Sports Betting App Development Guide 2024

Step-to-Step Guide for Betting App Development

Creating a successful betting app requires a deep understanding of the market, compliance with legal standards, and a user-friendly design. This tutorial covers the essential steps, considerations, and best practices in betting app development

Whether you’re a startup or an established business looking to enter the betting app market, these insights will help you navigate the process efficiently.

Understanding the Market and Legal Requirements

Why It’s Important:

Before diving into the technical development, it’s crucial to understand the betting market’s dynamics and the legal landscape. The online betting industry is highly regulated, with laws varying significantly across jurisdictions. Understanding these aspects is vital to ensure your app is compliant and can operate legally.

How to Proceed:

  • Research: Conduct thorough market research to identify your target audience’s preferences, the most popular sports, and betting types.
  • Legal Compliance: Consult legal experts to understand your target markets’ licensing requirements and gambling regulations. This step is crucial to avoid legal pitfalls and ensure your app’s operation is lawful.

Read more on market research tools.

Planning For Betting App Development

Planning For Betting App Development

Why It’s Important:

Precise planning sets the foundation for your app’s development process. It involves defining your app’s unique selling points (USPs), functionality, and the technology stack used. A well-thought-out plan considers the user experience(UX) and how the app will meet users’ needs.

How to Proceed:

  • Define Your USPs: What makes your app stand out? It could be unique betting options, superior user experience, or special features like live streaming.
  • Functionality and Features: List the essential features your app will offer, including user registration, payment processing, and betting options.
  • Technology Stack: Decide the technology stack that best suits your app’s requirements. This includes choosing native and hybrid app development platforms, backend technologies, and third-party services.

Read more on hiring an Android developer

Betting App Development: User Interface & User Design

Why It’s Important:

The design of your app plays a critical role in user retention and satisfaction. A well-designed app is intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually appealing, making it simple for users to place bets, deposit funds, and explore different sports and events.

How to Proceed:

  • User Flow: Map out the user flow to ensure a logical and efficient navigation path through the app.
  • Design Principles: Apply basic design principles to enhance usability. This includes consistency, visibility, feedback, and simplicity.
  • Prototyping: Use prototyping tools to create a visual mockup of your app. This helps visualize the app’s design and functionality before development begins.

Read more on React Native vs. Native App Development

Developing the App

Why It’s Important:

The development phase is where your app comes to life. This step involves coding, integrating databases, setting up servers, and implementing the app’s functionality and features based on the chosen technology stack.

How to Proceed:

  • Choose a Development Approach: Decide between in-house development, outsourcing, or hybrid. Consider factors like cost, expertise, and timeline.
  • Agile Development: Adopt an agile development methodology to allow for flexibility, regular testing, and iteration based on feedback.
  • Quality Assurance: Implement a robust QA process to identify and fix bugs, ensuring the app is stable and performs well under different conditions.

User-Side Features

These are some of the features that should be added to your application to make it robust and of high quality:

User Registration and Login: A streamlined registration and login process is vital. Simplify these steps while ensuring security measures like two-factor authentication to protect users’ information.

Live Streaming Services: Offer live streaming of sports events. This feature is crucial for keeping users engaged, offering real-time insights into game progress, and enabling informed betting decisions.

Betting History: Allow users to track their betting history. This feature provides transparency and helps users analyze their betting strategies over time.

Multiple Betting Options: Incorporate a variety of betting options (money line bets, spread bets, over/under bets, parlay bets, etc.) to cater to the diverse preferences of your user base, enhancing the app’s appeal.

In-app Deposits and Withdrawals: Facilitate easy, secure in-app financial transactions. Ensure the straightforward process supports multiple payment methods and currencies to accommodate global users.

Admin-Side Features

Data Analysis: Implement data analysis tools to monitor engagement levels, user behavior, and app performance. This data can guide targeted improvements and marketing strategies.

Customer Management: Develop a robust system for tracking user activity, managing accounts, and efficiently addressing user inquiries.

Payment Tracking: A comprehensive payment tracking system is essential for managing financial transactions within the app, ensuring transparency and integrity in monetary operations.

Security Management: Incorporate advanced security protocols to safeguard user data and transactions, including encryption and secure access controls.

User Management: User management tools are crucial for defining access level permissions and managing user accounts, ensuring a smooth operational flow.

Betting Management: A flexible betting management system allows for easily organizing bets, including placement, cancellation, and settlement.

Odds Management: Odds management capabilities enable the adjustment of betting odds in real-time based on the latest information and trends.

Integrating Payment Systems

Why It’s Important:

A reliable and secure payment system is crucial for a betting app, allowing users to deposit and withdraw funds easily. It should support multiple payment methods and currencies to accommodate users from different regions.

How to Proceed:

  • Payment Gateway Integration: Select reputable payment gateways that support the payment methods and currencies you plan to offer.
  • Security: Ensure all transactions are encrypted and comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements to protect user data and build trust.

Read more on Cloud Migration for Business Scaling

Obtaining Licenses and Certifications

Why It’s Important:

Operating a betting app requires obtaining licenses from the regulatory authorities in the jurisdictions where the app will be available. This step is mandatory to ensure the legality of your operation.

How to Proceed:

  • Application Process: The licensing process can be complex and time-consuming. Prepare all required documentation and follow the guidelines provided by the regulatory bodies.
  • Compliance: Stay current with regulatory changes and ensure your app remains compliant to maintain your license.

Launching the App

Launching the app

Why It’s Important:

Launching your betting app is critical and requires careful planning and marketing to ensure it reaches your target audience effectively.

How to Proceed:

  • Beta Testing: Conduct beta testing with a limited audience to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Marketing Strategy: Develop a marketing strategy that includes social media, SEO, influencer partnerships, and advertising campaigns to generate interest and attract users.
  • App Store Optimization (ASO): Optimize your app store listing to improve visibility and attract downloads.

Post-Launch Monitoring and Updates

Why It’s Important:

After launching your app, monitoring its performance, user feedback, and market trends is vital. This allows you to make informed decisions about future updates and improvements.

How to Proceed:

  • Analytics: Use tools to track user behavior, app performance, and other vital metrics.
  • User Feedback: Monitor user feedback through app reviews, support tickets, and social media to identify areas for improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly update your app with new features, improvements, and security measures to keep it relevant and secure.

Recommended Tech Stacks for Betting App Development

Choosing the right technology stack is crucial for the performance, scalability, and maintainability of your sports betting app. Here are some recommendations:

  • Frameworks and Languages: Consider using React or Vue.js for web applications, Swift for iOS, Java or Kotlin for Android, and React Native or Flutter for hybrid apps.
  • Backend: PHP Laravel, Node.js, or Python/Django are robust options for developing your app’s backend, ensuring scalability and efficiency.
  • Database & Storage: Use relational databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL for structured data storage, ensuring fast, reliable access to data.


Developing a betting app is a complex process that involves careful planning, design, development, and compliance with legal standards.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and focusing on creating a user-friendly, secure, and legally compliant app, you can enter the competitive world of betting apps with a product that stands out.

Remember, success in this space requires technical excellence, a deep understanding of your users, and ongoing engagement to meet their evolving needs.

Why Choose OnGraph?

  • Expertise Across Platforms: Whether it’s native, cross-platform, or HTML5 development, our team is equipped to deliver superior-quality mobile apps that run seamlessly across devices.
  • Customized Solutions: Explicitly tailored to your business needs, ensuring that the app aligns perfectly with your objectives and customer expectations.
  • End-to-End Services: From UI/UX design, development, and QA testing to post-launch maintenance, we provide full-cycle development services.
  • Proven Track Record: Accredited as a top mobile app development company, our portfolio speaks volumes of our ability to deliver cutting-edge solutions.

Our Range of Mobile Application Development Services Includes:

  • Android App Development: We develop Android apps that stand out on the Google Play Store, from smartphones to wearables and TVs.
  • iOS App Development: Tailored, high-quality iOS applications that deliver a premium user experience on all Apple devices.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Leverage frameworks like Flutter and React Native to build apps that perform flawlessly across platforms.
  • Mobile App Integration: Seamless integration with existing web applications, enhancing functionality and user engagement.

Ready to start your mobile app development project? Contact OnGraph to discuss your ideas and discover how we can turn them into reality. Our team is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a seamless and successful project delivery.

Jamstack For Business Growth


Jamstack is one of the latest technology lingos gaining widespread popularity among major organizations because of its promise of offering a revolutionary approach to web app development that is simpler, cost-effective, productive, secure, and has enhanced performance.

The State of Jamstack Report 2022 showed that 44% of developers choose 44% to build apps with stability and reliability. 43% of the developers chose Jamstack for productivity, and 40% leveraged Jamstack for its security benefits.

Jamstack’s wide range of offerings like better speed, high scalability, better developer experience, and saving resources has completely changed the way we think about web application development. You can learn more about its purpose and how to get started with the aid of this comprehensive guide.

What is Jamstack?

jamstack workflow

Jamstack, which stands for Javascript, APIs, and Markup, is first and foremost a software architecture and philosophy.

Nowadays, the term “Jamstack” describes an architectural method for creating websites. Although there are differing views on what exactly the Jamstack approach signifies today, the majority of websites that make this claim include the following characteristics:


The frontend and backend use separate tooling. Developers typically use a static site generator to create the front end, while APIs are commonly utilized throughout the building process to interface the back end with the front end. Additionally, serverless functions can be used to perform server-side procedures.


Although there are many techniques for adding dynamic functionality to Jamstack sites, the majority of them are pre-rendered, meaning that the front end was written and compiled into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Progressively Enhanced

Pre-rendered websites can incorporate the JavaScript framework when necessary, enhancing browser performance.

What makes up the Jamstack Ecosystem?

The Jamstack architecture consists of Javascript, APIs, and Markup. Its origins can be traced to the development of the word “static site” into something more significant (and marketable). Although the end product is ultimately a static site, it has been expanded to incorporate top-notch tooling at every stage.

jamstack buildup


The JavaScript framework has arguably contributed the most to Jamstack’s popularity. All of the dynamic and interactive elements that we might not have if we were serving plain HTML markups without our preferred browser language are now possible thanks to it.

This is where UI frameworks like React, Vue, and more recent additions like Svelte frequently find use. By offering component APIs and technologies that output a straightforward HTML file, they make creating Jamstack applications easier and more organized.

These HTML markup files contain a collection of assets, such as photos, CSS, and the actual JS, which you can eventually serve to a browser via your preferred CDN (content delivery network).

Here’s a good read: A detailed comparison between JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks


The key to creating dynamic websites is to make use of APIs’ strengths. Your application will use Javascript to send an HTTP request to another provider, whether it’s for authentication or search, which will ultimately improve the user experience in some way.

You can contact as many hosts as you need for an API.

For instance, if you host your blog entries using a headless WordPress API, store your specialized media in a Cloudinary account, and run your site’s search engine using an Elasticsearch instance, all of these components work together to give visitors to your site a seamless experience.

HTML Markup

This is the essential component. It’s the initial piece you serve to the client, whether it’s your handwritten HTML or the code that generates the HTML. This is essentially a de facto component of every website, but the most crucial aspect is how you provide it.

The HTML must be delivered statically for it to qualify as a Jamstack app, which entails that it cannot be dynamically rendered from a server.

Benefits of Leveraging Jamstack Development

benefits of jamstack

Here are some proven benefits of leveraging Jamstack web development for your business:


Because Jamstack apps are typically served directly via a CDN as static files, your app will probably load extremely quickly. It’s no longer necessary for the server to create the page first before replying; instead, you can deliver the page “as is” as plain HTML or with client-side hydration, like with React.

Great for SEO

Websites built with Jamstack load swiftly and effectively. You want a website that loads quickly and easily when it comes to Google. A website of this kind will rank highly on Google. a high ranking, which will increase visitors to your website.

Jamstack also allows you complete freedom over where and how you position your content. You can add page titles, meta descriptions, alt texts, and so much more with Jamstack. All of these details will increase your website’s search engine exposure.


Jamstack sites cost less to maintain than their server-side equivalents. Static asset hosting is inexpensive, and your page is now being served at the same speed.


Since you’re serving your files from static hosting, most likely a CDN, you essentially have infinite scalability by default. The majority of companies will make this guarantee, so you won’t have any issue letting any influx of visitors enter through the front door.

Great Developer Experience

As a Jamstack developer, you have unlimited flexibility because you can select your own tech stack. Developers are free to work without being constrained by a particular platform or technology. Additionally, it’s getting much easier to reuse functionality across different websites or applications with the emergence of microservice APIs and reusable APIs.


You don’t need to maintain a web server because it isn’t the basis of your static website. No matter which provider you choose, your static HTML markup, CSS, and JS are kept up to date without causing you any headaches.


Considering that you don’t have to directly manage a web server, you don’t have to worry as much about securing entry points for outsiders.

To secure private material and reassure your consumers that their personal information isn’t made public, you should instead concentrate mostly on permissions.

Drawbacks of Leveraging Jamstack

Here are some drawbacks of using Jamstack for development. Although the drawbacks are not major, it is necessary to understand them and mitigate any risks that can arise during the development process.

Dependence on Third-party Systems

You depend on third-party systems and APIs to function consistently because your website depends so heavily on them. Your website is affected if a third-party system or API is unavailable (or parts of it).

It’s the same as when a regular website’s server goes down, but with a Jamstack site, there are very few things you can do to solve the issue if it’s a problem with a third-party supplier.

Tougher Implementation of Updates

You’ll need to use code to change your templates if you want to do so. Since the content is separated from your front end, editors cannot easily alter the templates. Since they can’t be quickly updated in other ways, this will frequently imply that developers will have to spend extra time creating the updates.

Not Suited with Content Editors

Though content marketers and editors may not necessarily enjoy it, developers probably do. Your content editors must be fairly technically proficient to develop and update material because you must serve your content as Markup.

As your editors lose editing features they’re familiar with from a content management system, it can slow down content development and often require you to teach your editors new skills for Jamstack CMS. They will also be in charge of effective media management, which can be time-consuming.

Problems with Dynamic Features

As long as we’re creating pages with content and photos, Jamstack sites are fantastic. You can encounter problems when your site needs dynamic content and features. You will have to conduct more of the labor-intensive work yourself using API calls or your code if you don’t have a database to handle your requests.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t do it, but since your architecture lacks these dynamic elements, it will require more resources to complete.

Tools You Can Use For Jamstack Development

You can utilize several tools available to get started with Jamstack development and provide amazing web experiences. They might be a bit rough on the edges since this is a brand-new tooling area.

Jamstack toolkit

To help you get started, here is a compiled a list of the best tools for each development phase and with our recommendations.

Application Construction with Jamstack

You can choose your preferred user-interface framework and start working on the development process of your app. Here are some popular frameworks that you can choose from. We recommend Gatsby for app development since it is the most popular choice.

  • Gatsby
  • Scully
  • Hugo
  • 11ty
  • Nift

Application Deployment with Jamstack

If you wish to have more control, AWS is one of the best options. However, tools like Zeit and Netlify CMS make configurations easier by hooking into your GitHub repository and building whenever you push a new commit.

  • AWS
  • Zeit
  • GCP
  • Azure
  • Netlify
  • GitHub Pages
  • Surge

Adding API and other Dynamic Functionality with Jamstack

Here are some ideas and tools for API and other dynamic features.

  • Google Analytics – Website traffic analytics
  • Auth0 – Authentication processes
  • – Unlimited lists of headless content management systems
  • Cloudinary – Media management
  • Snipcart – E-commerce
  • Sanity – CMS
  • Stripe – Payments
  • Serverless Framework – DIY, easy-to-deploy serverless resources

Some Use Cases of Jamstack

The use cases and tips discussed below will enable you to leverage the best out of Jamstack development.

Content delivery network (CDN)

When you have already created all the assets and markup, content delivery network (CDN) delivery is a great option for results in improved performance and increased scalability.

Cache invalidation

After uploading your build is complete, the content delivery network clears its cache, indicating that your fresh construction is operational now.

Version control

You can store your codebase in a version management tool like Git. The main advantages include traceability, collaboration, and history changes.

Atomic deploys

In atomic deploys, each deployment builds an exact site’s duplicate to ensure it is accessible everywhere in a uniform version.

Automated builds

When a new build becomes essential, your server gets alerted, mostly through webhooks. After the server creates the project and updates the content delivery networks, the site goes live.

Read more: A Complete Guide to Cross-Platform App Development

Is Jamstack the Future?

Yes! Jamstack is a good option for the proper project, and the decoupled architecture instead of the traditional monolithic architecture has many benefits for many websites.

jamstack vs traditional workflow

However, Jamstack requires certain technical expertise from both developers and editors to thrive. Thus, you might not get the outcomes you want if your team lacks the ability to use Jamstack effectively.

If all a visitor sees on your website is the same old content that your editors are fighting to update, it won’t matter how quickly it loads.

Consider adopting a headless CMS if you want to eliminate the editor experience, which is the main drawback of a typical Jamstack site. By doing this, you can maintain the editor experience while still relying on a decoupled architecture with RESTful APIs supplying and rendering the content.

Start Jamstack Development with OnGraph

The best way to kickstart your Jamstack development journey with guaranteed success is to partner with a reliable Jamstack development company with expertise in various industry verticals.

Being a leader in providing the most innovative Jamstack website development services, OnGraph is an agile organization with a team of proficient developers and 15+ years of industry experience in giving scalable, trustworthy, and customized Jamstack development services.

If you have a Jamstack project, OnGraph can help you successfully finish it with our in-house team of Jamstack developers. To get started with Jamstack web development, reach us or schedule an appointment for Jamstack consulting now.

A Complete Guide to Cross Platform App Development 2024

Cross Platform App Development

Statista sources from 2024 show that Andriod and iOS combined cover almost 99% of the global mobile OS market with 3.5 million apps in the Play Store and about 2.22 million mobile apps in the App Store. In this blog, we are providing a complete guide to Cross Platform App Development.

In today’s highly competitive and evolving digital ecosystem, enterprises do not confine their presence to a single platform. Since going for native application development for each platform is quite expensive.

A prediction by Forrester shows that over 60% of organizations are already using or involved with cross-platform app development.

What is a Cross Platform App Development Framework?

This framework is a tool that simultaneously operates on multiple platforms and operating systems like Android, iOS, and web applications. It follows the one-size-fits-all code and does not require separate coding for the different platforms or OS.

Cross-platform application development builds a software product or service development compatible with several platforms and OS. This process is achieved either by creating separate versions of the app or opting for an app development framework.

Cross-platform Mobile Apps use a bridge similar to hybrid apps that allows the programming language to run on any device without the need to rewrite the program for different platforms.

Most enterprises develop a cross-platform application through their in-house development team or outsource the project to reduce expenses and time.

What are the Major Platforms and Operating Systems?

Major Platforms and Operating Systems

Here are a few key platforms and operating systems:


It is an open-source mobile OS owned by Google and mainly designed for touchscreen devices like smartphones, smart tech, smart TVs, and smartwatches. It is the most popular mobile operating system.


iOS is the second-most popular mobile operating system powered by Apple. It is a closed OS with open-source components. iOS is mainly associated with Apple’s products like iPhone, Macbook, iPad, and so on.

Web Application-

A Web app is a third-party software or application program in a remote server that you can access over the network through a browser on your device.

Which Programming Languages are cross-platform?

Java is the most popular and robust language among the developer community and is a universal cross-platform language. Other cross-platform programming languages include JavaScript, Dart, Kotlin, Objective-C, C#, and Swift.

Difference Between Native and Cross Platform App Development

Both Native and cross-platform development are emerging technologies that are continually and rapidly advancing. Although cross-platform is the latest buzzword, native application development is also quite popular because of the benefits it offers.

Native app development targets creating complex sustainable software with seamless performance and high UI consistency on a platform. In contrast, the cross-platform approach aims to cover multiple end devices at a relatively lower cost.


  • Performance
  • Cost
  • Deployment Time
  • Device Access
  • Security
  • User Interface Consistency

Native App Development

  • Seamless performance since all features and functions are built to suit a particular OS
  • Higher development cost
  • Higher time to market since code needs to be written from scratch for multiple platforms
  • The Platform Software Development Kit assures access to the API of the device without barriers
  • It comes with several in-built security features
  • A highly consistent user interface

Cross Platform App Development

  • High performance, but compatibility issues and lagging may occur, sometimes
  • Relatively lower development cost
  • Code reusability significantly lowers the time to market
  • No guaranteed access to APIs of the device
  • Comparatively less secure
  • Relatively lower UI consistency

Examples of Cross Platform Application Development Framework Based on Programming Languages

Here are a few examples of common app development frameworks and the language they are based on.

Cross Platform App Development Framework

  • React Native, NativeScript, Cordova, Appcelerator
  • Flutter
  • RubyMotion
  • Xamarin
  • BeeWare, Kivy
  • Codename One

Programming Language

  • JavaScript
  • Dart
  • Ruby
  • C#
  • Python
  • Java

What are the Benefits of Cross Platform App Development?

Benefits of Cross-Platform App Development

Provides Wider Market Research

Compared to the native app development approach, which faces the problem of limited reach and short market research, cross-platform app development wins this battle with wide market research and user reach.

In native app development, your app is developed specifically for Android and iOS, limiting user access. In contrast, this app development enables developers to launch the same app on multiple platforms. Market research is enhanced when you are not limited to any specific device or platform.

Reduced Workload

cross-platform app development has a quicker turnaround because developers don’t create multiple apps for different platforms but only one app for all platforms. That means cross-platform app development reduces the development time and workload.

Reduced Development Cost

Using cross-platform app development technology reduces the number of development hours and also the overall project budget. With a reduced development budget, the costs for all related services like deployment, quality testing, and ongoing support get automatically reduced.

Choosing cross-platform mobile app development over native app development technique organizations can cut overall costs by almost 30-40%.

Uniform Design

Smooth performance and a smart look (UI) and feel (UX) attract users. Cross-platform app development requires only one common development team with a single codebase to give a uniform look and feel across different platforms. This means the cross-platform mobile app development company offers the same user interface and UX on all platforms.

Further, cross-platform development ensures that the app UI/UX will remain uniform for every update and easy to sync.

Easier Maintenance & Deployment

With the help of this development framework Flutter, streamlines the app development, maintenance, and deployment process. Maintenance is crucial after successfully deploying your high-quality apps across Android and iOS users, and with one codebase, it becomes easy too.

The development cycle may look pretty simple and straight, but there are many inevitable bug fixes and improvements even during the running phase. Imagine doing maintenance and deployment for multiple applications of one business for development platforms. Yes, it does not sound feasible, and that’s why you need cross-platform development technology as a one-point solution for all.

Quicker Development Process

Compared to the native apps, which are developed specifically for one platform, like Android or iOS, but not both. That means building a native app for Android and iOS is developing two apps, two codebase support, and two sets of teams that increase the development time.

However, the cross-platform approach needs only one codebase for all platforms eliminating the rewriting of code from scratch every time and quicker the development process.

Faster Time-to-Market and Customization

A single codebase cross-development approach reduces the development, deployment, and customization time, as testing is required on one single codebase. Also, when any customization or bug is fixed, it’s done in the same code for all platforms saving time and effort.

Reusable Code

Reusability of code is one of the most significant benefits of cross-platform mobile app development, due to which business owners and organizations adopt this approach. Developers don’t have to write the same code separately for different platforms like Android and iOS Android, but they can reuse the same code.

Furthermore, this app development frameworks like Flutter have pre-written code for other functionalities, which developers can use to save time and effort.

Easy Cloud Integration

Cloud Integration is easy with cross-platform development solutions based on cloud technologies. Also, organizations can integrate with various frameworks with cross-platform applications to implement several ready-to-use plugins to improve pp functionality, aesthetics, validity, etc.

[Also Read: List of Top 10 Python Frameworks for Mobile App Development]

Challenges in the Cross Platform App Development Process

Cross-Platform App Development Process

Cross-platform app development process offers several benefits, but it is not without some challenges. These drawbacks are not a deal-breaker, but it is essential to note them.

Inferior UX And UI Compared to Native Apps

Interior UI and UX are significant disadvantages of cross-platforms. This framework builds applications for all platforms using the same code, unlike native apps specifically built for iOS or Android platforms focusing on specific UX and UI design.


The biggest misconception is that cross-platform development is easy because developers have to work only on one codebase. However, novice developers face several difficulties during the development phase as they have to use cross-compliance during the development process.

Cross-compliance, when not used correctly, can result in sluggish code, which ultimately slows the application.

Possible Lower Performance

Performance built up with new features and updates is slow to possess in cross-platform apps compared to native apps because the framework you use for pushing a recent update or feature may or may not be packed with all the latest features and versions of releases for a particular OS.


cross-platform apps are less secure than native apps as they use APIs and native frameworks. Furthermore, cross-platform mobile apps have a high chance of security issues and breaches.

Best Cross Platform App Development Frameworks

Best cross-platform App Development Frameworks

The rising popularity of cross-platform app development has given rise to numerous cross-platform frameworks. We have listed the best five cross-platform application development frameworks in the market pool of multiple tools.

React Native

React Native is one of the most popular cross-platform app development frameworks created by Facebook in 2015.

Basic overview of React Native


Flutter is an open-source, free cross-platform application development framework created by Google in 2018. Although Flutter has not been in the market for very long, its features and capabilities has made it one of the most loved frameworks by developers according to the Developer Survey Results by StackOverflow.

Most Loved Frameworks


Xamarin is an independent, open-source, cross-platform app development framework acquired by Microsoft in 2016. It is the oldest framework, founded in 2011, and has a large developer community.

Basic overview of Xamarin Architecture

Phone Gap

Phone Gap is an open-source mobile application framework. It is one of the best frameworks for cross-platform application development developed by Adobe Systems. Phone Gap uses the best existing languages for development, like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

Cross-Platform Market Share


Ionic is an open-source SDK and is one of the most popular cross-platform app development frameworks that enables developers to create a fantastic UI with user-friendly interfaces and features. It also supports the development of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

Ionic Usage Statistics

Cross-Platform Table

How to Select a Cross Platform App Development Framework for Your Enterprise

When you have decided to go for cross-platform app development instead of going native, the problem of determining the best platform suited to your business needs arises. The choice of the most suited framework depends on several factors, the most significant ones being the organizational size, required solution, and developer skills.

Here are a few parameters that can drive you to make the best decision.

  • Security: If your project has sensitive data involved, you should choose a framework that offers maximum security benefits.
  • Workload of the development: If you have a large project that involves several functions and processes, you should opt for a cross-platform app tool that can support heavy workloads.
  • Scalability: If seamless performance is your primary goal, you can choose a platform that offers the best app performance.
  • Compatibility: If you’re a brand with a target to cover as many end devices and platforms as possible, you can choose the most compatible framework.

[Also Read: Custom Mobile App Development Company for Your Startup]

Opting for Cross Platform App Development? Partner with OnGraph

Going for cross-platform app development and choosing a framework is not enough. Several other processes are involved, from hiring the developers, planning, and development to testing, updates, bug fixes, and rolling out the software.

Here you have two choices: seek help hiring the best cross-platform app developers, or outsource the entire project. So OnGraph provides staffing services and custom cross platform app development services on frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Ionic.

Ongraph Technologies has been empowering enterprises and startups around the globe for the last 14 years with smart solutions and delivering sustainable technology. We believe in building long-term relationships with our customers by providing them with affordable, timely, and effective solutions.

Scale Your Business with Using of Flutter App Development

What is Flutter

With Android exceeding the 100 thousand per month mark, scaling the business is getting more challenging. And it’s not just Android; around 30,000+ apps are on the list for iOS devices. Flutter is a one-in-all solution to all your business challenges and has also swiftly gained popularity in the last few years. Choosing Flutter app development helps you in multiple areas:  

  • In creating cross-platform mobile applications.
  • Building simple or feature-rich programs. 
  • Building programs for multiple OS while preserving integrity and speed.

cross platforms mobile apps used by software developers


Statista research shows Flutter is the second most sought-after cross-platform mobile application development framework, with React Native holding the first spot. 

Let’s dive deeper and uncover why Flutter heeds the list.

What is Flutter?

In May 2017, Google developed an advanced framework with a single codebase to create high-quality, high-performance mobile applications for Android and iOS with flexible UI designs and named it Flutter.

Being a free and open-source platform, Flutter gained a massive user base and helped millions of developers all across the globe. Flutter is not just free but a simple, powerful, efficient, and easy-way-to-understand SDK that allows mobile application building in Google’s own language, Dart. 

Technically, Flutter is not completely a framework but a comprehensive SDK that allows cross-platform app creation for various Operating Systems and offers different functionalities like rendering engine, testing and integration APIs, ready-made widgets, and command-line tools.

Flutter is divided into two segments:

  • Software Development Kit (SDK): SDK is required to create fully functioning applications, as it contains a collection of tools, APIs, frameworks, and libraries.
  • Framework: Like any other framework, Flutter also contains a collection of reusable UI elements that you can use and personalize for your development needs.

The Three Architectural Layers of Flutter

Architectural Layers of Flutter

The three architectural layers or the three-tier architecture (N-tier) is one of the most popular architectures for developing applications and programs. These three layers of Flutter are- 


Also known as the interaction layer, most developers associate with Flutter’s platform through this layer. The framework layer is also among the most modern frameworks available.

Building block services and core classes with pictorial explanations, animation, and gestures make Flutter application development easy. 

Components of Framework layer: Widgets, Material, Rendering, and Cupertino


It is the second layer in the architecture where the flutter code is added to an existing or new app as a module or as the entire application’s content. The Embedder application framework can gain required services like accessibility, input, and rendering surfaces.

Moreover, embedder is created in a platform-specific language for iOS, Android, and macOS. For Android, it’s Java, and for macOS and iOS, it’s C++, Objective-C/Objective-C++. 


It is the final layer in the architecture that manages network requests, output, and input. Flutter has Skia as its rendering engine, which reaches Flutter’s framework through Dart. Dart encapsulates the C++ code to Dart classes. Flutter Engine also handles rendering translation challenges in C/C++.

About Dart: Flutter’s Programming Language

In 2011, Google developed Dart as an open-source, object-oriented programming language with C-style syntax, which developers can use as a general-purpose programming language. Application developers can use Dart programming to create front-end user interfaces for mobile and web applications.

Features of Dart

Dart is under active development and is compiled into native machine code for building mobile apps and programs using modern tools. It is inspired by other popular programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and C#. You cannot execute code directly in Dart as it is a compiled language. The compiler parses it and transfers it into machine code for executing the code.

What is Flutter used for?

Fortunately, many answers to this question vary from user to user. 

For users, the Flutter development framework gives life to amazing applications.

For developers, Flutter helps lower the entry bar for creating apps. It also helps reduce complications and fares and increases the speed of application production across different platforms.


For designers, Flutter is a tool that provides amazing UI/UX. Flutter can turn concepts into production code without any compromises typical frameworks impose. After the recent update, CodePen support is added to share your ideas with fellow developers, making it a prolific tool

For tech support teams, engineering managers, and enterprises, Flutter enables the integration of application developers into one desktop, web, and mobile application team. This unification helps build branded apps for multiple platforms out of a single codebase. Also, development gets faster with Flutter synchronizing the releasing timetables through the user base.

Why Opt For Flutter App Development?

The most prominent reason why to opt for Flutter. The primary languages used are Kotlin, Objective C/Swift, and Java. Also, using these languages makes the overall development less expensive and fast, allowing code repetition. 

In the past few years, Flutter has become famous among organizations and cross-platform tools like React Native, PhoneGap, and Xamarin.

With Flutter, you can facilitate responsiveness for mobile applications without JavaScript bridges, reducing most hectic development procedures. Also, it aligns perfectly with various iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, MAC, and Google Fuchsia.

Flutter Details

Flutter’s recent stats say: 

Total Number of Apps: Over 25 Thousand

Total Downloads: Over 12 Billion

Here’s a list of reasons why one should choose Flutter over other application development frameworks: 

Enhanced Performance

Flutter uses Dart language that gets compiled directly into machine code and enhances performance. It also eradicates errors caused by interpreting mistakes which increase competitiveness and performance.

Faster, More Productive, and Steady

At Flutter, you get readymade gadgets and syntax with fewer code lines. Shorter code makes bug fixing and updating more simple. Application takes less time to develop than other native languages and less time to roll out to the marketplace, which ultimately increases overall efficiency and development speed. 


Due to its effective and cost-efficient flow, it gives a tough fight to other cross-platform application development frameworks. Flutter takes less time to establish a mobile app than other development frameworks.

Supports Cross-Platform Application Development

Flutter is an open-source app development framework that offers cross-platform app development. Both Android and iOS device applications can be built using Flutter. 

Enhanced User Experience

The Flutter app development framework helps create the best presentation layer/ UI interface that enhances user experience.

Flutter App Development is Cost-effective

Reusing the code reduces cost and complexity, ultimately making development faster.

Support for Older Devices

Taking modern devices as the primary user platform is essential to compete in the current business race. But, Flutter builds applications that work seamlessly on both new and old devices.

Google guaranteed

Brand trust from Google is enough to ensure quality and modern functionalities. 

Availability of Widgets: Simplifying App Development

Flutter highlights widgets as a constitutional unit to simplify application development. Widgets are simple building blocks of Flutter’s UI, where each widget is a fixed manifesto of the UI.

Based on composition, Widgets outline into different levels where every widget nests in the center of its parent and get context from the parent. This structure carries up to the root widget (the container hosting Flutter, like CupertinoApp or MaterialApp)

Basic widgets


It helps to build a run of designed text in the program or your app.

Column, Row

These widgets enable the development of adaptable layouts in the vertical (Column) and horizontal (Row) directions. 


This widget lets you place other widgets above the other in the paint order rather than following a linear orientation.


This is the most creative widget that allows you to build a rectangular perceptible element.

What Kind of Apps Can You Develop in Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source, cross-stage mobile application development framework for building local interfaces on Android and iOS. Presented by Google in 2017, Flutter works by wrapping a web view in a local application.

Besides its ability to fabricate applications with a native look and feel, this application development structure by Google is generally welcomed by engineers and ISVs for improvement.

Since Flutter works with developers to build cross-platform native apps with very little compromise, Flutter has been dependent on new companies and set-up brands. Here’s a recent usage statistics of the Flutter app development framework – 

Flutter App Development Stats

Benefits of Flutter App Development

Some benefits of Flutter app development are:

Advantages of Flutter App Development

Reusable Code: Single Codebase for Android and iOS

A reusable codebase makes Android and iOS app development easy and quick. It also reduces development time. 

Ready-to-use widgets offer countless possibilities

Widgets are the most useful and innovative features that let you create interfaces through various building components. It offers different fonts, padding, and buttons. It also helps create different layouts and customization from basic to complex.

Flutter App Development has a Low Learning Curve

The accessibility of easy-to-understand documentation makes Flutter learning easy for beginners and gains admiration from developers. The other best part about Flutter learning is that it uses Dart, one of the simplest languages for app development.

Popularity of Flutter App Development

Flutter framework allows mobile app developers with only fundamental programming experience to develop applications and prototypes.

Availability of the Skia Libraries

Skia is a swift and dynamic open-source library with a strong backend. It redrafts the user interface, enabling the rapid load of the application at sixty frames per second. This makes the users like the seamlessness of the application more than any other frameworks available.

Fast testing with hot reload

This feature got the most attention and praise from Flutter engineers worldwide. Yes, almost negligible reloading when making changes. Also, Flutter offers faster updates, testing, the introduction of newer features, and bug fixes.

Cons of Flutter App Development

Drawbacks are not like a deal-breaker, but they allow you to understand if it may not be the best choice for a project. Here are some drawbacks you may come across using Flutter. 

Lack of Support for iOS Features

As Flutter is a Google product, the iOS application support quality suffers. If most Software Development Kit features and functions work perfectly on Android (primary devices), then there are a few problems with iOS. 

Large file size because of the widgets

Adding widgets increases functionalities and file sizes, becoming a substantial concern. Sometimes this storage issue causes a developer or a flutter mobile app development company to select a different tool for development.

Limited tools and libraries

Flutter does not allow third-party libraries (majorly paid) for application development, so developers can only access certain functionality. 

Moreover, searching for free libraries and packages with pre-tested functions is quite difficult.

Tiny Flutter App Development Community

Dart still lacks a wide community since a handful of developers use it for app development. This is why Dart programming language has a relatively smaller application development community than JavaScript.

Examples of Popular Apps Developed on Flutter

Apps like Google Ads, Hamilton, and Alibaba’s Xianyu have distinctive and rich SDKs and are developed on Flutter. One of those prominent reasons why organizations use Flutter is because it helps apps expand faster.

Google Ads

Regarding marketing and monetizing, there’s no one close to Google Ads. It is a mobile application that helps in managing Google Advertisement campaigns. Earlier, managing Google Ads was only possible on a desktop. 

Google Ads is smartly designed to show campaign statistics, budget updates, real-time bids, keyword tweaking, and live notifications. In its recent update, there’s an additional feature to reach a professional for any queries and suggestions. The attractive UI encourages users and also makes it easy to use. 

Other examples of apps developed on Flutter are:

App Examples through Flutter App Development

  • BMW App
  • Google Pay
  • Alibaba
  • Reflect
  • Cryptograph
  • Dream 11
  • Tencent
  • Philips Hue 
  • MGM Resorts
  • Nubank

Have an App Idea? Start Flutter App Development Now with OnGraph

Flutter app development enables organizations and developers to seamlessly create native-like apps without worrying about the strict budget plan. Flutter also stretches the user base by publishing the apps on Android and iOS stores. 

Organizations mastering Objective C/Swift, Java, and Kotlin can directly move to Flutter as these are their primary languages. Further, it offers cross-platform toolkits like React Native, PhoneGap, and Xamarin for application development.

At OnGraph Technologies, we have about 250+ hand-picked top developers with expertise in various technologies and tech stacks. We provide the best resources for Flutter App Development and have created multiple Flutter applications despite the brief existence of this emerging technology.

You can schedule a consultation with us if you’d wish to realize an App idea and discuss Flutter’s benefits and cross-platform app development.

A Detailed Comparison between JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

Learning technical words can indeed be a pain. There are so many that it’s difficult to come up with clear explanations, and just when you think you’ve worked out what one term means, you’ll hear someone use it in a way you’ve never heard before. Here we described completely about JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks.

Consider the distinction between JavaScript libraries and JavaScript frameworks. These phrases are frequently interchanged, with people referring to libraries as frameworks and frameworks as libraries. But what exactly do these terms mean? Is there no difference between JS frameworks and libraries? No, not at all. We’re going to break it all down right now.

What are JavaScript Libraries?

JavaScript libraries, in general, are collections of prewritten code snippets that can be used (and reused) to execute common JavaScript tasks. JavaScript library code can be plugged in as needed to the rest of your project’s code. You’d paste the relevant jQuery code snippet into your project’s code if you wanted to add an autocomplete feature to a search bar on your site using jQuery (opens in a new tab) (one of the most ubiquitous JS libraries). The jQuery code snippet then fetches the feature from the jQuery library and shows it in the user’s web browser when the user types text into the search box.

What are JavaScript Frameworks?

While JavaScript frameworks are a specific tool for on-demand use, JavaScript frameworks are a comprehensive set of tools for shaping and organizing your website or online application. Consider this when trying to create frameworks in the context of JavaScript framework Vs library: JavaScript libraries are similar to pieces of furniture that add style and functionality to a home that has already been built. Frameworks, on the other hand, are a blueprint for the construction of the house.

Frameworks give you a structure to build your project around (like a skeleton, scaffolding, or framework). Page templates (supplied by the framework) are used to generate this structure, with certain places set aside for entering framework code (versus the library format, where the developer decides where to implement library code).

JavaScript Libraries vs. JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript Libraries vs. JavaSCript Frameworks

The main distinction between JavaScript libraries and frameworks is that libraries are made up of functions that an application can use to execute a task, whereas frameworks specify how an application is designed. In other words, rather than the other way around, the framework calls on the application code. Of course, libraries are still required for developers to complete fundamental web operations with JavaScript. Even if you’re utilizing a framework, it’s still necessary to have a thorough command of JavaScript.

In recent years, the nature of these technologies has shifted. For example, in 2015, jQuery was the most popular JavaScript library. Traditional JavaScript libraries are still relevant today, according to JavaScript Scene, but they are seeing greater competition from JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, Node.js, and Ember.js.


  1. A library is a set of reusable functions used by computer programs.
  2. You are in full control when you call a method from a library and the control is then returned.
  3. It’s incorporated seamlessly into existing projects to add functionality that you can access using an API.
  4. They are important in the program linking and binding process.
  5. Example: jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies DOM manipulation.


  1. A framework is a piece of code that dictates the architecture of your project and aids in programs.
  2. The code never calls into a framework, instead, the framework calls you.
  3. It cannot be seamlessly incorporated into an existing project. Instead, it can be used when a new project is started.
  4. They provide a standard way to build and deploy applications.
  5. Example: Angular is a JavaScript-based framework for dynamic web applications.

Top 10 JavaScript Libraries for 2024

  •     jQuery
  •     React.js
  •     D3.js
  •     Underscore.js
  •     Lodash
  •     Anime.js
  •     Bideo.js
  •     Chart.js
  •     Cleave.js
  •     Glimmer

Best 10 JavaScript Frameworks for 2024

  •     Angular
  •     Bootstrap
  •     Vue.js
  •     Ember.js
  •     Node.js
  •     Backbone.js
  •     Next.js
  •     Mocha
  •     Ionic
  •     Webix

Top 3 JavaScript Frameworks best suited for Mobile app development

Top 3 JavaScript Frameworks


The structure of the Ionic framework will be easily understood by developers who are already accustomed to app development. Its hybrid app codebase allows developers to create apps for various platforms, lowering overall development costs and shortening the time it takes for an app to reach the market.

Ionic developers have access to Cordova plugins, which improve the framework’s efficiency and allow developers to broaden its use.

Ionic makes application testing simple by providing four options, allowing developers to select the approach that best meets their needs.

On a desktop, using the WebKit browser, in an iOS or Android emulator, in a mobile browser, or as a native app on the device itself, testing can be done.

  • React Native

React Native is an open-source framework for creating cross-platform native apps that were introduced by Facebook in 2015. Developers may create mobile apps that are indistinguishable from native apps written in Objective-C, Swift, or Java utilizing React and JavaScript as programming languages.

React Native is a JavaScript library for creating UI blocks for web applications that is an extension of React. Declarative programming, virtual DOM, and reusable UI components are just a few of the premium features that set this JS framework apart from the hundreds of other options available for developing mobile apps.

  • NativeScript

NativeScript is an open-source framework that allows you to create cross-platform native apps using Angular, Vue.js, TypeScript, or JavaScript. It allows web developers to use their existing skills to create native mobile experiences.

NativeScript allows developers to create native mobile apps using Vue CLI, VueX, and other Vue framework features. NativeScript also combines recent Angular full-stack capabilities including router support, code generation, and Angular CLI integration, among others.

Top 3 JavaScript Frameworks best suited for web app development

Top 3 JavaScript Frameworks best suited for web app development

  • React.js

React is the current leader in the field of JavaScript UI frameworks. Initially, Facebook developers worked on it to make their jobs easier. The Facebook Ads program was developing at a breakneck pace, necessitating complex management and maintenance. As a result, the team began constructing a library to aid in their efficiency. Before 2011, they had a working prototype, and two years later, the library was open-source and open to the public. It is presently used by a number of major corporations, including Airbnb, PayPal, Netflix, and others.

React is built on the concept of reusable components. Simply described, these are code blocks that fall into one of two categories: classes or functions. Each component, such as a logo, a button, or an input box, represents a distinct portion of a page. Props, which stands for properties, are the parameters they employ. When it comes to syntax, most developers think that learning React is simple if you already know JavaScript.

  • Angular.js

Angular is a JavaScript framework that is both strong and open-source. This framework is run by Google and is intended for use in the development of Single Page Applications (SPA). This programming framework is well-known for providing the ideal circumstances for combining JavaScript with HTML and CSS. Angular is used by over half a million websites, including,, and others.

The support of Google is one of the things that makes it so reliable. It’s also the most used JavaScript UI framework among Google app developers. Angular, like React, has a component-based structure. They can be manipulated, nested, and reused as needed. To develop an Angular application, you’ll need to use TypeScript.

  • Vue.js

Vue is a free and open-source JavaScript framework for designing user interfaces. Because Vue is designed to be versatile, it is easy to integrate it into applications that use other JavaScript libraries. Vue is presently used by over 36,000 websites. Vue is used by companies such as Stack Overflow, PlayStation, and others for their UI websites.

Vue.js is also very simple to learn: all you need is a basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML. Vue.js’ official command-line interface is another strength (CLI). It’s basic tooling with a tone of plugins, presets, quick prototyping, and an interactive project scaffolding tool to speed up development. Components, templates, transitions, and two-way data binding, as well as a responsiveness focus, are some of its characteristics.

Which Should You Learn: JavaScript Framework or JavaScript Library?

Which should you learn if you’re new to web development now that you know the difference between a JavaScript framework and a library? Experts agree that both JavaScript libraries and frameworks have their place, but libraries are a fantastic place to start for inexperienced developers.

Despite the fact that all libraries and frameworks require a basic understanding of JavaScript, frameworks often require more JS expertise and experience, making the learning curve for libraries a little easier.

And which library should you start with? You could do a lot worse, according to experts, than to start with React JS.

React is a natural initial framework because front-end web or app development (where most web developers start off) is primarily about developing and managing user interfaces. But keep in mind that just because you start with a JavaScript library like React JS or jQuery doesn’t mean you can’t learn JavaScript frameworks later. It will be a lot easier to study more and eventually go on to frameworks like Angular, Vue, or Ember JS once you’ve begun with one library. Learning to code is a journey, but you have to start somewhere.

Complete Guide On Food Review Mobile Application Development

Trip Advisor, Urbanspoon, Starbucks App, and Yelp are some of the most common food review mobile applications found on one’s smartphone. We are providing a complete guide on food review mobile application development.

Complete Guide On Food Review Mobile Application Development

Why? Because!

  • 92% of diners read restaurant reviews before visiting. 
  • 77% of restaurant-goers trust peer reviews rather than critic reviews.
  • 33% of consumers refuse to go to restaurants that have fewer than a four-star rating
  • 35% of diners say that online reviews help influence their decision when choosing a place to dine. 


Why User Reviews Are Important Today?

User reviews are more significant than ever for businesses these days and a growing number of registered users and reviews on apps like Yelp prove it too. 

One of the most interesting things about these review-based apps is that customers voluntarily share reviews evaluating businesses and their products or services. Personal experiences with a particular product or service listed on an online feedback system containing reviews and ratings indicate the level of customer satisfaction. 

But most of the existing applications for food businesses are more restaurant-focused and lack food-specific reviews and ratings that a foodie is actually after. 

Apps like ‘FreeBeer’ – a food review mobile application is a solutions to this problem. The app smartly addresses this issue by providing a platform for users to write quality and authentic reviews focused entirely on food.


How An App Development Idea For ‘FreeBeer’ Came Into Existence?

Our client came up with the idea of free beer when he and one of his associates met for a business meeting in London. They quickly realized their joint frustration of an unpleasant experience with the traditional review websites and apps. 

They simply searched over a search engine for the best meal in town for lunch, and it displayed the results of restaurants with five-star ratings and not food. 

You must be thinking why would search engines show the wrong information about a place or property? Because the search engine gets the right information from users, for example – a reviewer might doll out a five-star review just because it is their birthday, and they got a complimentary cake with their name on it or because they got on really well with the waiter that day.

“The problem is, if you’re looking for, let’s say, the best cocktail in the area, it’s difficult to get a review that focuses solely on the quality of the cocktail and nothing else.

When you are just after a certain type of food or experience, you just want that food and the best possible version of it. 

FreeBeer is developed as a food review app that provides you with a way of finding just that.  

How Does A Food Review Mobile App like Free Beer Works?

Food review apps enable people to search and share their favorite dishes and drinks in town by taking pictures, tagging the location, and sharing it within the app as well as other social channels using the in-app sharing features. 

The app also allows people to share reviews and experiences by food type. That means the foodies can satisfy their cravings by finding multiple reviews from real customers, pertaining to the specific meal they’re after.  

A food review app like FreeBeer combined experience of software and the culinary scene.    

What we mean when we say the culinary scene is the importance given to the front-end design. As software specialists, we were concerned more about business logic aka the back-end – but we also understood the significance of the front-end as this is the only way, people can see how good the meal really is. 

Front-end of the app allows users to upload real food pictures, and it only takes 30 seconds because you’re not telling a huge story about the restaurant, but just the meal. 

Let’s start by understanding the

Importance of A Food Review Mobile Application.

A five-star review of a restaurant might be all you need to get convinced to visit the restaurant and delight yourself with your favorite food. But if you are just after a great meal or drink, simply a five-star rating does not help. 

People share ratings based on several factors such as location, ambiance, service, cost and food, and many others. Ratings do not provide you enough insights into the served food, and it can prove a little misleading to visitors and they leave with an unpleasant experience. 

This is the problem that FreeBeer – a food review app is attempting to solve.   

FreeBeer is a food review app that allows users to find the best food and drinks served in town. 

FreeBeer is one of the amazing mobile apps developed by the highly talented and skilled developers of OnGraph. Within a short span of time, this food review mobile application has developed a robust user base for itself.

In the following blog post, we are going to discuss why food review apps are important today and how it is shaping up the industry for both diners and restaurants. 

Read till the end as we are also going to discuss How To Build A successful Food Review App and several monetization methods for the app.


Key Features Of Food Review Apps

If you want to create an app like FreeBeer, it is important to list down the core features that the app must-have. We are listing down top features here that are essential for a similar food review app. 

Review and rating system. It is the feature that has the most impact on users. A user not just looks for reviews to decide what to eat and where, but also the ratings of the served food and services from his personal experience. 

Geolocation and location-based search are essential for a user as it helps them find places near their existing location. The app automatically picks up the user location to provide multiple food choices near them, this increases the in-app experience.

Social login. Login through social media accounts like Facebook simplifies the registration process for the app as well as lets users share their experiences of food and the application on social accounts. It gives the app a word-of-mouth promotion.

Push notifications have several roles to play for restaurants as well as diners. They provide information as per user preferences and creates personalized offers for the users. The app also uses information from check-ins and reviews for a highly personalized experience.

Photo/video uploading. This is the crucial feature of the app as it enables users to share their dining and food experiences visually through photos and videos in their reviews.

User accounts. The app has two types of users; and thus, two types of accounts. User accounts for individuals and business accounts for restaurants and food providers. 

Analytics. A food review app like FreeBeer also provides analytics to users to track and compare their activities and engagement with other users. Business owners, on the other side, use analytics to track the activity on their business page.

It helps the app owner track overall in-app engagement, and improve performance & experiences based on shifting user preferences.

How To Make Money With A Food Review App

There are several ways to monetize a food review application. All you need is to build your monetization strategy in advance so that you get to build the features and functionalities required to make money. However, here are the popular methods used for monetization of a food review app:

1. Advertising:

The app can be used to provide free as well as paid advertising to promote relevant products and services. Advertisements can be placed within the mobile application as well as on the website. Targeted advertisements help businesses get profile enhancement, and add to their revenue.  

2. Transaction Fees 

Another exciting and highly successful source of monetization for a food review is getting a commission through transactions like advance table booking, ordering food, and online payment. Though, this would only be possible once you have loyal app users.

You can consider the option for future implementation after building a reliable user base and popularity.  

3. Discounts and Deals

You can let the restaurants create promotional offers and provide discounts on check-in and other methods to attract more customers. You can charge fees on the sold deals. The exclusive deals also help the app attract new users. 

4.  Premium Features

Here you can implement freemium techniques which means you allow users to use the premium features for free for a limited amount of time. The idea is to attract them with premium features that they wouldn’t find anywhere else and once they are hooked they will be willing to pay for it. Just make sure your premium features stand out from competitors and deliver a unique and enhanced user experience.

Want to develop an app like FreeBeer Food Review?

We are proud of the results FreeBeer is generating for our client. FreeBeer offers geo-location-based services and therefore delivers an enhancing experience to users. The app is dedicated to local businesses, and its features are built accordingly. Find a table below and understand what it takes to create amazing food review apps like FreeBeer:

  1. User profile
  2. Uploading pictures and videos
  3. Social sign in
  4. Reviews and Rating
  5. Reservation
  6. Push Notifications
  7. In-app purchases
  8. Geolocation
  9. Filter Integration
  10. Filter by category
Estimation in a Hour
  1. 300–340 hours
  2. 80–160 hours
  3. 30–40 hours
  4. 80–160 hours
  5. 200–250 hours
  6. 80–100 hours
  7. 120–160 hours
  8. roughly 70–100 hours
  9. 300+ hours
  10. 40–60 hours

The Application Solution Experience

People like to visit new places and share their experiences. For this reason, online food review mobile applications like FreeBeer will remain highly popular in the near future. By effectively using the above-mentioned monetization techniques, a food review app can receive significant profit from users. 

If you are looking to develop a similar food review app for your startup and are looking for a development team to implement the project, we are here to help.

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