White Label Market Research Solutions: Your Gateway to Competitive Edge

White Label Market Research Solutions: Your Gateway to Competitive Edge

Do you know the secret to launching a brand quickly and successfully? The answer is- White-label solutions that are customized to align products with your business goals and meet modern-age customer needs.  While all industries from E-commerce to fin-tech leverage white-label solutions, market research is no exception. To meet existing customer demands, and help businesses scale quickly with low-cost investment, businesses seek white label market research solutions to be efficient and productive.  

Every business needs research to launch its product. You can help them get accurate data using white-label market research solutions. 

Explore white-label market research solutions, their business benefits, challenges, and more. 

Understanding White-label Market Research Solutions

White labeling has emerged as a popular strategy across various industries, offering a flexible cost-effective solution to meet consumer demands and enhance brand visibility.

Concept of White Label Solutions: How it Works?

White-label solutions are products or services created by one company (the producer like OnGraph) that are rebranded and resold by another company (the reseller, you) as their product. The reseller (you) can purchase the rights to market the product or service under their brand name for faster brand visibility.

Let’s explain it with the below example.

Concept of White Label Solutions: How it Works?

Understand White Label Solutions in the Market Research Context

White labeling in the context of market research works the same as explained above. Businesses (you) can sell the white-label market research software solutions to customers or use them internally, developed by a third-party development firm (us).

You can customize these white-label solutions to meet the unique needs of you and your customers to improve productivity and efficiency in conducting market research. 

Explore our wide range of products and services, if you are looking for white-label market research solutions for your business and customers. 

Choosing white-label solutions will improve your business productivity and efficiency, benefiting your business in the long run. How? Let’s see.

Business Benefits of Choosing a White-Label Market Research Company

Below are the reasons to choose a white-label market research company.

Business Benefits of Choosing a White-Label Market Research Company

1. Saves Time and Money

Creating a new solution from scratch is costly and time-consuming. You’d need to assemble a team, develop the tool, and manage its upkeep—all requiring substantial funds. Opting for a white-label solution that meets your needs saves resources and simplifies the process.

2. Expands Your Product Offering

Companies grow by introducing new products quickly. With white label solutions, like the Project management tool help you manage multiple surveys and projects. This approach attracts new customers and strengthens your competitive edge without extensive development time.

3. Faster Route-to-Market

Staying ahead in business means launching products and services rapidly. Avoid delays with custom solutions by adopting white-label products. They enable swift integration of new tools and services, helping you meet market demands promptly.

4. Lower Risk and Enhanced Brand Credibility

Developing solutions from scratch poses significant risks, such as budget overruns and under-delivery. White-label solutions mitigate these risks as they are proven and reliable. This approach enhances your brand’s credibility by delivering consistent quality without the troubleshooting burden.

5. Lets You Focus on Core Competencies

When your business needs specialized tools, like a panel management tool for connecting and managing global panelists from a single dashboard, you can opt for white-label market research solutions to help you integrate top and trusted panelists from different sources to improve your survey results.

However, choosing white-label solutions helps businesses in many ways. But, some of them are unsure of why they need white-label solutions for market research. So, let’s understand the case.

Why Do You Need White Label Market Research Solutions?

Choosing white-label market research solutions empowers organizations to optimize research workflows, enhance global connectivity with panelists, and more. 

Market research solutions will help you.

1. Streamlined Research Processes

To simplify your entire research journey—from planning and execution to analysis and reporting. This efficiency saves valuable time and resources, allowing you to concentrate on interpreting insights and making informed decisions.

2. Global Reach

When you want to leverage a centralized platform to connect with a diverse global panel of participants easily. This streamlined approach simplifies participant management and ensures a broader demographic representation, enhancing the depth and reliability of your research findings.

3. Seamless Survey Deployment

When you want to deploy surveys across various channels like web, mobile, and social media. This approach enhances engagement and gathers diverse perspectives from different segments of your target audience.

4. Control and Customization

Maintaining control over panel management and participant engagement ensures tailored research experiences. Customizable configurations meet specific research needs, ensuring high-quality data collection and retention for future studies.

5. Tailored Reporting

Customizable reporting features align insights with your brand’s identity and presentation preferences. This flexibility enables clear communication of research outcomes to stakeholders, supporting strategic decision-making.

Challenges and Considerations

Delving into white-label market research solutions requires businesses to consider the following challenges while choosing white-label market research solutions.

1. Quality Assurance

Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of white-label solutions is challenging. Businesses must thoroughly assess providers to guarantee that the solutions meet their standards and deliver dependable research outcomes.

OnGraph’s role- OnGraph ensures rigorous quality control measures in developing white-label solutions, guaranteeing reliability and accuracy in research outcomes through meticulous testing and validation processes.

2. Dependency on Providers

Businesses have to rely on a white-label provider for ongoing support, updates, and maintenance of the research solutions. This dependence can affect responsiveness and adaptability to changing market demands.

OnGraph’s role- we provide comprehensive support for white-label solutions, offering continuous updates, maintenance, and troubleshooting to ensure seamless operation and adaptability to market demands.

3. Integration Challenges

Integrating white-label solutions into existing systems and workflows can pose technical challenges. Compatibility issues and integration complexities may require additional resources and time to resolve effectively.

Ongraph’s role- Leveraging robust technical expertise, OnGraph addresses integration challenges by ensuring compatibility with existing systems and minimizing complexities for smooth implementation.

4. Data Security and Privacy

Handling sensitive research data requires robust security measures. Businesses using white-label solutions must ensure compliance with data protection regulations and implement adequate safeguards to protect confidential information.

OnGraph’s role- we prioritize data security and privacy, implementing rigorous protocols and fraud detection techniques to safeguard sensitive research data and meet regulatory requirements, like GPPR.

OnGraph’s expertise and tailored solutions help businesses confidently navigate and overcome challenges associated with white-label market research, ensuring optimized performance, reliability, and strategic alignment with business objectives.

OnGraph’s White-label Market Research Solutions

Our market research experts integrate the latest technologies into your research process to get a competitive edge. From AI-driven workflows and targeting to cutting-edge survey platforms, our solutions have you covered.

Our White-label Market research offerings-

Project Management Tool 

An AI-powered solution to manage bids, field projects, quick invoicing, real-time reporting, supplier integration, and fraud detection integration for diversified research.


  • Smart Bidding- Allow the sales team to assign, notify, and customize bids.
  • Hassle-free project fielding- Easily manage projects with survey fielding, global security, and AI-driven optimizations for increased panelist engagement.
  • Quick supplier API integration- Integrate trusted suppliers manually or via API integrations to target global respondents.
  • Effective qualification and quotas- Simplify respondent targeting with AI-powered qualification and quota management for efficient survey completion.
  • Security- Ensure secure research with integrated fraud detection techniques, S2S callbacks, and robust platform security measures.
  • Real-time reporting and invoicing- Streamline invoicing, payments, and reporting in real-time for efficient team assessment.

Panel Management Tool

Recruit and Connect with Global Panelists for Better and Quick Research


  • Streamlined Participant Recruitment- Quickly build a multi-regional panel for fast market insights using affiliate partners or global advertisements.
  • Unified Dashboard Experience- Panelists enjoy a seamless process from registration to survey completion. Administrators can track performance, manage settings, and approve rewards effortlessly.
  • Effective Profiling for Relevant Surveys- Panelists fill out profiling questions during registration to receive surveys tailored to their profiles, ensuring meaningful participation.
  • Integrated Reward Systems- Offer custom incentives like gift cards or points to keep panelists engaged. Secure and instant payouts are managed through robust API integrations.
  • Top-notch Data Security- Ensure GDPR compliance and secure participant data with advanced fraud prevention measures like fingerprinting validation and mobile verification.
  • Connect with Panelists- Connect with your panelists directly, address their queries, and ensure a seamless communication experience, enhancing trust and collaboration for long-term benefits.
Also, read- Panel Management Software- Challenges and Its Solutions

Choosing the Best White Label Market Research Partner

Here are key factors to consider when choosing a white-label market research company:

  • Reputation and Track Record: Look for partners with strong client satisfaction ratings, positive reviews, and a proven track record in market research. Check online reviews and ratings to gauge their credibility.
  • Expertise in Your Industry: Choose a partner experienced in your industry or sector to accelerate project integration and understanding.
  • Research Methodologies: Ensure your partner offers a diverse range of research methodologies, such as surveys or focus groups, tailored to your needs.
  • Customization Capabilities: Opt for a flexible partner who can adapt their services to align with your branding and specific requirements for seamless integration.
  • Data Security and Confidentiality: Prioritize firms willing to sign confidentiality agreements and implement robust data security measures to protect sensitive information.
  • Technology and Tools: Evaluate the tools and platforms used by the partner to execute research, ensuring they meet your standards for professionalism and reliability.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Choose a responsive partner who values clear communication and collaboration, essential for maintaining client relationships and project success.
  • Sample Work and Deliverables: Request sample reports to assess the quality and depth of insights provided by the market research firm.
  • Scalability: Consider the firm’s capacity to handle your projected growth and research needs over time.
  • Cost Structure: Inquire about billing methods and payment terms that align with your financial strategy and client invoicing processes.

Also read- Top 9 White Label SaaS Platforms To Resell in 2024

Accelerate Market Research with White-label Solutions

Are you ready to take your market research efforts to the next level? 

Look no further than our White Label Solutions. Designed to empower businesses like yours, our solutions offer unique solutions to scale faster and launch your brand globally.

Go beyond legacy methods and improve your productivity and capability to research better. 

Embrace White Label Solutions today and unlock the full potential of your market research endeavors. 

Connect with us for a free demo. 


Q. What are white-label solutions? 

White-label solutions are products or services made by one company that other companies rebrand and sell as their own. In market research, this lets businesses offer research services under their brand without developing the tools themselves.

Q. What white-label market research solutions do you provide? 

We provide:

  • Project Management: Managing your research projects from start to finish.
  • Panel Management: Handling research panels, including recruitment and data collection.

Q. Do you offer customization for your white-label market research tools? 

Yes, we can offer customization to our white-label tools that fit your specific needs, including custom branding and unique features.

Q. Do you provide a free demo? 

Yes, we offer free demos of our market research solutions. Contact our sales team or visit our website to schedule one.

Q. Do we get post-launch support and maintenance? 

Yes, we provide ongoing support and maintenance after launch, including troubleshooting, updates, and technical assistance.

The Fundamentals of Market Research

market research feature image

Have you ever encountered a failure where your newly launched product does not create enough noise in the market? It seems you forgot to do your homework, which is called market research. Every business has a perception that their product is somehow different and will have a great impact in the market, but does it? Not every time, the market is full of ambiguities and even the customer’s perception about a product keeps on changing and that makes market research even more complex.

So, how do these companies get their facts right and make use of them for better-informed decisions that will help them succeed and generate revenue? 

Everything starts with digging deep into the market and understanding the constantly changing market trends and demands. Once companies realize the true potential of their products and understand the current trends, it’s time they understand the behavior of their customers and how they will react to them. 

All of this research has now become a mandatory task before companies launch their products into the market to understand its uncertainty. Not only established businesses but small businesses are also in need of conducting efficient market research to eliminate business risks. 

So, where does the complexity hit?

Things started to be complex for a newcomer who does not know where and how to start market research and what components to consider while conducting it. The process is time-consuming as there is no well-functioning system that can help every type of business conduct a variety of market research. 

Before we move to the critical part of how and why first we will introduce you to the term market research, and what exactly it is.

What is Market Research?

Market research involves a methodical process that helps businesses to gather relevant information about the market, ongoing trends, competitors’ analysis, customer behavior, and most importantly their interest. 

As per your business requirement, you can choose different market research software that will help convert the hard numbers into simple reports for you to make informed decisions. Market research is a detailed process that will provide insights into different fields. 

market research

By staying aware of industry trends, consumer demands and preferences, legislative changes, and other factors, companies can tailor their efforts and allocate resources effectively. This is where the value of market research lies.

The market is huge and has unlimited opportunities for every business. But before that business asks how to do effective research, before that they understand why they are doing it and why they need market research software.

Here is “Why” to Market Research

Whether you are a new business or established, you must conduct market research frequently to understand the market needs and change customers’ behavior. Not only this, market research can help businesses to reach new heights.

“Below are the reasons why businesses must make market research a crucial part of their development process.”

  • Identifying potential customers, what are their demands, who is the target audience who will be using the product, their age range, their demographics, and others. It will help to target customers effectively.
  • Learn more from existing customers, such as what they like about the product, how they are using the product, what is influencing their purchase decisions, and others. Not only this, but you will encounter their pain points also, so you can eliminate them with improved products and identify upsell opportunities.
  • Help you set realistic and long-term targets for your business. Leveraging market data, you can improve your tactics and improve marketing campaigns for continuous development. Being a part of a customer-centric market, you must adopt an STP model: Segmentation – Targeting – Positioning for better results.
  • Help you identify potential market challenges and how you can eliminate them by developing a solution to boost your business.
  • Find new places and platforms to advertise your products for better reach.
  • It helps in getting the latest updates on competitors, their sales, strategies, and their approach to targeting potential customers. 

Now that you know how market research can help your business in several ways, then why not do it? 

But, the most asked question is how can we start doing our research, what methods are available and how do we do that, and what approach to use in different scenarios?

Well, this could be challenging if you are not aware of different ways of conducting market research. So, here we move to the “how” part of the research.

“How” do we do Market Research?

Different types of market research help businesses get accurate information. Market research takes much time and incurs money, so, whatever information you want to be used within your business to make decisions, you must choose the right form of market research. 

types of market research

Primary Research

In this type, you gather the data directly from the target market, making it a primary data set. Collecting data through primary research yields two types of results: exploratory data, defining the nature of the problem, and conclusive data, which is used to solve a problem. 

For example-

Problem: not able to eliminate fraud respondents who are filling the surveys and it is impacting the quality of the results.

Solution: for that, companies can include fraud detection techniques to eliminate respondents who are leveraging the existing system to complete surveys incorrectly.

pros/cons of primary market research

The data collected from participants is raw and must be analyzed to identify trends and comparisons. It generally includes focus groups, interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and others.

Secondary Research

The second marketing method is known as secondary research, which involves utilizing previously collected, analyzed, and published data. This type of research can be conducted through desktop research using public domain data such as government statistics, think tanks, research centers, and other sources available on the internet, such as Google.

Compared to primary research strategies, secondary research is often less expensive as much of the information is freely available. However, in certain cases, the collected data may not provide sufficient details to describe the results accurately, requiring the use of primary market research to enhance understanding.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research involves data that cannot be measured. This type of research can be either primary or secondary, and methods such as interviews, polls, and surveys are often used to gain insights into customers’ thoughts and feelings about a product or service.

By asking open-ended questions such as

  • Why do you buy our product or service?
  • What are the scope of improvements and why?” 

Such answers can help businesses to make significant changes to newly launched and existing products and services. Qualitative research is helpful if conducted before the product launch. 

Quantitative Research

To gather statistical data for analysis, marketers use quantitative research. The objective of this type of market research is to have numerical evidence to support your marketing strategy. The numbers obtained are empirical, and not interpretations, this is where qualitative and quantitative research differs.

Quantitative market research gathers data via surveys, polls, questionnaires, and other methods to generate numerical data for analysis. It helps your business to understand where to allocate your marketing efforts and budget. By analyzing data such as page views, subscribers, and other dimensions, you can modify your marketing strategy according to your findings.

But, that is not all. Once you get into market research, you will come across different methods to get better customer insights. 

With time, people get more curious and have changing opinions about everything. So it is better to connect one-on-one and provide a personalized experience where they can share their true reviews. Getting to know a dedicated set of genuine respondents will take time, only then you can make a futuristic decision to help your business grow while eliminating risks.

Thus one can say that conducting market research is a crucial task that brings many challenges that must be eliminated for a seamless research process. If you are not aware of those challenges then you must take a look.

Potential Market Research Challenges

No matter how much effort you put into conducting detailed market research, if you make a single mistake or use a faulty system to conduct it, your business will have to suffer from losses that you might not be prepared for.

No matter how much effort you put into conducting detailed market research, if you make a single mistake or use a faulty system to conduct it, your business will have to suffer from losses that you might not be prepared for.

Many businesses have failed the process due to many reasons, such as-

  • Limited staff and budget to go deeper into the research to get more accurate results, resulting in impacted survey results.
  • Making assumptions about the gathered information or completing surveys with wrong data internally.
  • Relying on the respondents who are vaguely completing the surveys for just rewards, such as using different accounts to complete the surveys, filling in different data from different cities, and filling surveys for different demographics.
  • A seamless pattern to help businesses to manage and create their projects internally.
  • Managing a wide range of global suppliers for completing the surveys.
  • Not able to check the project’s feasibility even before starting the project.

To cater to these challenges, several companies are developing top-notch market research solutions. With such MR platforms, businesses can process and manage surveys, projects, and respondents from across the globe with great customization.

Unlock Market research opportunities with OnGraph

With the increased need for accurate market insights for making informed decisions, businesses need solutions that can help them get accurate data, connect to genuine respondents and suppliers, create engaging surveys, and more.

To help markets, analysts, and survey respondents, we have a team of experts that will help your business to eliminate all the significant challenges and streamline the market research process. With our solutions, we have helped global clients to make a significant difference in achieving their success.

To know more about these functionalities and market research software development services, you can connect with our team with complete requirements. We will build a perfect MR solution for every business needs.