The Definitive Guide to Python App Development in 2024

Python App Development

Initially created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, Python was released as a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted programming language with modularity and code readability as goals. In this blog, we are explaining everything about Python App Development.

Throughout its nearly 30 years of history, Python has grown to be one of the most widely used programming languages. It is quite a simple language that is easy to understand and learn. The language can run on several platforms like Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi, Windows, etc. Python runs on an interpreter system which implies that code can be efficiently executed as soon as it is written. Python development syntax is also a lot simpler than the syntax of any other programming language.

With a current popularity share of 31.73 percent among contemporary development languages, Python’s popularity consistently achieves an all-time high.

As per the latest developer survey by Stack Overflow, Python is the third most popular programming language.

 Guide to Python App Development
The Definitive Guide to Python App Development in 2024

Python language is free, open source, and simple to learn and emphasizes the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle and readability. Being high-level, dynamically typed, and interpreted, Python makes debugging errors much simpler and allows rapid development of application prototypes, distinguishing itself as the language to code with. 

What is Python App Development?

Python app development refers to the process of creating applications, software, or programs using the Python programming language. Python is a versatile, high-level programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and ease of use. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Some Interesting Python Statistics

According to StackOverflow, Python is a fast-evolving programming language that can be used to solve a broad spectrum of issues. It can meet the requirements of most applications.

  • CPython by GitHub, which is the reference implementation of Python in C, has more than 58K stars.
  • In 2023, the IEEE survey suggested Python to be the top programming language amongst mobile app developers globally.
  • According to the TIOBE Programming Community index, Python ranks first amongst the top 20 programming languages used by experienced developers worldwide.
  • At present, there are over 8.2 million Python developers globally and this number is going to only increase in the coming months.

Some Interesting Python Statistics

Why Should You Use Python for App Development?

Here are some key aspects of Python web app development and reasons why you might choose Python for your app development projects.

-Ease of Learning and Readability

Python is often praised for its simple and readable syntax. Its code is easy to understand and write, making it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced developers alike. This ease of learning accelerates the development process and reduces the likelihood of errors.

-Extensive Libraries and Frameworks

Python has a vast standard library that includes modules and packages for various functionalities. Additionally, numerous third-party libraries and frameworks simplify and speed up development. Popular frameworks like Django and Flask are widely used for web development, while Kivy is popular for creating cross-platform mobile applications.


Python is a general-purpose programming language, making it versatile for different types of app development. Whether you’re working on web development, data analysis, machine learning, or artificial intelligence, Python has tools and python libraries available to support your project.

-Community Support

Python has a large and active community of developers. This community support means that you can find solutions to problems, access documentation, and seek help easily. The collaborative nature of the Python community contributes to the language’s continuous improvement.

-Cross-Platform Compatibility

Python is a cross-platform language, meaning that applications developed in Python can run on various operating systems with minimal modifications. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for projects targeting multiple platforms, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

-Rapid Prototyping

Python’s concise syntax and dynamic typing facilitate rapid prototyping. Developers can quickly build and test ideas, allowing for a faster development cycle. This is crucial for startups and projects where time-to-market is a significant factor.


Python can scale well for both small and large projects. While it might not be as fast as low-level languages in certain scenarios, Python’s scalability is often sufficient for many applications, and optimizations can be applied where needed.

-Data Science and Machine Learning

Python has become the language of choice for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Libraries such as NumPy, pandas, TensorFlow, and PyTorch provide powerful tools for data analysis and machine learning, making Python an ideal choice for projects in these domains.

What are the Best Python App Development Frameworks?

Python frameworks are a collection of modules or packages that make the development process easier for developers by providing a structure for app development. It automates the implementation of common solutions and thus extends flexibility to the developer to focus on logic rather than doing routine tasks.

Let’s check out the top Python App Development Tools based on their features and ratings. This table will guide you in choosing the best tool considering your project requirements.

What are the Best Python App Development Frameworks

How to Use Python for App Development?

Using Python for app development involves several steps, and the approach can vary based on the type of application you want to build (web, mobile, desktop, etc.). Below is a general guide on how to use Python for app development:

Choose the Type of App

-Web Development

For web applications, popular frameworks like Django and Flask are commonly used. Django is a high-level web framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, while Flask is a microframework that provides more flexibility.

# Example: Installing Django

pip install django

# Example: Creating a new Django project

django-admin startproject projectname

# Example: Running the development server

python runserver

-Mobile Development

For mobile app development, you can use frameworks like Kivy, BeeWare’s Toga, or tools like KivyMD (for material design). These frameworks allow you to write Python code and deploy it to Android and iOS.

# Example: Installing Kivy

pip install kivy

# Example: Creating a basic Kivy app

python -m pip install kivy

-Desktop Development

For desktop applications, frameworks like PyQt or Tkinter are commonly used. PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework, and Tkinter is the standard GUI toolkit included with Python.

# Example: Installing PyQt

pip install PyQt5

# Example: Creating a basic PyQt app

Set Up the Development Environment

Install a code editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) suitable for Python development, such as VSCode, PyCharm, or Atom.

Learn the Basics of Python

If you’re new to Python, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the basics of the language. Understand data types, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming concepts.

Explore Framework Documentation

Depending on the framework you choose, explore the official documentation to understand its features, components, and best practices.

Write Code

Start writing the code for your application. Follow the structure and conventions of the chosen framework.

Test Your App

Write unit tests to ensure the functionality of your application. Use testing frameworks like unittest or pytest.

# Example: Installing pytest

pip install pytest

# Example: Running tests with pytest


Optimize and Debug

Optimize your code for performance and resolve any bugs or issues. Use debugging tools provided by your IDE or use print statements to troubleshoot.

Package and Distribute

Depending on the type of application, use tools like pyinstaller or cx_Freeze to package your application into executables for distribution.

# Example: Installing pyinstaller

pip install pyinstaller

# Example: Creating an executable with pyinstaller



Deploy your application on the desired platform. For web applications, you might need to set up a server. For mobile apps, you can distribute through app stores, and for desktop apps, users can download and install the executable.

Maintain and Update

Regularly maintain and update your application based on user feedback, feature requests, and bug reports.

Remember that Python is a versatile language, and the specific steps may vary depending on the type of application and the chosen framework. Always refer to the official documentation for the tools and frameworks you are using.

How much does it cost to develop a Python app?

The cost and time required for developing a Python app can vary significantly based on several factors, including the complexity of the app, its features, the development team’s experience, and the project’s scope. Additionally, the security of a Python app depends on various factors, including the implementation of security best practices, the use of secure coding techniques, and the careful consideration of potential vulnerabilities. 

Let’s explore each aspect of the cost of Python App Development. There are several factors Influencing Cost.

App Complexity

The more complex the app, the higher the development cost. Simple applications with basic features will generally cost less than complex applications with advanced functionalities.

Design Requirements

The complexity and uniqueness of the app’s design can impact development costs. Custom designs and user interfaces may require more resources and, consequently, increase costs.

Integration with External Services

If your app needs to integrate with external services, APIs, or third-party components, development costs may increase based on the complexity of integration.

Development Team Location

The geographical location of the development team influences costs. Development teams in regions with higher living costs may charge more for their services.

-Cost Ranges

  • Simple Apps: $10,000 – $50,000
  • Moderate Complexity Apps: $50,000 – $150,000
  • Complex Apps: $150,000+

How much time will it take for Python app development?

The time required for Python app development can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the complexity of the app, the scope of features, the size and expertise of the development team, and the overall project requirements. Here’s an overview of the factors that influence the time it takes to develop a Python app.

Project Scope and Complexity

-Simple Apps

Basic applications with limited features can typically be developed in a shorter timeframe. Examples include simple calculators, to-do lists, or basic informational apps. Timeframe: 1 to 3 months.

-Moderate Complexity Apps

Apps with moderate complexity, involving more features, user interactions, and potentially backend functionality, will naturally take longer. Examples include content delivery apps, inventory management systems, and small e-commerce platforms. Timeframe: 3 to 6 months.

-Complex Apps

Highly complex applications with advanced features, intricate business logic, extensive databases, and integrations will require a more extended development period. Examples include enterprise-level systems, social media platforms, or comprehensive e-commerce solutions. Timeframe: 6 months and beyond.

Team Size and Expertise

-Individual Developers

A single developer working on a project will generally take longer compared to a team due to the limited resources. The development time is also influenced by the developer’s experience and expertise.

-Small to Medium Teams

Having a small to medium-sized development team allows for better collaboration, parallel task execution, and potentially faster development. The collective expertise of the team members can also contribute to efficient problem-solving. Timeframes depend on the specific project requirements.

-Large Teams

While larger teams may have the advantage of parallelizing tasks, communication overhead can become a challenge. Efficient project management practices become crucial in large teams to avoid bottlenecks and ensure effective collaboration.

Prototyping and Testing

  • The time invested in prototyping and testing is crucial for delivering a high-quality app. Rushing through these phases can lead to issues later in the development process.
  • Adequate time should be allocated for testing various aspects of the application, including functionality, security, performance, and user experience.

External Factors

-Third-Party Integrations

If the app requires integration with external services or APIs, the development time may be influenced by the availability and compatibility of those services.

-Regulatory Compliance

Apps that need to adhere to specific regulations or compliance standards may require additional time for implementing and testing the necessary features.

-Platform-Specific Requirements

Developing cross-platform apps or ensuring compatibility with different devices and operating systems may affect the overall development timeline.

Agile Development and Iterative Processes

  • Adopting Agile development methodologies, such as Scrum, allows for iterative development and continuous improvement. This approach can lead to quicker releases of minimum viable products (MVPs) and ongoing enhancements.

Time Estimates

  • Simple Apps: 2 – 4 months
  • Moderate Complexity Apps: 4 – 8 months
  • Complex Apps: 8 months and beyond

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How secure is Python app development?

The security of a Python app development project is influenced by various factors, including coding practices, adherence to security best practices, the use of secure libraries and frameworks, and the overall approach to addressing potential vulnerabilities. Here are key aspects that contribute to the security of Python app development.

How secure is Python app development

Python’s Security Features

  • Built-in Security Libraries- Python provides built-in libraries and modules for implementing security features. For example, the cryptography library is commonly used for encryption and hashing.
  • Web Framework Security- Popular web frameworks like Django and Flask include built-in security features to protect against common web vulnerabilities. Django, for instance, protects against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks by default.

Best Practices for Secure Python App Development

-Input Validation

Validate and sanitize user inputs to prevent injection attacks, such as SQL injection and command injection.

-Authentication and Authorization

Implement secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to control access to resources. Use strong password hashing algorithms.

-Secure Communication

Use secure communication protocols (HTTPS) to protect data during transmission. Ensure that sensitive information is not transmitted in plain text.

-Regular Code Audits

Conduct regular code reviews and security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Automated tools and manual reviews can be employed for this purpose.

-Update Dependencies

Keep third-party libraries and dependencies up-to-date. Regularly check for security updates and apply patches promptly to address known vulnerabilities.

-Data Encryption

Encrypt sensitive data at rest and in transit. Encryption protects data from unauthorized access, especially in storage and communication.

-User Session Management

Implement secure session management practices to prevent session hijacking. Use secure and random session identifiers.

-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection

Protect against XSS attacks by validating and sanitizing user inputs and encoding output. Avoid using user input directly in HTML or JavaScript.

Secure Package Management

-Pip and Package Integrity

Verify the integrity of packages installed via pip to prevent the installation of compromised or tampered packages.

-Use Virtual Environments

Use virtual environments to isolate project dependencies. This helps prevent conflicts and ensures that the project uses specific, known versions of libraries.

Security Tools

Employ security scanning tools and static code analyzers to identify vulnerabilities and potential security issues in the codebase.

Security Community and Updates

Stay informed about security best practices, emerging threats, and updates in the security community. Regularly review and update security measures based on new information.

Authentication and Authorization

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)- For applications handling sensitive data, consider implementing multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security.

What are the top applications developed using Python?

After learning about so many of Python’s capabilities, let us now understand how this top programming language is used. Python is a helpful programming language for creating many of the well-known apps listed below.


What are the top applications developed using Python


It is an incredible site for sharing pictures. The programming languages utilized to create Pinterest are Python and Django. Given that Pinterest has more than 442 billion users, we may infer with great certainty how popular Python development is.


Another highly well-liked app, Instagram has one billion users. The modern digital world has been changed by this software. Python’s value is further demonstrated by this program.


Everyone is aware of the fantastic music streaming service Spotify. This app was created using Python because developers wanted to create apps more quickly. Additionally, Python’s readability makes it faster to develop apps. So it’s ideal for hastening the development of the Spotify app. Python is the only viable solution to manage the list of 70 million songs.


Uber is the top cab booking app with services available worldwide. Additionally, it provides services like meal delivery and bike sharing, among others. Uber has more than 100 million customers worldwide and operates in 285 major cities. Python is the only option that can handle Uber’s enormous amount of data, making it the best choice for this and other well-known apps.


The biggest OTT platform for users to watch movies, web series, and other serials. This application was made using Python.


Python assists the Disqus app in engaging users in discussions and intelligently guiding them through comment moderation. That is the main factor for this smartphone application’s popularity. Numerous sign-in choices, cross-site notifications, and improved security are further advantages.


Dropbox, a file-hosting service, is another well-known mobile application created in Python. It just switched from Python 2.7 to Python 3. It is one of the most well-known desktop mobile programs worldwide and is also available for installation on the macOS, Windows, and various variations of Linux operating systems. Python’s portability and compatibility with a wide range of platforms—from Linux and PC to PlayStation—is one of its best qualities.


Although Python wasn’t the first choice for the Reddit mobile app, the social news aggregator has changed its mind due to the greater accessibility to code libraries, scalability, and flexible development of this programming language. After that, it quickly gained popularity and now has more than 600 million visitors each month.

What kinds of applications can be built using the Python Framework?

Blockchain Applications

Blockchain is one of the hottest trends in technology at present. This specific technology is supported by Python and has established itself in the market. Users can interact with the Blockchain online thanks to support frameworks like Flask, which also enable the creation of endpoints for unique functions that can be executed on several machines.

Command-Line Applications

Console applications are another name for command-line applications. Python is primarily used to create console apps since it makes it simple for programmers to assess the language and find new opportunities.

Game Development Applications

Python development has a lot of things in store for its users. We all are aware by now that Python as a language is used in various languages, but it’s also a fact that it is used in game development as well. One of the main reasons for this is Python’s ability to be utilized in real-time applications, which can then be used to develop a variety of games.

Audio and Video Applications

Python also supports developers in both audio and video applications. The language has libraries such as OpenCV and Pydub, that aid in the effective completion of app development. 

System Administrator Application

We are aware of how tiresome system administration may be, hence Python is currently one of the top-billed tools for creating programs and scripts that automate tiresome system administration activities.

Machine Learning Application

Python is blessed with Scikit and Panda libraries. These are used for the analysis and manipulation of data that is to be supplied to the machines.  

Business Applications

Python offers real agility to help developers create numerous ERP and eCommerce applications.

AI and ML Apps

Python’s extensive ecosystem plays a pivotal role in AI and ML applications. NumPy and SciPy facilitate numerical computations, while Pandas simplifies data manipulation. Scikit-learn offers a variety of machine learning algorithms, making it accessible for developers implementing models for classification, regression, and clustering. For deep learning tasks, TensorFlow and PyTorch provide powerful frameworks. Python’s syntax and readability expedite the development process, attracting researchers and engineers to leverage its capabilities in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence.

RPA Automation

Python’s role in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is growing, thanks to its readability and ease of integration with popular RPA platforms. Automation Anywhere, UiPath, and Blue Prism support Python scripting, enabling developers to automate repetitive tasks efficiently. Selenium, a widely used tool for web automation, integrates seamlessly with Python, allowing for the creation of sophisticated automated workflows for web-based RPA scenarios. Python’s versatility makes it a valuable asset in the automation landscape, contributing to increased productivity and efficiency.

Cloud Deployment Automation

Python is instrumental in automating cloud infrastructure deployment and management. Boto3, the Python SDK for AWS, facilitates interaction with various AWS services, enabling developers to automate resource provisioning and configuration. Similarly, Google Cloud Client Library and Azure SDK offer Python bindings for Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. Additionally, infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like Ansible and Terraform, with Python support, empower developers to define and deploy cloud infrastructure using code. Python’s role extends beyond just application development, contributing significantly to the automation of cloud-related tasks.

Web Development

Python is a popular choice for web development, offering robust frameworks such as Django and Flask. Django, a high-level web framework, follows the MVC pattern, streamlining the development of complex web applications. Flask, a lightweight micro-framework, provides flexibility for smaller projects. FastAPI, another modern framework, excels in building APIs using Python’s type hints. Pyramid and CherryPy offer additional options, catering to diverse web development needs. Python’s emphasis on readability, coupled with these frameworks, enables developers to create scalable and maintainable web applications efficiently, making it a preferred language in the web development landscape.

Having a scalable and open-source language is essential since advanced business applications span the spectrum of e-commerce, ERP, and much more. Businesses may create scalable, fully functional apps with Python straight out of the box. Business analysts can create and deploy Python apps using tools like Tryton.

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What is the future of Python app development?

The future of Python relies on various factors like technological progress, community involvement, and evolving industry needs. Python has consistently grown and is now widely used globally, thanks to its readability, versatility, and strong community support. This trend is likely to continue due to these strengths.

Rising Python ecosystem

The Python ecosystem keeps advancing with improvements in libraries, architectures, and tools, especially in areas like web development, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Expect new tools and libraries to emerge, addressing evolving challenges and requirements in these fields.

Enhanced web development

In web development, frameworks like Django and Flask are expected to evolve to meet modern web application demands. Focus areas may include abandoning asynchronous programming models, improving performance, and providing enhanced support for microservices infrastructures.

Data science, AI, and machine learning dominance

Python’s dominance in data science and machine learning is set to continue, with ongoing advancements in existing libraries and the emergence of new ones. Its simplicity makes it ideal for AI and automation, and its usage in these fields is anticipated to grow as technologies advance.

Python’s readability and ease of learning contribute to its popularity in education and community engagement. Initiatives to teach programming with Python are likely to persist, supporting the language’s ongoing growth. The Python community’s emphasis on collaboration and inclusivity is expected to remain strong.

Quantum computing

As quantum computing continues to be explored, Python may play a role in this domain. Quantum programming architectures and tools could emerge, enabling developers to work with quantum computers using Python.


In the field of cybersecurity, Python’s utility for scripting, automation, and penetration testing is well-recognized. As the importance of cybersecurity grows, Python is likely to maintain its position as a valuable tool in this field.

What are Python App Development Challenges?

Python is a versatile and widely used programming language, but like any technology, it comes with its set of challenges. Here are some common challenges faced in Python app development.

What are Python App Development Challenges

Performance Limitations

Python is an interpreted language, which can result in slower execution speed compared to languages like C or Java. While this might not be a critical issue for many applications, it can be a challenge for performance-sensitive tasks or applications with high computational requirements.

Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

The Global Interpreter Lock in CPython (the default and most widely used Python implementation) can limit the execution of multiple threads concurrently. This can impact the scalability of multi-threaded applications, especially in scenarios where parallel processing is crucial.

Mobile App Development Challenges

Developing mobile apps using Python can be challenging due to limited support from major mobile platforms. While frameworks like Kivy and BeeWare exist, they might not provide the same level of native performance or access to platform-specific features as languages like Swift (for iOS) or Kotlin/Java (for Android).

Dependency Management

Python uses package management tools like pip, but managing dependencies and ensuring compatibility between different versions of libraries can be challenging. Dependency conflicts and version issues might arise, leading to unexpected behavior.

Limited Mobile and Web Frameworks

While there are frameworks like Django and Flask for web development and Kivy for mobile development, the Python ecosystem has historically been stronger in certain areas (e.g., data science, machine learning) compared to web and mobile development. This might limit the choice of frameworks available for specific project requirements.

Async Programming Complexity

Asynchronous programming in Python, while powerful, can be complex. The introduction of async/await in Python 3.5 and later versions has improved this, but writing and maintaining asynchronous code can still be challenging, especially for developers new to this paradigm.

Limited Support for Some Libraries

Certain specialized libraries or frameworks might not have strong support or might be less feature-rich in Python compared to other languages. This can be a challenge when working on projects that require specific tools or libraries.

Packaging and Distribution

Packaging and distributing Python applications, especially for desktop applications, can be a challenge. Different operating systems might require different packaging formats, and ensuring a smooth installation experience for end-users can be complex.

Security Concerns

While Python itself is secure, poorly written code can introduce security vulnerabilities. Developers need to be diligent in following security best practices to prevent issues such as injection attacks, data breaches, and other security risks.

Despite these challenges, Python remains a popular choice for many developers due to its readability, versatility, and extensive libraries. Many challenges can be mitigated with good development practices, experience, and the use of appropriate tools and frameworks.

Which is the best company for Python App Development?

To determine the best company for your Python app development project, consider the following criteria.

Experience and Expertise

Look for companies with a proven track record in Python app development. Check their portfolio, client testimonials, and case studies to gauge their experience and expertise.

Technological Proficiency

Ensure that the company is well-versed in the latest Python frameworks, libraries, and tools relevant to your project. A strong understanding of Django, Flask, or other frameworks can be crucial.

Client Reviews and Testimonials

Read client reviews and testimonials to understand the experiences of previous clients with the company. This provides insights into their work quality, communication, and project management.

Industry Experience

Consider companies that have experience in your industry or a similar domain. Familiarity with industry-specific requirements can contribute to a smoother development process.

Project Management Approach

Evaluate the company’s project management approach. Agile methodologies, effective communication, and transparency in project handling are essential for successful development.

Scalability and Flexibility

Assess whether the company can scale the team or adapt to changing project requirements if needed. Flexibility is crucial for accommodating unforeseen changes during the development process.

Cost and Budget Considerations

Obtain detailed quotes and proposals from potential companies. While cost is a factor, it should be balanced with the company’s capabilities and the quality of its work.

Security and Compliance

Ensure that the company follows industry best practices for security and compliance, especially if your app deals with sensitive data or has specific regulatory requirements.

Communication and Collaboration

Consider the company’s communication channels, response times, and overall collaboration approach. Clear communication is vital for the success of any development project.

Post-Launch Support

Inquire about the company’s post-launch support and maintenance services. A reliable support system ensures that any issues or updates can be addressed promptly.

Before making a decision, it’s advisable to reach out to multiple companies, discuss your project requirements, and gather detailed proposals. This allows you to make an informed choice based on your specific needs. Remember that the “best” company varies depending on individual project characteristics and priorities.

Embrace next-gen Python App Development with OnGraph

Python app development can be used to create applications in the upcoming years on both an enterprise and product basis because it has recently attained larger heights and is overgrowing. Furthermore, Python has demonstrated that it is a capable language that is simple for beginners to learn but strong in the hands of experts. Many large corporations, like Google, have adopted Python as one of their primary languages as a result of its versatility.

Python offers huge benefits at both a low and high level, whether you’re building web applications using practical Python frameworks or employing data science and machine learning to optimize your company’s outcomes and strategy. You can enlist the aid of a reputable Python app development company if you want to see your idea come to fruition. With exceptional Python app development services, we can assist you in developing advanced, robust, and scalable apps to help you reach new heights in this constantly changing digital world.

List of Top 10 Python App Development Frameworks in 2024

python app development frameworks

Top 10 Python App Development Frameworks

The latest Statista research shows that over 48% of developers worldwide use Python app development frameworks for software development. Python is among the most popular programming languages, with major firms like IBM, NASA, Spotify, and Instagram using them. Many developers use Pyjnius. Pyjnius is a Python library for accessing Java classes. It either starts a new JVM inside the process, or retrieves the already surrounding JVM (for example on Android).

The popularity of Python is because of its vast range of libraries, packages, and frameworks. A Python application framework is a collection of modules and packages that allows developers to build apps through a pre-built implementation of redundant functions. They release developers from minor issues like thread management, sockets, and protocols.

Several best Python frameworks for mobile app development and web app development enable seamless, efficient, and swift application development. We’ve listed the best frameworks in this blog.

Why Should I Go for Python App Development?

Python is best suited for creating dynamic applications integrated with CRUD operations and avoiding repetitive coding for activities like authentication and sessions. It also provides an execution system when you’re building a separate UI with associated logic. 

Python is also the best option when you have strict deadlines and time and resource constraints. From full-stack and DevOps to AI/ML, data engineering, and data science, Python offers all-around Python App Development options. 

Here are some reasons why Python is the king of programming languages:

  • Python’s vibrant range of frameworks, libraries, and tools enables swift development and gives access to code templates.
  • Python is a high-level programming language and quite close to English, hence it has a lower learning curve compared to other coding languages.
  • Python has a large developer community and rich documentation with new frameworks and libraries being added quite often.

Types of Python App Development Frameworks?

There are three types of Python application development frameworks: Microframework, Full-stack, and Asynchronous Framework.

1-Micro Framework

Micro Framework

A Python micro-framework is easy to use with basic capabilities or features required for web development and does not have added functionalities like form validation and data abstraction layers. They are lightweight and useful for building small applications.

Some popular examples of Micro Python frameworks include CherryPy, Bottle, Falcon, and Dash.

2-Full-Stack Python Framework

Full-Stack Framework

A full-stack framework is an end-to-end solution for web and app development with functionalities like template layouts, form validation, form generator, and so on. It is the most convenient and popular Python framework since it offers features of back-end functions, front-end interfaces, and databases. 

Some popular examples of Full-stack Python frameworks include Django, Pylons, CubicWeb, and Giotto

3-Asynchronous Python Framework

Asynchronous Framework

The asynchronous framework empowers developers to work on large amounts of concurrent connections, databases, web servers, connection libraries, high-performance networks, and so on. It is gaining widespread popularity recently since the development of the Asyncio library.

Some examples of Asynchronous Python frameworks are Tornado, Growler, AIOHTTP, and Sanic.

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How to Choose the Right Python Framework For App Development?

The most essential factor before selecting the right framework for development is the nature, size, and complexity of the project. For example, you can opt for a micro-framework for a smaller project while considering full-stack frameworks for larger projects. 

Also, here are some examples of frameworks based on the project’s nature.

Python application development

Other factors that you can consider before selecting a Python app development framework for your project are

  • Scalability to handle traffic load when they run on several servers
  • Core libraries like authentication, data validation, URL mapping/rewriting, and templating.
  • Comprehensive documentation with tutorials, sample codes, blogs, and snippets.
  • Easy installation of the preferred Python framework.

10 Most Popular Python App Development Frameworks

Here’s a list of the most popular python app development frameworks:



Django is a high-level development Python framework for creating both mobile and web apps that operate on a power ORM and follows the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern, making the code reusable and readable. It has built-in tools like URL routing/parsing, authentication system, form validation, template engine, and caching to ensure a swift development process.

Django follows the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) concept and focuses on rapid app development with a neat design. It is the first choice of developers for any Python project due to its versatility, customization, scalability, deployment speed, simplicity, and compatibility with the latest Python versions.

According to a Stack Overflow survey of 2020, Django and Flask are the most popular Python frameworks. Popular examples of apps built with Django include Instagram and Spotify.

Key Features of Django:

  • Enables execution of automated migrations
  • Robust security
  • Enhanced web server support
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Vast add-ins with SEO optimization


Flask Framwork

Flask is an open-source, lightweight, and the best Python microframework with a built-in development server, debugger, HTTP request processing, file storage, and support for establishing client-side sessions. It has a modular and adaptable design and added compatibility with Google App Engine.

Besides Django, Flask is another popular Python framework with the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template. Flask comes under the BSD license and it is inspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework. Popular examples of apps developed with Flask include Lyft and Netflix.

Key Features of Flask:

  • Jinja2 templating and WSGI compliance
  • Unicode-based with secure cookie support
  • HTTP request handling capability
  • RESTful request dispatch handling
  • Built-in server development and integrated unit-testing support
  • Plugs into any ORM framework



Web2Py is an open-source, full-stack, and scalable Python application framework compatible with most operating systems, both mobile-based and web-based. It is a platform-independent framework that simplifies development through an IDE that has a code editor, debugger, and single-click deployment.

Web2Py deals with data efficiently and enables swift development with MVC design but lacks configuration files on the project level. It has a critical feature, a ticketing system that auto-generates tickets in the event of issues and enables tracking of issues and status.

Key Features of Web2py:

  • No configuration and installation needed
  • Enables use of NoSQL and relational databases
  • Follows MVC design with consistent API for streamlining web development
  • Supports internationalization and role-based access control
  • Enable backward compatibility
  • Addresses security vulnerabilities and critical dangers



TurboGears is an open-source, full-stack, data-driven popular Python web app framework based on the ObjectDispatch paradigm. it is meant to make possible to write both small and concise applications in Minimal mode or complex application in Full Stack mode.

TurboGears is useful for building both simple and complex apps with its features implemented as function decorators with multi-database support. It offers high scalability and modularity with MochiKit JavaScript library integration and ToscaWidgets for seamless coordination of server deployment and front end.

Key aspects of TurboGears:

  • MVC-style architecture
  • Provides command-line tools 
  • Extensive documentation
  • Validation support with Form Encode
  • It uses pylons as a web server
  • Provides PasteScript templates



Falcon is a reliable and secure back-end micro Python application framework used for developing highly-performing microservices, APIs, and large-scale application backends. It is extensible and optimized with an effective code base that promotes building cleaner designs with HTTP and REST architecture.

Falcon provides effective and accurate responses for HTTP threats, vulnerabilities, and errors, unlike other Python back-end frameworks. Large firms like RackSpace, OpenStack, and LinkedIn use Falcon.

Falcon can handle most requests with similar hardware to its contemporaries and has total code coverage.

Key Features of Falcon:

  • Intuitive routing with URL templates
  • Unit testing with WSGI mocks and helpers
  • Native HTTP error responses
  • Optimized and extensible code base
  • Upfront exception handling support
  • DRY request processing
  • Cython support for enhanced speed



CherryPy is an object-oriented, open-source, Python micro framework for rapid development with a robust configuration system. It doesn’t require an Apache server and enables the use of technologies for Cetera templating and accessing data.

CherryPy is one of the oldest Python development frameworks mainly for web development. Applications designed with CherryPy are self-contained and operate on multi-threaded web servers. It has built-in tools for sessions, coding, and caching.

Popular examples of CherryPy apps include Hulu and Juju.

Key features of CherryPy:

  • Runs on Android
  • Flexible built-in plugin system
  • Support for testing, profiling, and coverage
  • WSGI compliant
  • Runs on multiple HTTP servers simultaneously
  • Powerful configuration system



It is an open-source asynchronous networking Python framework that provides URL handling, HTML support, python database application framework support, and other crucial features of every application.

Tornado is as popular as Django and Flask because of its high-performing tools and features except that it is a threaded framework instead of being WSGI-based. It simplifies web server coding, handles thousands of open connections with concurrent users, and strongly emphasizes non-blocking I/O activities for solving C10k difficulties. 

Key features of Tornado:

  • Web templating techniques
  • Extensive localization and translation support
  • Real-time, in-the-moment services
  • Allows third-party authorization, authorization methods, and user authentication
  • Template engine built-in
  • HTTP client that is not blocking



AIOHTTP is a popular asynchronous client-side Python web development framework based on the Asyncio library. It depends on Python 3.5+ features like Async and Awaits. 

AIOHTTP offers support for client and server WebSockets without the need for Callback Hell and includes request objects and routers for redirecting queries to functions.

Key highlights of AIOHTTP Python framework:

  • Provides pluggable routing
  • Supports HTTP servers
  • Supports both client and WebSockets without the callback hell.
  • Middleware support for web servers
  • Effective view building

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Popular Cross-Platform Python Frameworks for Mobile App Development

Here are the two main cross-platform Python mobile app frameworks: Kivy and BeeWare

9- Kivy


Kivy is a popular open-source Python framework for mobile app development that offers rapid application development of cross-platform GUI apps. With a graphics engine designed over OpenGL, Kivy can manage GPU-bound workloads when needed.

Kivy comes with a project toolkit that allows developers to port apps to Android and has a similar one for iOS. However, porting Python apps to iOS currently is possible with Python 2.7.

Features of Kivy:

  • Enables custom style in rendering widgets to give a native-like feel
  • Enhanced consistency across different platforms with a swift and straightforward approach
  • Well-documented, comprehensive APIs and offers multi-touch functionalities



BeeWare is another Python framework for Python iOS development & mobile app development that enables developers to code apps in Python and cross-compilation for deployment on several mobile platforms and OS like Android, Linux GTK, iOS, and Windows.

The primary repository of BeeWare gets updated often with added commercial support including technical support, consulting, and training.

Features of BeeWare:

  • Enables code reusability
  • Provides consistency across apps with the native look and feel
  • Includes tools like Briefcase and Toga that are designed for precise functions
  • Agile developer community

Still Confused? Partner with OnGraph for Python App Development

Python has several app development frameworks and selecting the perfect fit can prove tough with several factors to note from budget and complexity to scalability, additional features, learning curve, and so on. 

Fortunately, you can get the right pick for your project with OnGraph, a leading Python Development Company that offers tailored Python development solutions with proven expertise in various Python application frameworks like Django, Flask, TurboGears, Kivy, and Tornado.

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 Q1. How do I choose the right framework for my project?

Choosing the right framework depends on your project’s specific requirements. Consider factors like project complexity, scalability needs, and your team’s expertise. Django is excellent for robust, feature-rich applications, while Flask is lightweight and suitable for smaller projects. FastAPI is a good choice for building APIs with high performance, and Pyramid offers flexibility for diverse project structures.

Q2. What are some popular Python libraries?

Python boasts a rich ecosystem of libraries. Some popular ones include NumPy and Pandas for data science, requests for HTTP requests, Flask for web development, Django for full-stack web applications, Matplotlib for data visualization, and TensorFlow for machine learning.

Q3. Can Python replace Java?

While Python and Java serve different purposes, Python’s simplicity and versatility have led to increased adoption. Python is often preferred for quick development and readability, but Java remains a strong choice for large-scale enterprise applications and performance-critical systems. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project.

Q4. Can Python be used for enterprise application development?

Yes, Python is suitable for enterprise application development. Its simplicity, extensive libraries, and frameworks like Django make it a viable choice. Python’s readability and ease of maintenance contribute to its growing popularity for developing scalable and robust enterprise applications.

Q5. Is Flask better than Django?

The choice between Flask and Django depends on your project needs. Flask is lightweight and modular, suitable for small to medium-sized projects. Django, on the other hand, is a full-stack framework with built-in features, making it ideal for larger, more complex applications. The decision should be based on project requirements, development speed, and scalability.

Q6. Which Python framework is mostly used for app development?

For app development, both Flask and Django are widely used. Django is often chosen for its built-in features and conventions, making it suitable for rapid development of full-stack applications. Flask, being lightweight and modular, is preferred for smaller projects or when developers want more flexibility in choosing components. The choice depends on the scale and requirements of your app.

Q7. What are some GUI frameworks for building mobile apps with Python?

GUI framework is an open-source Python package that allows you to quickly build a demo or web application for your machine learning model, API, or any arbitrary Python function. Below are the top 10 GUI frameworks.

  • Gradio
  • Streamlit
  • Kivy
  • Tkinter
  • PyQt
  • PySide
  • wxPython
  • PyGTK
  • wxPython
  • PySimpleGUI