologies, leading to numerous benefits and challenges.

Artificial Intelligence Revolution

Some of the critical aspects of the AI revolution include the following.

  • Advancements in AI technologies: The development of AI technologies has continued to advance rapidly in recent years, with breakthroughs in deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing.
  • Increased Automation: AI technologies are being used to automate routine and repetitive tasks, freeing human workers for more strategic tasks and increasing efficiency in various industries.
  • Improved Decision-Making: AI systems are used to analyze large amounts of data, enabling more accurate and efficient decision-making in various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and retail.
  • Increased Personalization: AI technologies provide personalized experiences, such as personalized recommendations and customized advertisements.
  • Ethical and Legal Concerns: As AI technologies continue to advance and impact society, ethical and legal concerns have become increasingly important, such as issues related to data privacy, bias, and accountability.

Overall, the AI revolution is transforming numerous industries and has the potential to bring about significant benefits and challenges in the coming years. 

Here are some of the key developments in AI from recent years up to 2023:

  • Deep Learning Advancements: Deep learning, a subfield of machine learning, has made breakthroughs in recent years, with deep neural networks achieving state-of-the-art results in tasks such as computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition.
  • Natural Language Processing: it enables machines to understand and generate human-like language with increasing accuracy. Today, companies are integrating NLP technologies into virtual assistants, chatbots, and customer service systems.
  • Computer Vision: Computer vision technologies have made significant progress, allowing machines to recognize and understand visual information in images and videos with increasing accuracy, leading to the development of self-driving cars, facial recognition systems, object recognition systems, etc.
  • Robotic Process Automation: Robotic process automation (RPA) has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing organizations to automate routine and repetitive tasks, freeing up human workers for more strategic tasks.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): GANs have become an essential area of research in recent years, allowing machines to generate new data, such as images, videos, and music, based on a set of training data.
  • Explainable AI (XAI): With the increasing deployment of AI systems in critical applications, the need for explainable AI has become increasingly important. XAI aims to make AI systems more transparent and interpretable, allowing decision-makers to understand how AI systems make decisions.

Today, most people estimate and fear that AI will take their jobs and that machines will replace human beings in the coming time. Looking at the scenarios, most jobs are at risk as automation reduces human work. Being based on data and accessing data from different sources, how safe is AI? What are the risks, security, and trust associated with AI?

Let’s see.

Artificial Intelligence — Trust, Risk & Security (AI TRISM)

We trust artificial intelligence for personal and business functions, but how far can we trust it? With significant business and healthcare decisions on the line, is it wise to trust a computer? Despite concerns, inaccuracies, design flaws, and security, many companies still need help fully trusting AI. With significant business and healthcare decisions on the line, is it wise to trust a computer? 

Companies must adopt a tool portfolio approach to address these concerns, as most AI platforms do not provide all the necessary features.

Gartner® has introduced the concept of AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM) to address these issues. Companies can implement AI TRiSM by utilizing cross-disciplinary practices and methodologies to evaluate and secure AI models. Here is a framework for managing trust, risk, and security in AI models.

Artificial Intelligence TRISM

Implementing AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM) requires a comprehensive approach to ensuring a balance between managing risks and promoting trust in the technology. This approach can be applied to various AI models, including open-source models like ChatGPT and proprietary enterprise models. However, there may be differences in the application of AI TRiSM for open-source models, such as protecting the confidential training data used to update the model for specific enterprise needs.

The key components of AI TRiSM include a range of methods and tools that can be tailored to specific AI models. To effectively implement AI TRiSM, it is essential to have core capabilities that address the management of trust, risk, and security in AI technology.

Artificial Intelligence TRISM Market

  • Explainability: The AI TRiSM strategy must include information explaining the AI technology’s purpose. We must describe the objectives, advantages, disadvantages, expected behaviour, and potential biases to help in clarifying how a specific AI model will ensure accuracy, accountability, fairness, stability, and transparency in decision-making.
  • Model Operations (ModelOps): The ModelOps component of the AI TRiSM strategy covers the governance and lifecycle management of all AI models, including analytical and machine learning models.
  • Data Anomaly Detection: The objective of Data Anomaly Detection in AI TRiSM is to detect any changes or deviations in the critical features of data, which could result in errors, bias, or attacks in the AI process. This ensures that data issues and anomalies are detected and addressed before decisions are made based on the information provided by the AI model.
  • Adversarial Attack Resistance in AI TRiSM is designed to protect machine learning algorithms from being altered by adversarial attacks that could harm organizations. This is achieved by making the models resistant to adversarial inputs throughout their entire lifecycle, from development, and testing, to implementation. For example, a technique for attack resistance may be implemented to enable the model to withstand a certain noise level, as it could potentially be adversarial input.
  • Data Protection: The protection of the large amounts of data required by AI technology is critical during implementation. As part of AI TRiSM, data protection is critical in regulated industries, such as healthcare and finance. Organizations must comply with regulations like HIPAA in the US and GDPR or face non-compliance consequences. Additionally, regulators currently focus on AI-specific regulations, particularly regarding protecting privacy.

Achieving AI TRISM can be complicated. Here is the roadmap that any business can consider for the AI market.

Artificial Intelligence TRISM Market future direction

Undoubtedly, AI has a bright future and a growing market. 

The promising future of Artificial Intelligence in 2023 and Beyond

There is increasing hype about AI and its implementation. Thus continuous advancements and development can be seen in the field of AI.

The future of AI in 2023 and beyond is poised to bring about significant advancements and transformations in various industries and aspects of daily life. Some key trends and predictions for the future of AI include the following.

  • AI for Business: AI is expected to play an increasingly important role in businesses, with the adoption of AI technologies for tasks such as automation, process optimization, and decision-making.
  • Advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is set to become even more advanced, enabling AI systems to understand and interpret human language more accurately and efficiently.
  • Integration with IoT: AI with the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to lead to the creation of smart homes, factories, and cities, where devices and systems can work together to create a seamless and efficient experience.
  • Growth of AI in Healthcare: AI is expected to revolutionize the healthcare industry using AI technologies for drug discovery, diagnosis, and patient monitoring.
  • Ethics and Responsibility: As AI becomes more prevalent, there will be a growing focus on AI’s ethical and responsible use, including the need for transparency and accountability in AI decision-making.

Challenges Ahead of Artificial Intelligence

Today, humans are driving AI and making innovations, but what if the table turns and humans become the puppet of machines?

Sounds horrendous, right? Well, if technology keeps on advancing like this, then there is no time left for people to become highly reliant on machines. But what made us think like that?

High-profile names of the market, Elon Musk, and Steve Wozniak suggested that companies and labs must give a pause of six months to train AI systems that are stronger than GPT-4. These two have circulated an open letter stating how AI can impact the human race and create a human-competitive era, which could change the whole truth of existence. 

Also, in the recent news, the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman brings up the crucial point for the US government to regulate Artificial Intelligence. He also mentioned forming an agency that takes care of licenses for all AI-based companies to ensure accuracy. As per him, the technology is good but if it goes wrong it can do worse. 

So, it is better to play safe with AI and not take unnecessary advantage of such technologies that can impact the human world.

Wrapping up

Overall, the future of AI is promising and holds the potential to bring about positive changes in many areas of society. However, it is essential to ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly, with considerations for ethical and social implications.

AI innovations continue to deliver significant benefits to businesses, and adoption rates will accelerate in the coming years. But, make sure that you implement AI to a certain limit to which businesses can handle the automation and still be in charge of major changes.

If you want to develop a next-gen AI app or solution, you can connect with us. Drop us a query today.

Also, stay tuned to our website for more interesting news and the latest trends around AI.

Vite- The Next-gen Blazing-fast Front-end development


Vite, a rapid tool for project scaffolding and bundling – gains popularity with its speedy code compilation and instant module replacement. Discover Vite’s ultimate features while building your first App in this article.

With the availability of several tools and in the digital transformation era, every process has evolved. Then why not improve? We used to create projects with manual efforts of creating folders and transferring files using FTP.

Now developers have access to amazing tools and technologies to improve their development experiences, such as Babel and Webpack. But, to get along with changing business demands, we have to explore more new tools to deliver the best.

This brings our notice to a blazing-fast front-end development environment introduced in 2020. Since then it has gained much popularity and become the fastest tool for a seamless web development experience. Its features-rich CLI has made it easier for scaffolding projects.

But among the different options available in the market, why must developers choose Vite? What makes it more powerful and fast?

As we embark on this journey, we’ll delve into the realm of Vite and discover why it deserves our undivided attention. Let’s ensure we stay in sync with the ever-changing times and embrace this exciting new tool. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of Vite!

What is Vite?

Did you know that the word “Vite” comes from the French language and it means “quickly” or “fast”? Pronounced as “Vit,” this word perfectly captures the essence of what Evan You had in mind while working on Vue3, the popular JavaScript framework.

Vite is a revolutionary development environment for Vue.js, created by none other than Evan You himself. Its purpose is to make web development as fast as possible, pushing the boundaries of what we thought was achievable. Although still in the experimental phase, the community is actively working towards refining Vite, making it suitable for production environments.

What makes Vite so special is that it eliminates the need for a traditional bundler. Instead, it serves your code through native ES Module imports during development. This means that you can effortlessly work on Vue.js single file components without the hassle of bundling them together. However, Vite cleverly utilizes Rollup for efficient bundling when it comes to a production build.

With Vite, the possibilities for web development become endless. It empowers developers to focus on what truly matters—creating amazing experiences—without being hindered by time-consuming bundling processes. Evan You’s innovative creation is reshaping the way we approach Vue.js development, and the web development community is eagerly embracing this groundbreaking tool.

But do you wonder how it does it?

How did Vite come into the picture?

I guess without highlighting what crucial web development problems result in the development of this amazing front-end tool. Right! So what was the actual problem that developers have been facing before Vite?

The Problem

Before developers could leverage the ES modules within the browsers, there were no specific methods to author the JavaScript in a modular way. This is how the term “bundling” was introduced which uses the relevant tools to crawl, process, and connect different source modules within a single file to be run in the browser. 

If you are getting me, then you must know about the tools, such as webpack, Rollup, and Parcel. These tools are popularly known for their performance to improve the efficiency of developers in developing the front end. 

It is obvious that developers try to create more complex applications or apps get complicated with time, resulting in increased usage of JavaScript. If any JavaScript app scales, it will contain more modules that create performance nuances for JavaScript-based tools. 

It results in a long wait time to sign up into the related dev server, Hot Module Replacement, and to create/edit files in the browser. This slow speed was impacting the developer’s productivity. 

This is why developers need fast and extremely reliable front-end tooling.

Vite successfully addresses all these speed-related issues. All thanks to the availability of native ES modules in the browser, and the rise of JavaScript tools written in compile-to-native languages.

How does Vite work to deal with Slow Server Start?

Whenever you try to cold-start your dev server, your entire app will be crawled and built by a bundler-based build setup before serving it to the browser.

Vite is capable of improving and fastening the dev server start time. But how?

It divides the app modules into two categories- dependencies and source code.

  • Most JavaScript dependencies do not get impacted during the development process. So as the dependencies get larger, it will become a costly affair to process them. Also, the case is, that there could be multiple formats for dependencies, such as ESM or CommonJS. But Vite provides pre-bundled dependencies with the help of esbuild. As the esbuild dependencies are all written in the Go language, it will become 10-100 times faster to process them as compared to the JavaScript-based bundlers.

Vite.js esbuild

Image Credits- telerik

vite.js- bundle based dev server

Image Credit- craftsmenltd

  • In general, the source code has non-plain JavaScript that needs to be transformed and edited but not to be loaded all simultaneously. Vite serves the source code over native ESM, allowing the browser to take over the bundler’s job. Vite transforms and serves source code only if there is a demand, as the browser demands it. It will only process the code behind conditional dynamic imports if needed on the current screen.

Vite.js Native ESM dev server

Image Credit- craftsmenltd

How does Vite deal with slow Updates?

Editing files in a bundler-based build setup can be inefficient because rebuilding the entire bundle takes time, and the update speed slows down as the app size increases. Some bundlers use in-memory bundling during development, which means they only need to update a portion of the module graph when a file changes. However, they still have to reconstruct the entire bundle and reload the web page, which can be expensive and resets the application’s current state.

To address these limitations, bundlers offer Hot Module Replacement (HMR), allowing modules to be replaced without affecting the rest of the page. While HMR improves the developer experience (DX), it also suffers from decreasing update speeds as the application size grows.

Vite takes a different approach by using native ESM for HMR. When a file is edited, Vite only needs to invalidate the chain between the modified module and its closest HMR boundary, usually just the module itself. This ensures consistently fast HMR updates, regardless of your application’s size.

Additionally, Vite leverages HTTP headers to accelerate full-page reloads. It offloads work to the browser by making source code module requests conditional using “304 Not Modified” responses, and dependency module requests are efficiently cached with “Cache-Control: max-age=31536000, immutable” to avoid unnecessary server hits.

After experiencing the speed of Vite, it’s unlikely that you’ll be willing to tolerate bundled development again. So, let’s take a look at what features are being offered by mighty “Vite”.

Key Features- Vite

Below are the features that are the core behind the fast working of Vite.

  • Speedy compilation and HMR

Vite leverages cutting-edge browser technology and native ES modules to compile your code instantly, resulting in speedy builds and immediate updates within the browser. By eliminating the requirement for a bundler during development, Vite drastically reduces the time spent on building and deploying applications. 

Additionally, Vite’s built-in development server is optimized for quick reloading and hot module replacement, enabling developers to witness real-time changes to their code without refreshing the entire page. Get ready for a seamless and efficient development experience with Vite!

  • Lazy loading

Vite uses lazy loading for modules, loading code only when needed. This reduces bundle sizes and boosts performance, especially for bigger apps. It also speeds up initial load times by loading non-critical code on demand.

  • Tree-shaking and code-splitting

Vite optimizes code size and performance by tree-shaking and code splitting. Tree-shaking removes unused code, while code splitting divides code into smaller, on-demand chunks. Users download only necessary code, leading to faster load times and improved performance.

  • Built-in Development server

Vite has a built-in development server designed for fast reloading and hot module replacement. It simplifies application development and testing by enabling real-time code changes without refreshing the entire page. The server also supports automatic code reloading for rapid iteration.

The latest version of Vite 4.0 was introduced last year with a huge ecosystem.

According to the Jamstack Community Survey 2022, Vite usage has surged from 14% to 32%, maintaining a 9.7 satisfaction score. Vite’s popularity is spreading among developers, with renowned frameworks embracing its magic.

Features of Vite 4.0 (latest version)

Below are the features-

  • Play with
  • New React Plugin Using SWC
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Importing CSS as a String
  • Environment Variables
  • Patch-Package Support
  • Reduced Package Size
  • Vite Core Upgrades
  • update @types/node to v18
  • patch-package support
  • support multiline values in env files

To read about them in detail, you can check out their official news site.

Advantages of Vite

Below is the list of unwavering benefits of using Vite for your next project development.

Vite.js Advantages

  • Improve the development workflow

Vite’s unique front-end development enhances the developer experience. It offers speedy builds, real-time browser updates, and a built-in server with hot module replacement. This improves workflow, reduces manual testing, and enables focused coding.

  • Faster build times

By embracing an ingenious strategy, Vite eradicates the necessity for a bundler during development, leading to swift builds and instantaneous browser updates. This translates to precious time saved for developers, especially when working on extensive projects, empowering them to channel their energy into crafting top-notch code that delivers excellence.

  • Optimized codes

With Vite’s ingenious lazy loading of modules and cutting-edge tree-shaking features, developers can now achieve optimized code sizes like never before. Say goodbye to bloated applications and welcome lightning-fast performance for your users. 

This dynamic duo of features empowers developers to effortlessly shrink the size of their code, unlocking a world of enhanced performance and unrivalled user experience. From colossal projects to intricate applications brimming with modules, Vite swoops in to save the day, revolutionizing the way we build software. 

  • Improved productivity

A game-changer for developers, unlocking faster build times, an enhanced development journey, and optimized code sizes. With Vite, your productivity soars as you effortlessly create, iterate, and refine your applications. Harness its potential to accelerate your time to market, paving the way for a streamlined and efficient development process. Say goodbye to delays and hello to high-quality applications delivered swiftly by your dynamic team.

  • Compatible with modern web standards

Vite is perfect for developers who want to use the latest front-end standards. It uses native ES modules and modern browser APIs, ensuring modern, scalable code. This minimizes future updates and simplifies application maintenance.

Disadvantages of Vite

While Vite offers numerous advantages, it’s crucial to contemplate its drawbacks before opting for it. Here are the key disadvantages of Vite.

  • Limited community support

Due to its recent development, Vite has a smaller user community compared to established tools like Create React App or Webpack, making support and problem-solving challenging to find.

  • Limited compatibility with browsers

Vite, where we harness the full potential of modern JavaScript features. These innovative functionalities, however, are still on the rise and not universally supported by all browsers just yet. Thus, it’s important to note that while most users will enjoy a seamless experience with your application, a small portion might need to update their browser or utilize a clever polyfill to unlock its full glory. 

Vite vs. Create React App

Vite vs. CRA

When considering Vite and Create React App (CRA), it’s valuable to draw comparisons between the two, as they do share certain similarities. Interestingly, one of the primary motivations that drive developers towards Vite is their desire to break free from the confines of CRA.

Create React App, a widely embraced frontend tool, is renowned for its ability to construct web applications utilizing the powerful React JavaScript library. It presents an exceptionally smooth and efficient pathway for commencing React development, furnishing developers with a user-friendly command-line interface for effortlessly creating and managing projects. Moreover, it boasts a development server that facilitates live reloading, making the development process all the more seamless and dynamic.

Vite vs. CRA comparision table

Today, many companies are thinking of migrating their apps from Create React App to Vite due to the above benefits. 

How to Migrate CR apps to Vite?

Moving an existing React project to Vote can be a complex process. To avoid confusion, I’ll break down the steps. Start by deleting the node_modules folder to configure the package.json file for Vite. 

  • react-script dependencies from the  package.json file and add vite. Make sure to use the latest version of Vite.

Vite.js latest version

  • Then run npm install or yarm then change the scripts within the package.json file.

Replace scripts in package.json.

  • Always remember to Move public/index.html to index.html for Vite to work. Make changes to the index.html file as shown below.

remove all the %PUBLIC_URL% from index.html:

  • Now add an entry point in the above file.

Add entry point in index.html:

In case you are working with typescript, add a typescript entry point. 

  • Now, create a vite.config.js or vite.config.ts file at the project’s root.

create a vite.config.js or vite.config.ts file

For small projects, the above step works fine, but in the case of big projects, you need to follow the following steps also.

  • Manage env variables.

Below is the .env file.

manage dependencies

  • By default inVite, environment variables begin with “VITE_”. Therefore, any variables starting with “REACT_APP_” should be substituted with “VITE_”.


  • Save your time in replacing all env variables, you can simply use a plugin “vite-plugin-env-compatible”. You must run the following.

npm i vite-plugin-env-compatible or yarn add vite-plugin-env-compatible.

Then add the following code to vite.config.js or vite.config.ts file.


  • The envPrefix in Vite specifies the beginning of each environment variable, eliminating the need to modify their names. However, process.env should be replaced with import.meta.env, which can be done easily by searching and replacing in VSCode.


  • Manage additional configs

To enable TypeScript path aliases in Vite, install “vite-tsconfig-paths” and add it to your Vite config.


  • If you are using the “aws-amplify package” in your project for cognito authentication then you need to make changes to the vite config file and add “aws-amplify”.


  • To enable TypeScript path aliases in Vite, install “vite-tsconfig-paths” and add it to your Vite config.

index.html file

  • Then add the below code to the index.html file within the script tag, as shown below.

edit index.html file

It allows Global to work anywhere within the project.

  • Finally, if you’re utilizing SVG files in your project, you can import them as React components in React using “import { ReactComponent as logo } from ‘your-svg-path””. However, this will cause an error in Vite. To resolve this, install “vite-plugin-svgr” via npm or yarn and add it to your Vite configuration file.


To begin, navigate to your src folder and modify the vite-env.d.ts file by adding the following line: /// <reference types=”vite-plugin-svgr/client” /> (Remember to include the ///). Following this, the import {ReactComponent as logo} from ‘your-svg-path’ will function correctly.

This is the procedure for transitioning your existing project to Vite. Although it may require some time and exploration, once you have made the switch, you will significantly reduce the duration of your development server runs and file builds for the production server. 

You will be amazed to see the performance difference.

Build time using CRA:

CRA build time

Image Credits- semaphoreci

Build time using Vite:

Vite.js build time

Image Credits- semaphoreci

Seeing these amazing results, many companies are switching to Vite. 

Companies that have Migrated to Vite

Below are the companies that have leveraged the power of Vite for improved performance.

  • Replit: Replaced CRA with react starter templates to utilize Vite and enhance user experience.
  • Cypress: Incorporating Vite into their products.
  • Storybook: Starting Storybook 6.3 with Vite as a viable option for building Storybook.
  • Tailwind: Recognized Vite’s potential early on and sponsored the project. Introduced Just-in-Time Mode, which pairs well with Vite HMR for an improved experience.
  • Astro: Reworked their engine to utilize Vite, abandoning Snowpack.
  • Glitch: Using Vite for their starter projects.

If you are a new company or developer, who wants to create a Vite app from scratch, then we can help you understand how it works with the most simple example.

Build your first Vite app from scratch

Before you jump straight to coding. Make sure to have all the minimum prerequisites to build an app.

Basic app requirements

Once you have all the latest versions compatible with Vite 4, then follow the below steps to get started. 

  • Build React app with default template values.

npm init vite@latest first-vite-react-app –template react

Then select React Framework and JavaScript as a variant. 

  • After creating a project, go to the project folder.

cd first-vite-react-app

  •  Now, install all dependencies and start the development server using the below command.

npm install

npm run dev

  • Then open the local url on the browser to check the app working. You must see the below screen.

Understanding Vite Project Structure

The project structure is somehow similar to “Create React App” with minimal configs.

folder structure

Image Source-

  • Public directory: Contains static assets (favicon, robot.txt, etc.)
  • index.html: Entry point for the application, treated as source code by Vite.
  • main.tsx: Main file for rendering App.jsx (similar to index.js in creating react app).
  • src directory: Contains project source code.
  • vite.config.js: Defines configuration options (base URL, build directory, etc.).
  • package.json: Lists project dependencies (package names with versions).

Build blazing-fast Vite App with OnGraph

Some might find it difficult to transition/migrate their existing apps to Vite and to create an app from scratch even with sufficient knowledge.

If you are just beginning then you must take help from experts who can help build potential solutions. We have a team of experts who are capable of smooth app migration and building completely new solutions for your business to scale.

Let’s schedule a call with OnGraph along with requirements and we will build a next-gen Vite app for you.


Safeguard Market Research: The Ultimate Guide to Fraud Detection

Fraud Detection Market Research

Every business wants deeper and more accurate insights into the market to analyze competitors’ and customers’ understanding. And, effective market research is the one and only way to achieve those goals. Among different methods of market research, surveys are the most preferred method due to their ability to have a significant impact on customers and gather essential information to drive business decisions. The look and feel of the surveys have evolved over the years with the same purpose of getting the required information. But today marketers and customers are facing a daunting challenge, that is, online Fraud Detection.

Despite the fact that technology and innovation have revolutionized market research, the industry has been plagued by a surge in online fraud, which is jeopardizing data integrity and quality. 

Fraudsters such as malicious individuals, click farms, bots, and competitors have seized this opportunity to participate in online surveys and submit fake responses, thereby undermining the mission of survey providers. This has been a persistent problem for many companies.

It’s clear that online survey fraud poses a serious threat to the integrity of market research and the businesses that work on intense data. This is why companies are emphasizing strongly to have effective fraud detection techniques in place to make each survey worth investing in.

If you are new to market research and have no clue why your results are non-promising then you might be a victim of survey fraud. To help newcomers, we have highlighted what survey frauds are, how survey frauds have progressed over the years, their impact on businesses and customers, ways for detecting potential survey frauds, and the best tips to avoid fraudsters with smart surveys.

Let’s start with survey fraud, leading our way to fraud detection techniques.

What is a Survey Fraud?

Survey fraud refers to any deceptive or dishonest activity carried out with the intent to manipulate or distort the results of a survey. It involves the deliberate submission of false or misleading information in response to survey questions, leading to inaccurate data and compromising the validity and reliability of the survey results. 

Over time, with the advancement of technology, frauds are also evolving, which can significantly impact the data quality and alter the results. For those who are unaware of how far survey fraud can go, go through the evolution of survey fraud.

Effective Fraud Detection Methods to Detect Survey Frauds

To detect fraud, one must understand fraudsters’ tactics and perform quality checks during registration, as they often use multiple accounts or change IP addresses. This is a common issue for market researchers.

An effective Market Research Solution offers fraud detection facilities that can serve a dual purpose to help manage survey responses and prevent fraud. 

Below are some proven methods to discover frauds entering the survey.

-Enabling IP tracking for respondents

Enabling IP tracking for respondents

Image Credits: Surveysparrow

To ensure quality responses, keeping an eye on your respondents’ IP addresses is helpful. By enabling IP tracking during the Configure step, you can see which networks respondents are using to access your survey. This could be a personal WiFi network, a shared public library network, or a university dormitory.

If you suspect fraudulent behavior, watch for multiple respondents coming from the same IP address. This could indicate that one person (or a group of people) is repeatedly taking your survey and skewing your results. However, don’t be too quick to assume foul play if you see a few duplicate IP addresses. It could simply be a group of individuals using the same shared network.

-Disable “multiple participation”

You must have a feature preventing respondents from applying for the same survey multiple times. Rewards make them greedy, and to get more rewards, respondents go to different heights and try to fill out surveys in all possible ways. 

As per GDPR, businesses cannot track people and save their data without consent. Thus, businesses use a small cookie file in their browser’s cache memory that will only identify if that specific browser has opened the same survey link. 

-Reviewing time stamps 

The time taken by respondents to complete the survey is crucial information. To get a sense of how long it takes them to read and respond to each question, you can give the survey to a few people and how long it takes them to finish. This will give you an average time for completion.

When reviewing the data, it’s normal to see longer participation times, as respondents may have taken breaks or been interrupted. However, be wary of very short completion times that fall significantly below the average, as this may indicate rushed or dishonest answers.

Additionally, watch for multiple submissions with similar start and end times, which could be a sign of spambots. Checking completion times ensure the quality and accuracy of your survey responses.

As per SurveyMonkey, the average time to complete a survey is below.

Reviewing time stamps

Image Credits: Surveymonkey

-Reviewing respondents’ device information

Another piece of information that a business must review is the respondent’s system information. When the same device and browser produce identical responses, it could be a red flag for potential fraud. So, it’s important to be alert and take action if you notice this happening. Don’t let scammers get the upper hand!

-Browser Fingerprinting fraud detection technique

Fingerprinting is a tracking technique that gathers sufficient information to distinguish an individual user across browsing sessions, even when they are in incognito mode or using a VPN.

Unlike cookies, which can be easily cleared or disabled by users through methods like ad blockers, fingerprinting is considered a more effective tracking method. When a browsing session does not match a specific cookie, companies use browser fingerprinting to identify the user visiting their website.

Every time you visit a website or use an app, your device inadvertently discloses a significant amount of data. This is inevitable due to the unique combination of your device’s hardware and software architecture. 

Some examples of the fingerprints left behind include timezone, screen size, device model, installed fonts, installed drivers, operating system, language settings, and browser extensions.

Companies can collect countless more signals, and the more they gather, the easier it becomes to pinpoint a specific user. Some companies use FingerprintJS, an advanced open-source JS library, that detects fraud by hashing unique device/browser features for a distinct identifier.

It helps you to check if the user is again registering and completing the survey.  This has been the best and most commonly used Fraud Detection technique available.

-Mobile verification method

Another way to check the authenticity of the respondent is to verify their mobile details by sending an OTP and ensuring that it has not already been registered as a respondent. 

-Address verification method

Sometimes respondents create false addresses to enter the survey from different locations to earn rewards. But it can significantly impact the result of the survey. So companies can simply verify the respondent’s address to check if they are a genuine respondent, and you can rely on their responses for better decision-making.

If the address matches the respondent who has already completed the survey, you can terminate their screening process and take them off the survey page.

Besides these methods to detect fraud, you can implement internal checks on your survey to keep the fraudsters away.

Tips to Trick Fraudsters with Smart Survey Creation For Fraud Detection

Cheating while completing and registering for surveys can be a major problem, but technology can only do so much to prevent it. To make sure your survey results are accurate and reliable, there are additional steps you can take to discourage fraudsters from skewing your data. 

While creating surveys, the designer must remember the goals below to ensure smooth fraud detection.

Tips to Trick Fraudsters with Smart Survey Creation For Fraud Detection

Image Credits: Qualtrics

Let’s explore some effective strategies that can help you maintain the integrity of your survey results and ensure the insights you gather are trustworthy.

-Using psychological tricks

Don’t let cheaters ruin your survey! You can scare them off immediately by letting them know you have a foolproof way of catching them. Even if you don’t have fancy monitoring tools, you can simply ask for a valid email address at the beginning of your survey. 

This will validate their identity. Plus, adding a required email question and a page break ensures they can’t move forward without providing one. So, protect the integrity of your survey and make cheaters think twice with this simple but effective fraud detection tactic.

-Ask for the respondent’s commitment

Cheating in surveys can lead to inaccurate results and compromise the brand’s reputation. To prevent this, it’s crucial to ensure that respondents provide genuine opinions and information. 

According to research, one effective method is to ask a question that requires a specific positive response, like “Will you commit to answering truthfully?” This creates a behavioral commitment that increases the likelihood of honest answers. So, to obtain honest survey responses, use this technique and encourage your respondents to commit to truthful answers!

-Implement extra validations using logic flows

Adding logic validations in your survey can improve the quality of your data. By creating screening paths with multiple conflicting response options, you can identify whether respondents rush through or answer randomly.

If they don’t meet your criterion, the logic flows will prevent them from proceeding, drastically decreasing unqualified responses. So, you must add tailored logic validations to drive accurate and reliable data.

-Implement panel sampling instead of river sampling

River sampling and panel sampling are two different approaches to collecting survey data. River sampling involves mass-inviting people to take the survey through online ads and promotions, but researchers have no control over who will participate and can’t follow up after completion.

On the other hand, panel sampling involves inviting pre-screened individuals from an affiliate site who have already expressed interest in participating in surveys. 

Panelists can be reached again, and researchers can target specific demographics for more reliable data. While river sampling can complement, panel sampling provides a more dedicated and trustworthy data source.

However, overly selective panel sampling can result in rigid data. Without double opt-in verification, river sampling can attract anyone with any intention, making it less precise.

-Open-ended questions

Incorporating an open-ended question into your surveys is a smart move to deter any sneaky cheating. To ensure every respondent can thoughtfully answer this question, consider placing it at the end of your survey and marking it as ‘required’.  this has been an interactive way for survey fraud detection.

But beware, not all participants will give meaningful answers. Some may even type out gibberish! To weed out any unhelpful responses, set a minimum character or word limit for this question. When reviewing individual responses, spotting and removing any participants who didn’t meet this requirement will be easy. 

Open-ended questions

Image Credits: Questionpro

-Attention check

Let’s discuss a clever way to gather reliable information from your respondents. All you need to do is ask a simple question and provide them with a list of choices to choose from.

You can make it even more effective by adding either a single or multiple-selection question and instructing them to choose only one option or skip the question altogether.

Now, here’s the exciting part. By doing this, you’ll be able to filter out respondents who didn’t follow the instructions, or even better, disqualify those who answered incorrectly using logic flows. 

In the example below, if the respondent does not give proper attention, they will fill in the wrong answer.

Attention check

Image Credits: Leadquizzes

However, these are not the only ones, it is up to the business and survey designer what internal checks they want to implement to achieve their goals.

Creating a smart survey, it requires an expert hand and a proper understanding of the market, respondents, and survey creation.

Protect Surveys With OnGraph’s Fraud Detection Solutions

Market research helps you understand your audience and make informed decisions. However, response fabrication and fraudulent survey responses have become more rampant than ever before.

This can compromise the integrity of your research, leading to incorrect conclusions and poor business decisions. Thus we need modern-age fraud detection techniques to eliminate them.

But don’t worry, there’s a solution! By implementing various checks, you can prevent market research fraud and ensure the authenticity of survey responses.

We have listed ways for efficient fraud detection to improve your surveys and focus on designing surveys and implementing them to gather accurate data. 

If you are looking for impactful solutions to help your business protect the surveys, then you must connect with experts from OnGraph.

Our services, such as fraud detection and survey creation tools help filter out invalid survey responses, fake user data, bots, and incentivized survey completion. Schedule a call with one of our experts to demonstrate how we help businesses create secure and cost-effective market research solutions.

Angular 16 is out now! What’s new to explore?


Exciting News for the Angular developers, Angular 16 is out now!

Angular 16 has hit the market, bringing a major makeover to this renowned web framework developed by Google. Frontend developers, especially those familiar with Angular, are in for a treat with the latest release. 

Angular-v16 update

Brace yourself for an array of new and thrilling features, surpassing what we’ve seen in previous versions like Angular 15 or Angular 14 (excluding the transition from Angular to Angular 2). Angular’s influence on the web development industry is truly revolutionary, and the arrival of Angular v16 marks just the beginning. 

As a leading Angular web development company, we’re always at the forefront of technology, eager to explore and implement the exciting changes that Angular 16 has in store. Don’t miss out on discovering all the cutting-edge features and updates packed within Angular 16 with us.

Angular v16- new features and advancements

Released on May 3, 2023, Angular 16 builds upon the success of Angular 15.

Angular v16, the latest version of Google’s TypeScript-based web development framework, introduces a new reactivity model, enhancing web performance and developer experience. 

According to Minko Gechev’s blog post, the reactivity model improves runtime performance, reduces computations during change deflection, and remains compatible with the current approach. This model simplifies responsiveness by clarifying dependencies between the view and data flow, enabling efficient change detection in affected components.

Manage state changes with Angular 16 signals

Signals, influenced by Solid.js, is a fresh approach to managing state changes in Angular apps. Signals are functions that update when provided with new values (set()) and return a value (get()). 

They can also rely on each other, forming a reactive value graph that automatically updates when dependencies change. In Angular v16, signals can be combined with RxJS observables for powerful and expressive data flows.

Improved server-side rendering and Hydration

The angular team prioritizes server-side rendering as the top improvement for Angular. Instead of completely re-rendering the app, Angular now uses non-destructive hydration to attach event listeners to existing DOM nodes, resulting in up to 45% better LCP with full app hydration.

Offer benefits like-

  • No content flickering for users on web pages
  • Improved Web Core Vitals
  • Future-proof architecture with fine-grained code loading
  • Progressive lazy route hydration for enhanced performance
  • Easy integration with existing apps using minimal code
  • ngSkipHydration property for gradual adoption of hydration in components with manual DOM manipulation

Improved server-side rendering

Angular 16 introduces Server Side Rendering (SSR) as a built-in feature for faster and enhanced SSR applications. The browser employs a non-destructive hydration method during application hydration, preserving any existing HTML content or attributes without overwriting or deleting them. 

This approach safeguards server-side modifications and optimizations to the HTML content, while also preventing conflicts or errors caused by mismatched client-server HTML content.

Angular 16 Reactivity model and Zone.js

Angular v16 introduces two exciting features: the reevaluation of the reactivity model and the optional inclusion of Zone.js. 

Zone.js, a package that utilizes browser API monkey patches to detect changes and trigger change detection in Angular apps, simplifies development but adds complexity and overhead. In v16, developers can opt to handle reactivity using RxJS or signals instead, making Zone.js optional.

Elimination of ngcc

Angular transitioned to Ivy as its default view engine in version 9, abandoning the old one. To assist libraries still reliant on the old view engine, Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc) was introduced. 

However, in version 16, ngcc and all view engine-related codes were removed, rendering Angular View Engine libraries unusable in v16+. Consequently, the Angular Bundle should be minimized, as these libraries are no longer officially supported.

Other key features of Angular 16

Other core improvements in Angular 16 to look out for.

  • Esbuild-based build system: 72% improvement in cold production builds, entering developer preview.
  • Angular Signals package: Specify reactive values, and communicate dependencies.
  • Angular 16: “Lifting” signals to observables from @angular/core/rxjs-interop.
  • Standalone schematics: Start new projects as standalone via a developer preview.
  • Jest testing framework: Experimental support.
  • Nonce attribute: Specify component styles inlined by Angular.
  • Angular templates: Self-closing tags for component closing tags.
  • Angular 16: Route parameters tied to matching component’s inputs for the router.
  • TypeScript 5.0 support: Notable for ECMAScript decorators extending JavaScript classes.

Community’s significant contributions

Angular16 features contributed by community members:

  • Extended diagnostics for ngSkipHydration by Matthieu Riegler
  • Introduction of provideServiceWorker by Julien Saguet

To stay ahead of the trends and latest improvements, you must connect with companies providing expert hands in developing and incorporating the latest features of Angular 16.

OnGraph will be happy to help you with all your modern-age Angular development requirements.

Is Node.Js 20 a Secured Version of Early Releases?

node.js 20

Exciting news for tech enthusiasts! The latest release of Node.js, version 20, brings with it a brand new experimental Permission Model designed to enhance security. 

Node.js 20

Along with this major addition, Node.js 20 also introduces features such as synchronous import.meta.resolve, a stable test_runner module, updates to the V8 JavaScript engine, single executable apps, and more. 

For the next six months, Node.js 20 will be the “Current” release, giving organizations and individuals the opportunity to test and prototype its cutting-edge features. By October 23, Node.js 20 will be fully prepared for production deployments and will also enter long-term support (LTS). 

This is an excellent opportunity to discover the latest advancements in Node.js 20, so make sure you don’t miss it!

It is an exciting release that boasts new features, including the experimental Permission Model and updates to V8. This version is perfect for testing and evaluating how Node.js fits into your development environment. 

The contributors who have played a vital role in making Node.js a highly valuable tool utilized across both large and small production environments are acknowledged and deeply appreciated by the Node.js team and the OpenJS Foundation. With 94.6K Stars and 24.7K Forks on GitHub, Node.js owes its usefulness, quality, and security to the contributions of many.

According to Robin Ginn, Executive Director of the OpenJS Foundation, Node.js has made significant strides in security, testing, and portability over the past year, and Node.js 20 demonstrates this progress. 

If you’re already using Node.js, the latest version offers an excellent opportunity to explore new features before the LTS release. The Foundation extends a heartfelt thank you to open-source contributors from all over the world, as Node.js 20 is a prime example of how open source can make a difference.

The latest updates to catch in Node.js 20

Node.js 20 Permission Model

Node.js Permission Model restricts program access to specified resources like file system, child process, and worker thread via an experimental API triggered by –experimental-permission switch.

Custom ESM loader hooks nearing stable.

ES module lifecycle hooks by loaders (–experimental-loader=./foo.mjs) now run on a separate thread to prevent cross-contamination with app code.

Synchronous import.meta.resolve()

Method returns sync as per browser behavior. User loader resolve hooks can still be async/sync. import.meta.resolve always returns sync for app code.

Stable Test Runner

Node.js v20 features a stable test_runner module with components for creating and executing the following tests.

  • describe, it/test and hooks to structure test files
  • mocking
  • watch mode
  • node –test to run multiple test files simultaneously

V8 JavaScript engine updated to V8 11.

In this version, the Chromium 113 upgrade has been implemented on the V8 engine along with advanced features that have been added to the JavaScript API.

Node.js 20 key features

  • Offers enhanced performance with faster speed and quicker startup times
  • Improved security features with better TLS 1.3 compatibility and stronger cryptography
  • Better TypeScript support for easier use of the language in Node.js applications
  • New debugging experience for easier troubleshooting
  • Enhanced error handling for easier fault management

to stay ahead of your game, connect with us for seamless Node.js development.

The Fundamentals of Market Research

market research feature image

Have you ever encountered a failure where your newly launched product does not create enough noise in the market? It seems you forgot to do your homework, which is called market research. Every business has a perception that their product is somehow different and will have a great impact in the market, but does it? Not every time, the market is full of ambiguities and even the customer’s perception about a product keeps on changing and that makes market research even more complex.

So, how do these companies get their facts right and make use of them for better-informed decisions that will help them succeed and generate revenue? 

Everything starts with digging deep into the market and understanding the constantly changing market trends and demands. Once companies realize the true potential of their products and understand the current trends, it’s time they understand the behavior of their customers and how they will react to them. 

All of this research has now become a mandatory task before companies launch their products into the market to understand its uncertainty. Not only established businesses but small businesses are also in need of conducting efficient market research to eliminate business risks. 

So, where does the complexity hit?

Things started to be complex for a newcomer who does not know where and how to start market research and what components to consider while conducting it. The process is time-consuming as there is no well-functioning system that can help every type of business conduct a variety of market research. 

Before we move to the critical part of how and why first we will introduce you to the term market research, and what exactly it is.

What is Market Research?

Market research involves a methodical process that helps businesses to gather relevant information about the market, ongoing trends, competitors’ analysis, customer behavior, and most importantly their interest. 

As per your business requirement, you can choose different market research software that will help convert the hard numbers into simple reports for you to make informed decisions. Market research is a detailed process that will provide insights into different fields. 

market research

By staying aware of industry trends, consumer demands and preferences, legislative changes, and other factors, companies can tailor their efforts and allocate resources effectively. This is where the value of market research lies.

The market is huge and has unlimited opportunities for every business. But before that business asks how to do effective research, before that they understand why they are doing it and why they need market research software.

Here is “Why” to Market Research

Whether you are a new business or established, you must conduct market research frequently to understand the market needs and change customers’ behavior. Not only this, market research can help businesses to reach new heights.

“Below are the reasons why businesses must make market research a crucial part of their development process.”

  • Identifying potential customers, what are their demands, who is the target audience who will be using the product, their age range, their demographics, and others. It will help to target customers effectively.
  • Learn more from existing customers, such as what they like about the product, how they are using the product, what is influencing their purchase decisions, and others. Not only this, but you will encounter their pain points also, so you can eliminate them with improved products and identify upsell opportunities.
  • Help you set realistic and long-term targets for your business. Leveraging market data, you can improve your tactics and improve marketing campaigns for continuous development. Being a part of a customer-centric market, you must adopt an STP model: Segmentation – Targeting – Positioning for better results.
  • Help you identify potential market challenges and how you can eliminate them by developing a solution to boost your business.
  • Find new places and platforms to advertise your products for better reach.
  • It helps in getting the latest updates on competitors, their sales, strategies, and their approach to targeting potential customers. 

Now that you know how market research can help your business in several ways, then why not do it? 

But, the most asked question is how can we start doing our research, what methods are available and how do we do that, and what approach to use in different scenarios?

Well, this could be challenging if you are not aware of different ways of conducting market research. So, here we move to the “how” part of the research.

“How” do we do Market Research?

Different types of market research help businesses get accurate information. Market research takes much time and incurs money, so, whatever information you want to be used within your business to make decisions, you must choose the right form of market research. 

types of market research

Primary Research

In this type, you gather the data directly from the target market, making it a primary data set. Collecting data through primary research yields two types of results: exploratory data, defining the nature of the problem, and conclusive data, which is used to solve a problem. 

For example-

Problem: not able to eliminate fraud respondents who are filling the surveys and it is impacting the quality of the results.

Solution: for that, companies can include fraud detection techniques to eliminate respondents who are leveraging the existing system to complete surveys incorrectly.

pros/cons of primary market research

The data collected from participants is raw and must be analyzed to identify trends and comparisons. It generally includes focus groups, interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and others.

Secondary Research

The second marketing method is known as secondary research, which involves utilizing previously collected, analyzed, and published data. This type of research can be conducted through desktop research using public domain data such as government statistics, think tanks, research centers, and other sources available on the internet, such as Google.

Compared to primary research strategies, secondary research is often less expensive as much of the information is freely available. However, in certain cases, the collected data may not provide sufficient details to describe the results accurately, requiring the use of primary market research to enhance understanding.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research involves data that cannot be measured. This type of research can be either primary or secondary, and methods such as interviews, polls, and surveys are often used to gain insights into customers’ thoughts and feelings about a product or service.

By asking open-ended questions such as

  • Why do you buy our product or service?
  • What are the scope of improvements and why?” 

Such answers can help businesses to make significant changes to newly launched and existing products and services. Qualitative research is helpful if conducted before the product launch. 

Quantitative Research

To gather statistical data for analysis, marketers use quantitative research. The objective of this type of market research is to have numerical evidence to support your marketing strategy. The numbers obtained are empirical, and not interpretations, this is where qualitative and quantitative research differs.

Quantitative market research gathers data via surveys, polls, questionnaires, and other methods to generate numerical data for analysis. It helps your business to understand where to allocate your marketing efforts and budget. By analyzing data such as page views, subscribers, and other dimensions, you can modify your marketing strategy according to your findings.

But, that is not all. Once you get into market research, you will come across different methods to get better customer insights. 

With time, people get more curious and have changing opinions about everything. So it is better to connect one-on-one and provide a personalized experience where they can share their true reviews. Getting to know a dedicated set of genuine respondents will take time, only then you can make a futuristic decision to help your business grow while eliminating risks.

Thus one can say that conducting market research is a crucial task that brings many challenges that must be eliminated for a seamless research process. If you are not aware of those challenges then you must take a look.

Potential Market Research Challenges

No matter how much effort you put into conducting detailed market research, if you make a single mistake or use a faulty system to conduct it, your business will have to suffer from losses that you might not be prepared for.

No matter how much effort you put into conducting detailed market research, if you make a single mistake or use a faulty system to conduct it, your business will have to suffer from losses that you might not be prepared for.

Many businesses have failed the process due to many reasons, such as-

  • Limited staff and budget to go deeper into the research to get more accurate results, resulting in impacted survey results.
  • Making assumptions about the gathered information or completing surveys with wrong data internally.
  • Relying on the respondents who are vaguely completing the surveys for just rewards, such as using different accounts to complete the surveys, filling in different data from different cities, and filling surveys for different demographics.
  • A seamless pattern to help businesses to manage and create their projects internally.
  • Managing a wide range of global suppliers for completing the surveys.
  • Not able to check the project’s feasibility even before starting the project.

To cater to these challenges, several companies are developing top-notch market research solutions. With such MR platforms, businesses can process and manage surveys, projects, and respondents from across the globe with great customization.

Unlock Market research opportunities with OnGraph

With the increased need for accurate market insights for making informed decisions, businesses need solutions that can help them get accurate data, connect to genuine respondents and suppliers, create engaging surveys, and more.

To help markets, analysts, and survey respondents, we have a team of experts that will help your business to eliminate all the significant challenges and streamline the market research process. With our solutions, we have helped global clients to make a significant difference in achieving their success.

To know more about these functionalities and market research software development services, you can connect with our team with complete requirements. We will build a perfect MR solution for every business needs.

The Rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)


The mobile landscape has rapidly evolved in recent years. With the high reliability of mobile devices, businesses, and customers need an exceptional mobile experience incorporated with the latest technologies, people are experiencing a Rise in Progressive Web Apps.

Thus, businesses are leveraging the potential of the Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that lead the charge in revolutionizing the mobile experience. PWAs are web applications that provide a seamless and native-like experience on mobile devices without downloading a separate app from an app store. 

According to a study, PWAs have been more effective in retaining users visiting sites and are most likely to improve conversion rates. 

Rise of Progressive Web Apps to retain users

Due to the immense benefits of PWA for the mobile industry, the PWA market is on the rise at an accelerating rate. It can maybe replace the android and iOS native apps in the coming years. 

In this article, we will highlight how PWA is the future of the next-gen mobile experience. So, let’s unfold what PWAs offer in 2023 and how they can bring new opportunities.

But, before that, we will understand what PWAs are.

What are PWAs?

Well, for those who do not know more about PWA, it stands for progressive web apps. As the name suggests, “progressive” means the next-gen or a step ahead. It is not old technology; it stepped foot in 2015 and was introduced by Google.

A progressive web application integrates the latest technologies while providing the look and feel of an app. Progressive web apps are developed using a much larger web ecosystem, plugins, and community. On top of it, it comes with great ease of deploying and maintaining a website compared to a native application. Once you try your expertise and creativity, you will feel the difference as you do not have to maintain API with backward compatibility.

Throughout its journey, PWA has gained much attention due to its ease of development while providing a fantastic user experience. 

Below is the fantastic journey of PWA.

Rise of Progressive Web Apps journey

As we are talking about PWA and its advantages over native mobile apps. But how are they different? Let’s see.

How do PWAs differ from Native Mobile Apps?

If you want to develop unique and highly-interactive mobile apps, then you must understand the limitations of each type of app. Today, many businesses are using native mobile apps that might impact their sales, conversion rates, and other factors.

Looking at the overall picture and considering different factors, you will see how PWAs outranked native mobile apps. Going forward in the age of digitization, native apps can significantly impact your business performance and productivity. 

So, it is time that you must start including PWA apps for better opportunities. Below is a brief table that will help you understand how PWAs are sweeping the native app market.

Rise of Progressive Web Apps is different from Native apps

Real-world Examples of Companies that have implemented PWAs

Many companies have implemented Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in the real world:

  • Twitter: The Twitter PWA offers a fast and reliable experience, allowing users to access the platform offline and receive push notifications.
  • Alibaba: The Alibaba PWA improved the conversion rate by 76% and increased the number of monthly active users by 30%.
  • Flipkart: The Flipkart PWA increased the time users spent on the site by 40% and resulted in a 70% increase in conversions.
  • Uber: The Uber PWA allows users to request a ride and track the driver’s location without installing the native app.
  • Pinterest: The Pinterest PWA improved the core web vitals by 60% and increased user engagement by 40%.
  • Instagram: The Instagram PWA allows users to access the platform on low-end devices and slow networks, increasing engagement and retention.
  • Lancome: The Lancome PWA increased the conversion rate by 17% and reduced the bounce rate by 15%.

Rise of Progressive Web Apps real-world examples

Now that you know, PWA is better than native apps. But what are the core elements that build PWA more powerful?

Core Elements of PWA

To make an app PWA, you must consider the following components that work behind the success of PWA. Consider the following as a prerequisite for building a PWA app.

PWA core elements

Service worker

It is a JavaScript file that executes separately from the web page and helps provide the features of native and web apps to the end users. It lies between the network and the device, facilitating offline capability, synchronizing data in the background, push notifications, and resource caching.


It is a JSON file providing a look and feel similar to a Native App. Developers use this file to control and customize the look of the PWA app. Some changes include a full-screen mode app, linking icons and icon sizes, type and location, and critical elements.

Sample Manifest file:


  “name”: “My Application”,

  “short_name”: “my_application”,

  “theme_color”: “#208075”,

  “background_color”: “#208075”,

  “start_url”: “index.html”,

  “display”: “standalone”,

  “orientation”: “landscape”,

  “icons”: [


   “src”: “launcher-icon-3x.png”,

   “sizes”: “144×144”,

   “type”: “image/png”



   “src”: “launcher-icon-4x.png”,

   “sizes”: “192×192”,

   “type”: “image/png”





It enhances the app’s security as the site is served over HTTPS. PWAs follow the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, so they must ensure some rules while transferring and maintaining data security.

Apart from this, there are other components.

Application shell

It is a graphic interface skeleton or simply a template. For example, you want to develop a website with a header, two sidebars, and a footer. The remaining static data is the app shell, where you can simply remove the webpage content and dynamic elements.

These components make PWA more attractive and engaging, giving a rise to Progressive Web Apps. But how can it benefit businesses to scale and create a strong market presence?

Experience the Future of Web Applications: Rise of Progressive Web Apps

PWA benefits include improved speed and performance, native app-like UX, and multi-platform usage. But it is just the start; PWAs have more to offer; let’s take a look.

Shorter time-to-market.

PWAs have changed the outlook of every business by speeding up the development and deployment process. The main reason is that developers can save time creating separate apps for different platforms. 

Lightweight (revolutionizing the mobile experience)

While PWAs come with spectacular features, such as being unexceptionally lightweight. The top example of Tinder’s PWA is now 90% smaller than its native app, reducing the load times from 11.91 seconds to 4.69 seconds.

PWA helps companies to reduce load time

Improves user engagement.

Being a mobile-dominant market, some businesses still get significant traffic through the desktop. This might be due to the different and changing goals of mobile users. For this, businesses must work on creating a fully-functioning website offering great UX. 

PWA helps to achieve those goals and significantly improves user re-engagement. 

Offline support.

Not being able to access data and websites during a low internet connection or while on a flight and spending long hours without the internet is a problem. But PWA takes care of it and helps you to stay connected and access information, but how?

It is possible due to the service worker caching the information while the device is online and then displaying it without an internet connection. It keeps users engaged. Thus, businesses are using PWAs as it takes care of the customer’s pain point.

Improves page loading speed.

Based on advanced caching capabilities, PWA apps are faster to load than native apps. This is the plus point for businesses to reduce bounce rates due to slow load time or poor website performance. 

Platform independence.

This is the topmost reason PWAs bag the crown for a better performer. The developers must develop once, and the code will work for each platform, providing the same look and feel. PWA apps can adapt well to the underlying platforms with great ease, significantly reducing the development time, bounce rate, and complexity and enhancing visibility. 

Anyone can access the app through their mobile phone, which has a web browser. It will revolutionize the mobile experience.

All these benefits are possible due to the wide range of features being offered by PWA.

Technology stack for PWA development 

A typical tech stack for Progressive Web App (PWA) development includes:


  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend
  • JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, or Vue.js for building the user interface and handling client-side logic.
  • A web framework such as Express or Nest.js for the backend
  • A database such as MongoDB or Firebase for storing data
  • Service Workers for caching and offline functionality
  • Web App Manifest for installation on the user’s device
  • HTTPS for secure communication
  • Lighthouse for auditing and improving PWA performance.

Best Practices and Considerations for Building PWAs.

When building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), there are a few best practices and considerations to keep in mind to revolutionize the mobile experience.


  • Use a Service Worker: Service Workers are a crucial component of PWAs and allow offline functionality and background updates.
  • Make use of a Web App Manifest: A Web App Manifest allows users to add your PWA to their home screen, making it feel like a native app.
  • Use HTTPS: PWAs must be served over HTTPS to ensure secure communication and take advantage of features such as Service Workers.
  • Optimize for performance: PWAs should be fast and responsive, so optimize images, use a Content Delivery Network (CDN), and minify your code.
  • Make use of push notifications: PWAs can send notifications, resulting in increased engagement and retention.
  • Design for mobile first: PWAs are often accessed on mobile devices, so it’s essential to design for the small screen and touch interactions.
  • Keep accessibility in mind: PWAs should be accessible to users with disabilities, so follow accessibility guidelines and test your app with screen readers and keyboard navigation.
  • Test your PWA on different browsers and devices: PWAs are web apps that must be tested on different browsers and devices to ensure a consistent user experience.
  • Auditing with Lighthouse: Lighthouse is a powerful tool that allows you to audit your PWA’s performance and quality. It is a good idea to use it to improve the quality of your PWA.

OnGraph- developing PWAs to drive digital transformation.

Embracing the rise of Progressive Web Apps

Developing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can be a powerful way to drive digital transformation for businesses. PWAs offer several benefits, such as offline functionality, push notifications, and fast performance, which can help increase engagement and retention. 

PWAs are also accessible to users on various devices and browsers, which can help expand a business’s reach. By following best practices and considering important factors such as performance, accessibility, and user experience, businesses can create PWAs that provide users with a seamless and smooth experience. Additionally, PWAs can effectively bridge the gap between traditional web and native mobile apps, providing a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to drive digital transformation.

We believe that the market of Progressive Web Apps will go further.