by : Aashiya Mittal
May 21st 2024
A Comprehensive Guide to Hire Nodejs Developer In 2024

Nodejs is a popular JavaScript framework that helps you build apps supporting the latest technologies like AI/ML, IoT, and more. But to Hire a Nodejs Developer is always a challenge. It requires proper planning and attention to every detail, including experience and skills.  Develop an amazing web application with top-notch user experience with the right …

by : Aashiya Mittal
April 30th 2024
NodeJS vs Python: Which Backend Technology Should You Choose?

Comparing NodeJS vs Python is a pretty hot topic these days. Comparing these Technologies, Stack Overflow claims Python to be one of the most used programming languages while Node.js is the best environment for Server development but which of them wins in most cases? When you’re building a website or app, the backend is like …

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