What are the differences and similarities between DevOps vs DevSecOps?

DevOps Vs DevSecOps

The world of software development is in a constant state of flux. DevOps for companies has become integral for businesses, around 83% of decision-makers have said that there has been an increase in business potential and worth by implementing DevOps methodologies. In this blog, we are describing the big differences and similarities between DevOps vs DevSecOps.

Over the past few years, it has become a norm for companies to believe that investing in DevOps is worth it as it is the quickest way to scale your software development processes.

Of late there has been a shift in perspective, DevOps which is often seen as an agile and efficient approach has been put under the microscope, and this has paved the way has another methodical approach which is called DevSecOps.

DevSecOps aims to coat a layer of Security and a more thoughtful approach to Security from the foundational process of development. 

When it comes down to DevOps and DevSecOps, it is often interchangeable due to their complementary elements to each other, which leads to a lot of confusion about the roles, responsibilities, and differences. 

Today we aim to guide you and clarify these concepts, highlighting their unique characteristics, similarities, and the importance of security in both methodologies.

Explanation of the Common Confusion between DevOps and DevSecOps

DevSecOps vs DevOps isn’t really a thing, they are not pitted against each other, in fact, they are complementary to each other but have a different approach to software development.

DevSecOps has security milestones each step of the way throughout a product development lifecycle and DevOps hyper focuses on working between development and operations departments to effectively streamline the delivery output process.

The confusion comes from the shared goal of accelerating software delivery while not compromising on quality and security.

The Importance of Security in DevSecOps Compared to DevOps

DevOps prefers speed and agility as their core concepts in contrast to DevSecOps which is slightly nuanced and a slower approach where the principle of security is prioritized every step of the way.

Hence the name DevSecOps which unfolds into Development, Security, and Operations. 

In the digital world we live in today, cyberattacks, hacking threats, and data breaches are all of real concern. Integrating security from the get-go is necessary.

DevSecOps ensures that security is not an afterthought but a foundational aspect of the development process, which ultimately reduces the risk of vulnerabilities and breaches.

Importance of Efficient and Secure Software Development

Organizations are always looking for new ways of efficiently and securely developing their practices as they are key for them to maintain a competitive edge and build trust with their customers.

Applying DevOps or DevSecOps or a mix of both methods, companies can streamline their processes, accelerate time-to-market, and proactively address security concerns, ultimately delivering high-quality, secure software products and services. 

Overview of DevOps and DevSecOps

DevOps: Speed and Collaboration

DevOps has sprouted as a response to the separation between development and operations teams.

It encourages and promotes a culture of collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement to speed up the process of software delivery while still maintaining quality and reliability.

The key principles of DevOps include automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure.

DevSecOps: Integrating Security into DevOps

DevSecOps is essentially an extension of DevOps principles by adding a layer of security practices into every stage of the development lifecycle.

The emphasis is on proactively placing security measures such as code analysis, vulnerability scanning, and threat modeling, to identify and mitigate risks early in the process.

By embedding security into DevOps workflows, organizations can build secure, resilient software solutions.

Similarities Between DevOps and DevSecOps

Similarities Between DevOps and DevSecOps

Cultural Similarities Focusing on Community and Breaking Down Barriers

DevSecOps and DevOps promote positive changes within the organization. The focus on collaboration, transparency, and shared responsibility, aims to break down any lag between development, operations, and security teams, fostering a culture of trust, accountability, and continuous learning. The factor of communication plays a key role in ensuring that this remains a constant. 

Shared Emphasis on the Role of Automation in Reducing Human Assistance

Automation is a work process that every department is seeking to integrate to reduce the workload on humans. One of the core principles of DevOps and DevSecOps is enabling teams to streamline processes, reduce errors, and accelerate delivery.

By automating repetitive tasks, such as testing, deployment, and security scanning, organizations can increase efficiency, consistency, and reliability, ultimately delivering value to their customers faster.

The Importance of Active Monitoring in Maintaining Software and Application Health

Active monitoring is key for maintaining the overall health and performance of software applications. Both DevOps and DevSecOps emphasize the importance of monitoring tools and techniques to detect, diagnose, and resolve issues in real-time. By proactively monitoring applications, organizations can ensure uptime, responsiveness, and user satisfaction.

Key Differences & Comparative Analysis

Different Goals: DevOps Focuses on Efficiency vs DevSecOps on Security

While DevOps prioritizes efficiency, collaboration, and speed, DevSecOps places a greater emphasis on security. DevOps aims to accelerate software delivery and improve operational efficiency, while DevSecOps focuses on integrating security into every aspect of the development process to mitigate risks effectively but might relatively be more time-consuming.

How DevSecOps Adds Security Integration at Every Step vs DevOps May Not Necessarily Include It

DevSecOps ensures that security authentication is embedded into every stage of the development cycle, from planning to deployment.

In contrast, DevOps may overlook security considerations or address them as an afterthought since efficiency and agility take precedence over security.

Integrating security from the start and treating it as a building block, DevSecOps minimizes the risk of vulnerabilities and breaches, enhancing the overall security posture of software applications.

DevSecOps’s Approach to Addressing Security Vulnerabilities through Automation and Active Monitoring

DevSecOps leverages automation and active monitoring to detect and prevent security vulnerabilities throughout the developmental process.

By implementing automated security scans, vulnerability assessments, and real-time monitoring, companies can identify and mitigate risks early, reducing the likelihood of security incidents and data breaches.

This is a great way for a company to operate as they foreshadow and plan out things in case of a situation that may arise that may negatively impact the company.

DevSecOps vs DevOps in Security Integration

Automation in Threat Detection and Remediation

Automation plays a critical role in threat detection within the ecosystem of  DevOps and DevSecOps environments.

By automating security scans, audits, and compliance checks, organizations can identify bottlenecks and non-compliance issues early in the development process, reducing the risk of breaches and downtime.

The OWASP Top Ten Methodology for Addressing Security Vulnerabilities

The OWASP Top Ten provides a great comprehensive framework for identifying and addressing the most common security vulnerabilities in web applications faced by companies.

By using this as a benchmark the DevOps and DevSecOps teams can leverage OWASP guidelines to prioritize security measures, identify potential risks, and implement best practices for secure application development and deployment.

Discussion on the Integration of Security in DevOps Practices

Fostering the practice of integration of security into DevOps requires a change in approach. A proactive approach is required to meet the demand of the above-mentioned.

The approach encompasses people, processes, and technologies. By focusing on a security-centric culture, implementing secure coding practices, and leveraging automation tools for security testing and compliance checks, organizations can enhance the security of their software applications without compromising speed or agility.

Transitioning From DevOps to DevSecOps

What to Expect: Shift Towards a More Security-Focused Approach

Moving from one approach to another is challenging, to say the least. Transitioning from DevOps to DevSecOps requires a fundamental shift toward approaching each process as the method of operating becomes more security-focused.

Organizations must prioritize security from the outset, invest in training and resources, and foster a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility across development, operations, and security teams.

Preparing for the Transition

It isn’t a cakewalk to move from DevOps to DevSecOps, it involves a lot of preparation. Tasks like assessing current practices, identifying security gaps, and selecting appropriate security tools and methodologies.

By conducting risk assessments, establishing security policies, and training teams on secure coding practices, organizations can lay the foundation for a successful transition to DevSecOps.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid During the Transition

Since a change in approach is being implemented, there will most definitely be challenges, bottlenecks, time to get used to the processes, and other factors.

Common pitfalls during the transition to DevSecOps include resistance to change, lack of executive sponsorship, and inadequate security expertise. 

To avoid these pitfalls, organizations must prioritize security as a rule of thumb, invest in training and resources, and foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement with a security-first mindset approach. 

Tools and Job Market

Overview of DevSecOps Tools, Including SAST, DAST, and CI/CD Security

DevSecOps relies on a plethora of tools and technologies to support security implementation throughout the development cycle. 

Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) security tools automate security checks and ensure that only secure code is deployed to production environments.

Demand and Salary Statistics for DevSecOps Roles

The Global DevOps market size was estimated to be around $4.3 million in 2020 and the annual growth rate is roughly around 20% so it is expected to reach $12.2 million by 2026 according to the DevOps Statistics from the year 2023.

The requirement has grown significantly and DevSecOps roles are slowly taking over. The ever-increasing demand for DevSecOps professionals is something that directly correlates to the transition that the companies are making. 

It also shows how important security is when it comes to software development. According to industry reports, DevSecOps roles in the United States command competitive salaries, with experienced practitioners earning significantly above-average compensation.

Most Requested Skills for DevSecOps Roles and Advice for Career Paths

As a DevSecOps aspirant, the most important skillset you need to have is proficiency in cloud security, containerization technologies, automation frameworks, and knowledge of compliance regulations.

Aspiring DevSecOps professionals it is imperative to have relevant certifications, gain hands-on experience with security tools and technologies, take on projects, and stay updated on industry trends and best practices.

The above-mentioned aspects provide your CV to shine when it comes to recruiters but also remember individuals need to face real business challenges and every challenge is dynamic so the approach to that may not be to the book, this provides the individual with the experience to tackle and solve that situation.

In Conclusion

It shouldn’t be seen as DevOps vs DevSecOps but rather DevOps and DevSecOps since they are complementary methodologies that share common principles of collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement.

While DevOps focuses on accelerating software delivery and improving operational efficiency, DevSecOps places a greater emphasis on security, integrating security practices throughout the development lifecycle.

Many companies are making the transition to the DevSecOps or at least implementing aspects of it but at the end of the day, the nature of business is what dictates the approach to this.

Choose the approach that best suits your company’s needs, and fits your software development life cycle. 

Be it DevOps implementation or applying DevSecOps best practices, OnGraph is the one-stop to ensure all your business requirements are met.

We are a renowned software development company and have worked with clients for DevOps and DevSecOps implementation. Our expertise in DevOps and DevSecOps will help your organization streamline its application development cycle. 

Feel free to contact us and can help you scale up your business!

DevOps Demystified: What Should You Need to Know?

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Are you a business owner looking for ways to improve team cooperation and expedite your software development process? If so, DevOps could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for!

Companies are constantly pressured to offer high-quality software and upgrades promptly in today’s fast-paced digital world. That’s where DevOps comes in, altering how businesses design, deploy, and manage software.

Consider a scenario in which your development team can work in tandem with your operations team, reducing delays and assuring efficient software delivery. Companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook have already embraced DevOps, and the results have been impressive in terms of faster releases, higher customer happiness, and overall performance.

Amazon, for example, publishes new code every 11.7 seconds, making them a prominent example of excellent DevOps adoption.

But, what does this mean for your company? DevOps’ power rests in its capacity to boost your organization’s productivity, responsiveness, and overall software quality. You can remain ahead of the competition, delight your consumers, and maintain a sustainable growth trajectory by embracing DevOps principles.

Stay with us as we debunk DevOps and reveal the fundamental ideas, advantages, and best practices that can revolutionize your organization!

Agility, Efficiency, and Competitiveness with DevOps

DevOps, which combines the words “development” and “operations,” seeks to bridge the gap between software developers and IT operations teams. Organizations can improve their agility, efficiency, and competitiveness by breaking down silos between these two departments.

According to the 2021 State of DevOps Report, high-performing DevOps teams have 106 times faster commit to deploy lead times and recover from incidents 2,604 times faster than low performers.

A Collaborative Approach to More Efficient Software Delivery

DevOps teams collaborate with operations teams from the beginning of a project, sharing ideas, tools, and practices. This seamless connection aids in the identification of possible bottlenecks, the prevention of issues from growing, and the reduction of the time required to provide software changes.

For example, by implementing DevOps methods, Etsy, a popular e-commerce platform, was able to reduce deployment time from several hours to just a few minutes.

Automation Is the Key to Simplifying Workflows

It is a critical component of DevOps. By automating repetitive tasks and processes, teams may reduce human error, streamline workflows, and free up time for more vital and creative tasks.

Automation is essential throughout the DevOps lifecycle, from continuous integration and testing to deployment and monitoring. Adopting DevOps principles can assist organizations in staying ahead of the competition, delighting customers, and maintaining a sustainable growth trajectory.

Here’s a good read: Why an Investment in DevOps is Worth it?

DevOps Lifecycle: Continuous Improvement and Efficiency

Let’s look at the different stages of the DevOps lifecycle to better understand how DevOps may transform software development and deployment:

Continuous Integration

At this level, developers merge their code changes into a central repository frequently. The code is then built and tested using automated methods to ensure it works well with the existing system.

It allows for the early detection of integration difficulties, which reduces the time spent on error correction.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous delivery focuses on automating the software release process, making it simple for developers to push code updates to diverse environments.

This stage ensures that the code is always releasable, allowing businesses to quickly deliver updates and features to clients.

Continuous Deployment

A step beyond continuous delivery, continuous deployment automates the whole release process, pushing code changes to production without the need for human intervention.

This method greatly decreases time-to-market and ensures that clients receive the most recent upgrades and features as soon as they are available.

Continuous Monitoring

During the DevOps lifecycle’s final step, teams continuously monitor the application’s performance, infrastructure, and user experience.

Organizations may proactively discover and resolve issues by measuring important indicators and obtaining feedback, assuring the greatest level of software quality and customer satisfaction.

What’s New in DevOps: Latest Developments and Innovations

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As DevOps evolves, new trends and innovations shape how organizations build, deploy, and manage software. Here are eight major advancements and instances that demonstrate DevOps’ future:

No-code is the Future of DevOps

No-code and low-code tools such as Appian, OutSystems, and Mendix are bridging the DevOps talent gap by integrating less experienced engineers and lowering the time spent integrating and running toolsets.

Increased automation

Automation continues to dominate development and operations, including automated code builds, application deployment, infrastructure deployment, and scaling. Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and Travis CI are popular tools for automating the development pipeline.

Rise of Managed DevOps Service Providers

Due to talent shortages, rising expenses, and the quick rate of technological change, demand for managed DevOps service providers such as GitLab, IBM, and AWS DevOps is increasing.

Widespread adoption of DevSecOps

Security responsibility shifts to the developer community, making security a core component and quickening development by implementing security practices early in the process. DevSecOps tools like Snyk, Aqua Security, and Checkmarx are becoming more popular.

Growth of microservice architectures

Dividing designs into smaller code units enhances project and operations management. More IT organizations are taking this strategy, managing microservices with platforms like Docker, Kubernetes, and Istio.

Growing Role of AI

Artificial intelligence is playing a growing role in DevOps, supporting developers in spotting difficulties and suggesting solutions. AI-enhanced DevOps tools, such as Corbett by Digital.ai, employ AI-driven insights to optimize software delivery and improve team collaboration.

Transition to a developer-first model

A decentralized architecture gives developer teams more freedom to use tools efficiently, increasing productivity and focusing on producing products that have an impact on end customers.
Popular platforms that enable the developer-first approach include GitHub, GitLab, and Atlassian.

Cross-functional security training

Rapid release cycles necessitate cross-functional security training to ensure that all personnel involved in building, operating, and protecting software have the essential security knowledge.

Initiatives such as the OWASP Top Ten Project and Secure Code Warrior give developers information and training to help them improve their security abilities.

Why DevOps Matters?

You might be thinking, “Why should I care about DevOps?” Let me tell you how it can make a huge difference in your business!

DevOps, for starters, improve collaboration and communication between your development and operations teams. You’ll be able to fix issues and provide software faster than ever before if everyone works together.

Furthermore, by utilizing practices such as continuous integration, delivery, and deployment, you will be able to quickly bring updates and new features to market, leaving your competition in the dust.

But wait, there’s more! You’ll keep your clients satisfied and loyal if you release high-quality software and updates at lightning speed. Continuous monitoring and feedback loops also assist you in proactively addressing customer complaints, ensuring that their experience with your program is nothing short of amazing. In a sentence, DevOps can be a game changer, revolutionizing how you develop and manage software to keep your team and customers happy.

DevSecOps: Integrating Security into the DevOps Process

As corporations place a greater emphasis on software security, it’s critical to understand how DevSecOps fits into the picture. DevSecOps, which combines the words “Development,” “Security,” and “Operations,” incorporates security principles into the DevOps process, ensuring that security is a key priority throughout the software development life cycle.

Security considerations are included in every stage of development, from planning and coding to testing and deployment, under a DevSecOps strategy.

This proactive approach to security decreases the risk of vulnerabilities and breaches, thereby safeguarding your software, data, and consumers. The following are some of the benefits of DevSecOps:

Early Security Risk Detection

By incorporating security checks and tools during the development process, potential vulnerabilities can be recognized and addressed early on, decreasing the time and resources spent on security issues.

Improved Compliance

By automating security-related tasks and ensuring that security best practices are followed throughout the development process, DevSecOps helps enterprises maintain compliance with industry legislation and standards.

Improved Collaboration

Just as DevOps promotes collaboration between development and operations teams, DevSecOps promotes collaboration between security and development teams, fostering a shared sense of responsibility and enhancing overall product quality.

DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE): Complementary Approaches for Software Excellence

DevOps and SRE

While DevOps has transformed software development, another concept, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), has emerged to improve software delivery and maintenance even further. Google pioneered SRE, which focuses on the durability, scalability, and performance of software systems.

DevOps and SRE have a very complementary relationship. Both approaches share the goal of producing high-quality software in a timely and dependable manner. They do, however, highlight distinct parts of the software development process.

SRE contributes to DevOps in the following ways:

Emphasis on Reliability

SRE places a heavy emphasis on ensuring that software systems are dependable and resilient. SRE teams can proactively monitor and maintain system performance by creating Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and measuring Service Level Indicators (SLIs).

Error Budgets

SRE introduces the concept of error budgets, which allow a system to have a certain amount of downtime or faults. This technique strikes a balance between the requirement for quick innovation and the significance of system stability, assisting companies in striking the correct balance between new feature development and system reliability.

Automation and Tooling

SRE and DevOps both encourage automation, but SRE focuses a special emphasis on developing tools and methods that improve software system stability. These technologies make it easier for developers and operations teams to discover and address issues.

The Four DevOps Phases: A Success Framework

To successfully adopt DevOps in your firm, you should first grasp the four major steps that comprise the DevOps framework:


The development and operations teams cooperate during the planning phase to determine the project’s goals, scope, and requirements. This phase entails examining the existing condition of the program, identifying prospective enhancements, and developing a project roadmap.

Code and Build

Developers write the necessary code to implement the desired features or upgrades during this phase. They also write unit tests to check that the code works as it should. In contrast, operations teams begin preparing the infrastructure and resources needed for deployment.

Test and Deploy

During the testing phase, the code is thoroughly tested to identify and fix any bugs or performance issues.
In this stage, automated testing tools are critical for ensuring that the code meets quality standards. After testing, the code is pushed to the production environment using automated deployment methods.

Operate and monitor

The deployed program is regularly checked for performance, security, and user experience in the final phase. User feedback, performance metrics, and other data are gathered and evaluated, enabling teams to find areas for improvement and iterate on the product.

Key DevOps Principles: Laying a Solid Foundation for Success

To truly embrace DevOps and gain its benefits, it is critical to understand and implement the core concepts that underpin its success. These concepts serve as a solid foundation for establishing a healthy DevOps culture:


DevOps fosters collaboration between development and operations teams by encouraging open communication and shared responsibilities. This holistic approach aids in the streamlining of workflows, the reduction of bottlenecks, and the acceleration of software delivery.


It is essential to DevOps, allowing teams to focus on more critical and creative work by automating repetitive jobs and processes.

Automation not only reduces human error but also accelerates the development and deployment processes, ensuring that software upgrades reach clients as soon as possible.

Continuous Improvement

DevOps fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement, with teams constantly searching for ways to better their processes and tools.

Reviewing performance metrics and customer comments regularly enables firms to find areas for development and iterate on their products.


DevOps prioritizes providing value to consumers by prioritizing their requirements and experiences. Businesses can develop trust, loyalty, and long-lasting connections with their users by focusing on customer satisfaction and satisfying their expectations.

Benefits of DevOps: Real-World Examples of How It Transforms Your Business

When properly deployed, DevOps may provide considerable benefits to your firm by improving software delivery and overall business performance.

Let’s look at some of the primary benefits of using DevOps practices, coupled with real-world examples to demonstrate their influence on organizations:

Increased Deployment Frequency

DevOps approaches such as continuous integration and continuous delivery assist enterprises in more regularly deploying software updates and new features. This higher deployment frequency lets firms respond quickly to client requests and market developments, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.

For example, Netflix, a streaming industry leader, uses DevOps principles to deploy code hundreds of times per day, allowing them to remain nimble and innovative.

Reduced Time-to-Market

DevOps decreases the time it takes to bring new products and features to market by delivering software faster and using more efficient procedures. This not only allows firms to remain competitive but also to capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities.

By implementing DevOps methods, Etsy, a popular e-commerce platform, reduced its deployment time from several hours to just a few minutes.

Improved Software Quality

DevOps ensures that software is produced and deployed with both functionality and dependability in mind by encouraging collaboration between development and operations teams. This collaborative approach results in better software, fewer problems, and increased customer happiness.

Adobe, for example, reported a 60% drop in critical events after implementing DevOps, delivering a more seamless customer experience.

Improved Collaboration and Communication

DevOps fosters collaboration and a sense of shared responsibility by removing barriers to communication and encouraging open dialogue between development and operations teams. This unified approach results in more efficient workflows and higher team performance overall.

Atlassian, a leading software firm, attributes its success to a strong DevOps culture that encourages team cooperation and information sharing.

Cost Savings

DevOps assists firms in identifying and resolving difficulties early in the development process, lowering the expense of dealing with issues later on. Furthermore, streamlining processes and minimizing downtime, automation, and improved efficiency can lead to cost savings.

Target, for example, saw a 50% drop in resource expenditures after applying DevOps methods due to enhanced automation and more efficient procedures.

Faster Failure Recovery

Because DevOps promotes a proactive approach to recognizing and resolving issues, organizations can recover from failures more quickly.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), for example, lowered the time it required to resolve issues by 90% after implementing DevOps methods, minimizing downtime and maintaining customer trust.

Scalability and Flexibility

DevOps allows enterprises to expand their infrastructure and applications more effectively, responding to changes in demand and guaranteeing optimal performance.

Spotify was able to scale its infrastructure to handle over 345 million users while maintaining a high level of performance and reliability by utilizing DevOps methods.

Using DevOps Tools to Simplify Your Software Development Process

It is critical to use the correct tools to facilitate automation, collaboration, and continuous improvement to successfully execute DevOps methods. The following are some common DevOps tools that can help you streamline your software development process:

Version Control Systems

Tools like Git, Mercurial, and Subversion assist track code changes and managing different versions of the source code, allowing team members to collaborate seamlessly.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Platforms

Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitLab CI/CD tools automate the process of developing, testing, and deploying code, resulting in a consistent and efficient software delivery pipeline.

The Configuration Management Tools

Puppet, Chef, and Ansible are prominent configuration management tools that help automate the process of configuring and managing infrastructure, expediting the deployment process, and assuring consistency across environments.

Containerization and orchestration platforms

Docker and Kubernetes are widely used tools for deploying and managing containerized applications, enabling scalability, flexibility, and enhanced resource use.

Monitoring and logging software

Monitoring and logging software, such as Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), assists teams in tracking and analyzing the performance, security, and dependability of their applications. This enables them to see problems early and take proactive measures to fix them.

Project Management and Collaboration Tools

Tools such as Jira, Trello, and Slack assist teams in more efficiently communicating, collaborating, and managing their work, promoting a strong DevOps culture.

What are the Challenges of Adopting DevOps?

While implementing DevOps can provide significant benefits to your organization, it is critical to recognize the challenges that may arise during the process. Here are some common roadblocks and solutions to them:

Cultural Resistance

DevOps necessitates a shift in attitude and corporate culture, which might elicit resistance from team members used to traditional procedures.

To address this issue, provide employees with training, resources, and continuing assistance to help them realize the value of DevOps and how it helps them. Encourage open communication and resolve any concerns or misunderstandings they may have.

Lack of Collaboration

It can be tough to break down silos between development and operations teams, especially if they have previously operated in isolation.

Encourage open communication, common goals, and cross-functional team building to foster collaboration. Set up frequent meetings or workshops for teams to work on projects and share information.

Inadequate Infrastructure

Adopting DevOps principles may need major modifications to your current infrastructure, such as the implementation of automation tools, containerization platforms, or cloud services.

Plan and budget for these changes, and make sure your staff is prepared to manage the new infrastructure. To minimize disturbance, introduce new tools and technologies gradually.

Skill Gaps

DevOps teams must have a varied skill set, including knowledge of automation, security, and testing. Identify skill gaps in your team and either train or hire new talent to fill them.

Consider collaborating with an agile firm that has an in-house DevOps team to supplement your current resources and bridge any skill gaps.

Managing Change

DevOps implementation might necessitate considerable changes to workflows, processes, and tools. Create a clear change management strategy and ensure that team members understand the reasons for the changes and the benefits they will bring.

Maintain motivation throughout the shift by communicating consistently, providing enough assistance, and celebrating milestones and triumphs.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Adopting a DevOps Culture in Your Organization

Adopt DevOps in your culture

Adopting DevOps in your organization necessitates a change in mindset, culture, and practices. Here’s a step-by-step strategy for successfully implementing a DevOps culture:

Assess Your Current Situation

Begin by assessing your current development and operations processes to discover areas where DevOps practices could help. Analyze your current workflows, tools, and communication channels to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and cooperation opportunities.

Define Your Objectives

Establish quantifiable targets that are in line with the strategic goals of your firm. These objectives could include shortening the time to market, enhancing software quality, or increasing the frequency of deployment.

Create a Strategy

Make a detailed strategy outlining the steps required to attain your objectives, including modifications to workflows, procedures, tools, and team structures. This plan should also address any obstacles and outline strategies for dealing with them.

Secure Executive Buy-In

Getting top-level management on board with your DevOps initiative is critical to its success. To win their support and commitment, present your plan, goals, and the predicted benefits of using DevOps.

Encourage Open Communication and Collaboration

Establish cross-functional teams, define shared goals, and promote transparency to encourage open communication and collaboration between development and operations teams.

Implement communication and collaboration tools and platforms, such as project management software and chat applications.

Automation and Continuous Integration

Use automation technologies for operations such as code creation, testing, and deployment to streamline processes and reduce human error.

Implement continuous integration procedures to ensure that code changes are tested and merged frequently, resulting in speedier product delivery.

Monitor Progress and Make Adjustments as Needed

Track and evaluate performance indicators regularly to measure progress toward your goals. Use these insights to discover areas for improvement and make necessary changes to your plan.

Encourage a culture of continual learning and improvement in which team members are open to new ideas and always looking for ways to better their procedures.

Celebrate Successes

Recognize and celebrate accomplishments, both large and small, to keep motivation high and to emphasize the benefits of implementing DevOps methods. Share success stories and lessons learned to motivate future growth and development.

Read More: Optimizing Your Development Workflow with DevOps Best Practices

Choose OnGraph for a Seamless DevOps Experience

Implementing DevOps can significantly improve your organization’s software delivery, collaboration, and overall performance. If you’re thinking about applying DevOps practices, why not collaborate with OnGraph? We’re an agile web and app development firm with the knowledge to assist you every step of the way.

We have an experienced in-house DevOps team that can work with your company to fill any skill gaps. With over 15 years of industry expertise, we understand the value of DevOps culture and can guide you through the change process.

Our impressive portfolio of over 1000 completed projects reflects our dedication to providing high-quality software and services. By partnering with OnGraph, you can confidently overcome the hurdles of DevOps adoption and realize the full potential of this powerful approach to software development and operations.

Read the latest blog on our website: DevOps Platform Market: Anticipating Growth and New Milestones

DevOps Platform Market Size and Growth Share

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The ever-changing world of technology is constantly pushing the boundaries of software development and operations. DevOps is a practice that combines development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops), allowing businesses to survive in today’s fast-paced digital environment.

Recent industry trends indicate that the DevOps platform market will expand significantly, promising to further change traditional techniques of software operations.

DevOps Market Will Reach New Heights

The worldwide DevOps Platform market is expected to grow at an unprecedented rate in the next few years. According to MarketsandMarkets, the DevOps industry is expected to reach USD 25.5 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 19.7%.

Puppet Labs, Chef, Docker Inc., Red Hat (Ansible), Atlassian, Saltstack, CA Technologies, Rackspace, XebiaLabs, VersionOne, Cisco, CollabNet, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Spirent Communications plc, Vmware, and DBmaestro are among the primary players driving this expansion. With their entire range of DevOps technologies, these organizations help to encourage a more productive and efficient software development workflow.

With various new and small companies joining the market, the industry’s concentration needs to be balanced. The top five global manufacturers are mostly in the United States, contributing around 9% of total market shares.

Regionally, North America is the major contributor to the worldwide DevOps Platform market, accounting for approximately 60% of total market shares. IT, telecom, retail, and BFSI are among the key industries pushing the adoption of DevOps systems. As these industries continue to deploy and profit from DevOps approaches, the market will continue to expand, demonstrating that the DevOps platform industry is reaching new heights.

Keep Reading: Optimizing Your Development Workflow with DevOps Best Practices

What’s Next?

The global DevOps platform market is expected to reach USD 25,113.89 million by 2027, indicating that DevOps is more than simply a handy tool; it is the foundation of effective, efficient, and innovative business operations. Finding a trustworthy partner to help firms optimize their processes and accept this revolutionary technology is critical.

OnGraph appears to be a suitable partner in this circumstance. We are well-equipped to lead businesses through their DevOps journey because of our extensive DevOps solutions and services. Whether you’re just getting started with DevOps or looking to improve your current practices, collaborating with OnGraph can ensure you’re well-positioned to capitalize on the booming DevOps platform market. With OnGraph, you can harness the power of DevOps to push your business processes to new heights.

Here’s a good read: Why an Investment in DevOps is Worth it?

DevOps in the Spotlight: Know the AI Use Cases for Devops

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Hello and welcome to our most recent news roundup, in which we look into the ever-changing world of DevOps. In this interesting voyage, we will investigate the convergence of Network Function Virtualization and the DevOps pipeline within the context of cloud computing.

Then, we’ll explore the fascinating landscapes of Generative AI and how it’s transforming DevOps and IT operations this year. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re a DevOps professional, an IT enthusiast, or simply inquisitive about the future of technology.

So let’s dive in, shall we?

Cloud Computing: Integrating Network Function Virtualization with the DevOps Pipeline

We must emphasize the need for smooth and effective technology integration as we march toward the digital future. This is especially true when it comes to combining Network Function Virtualization (NFV) with DevOps processes in the context of cloud computing.

The cloud computing revolution has altered how we see and interact with the digital world. We no longer need to be concerned about the complexities of server deployment or application hosting. With reliable infrastructure providers such as Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure, one’s service can be up and running quickly and easily.

Applications are growing increasingly sophisticated in this era of unrelenting technological innovation, increasing in demand for computational power and storage capacities. Enter the cloud computing phenomenon.

Cloud-based services provide the dependability, robustness, and scalability required for modern applications, so it’s no surprise that businesses are increasingly turning to cloud services to meet their requirements.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) are the three major service models in cloud computing.

Each model has distinct advantages, with IaaS offering resources like as computing, networking, and storage, PaaS supporting program running, and SaaS permitting application use in a cloud environment.

The open-source community, a beacon of collaborative creativity, is driving cloud computing progress.

Open-source cloud computing initiatives such as OpenStack, CloudStack, and OpenNebula are making their mark on this exciting path, boasting no vendor lock-in and aiming for seamless interaction across varied platforms.

OpenStack: Orchestrating the Future of Cloud Computing with NFV and DevOps

OpenStack stands out among these trailblazers. Consider OpenStack to be the conductor of the cloud symphony, lauded for its scalability, openness, and uniquely active ecosystem.

OpenStack’s creativity rests in its modular architecture, which provides a wide range of services ranging from computing, storage, and networking to orchestration, workload provisioning, and application life cycle management.

OpenStack was designed with the future in mind, and it acts as a trusted companion for administrators and researchers, facilitating the implementation of IaaS infrastructure.

At the same time, it provides customers with the tools and services they need to manage virtual machines that are superimposed on current resources. OpenStack, a tapestry of components, weaves a cohesive ecosystem that is not only trustworthy but also effective for IaaS.

When we step back and look at the big picture, the integration of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) with DevOps pipelines in the cloud computing landscape is an exciting proposition. The convergence of these technologies has opened up new horizons of possibilities and efficiencies, making it an exciting time to be alive.

The quest for digital greatness has never been more compelling. We are on the verge of astounding breakthroughs as we embrace the revolutionary power of the cloud, NFV, and DevOps.

Let us keep our eyes on the horizon since the future of technology promises to be an interesting adventure!

Check this read: Why an Investment in DevOps is Worth it?

Generative AI Use Cases for DevOps and IT in 2023

The immense processing power available to us, combined with ever-increasing troves of raw data, has accelerated the area of artificial intelligence. Generative AI models, which can synthesize data to create new content, have gotten a lot of attention recently.

These technologies aren’t only for the creative arts; they can greatly improve DevOps and IT workflows.
Despite its enormous potential, enterprises must assess the dangers and limitations of generative AI before fully adopting its powers.

Exploring Generative AI in DevOps

Platforms like ChatGPT, which are well-known for their text creation capabilities, can also generate software code, which has the potential to change different stages of the DevOps lifecycle.

  1. Code Generation: Generative AI taught on code samples can internalize a wide range of programming approaches to help with software development. This might include anything from recommending line or block code completion to creating whole programs based on detailed user requests.
  2. Test Generation: Given its capacity for data synthesis and text generation, generative AI is an appropriate tool for developing data and test cases for software testing. Such systems can run tests, provide results, and potentially identify flaws, making remedial recommendations depending on the results.
  3. Bug Removal: Generative AI models may look for problems in code, both human and AI-generated, and recommend remedies. This can improve software quality by decreasing errors and ensuring coding standards are followed.
  4. Automated Deployment: If the code passes testing, DevOps teams can use generative AI to automate its deployment as part of a workflow or process automation. These technologies can help improve workload placement and link instrumentation for workload monitoring and KPI data collection.

Read More: The Era of Generative AI: ChatGPT vs Bard

The Other Side of the Coin: Generative AI’s Drawbacks

Despite its promise, generative AI poses hurdles that may dissuade many businesses.

  • Significant Investments

Generative AI models require massive volumes of training data. They need significant initial and continuous investments in model training, retraining, and refining.

  • Limited AI Knowledge

AI systems can only learn what they have been taught. They can struggle to adapt quickly to rapid changes in the IT environment or respond to unforeseen scenarios.

  • Inaccuracy Issues

A generative AI system cannot judge the quality of its training material. It also cannot judge the appropriateness of its responses in context. Hence, there may be performance, security, and ethical concerns.

  • Probable Copyright Issues

Generative AI models are trained using massive data sets. Determining the extent to which model output is based on copyrighted or otherwise protected intellectual property can be difficult.

As we have seen, generative AI is a two-edged sword. It can transform DevOps and IT workflows, but enterprises must also evaluate the dangers and constraints. A careful, balanced approach, as with any technological advancement, is essential.

Looking Forward

As we near the end of this news roundup, it’s clear that the world of DevOps is constantly changing. With significant advances in cloud computing and generative AI, we are poised to reshape the landscape in ways we’re only just beginning to comprehend.

But, as we traverse this brave new world, keep in mind that you are not alone.

We have a team of industry professionals and an in-house DevOps team at OnGraph who are on the cutting edge of these advances.

Our experts can walk you through the process of integrating Network Function Virtualization with the DevOps pipeline and using the power of Generative AI for your organization.

The future is here, and it is enthralling. We welcome you to join us on this journey to ensure you stay ahead of the curve.

With OnGraph, you can embrace the future of DevOps, where innovation meets expertise. Contact us immediately and let’s begin constructing the future together.

Why an Investment in DevOps is Worth it


The global pandemic challenged the best organizational infrastructures and accelerated digital transformation. Being the heart of digital transformation, DevOps enables businesses to improve through flexibility, agility, and continuous revision.
A report by AMR showed that the international DevOps market size was appreciated at $6.78 billion in 2020 and will reach $57.90 billion by 2030, reporting a CAGR of 24.2% from 2021-2030.

DevOps has transformed the software delivery process by increasing team collaboration and a flexible environment. The benefits of implementing the DevOps approach have made it immensely popular. About 83% of decision-makers said they’ve increased business potential and worth by implementing DevOps methodologies.

devops methodologies

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a collaborative approach of the software development and operations team combining concepts, cultural philosophies, techniques, and tools that enable organizations to enhance speed, efficiency, security, and customer experience to compete better in the market.

The DevOps culture promotes cross-team communication and team empowerment to integrate and automate software processes. Shared accountability and collaboration allow organizations to improve and evolve products faster than traditional software development.

Principles of DevOps

Principles of Devops

The DevOps methodology has four fundamental principles that form the best roadmap to modern software development. These principles guide towards improved planning, better product, and faster market delivery.

  • Automation of the product development lifecycle
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Intense focus on customer’s demands with brief feedback loops
  • Waste minimization with constant improvement

Key Pioneers of DevOps

The formation of DevOps consists of Agile and ESM.

  • Agile Software Development

DevOps is a projection of Agile that boosts strong team collaboration between developers, testers, management, and customers to finalize an improved product. It helps businesses identify communication and service delivery as crucial customer value proposition components.

  • Enterprise Service Management (ESM)

Enterprise Service Management ESM is an extension of IT service management abilities further to enterprise teams like Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Legal, and Facilities to manage business-centric use cases.

ESM allows the management of service demands and supplies through a standard catalog, facilitating faster workflow automation and innovation.
Initially, the system administrators defined the concept of DevOps and incorporated automation, the toolchain approach, configuration management, and system monitoring.

How does DevOps Work?

How does Devops works?

The DevOps approach breaks down the walls between operations and development teams, often merging them throughout the software development lifecycle with a multidisciplinary skillset. Some DevOps models integrate security and quality assurance teams for a seamless development process.

The integrated teams use technology stacks and tools to accelerate and automate reliable applications. These toolchains handle essential DevOps functions like collaboration, automation, continuous integration, and delivery.

The tech stacks and tools also enable engineers to perform tasks like code deployment without help that generally would need assistance from other teams.

DeVops VS DevSecOps

Often the DevOps model is applied to organizational teams other than development, like security, where safety becomes the core part of the process. This model is the DevSecOps approach.

Challenges Faced in SDLC

The traditional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) approach had several flaws that hindered seamless product development.

Software Development LifeCycle

  • The traditional approach ‘siloed’ the software development team, maintenance teams, and test engineers, where they performed tasks separately without communication. This model was time-consuming, and the end product came with several flaws.
  • Test engineers faced issues maintaining a steady process in the different development stages. This issue also created bugs that were avoidable through inter-team collaboration.
  • Bug fixes and fresh adjustments in the product took too long, ranging from several months to a year, due to the lack of collaboration between the developers and testers.
  • Since the customers interacted with the product at the end, it gave rise to a lack of transparency, extra reworks, late feedback, decreased user satisfaction, and delays in working on the user’s complaints.

How DevOps resolves the SDLC Challenges

The DevOps model encourages collaboration and communication between the organizational teams during the development process and tears down all the barriers, solving most challenges. It helps the teams to form T-shaped competencies faster and energetically acclimates to market demands.

Benefits of DevOps for Enterprises

The State of DevOps Report of 2019 showed exceptional outcomes of adopting DevOps by IT organizations.

Benefits of DevOps for Enterprises

  • 106 times swifter lead time from committing to the deployment stage
  • 18 percent improvement in customer satisfaction
  • 2604 times faster recovery from unexpected incidents and failures
  • 22 percent minimized the time on unplanned work and rework
  • 208 times more deployment frequency
  • Two times more employee satisfaction, especially among high-performing teams
  • Six times more accuracy in estimating operational costs
  • Seven times lower failure change failure rate

Organizations adopting the DevOps model experienced a quintuple growth in the deployment frequency from 46x to 208x within a year from 2018 to 2019.

Also, 50% of DevOps enterprises reported reduced expenditure, time-to-market, and revenue growth.

Why Should Your Organization Invest in DevOps?

A study by DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in 2021 shows that the main distinction between powerful and poorly performing teams is the successful integration of the DevOps model or the delay in implementing it.

Here are a few advantages of adopting the DevOps approach for your organization.

DevOps Benefits

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one of the most significant advantages of adopting DevOps. This benefit is achieved by faster delivery, price deduction, transparency, and incorporation of feedback.

DevOps helps streamline several workflow areas, allowing you to charge less for your products than competitors not using the DevOps approach.

Streamlining enables collaboration between the organizational teams and the users, allowing transparency and user feedback and making it easier to finalize the desired product quicker.

Return IT Investments Rapidly

Releasing swift software updates, patches in code, and bug fixes helps corporations return their IT investments quicker and bring pristine revenue. High-performing DevOps organizations deploy 200 times more with about 2,555 times faster lead time compared to low performers. Also, better product quality in production environments saves 50% of the time on security issues, paving a speedier path to ROI.

To become a high-performing firm, your business’s current situation is crucial here. To start with DevOps, you must inspect your present situation and workflow. Also, you need to check your infrastructure state.

AWS tech professionals reveal all critical points, like the business processes you’ll need to induct for the most profitable results, and describe a perfect architecture. It describes six core pillars:

Business Benefits of DevOps

Graphic connecting: Robust Security, Operational Excellence, Performance Efficiency, Reliability, Optimizing Costs, Sustainability.

  • Robust Security: Security is a high-priority task in every development and establishment process. For robust security, the best methods are utilizing cloud capabilities, regulations of infrastructure protection, and providing more valuable data.
  • Operational Excellence: One of the most optimal ways to support the development lifecycle. A perfectly timed operation runs applications efficiently.
  • Performance Efficiency: Performance track the future. Performance Efficiency is utilizing Its resources most efficiently.
  • Reliability: It defines the desired infrastructure state when every unit or module in the system performs its planned operation effectively.
  • Optimizing Costs: Cost optimization is the intelligent way to produce more value at a reduced cost. It’s a practical approach to running workloads efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Sustainability: Sustainability manages your enterprise activities’ long-term environmental, economic, and societal impact.

Embedding all these six pillars to your organization will increase your organization’s ROI and decrease operational expenditure and TCO. These core pillars in your organization will give you 15-20% faster income growth.

How to Calculate ROI from DevOps?

On different aspects, ROI varies in DevOps. Although, there are ways to measure the ROI of DevOps:

1. Acceleration

  • Automation: Reduced manual intervention and continuous testing to fix issues
  • Infrastructure Retrieval: The swiftness of production recovery from incidents of collapses
  • Frequency of Releasing: Speed of code releases to production
  • Resilience of Infrastructure: Reducing downtime induced by infrastructure failures through automation
  • Infrastructure Efficiency: Resource shielding to protect from production, and deployment failures
  • Iterations: Number of modifications and fixes made from customer feedback and requests

2. Mindset

  • Tech-oriented- Application, service, and hardware
  • Procedure-oriented – Enhancing by continuous feedback loops, deploying and undertaking upgrades
  • Employee-oriented – Prioritizing work grade and productivity

3. Performance

  • Low IT Performers- Focus on opportunities and improvement areas to set measurable goals.
  • Medium IT Performers- Reaps benefits by eradicating technological deficits and weighing value and velocity.
  • High IT Performers- Targets high profits and foremost product delivery pipeline.

These are different ways to drive ROI in various aspects. But, there are some key factors as well that can affect ROI monetary values like-

Price of Introducing Process

Expenses of introducing processes begin from software development environments and processes to CI/CD. They all have a shared thread in spite of the changes available in individual working approaches.

Product Development Cost

Product development cost starts with the hourly expense of software product development. You can calculate the cost by multiplying the average yearly compensation and employer expenses and dividing this figure by the yearly working hours.

Expense Savings

Expense savings are accomplished by the successful integration of a specific DevOps model. It should have the accuracy to efficiently recognize the overall monetary benefit discovered through DevOps.

You can use this formula to convert ROI monetary value into ROI percentage:

ROI monetary value into ROI percentage

Boosts Innovation & Development

The traditional SDLC (software development lifecycle) took long lead times and a longer time for patching the code and bug fixes. Various teams were responsible for writing, testing, and deploying code without seamless communication.

DevOps replaced the manual processes with automation and integrated all teams into a single environment. This reduces bugs, makes the team productive, and frees their time to focus on development, improvement, and innovation. Hire DevOps Engineer and harness the benefits.

Reduced Expenditure on IT Infrastructure Upkeep

Here’s how the DevOps methodology automates all software development processes and reduces monthly expenses.

Establishing CI and CD Pipelines, Continuous Delivery, IaC, Reduces Overprovisioning of the Resources, Cloud Migration

Reduced Expenditure on IT Infrastructure Upkeep

  • Establishing CI and CD Pipelines: When CI and CD pipelines in workflow lower the MTTR (mean time to resolution), the development team can focus on improving the product quality and feature releases. Automating software tests ensures that codes deployed in short clusters won’t impact the infrastructure and prevent bugs from escaping to production.

Reduced bugs and MTTR sidestep consistent poor workflows and technical deficits.

  • Continuous Delivery: It is the most substantial aspect of DevOps. After passing through a testing environment, the code is transferred from the development stage to the release stage. The developers can release updates and fix bugs faster. Continuous Integration enables them to upload code.
  • Infrastructure as a Code (IaC): The fundamental key of the DevOps model enables the automation of routine tasks. The IaC approach hit two targets with one arrow: it eliminates the Dev team’s responsibility for infrastructure provisioning, permitting them to avert human intervention blunders and concentrate on product innovation and enhancement.
  • Reduces Overprovisioning of the Resources: Private cloud providers ensure that your system uses the CPU effectively and all complimentary RAM with container orchestration tools.
  • Cloud Migration: It decodes ineffective use of resources. Public cloud providers like GCP, Microsoft Azure, and AWS guarantee smart use of resources through load balancing and auto-scaling. The best part is that you only pay for the cloud features you employ.

These are the five most crucial factors that show how DevOps helps lower the bills of an IT infrastructure.

Promotes Collaborated and Engaged Efforts

Targeting Scaled DevOps Adoption

DevOps accentuates a collective approach and collaboration at all software development levels, from coding and testing to monitoring, release, and updates.

This system allows developers, system administrators, and testers to communicate seamlessly and work effectively as they work in an integrated environment to maintain uniformity across all functions.

Team members in a DevOps model also embrace multiple roles to accomplish tasks, increasing organizational efficiency and roles and responsibilities. This also encourages the team members to improve their skills for a seamless product development lifecycle and seamless user experience.

DevOps also increases employee productivity and satisfaction. By implementing DevOps, the software developed is error-free and efficient. Lesser bugs mean the team members spend less time fixing them, enabling them to work on working and creating better products.

When the development and operations teams spend less time patching bugs and support, it reduces their stress, allows them to enjoy their work, and increases job satisfaction.

Lesser Chances of Failures

The State of DevOps Report shows that businesses adopting a DevOps model experience reduced failures by 60 times.

DevOps aims to promote team collaboration, where the members understand all functions in the development lifecycle, from infrastructure to configuration. This also allows developers to write and fix code simultaneously, reducing the prospect of bugs.

Before releasing the product, the users get to use and give feedback if problems emerge, allowing developers to fix and instantly release the update without much delay.

Enhanced Service Availability

Gartner stated in its study that the average IT downtime cost for large firms could reach $5,600 each minute.


Even if it is not a significant issue, enterprises from inaccessibility for their services to customers, on average, can lose from $140,000 to $300,000 each hour. Mid-size businesses and startups also suffer from downtime, making them lose potential investors and customers.

Prominent market players who embraced DevOps to annihilate unavailability can save up to $100,000 every hour of decreased downtime. DevOps boosts your service availability through the implementation of:

  • IaC (Infrastructure-as-a-Code) enables standard tasks’ automation, reduces human intervention, enhances stability, makes testing more effective, and insinuates system consistency. You can implement this strategy through tools like Ansible, Terraform, and Pulumi.
  • Facilitating the CI and CD workflow and IaC to identify unstable updates with the infrastructure and preclude the deployment to delivery.

Enhances Security and Reduces Risks

DevOps helps organizations mitigate risks and enhance security by:

  • Creating automated testing environments and predefined compliance measures that integrate into the environment. This allows team members to identify the bugs while writing and testing the code simultaneously.
  • Reducing human intervention and errors by automating tasks
  • Incorporating the Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) model eliminates manual intervention and governs infrastructure configuration.
  • Assisting organizations to adapt to market changes faster by promoting an agile and flexible work environment.
  • Ensuring better adherence to compliance measures, like the PCI-DSS, by utilizing Policy as a Code model for managing and defining rules and conditions.

Implementing DevOps? Partner with OnGraph To Accelerate Your Business

To summarize, a well-planned DevOps implementation strategy can drastically increase the proficiency of your end-to-end delivery pipeline.

If you own a startup in the initial stage, we recommend you adopt the DevOps model so that you can scale your business rapidly. The adoption might be more challenging for large enterprises but is worth it, given the result in security, reliability, and scalability.

We at OnGraph, with 14 years of industry experience, can assist your business in developing a DevOps strategy by using containerization, integrating your environment with CI/CD Tools, automating tests and tasks, and monitoring application performance.

We are a group of innovators with proven expertise in various modern technologies like Node, PHP, ROR, WordPress, Angular, MySQL, HTML5, Android, iOS, Joomla, Magento, IOS, React Native, and so on to create exceptional applications, web designs, and tech developments that will assist you in getting ahead of competitors and become the face of the latest innovation.