Panel Management Software- Challenges and Its Solutions

Panel Management Software challenges

If you seek feedback for your products or a new launch from a diverse group of people with different opinions, that’s a panel. Panel Management software helps businesses make better decisions, from designing a new gadget to figuring out the latest fashion trends. They’re like a mini-audience that gives a sneak peek into what everyone else might think.

But are you managing these panels? It can be challenging. Think of it like trying to organize a big group trip – everyone has different schedules, preferences, and ideas.

There’s a lot to juggle! You must find the right people, keep everyone in the loop, ensure they share honest thoughts, and grow the team when needed. And just like how sometimes plans can go haywire, keeping panels running smoothly also has challenges.

The good news is we have excellent tech tools and innovative strategies to help us. Handling these challenges has become more accessible, especially with artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Let’s dive in, understand these bumps in the road better, and see how the latest tech can be our co-pilot in managing panels. 

Ready? Let’s dive into panel and panel management!

Introduction to Panels

At their core, panels are selected groups of individuals or entities brought together for a specific purpose, whether it’s for feedback, data collection, or to oversee an initiative.

The applications are vast and varied, From focus groups that vet product designs to panels that assess the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Managing these panels is more than just gathering data. It encompasses recruitment, engagement, data accuracy, scalability, and efficient communication.

With effective panel management, the chaos of data collection turns into a harmonious symphony of insights.

Benefits of Panel Management to Research Companies

Below are the benefits that research companies get with a panel management platform.

Steady and Reliable Data Stream

Having a dedicated panel means research companies can tap into a consistent source of participants. This removes the variability that comes with constantly seeking new respondents.

Research companies can build upon previous data with each interaction, making insights richer and more detailed.


Setting up and recruiting for a panel might have initial costs, but in the long run, it proves more economical. Research companies don’t have to allocate funds and resources to find new participants for every study.

They have a ready-made group familiar with the research process, saving time and money.

Swift Turnaround

With an accessible panel, research companies can quickly deploy surveys or studies without the wait associated with recruitment.

This is especially valuable in time-sensitive projects where research companies need feedback promptly.

Quality Assurance

Having a managed panel ensures that research companies are working with validated respondents. Setting up a panel involves careful selection, ensuring participants are genuine and fit the required criteria.

This reduces the risk of fraudulent data or outliers, which can skew results.

Depth of Insights

Panels, especially those engaged over a long period, can offer longitudinal data. This means research companies can track changes, habits, and opinions over time, giving them a deeper understanding of trends and shifts within the group.

Tailored Demographics

Panels can be curated to represent specific demographics or profiles. If a research company is keen on understanding a particular age group, region, profession, or criterion, panels can be designed to fit that need, ensuring targeted and relevant insights.

Enhanced Engagement

When panelists feel they’re part of a continual process and their opinions are valued, they’re more likely to engage deeply.

This enhanced engagement translates to richer feedback, with panelists more willing to offer detailed responses or partake in lengthy studies.

Strategic Edge

In industries or sectors where trends change rapidly, having immediate access to a panel can give research companies a competitive advantage.

They can quickly gauge reactions, test hypotheses, or validate assumptions, allowing businesses or institutions to stay one step ahead of the curve.

No doubt, panel management has helped market research companies and will impact their efficiency in the coming years. let’s see what benefits it holds for panelists.

What’s in for Panelists?

Panelists aren’t just data sources but partners in the research journey. With panel management tools, panelists enjoy.

  • Rewards & Incentives- Many platforms offer tangible rewards, from gift cards to cash.
  • Feedback Loops- Panelists can see the impact of their contributions, fostering a sense of purpose.
  • Flexibility- Modern tools allow panelists to contribute at their convenience, respecting their time.
  • Diverse Engagement- Interactive surveys, gamified inputs, and multimedia feedback options keep the engagement lively and varied.

Core Challenges in Panel Management & Tech-Driven Solutions

Market research panels give valuable insights to agencies and brands. They’re great for collecting feedback, tracking public opinion over time, and testing new concepts with specific groups. 

While the benefits are many, the challenges are just as abundant. Below, we highlight core challenges in panel management, shedding light on practical examples and offering tech-driven solutions reshaping the field.

core challenges of panel management

1. Recruitment & Onboarding

Challenge: One of the fundamental challenges in panel management is the recruitment of suitable panelists who genuinely meet the set criteria and the subsequent task of onboarding them seamlessly.

Example: Consider a research study focused on gourmet coffee consumption. The targeted panel might consist of coffee lovers or baristas.

Ensuring that each recruited panelist genuinely fits this niche and isn’t just an occasional coffee drinker can be daunting.

Solutions: Using sophisticated panel software can aid in specifically recruiting and targeting the desired demographics.

AI-based profiling of panelists can scrutinize them based on set criteria (qualification and quotas) and past behaviors, streamlining the selection process and ensuring a higher fit percentage.

Moreover, digital onboarding platforms can facilitate easy integration and orientation for new panelists.

2. Data Quality & Integrity

Challenge: Central to any research or study is the assurance that the data collected is of the highest quality, is unbiased, and genuinely represents the feedback or input of the panelists.

Eliminating data quality issues is one of the prior challenges, as it can drastically impact business decisions. Also, vague historical data can lead to a chain of business failures.

Example: If a certain fraction of panelists habitually provide fabricated information or quickly skim through surveys, the overall data integrity is compromised, leading to flawed insights.

Solutions: Sophisticated data validation tools can cross-check responses for authenticity. Incorporating CAPTCHA and similar mechanisms can thwart bot submissions.

Apart from this, integrating powerful fraud detection techniques can help detect fraud efficiently and eliminate it to an extent.

Moreover, advanced algorithms can detect and filter out inconsistent or suspicious answers, ensuring higher reliability in collected data.

3. Engagement & Retention

Challenge: Maintaining the enthusiasm and dedication of panelists over prolonged periods is a formidable task, especially when faced with potential monotony or a perceived lack of appreciation for their contributions.

Consumers today are eager to voice their opinions, as seen on social media, review sites, and online forums. But there’s also more competition for their attention.

This makes it hard to get panelists, and many drop out. Finding replacements takes more time and money.

Example: After participating in a series of surveys about automobiles, a panelist might feel disengaged if the content starts becoming too repetitive or doesn’t evolve.

Solutions: Introducing gamification elements can make participation more interactive and appealing.

Regularly updating and revamping the content and transparent feedback mechanisms can keep panelists invested.

Furthermore, digital reward management systems can offer instant gratifications, bolstering retention rates.

Also, businesses can create customized and engaging surveys with interesting questionnaires to keep panelists engaged throughout, increasing the survey completion rate.

For this, companies must also have advanced survey creation tools.

4. Privacy & Security Concerns in Panel Management

Challenge: In an era dominated by digital interactions, ensuring the complete safety and confidentiality of panelist data is a significant concern. Protecting consumer data and ensuring their privacy is paramount today.

It’s vital to have a panel management system rooted in privacy, with robust security measures to safeguard participant information.

As consumers become more aware of data privacy, businesses that neglect it risk losing their trust. 

Some respondent’s or panelist’s stats-

  • 84% of participants expressed privacy concerns, their and society’s data, and a desire for more oversight over its usage.
  • 48% have shifted to different businesses due to their data-related policies or sharing habits.
  • 79% of respondents are either very or somewhat worried about how companies utilize their collected data.
  • 64% are equally concerned about governmental data gathering.
  • 81% of respondents believe they possess little to no influence over the collected data.
  • 46%of customers feel they’ve relinquished control of their data.

privacy and security concerns

Both brands and agencies must confidently safeguard consumer data and meet all regulations. Managing research panels effectively is vital for many companies’ research plans, offering essential insights for intelligent decisions.

Thus, choosing the right technology and procedures is critical to tackling panel management challenges and delivering timely and thorough insights to your business.

Example: Recent history has witnessed several high-profile data breaches. Such incidents involving the leak of personal details can irreversibly damage the trust panelists place in the managing organization.

Solutions: Adopting state-of-the-art encryption techniques, multi-factor authentication systems, and secure cloud storage solutions can ensure robust data protection.

Regular audits and adherence to international data protection standards like GDPR can further fortify data defenses.

5. Scalability & Growth

Challenge: As organizations expand and evolve, there’s an intrinsic need to enlarge the panel commensurately. Managing this burgeoning number without diluting the quality becomes a crucial challenge.

Example: Transitioning from managing a cozy panel of 500 to a massive group of 50,000 involves drastically different logistics, strategies, and dynamics.

Solutions: Leveraging scalable cloud-based platforms can comfortably accommodate increased data traffic. Automation tools, harnessing the power of AI, can efficiently handle tasks like dispatching surveys, reminders, and notifications, enabling managers to concentrate on growth-oriented strategies.

6. Segmentation & Customization

Challenge: Recognizing the diversity and uniqueness of panelists is vital. Categorizing them based on various metrics and customizing tasks to cater to these specific segments enhances the relevance and accuracy of collected data.

As the panel size increases, it offers more detailed insights, but it can also complicate targeting the right audience swiftly. Your panel management tools and methods should simplify identifying and zeroing in on specific groups.

Example: A health brand might cater to professional athletes and sedentary office workers. These two groups’ feedback, requirements, and concerns would differ.

Solutions: AI and ML tools can facilitate dynamic, real-time segmentation of panelists based on evolving data patterns.

Advanced survey tools can customize the content, tailoring questions to align perfectly with a recipient’s profile and background, fostering more meaningful engagement and richer insights.

7. Inefficient Communication

Communication is the bedrock upon which successful panel management is built. Maintaining a seamless communication channel with each panelist is crucial in a world where rapid feedback and real-time collaboration are vital.

Streamlined communication ensures that every panel member is continuously in the loop and fosters a sense of belonging and purpose, enhancing their commitment to the panel’s objectives.

The challenge amplifies as panels become more global, encompassing many cultures, languages, and time zones. 

Finding a suitable time for interactions, addressing language barriers, and ensuring that every message resonates with its intended clarity and significance are simple tasks.

This growing complexity can lead to miscommunications, which in turn can jeopardize the very essence of the panel’s purpose.

Example: Consider a global environmental research panel designed to understand and mitigate climate change impacts.

This panel, with experts from five continents, aims to integrate diverse knowledge, from desertification in Africa to melting glaciers in Antarctica.

A crucial update intended for all members is sent out from London during business hours. 

While this suits European panelists, members in Australia might find the timing intrusive, and those in the Americas might miss it entirely due to time zone differences.

Such communication lapses can lead to fragmented insights, potentially hampering the panel’s overall efficacy.

Solution: Enter AI-powered communication medium – the modern-day answer to these challenges. Going beyond standard scheduling or translation capabilities, these tools can learn from previous interactions and user preferences. 

For instance, if a panelist often responds to updates in the evening, the platform will prioritize sending them messages during that window.

By integrating mobile email notifications with AI enhancements, we can ensure timely communications are tailored to resonate best with each panelist.

Such a personalized approach addresses the logistical challenges and makes each panelist feel uniquely valued, fostering greater engagement and collaboration.

All-in-One OnGraph’s Panel Management Solution to Beat Challenges

Driving their panels not only helps businesses and research companies in driving quick insights but also a reliable one.

But sometimes managing panels becomes challenging, especially when it grows.

But looking at the brighter side, some challenges must pay attention to the benefits of it.

So, to overcome such challenges and provide a better experience for panelists and research companies, OnGraph is leaping by integrating AI and ML solutions to deal with panel management challenges and developing a customized white-label panel management platform for every research company in the market.

If you are one of those businesses who want control of their panels, we are the right partner for your subsequent research. Connect with us with your queries today.

Cloud Migration: Prepare Your Business to Scale and Evolve

cloud migration feature

If you want your business to be a part of digital transformation, then migrating it to the cloud is the first step. Many businesses have migrated to the cloud, leveraging its immense benefits of pay-per-go resource utilization and reduced cost.

Then what is stopping you from being a part of it?

You will be amazed that the cloud migration market is growing with the global adoption of digital transformation. Cloud migration services were valued at USD 9.22 Billion in 2020 and are estimated to grow to USD 49.96 Billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 23.52% from 2021 to 2028.

Isn’t it amazing how the world is getting digitalized with the simple adoption of cloud technologies? Suppose you have yet to migrate your business and apps and are struggling to migrate to the cloud. In that case, you have landed on the right page, as we have gathered all the necessary information to help you understand its long-term business benefits and concerns related to cloud migration.

So, let’s get you started.

But wait, are you clear with the core term “cloud” here?

Before you think of migration, you must be clear about what cloud means. Simply put, the cloud is cloud computing with a vast pool of resources, services, and others over the internet. To avail of these services (database, storage, applications, servers, etc.), you only need an internet connection without any specific setup.

cloud computing

Image credits: Atlassian

Today, you will find several companies providing cloud services to others and even helping migrate their entire setup to the cloud with different plans. 

However, understanding your business requirements is necessary before you start migration, as the cloud offers different services, and you must know what services you want to help your business scale. You need to know what other cloud services are there so you can choose your plan wisely and reduce your IT spending.

Different Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides instant access to various computing services and resources online. This encompasses a range of applications, services, and servers, all stationed at remote data centers operated by cloud service providers.

Different types of cloud structures cater to distinct business needs. Let’s delve into the main types of cloud solutions to help you determine the best fit for your enterprise.

Public Cloud

public cloud

Image credits: netvault

These services are accessible to anyone via the Internet. They may be available at no cost or based on subscription or pay-as-you-go models. Cloud providers take on the responsibility of managing the data centers, hardware, and infrastructure, ensuring seamless operations for their users.

The public cloud market is anticipated to experience significant growth in 2022 thanks to its adaptability in accommodating fluctuating workloads.

It is a perfect fit for any business, so why do some companies opt for other options? If you have a scaling business that requires consistent resource demand, then the public cloud is not for you, as all the resources are shared over the network. If any other company exhausts all the help, it might be available at a different time, leaving your business to lose potential opportunities. 

This is why we have another option- Private cloud.

Private Cloud

private cloud

Image credits: netvault

With a private cloud, businesses will get dedicated resources, overcoming the shared resources issue of the public cloud. In a private cloud, the virtual environment is split into different backgrounds for various businesses. 

Many businesses choose the private cloud as it is more secure and can have all resources dedicated to them to scale their business. 

But some businesses are on a significant level that need private and public cloud benefits, so they go for Hybrid Cloud.

Hybrid Cloud

hybrid cloud

Image credits: netvault

For leveraging the benefits of both private and public cloud, Hybrid cloud is the better option for your business to scale efficiently. A hybrid cloud can connect your business’s private and public services into a single architecture so you can seamlessly run complex workloads. 

Also, the hybrid cloud allows your business to switch between private and public clouds per changing business needs. 

The core purpose of any business is to get necessary services within its budget. What if the company wants to avail of only some required assistance from a single cloud vendor as they get cheaper rates of a specific service from another vendor?

Of course, they want the best and cheapest services available. To accommodate such requests, multi-cloud and hybrid multi-cloud come to the rescue.



Image Credits: factioninc

With the multi-cloud option, the cloud can avail services from different cloud vendors (Amazon, Oracle, Salesforce, and others), eliminating vendor lock-in situations. This is why it is popular among businesses as they get suitable services, such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, at a reasonable price without sticking to a single vendor.

This helps businesses to migrate among the cloud and vendors efficiently. Some companies might be wondering what are IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Well, these are core cloud computing services that you will be available. Let’s understand them in the next section.

Cloud computing services 

The cloud offers unlimited services that are categorized into three categories- IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service). 

Let’s understand in detail how availing of such services can help your business save high costs in the long term.

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)


Image credits: milesweb

The cloud vendors host software on the cloud that companies can use directly. Anyone connected to that company network can use a good internet connection. It eliminates the need to physically install the software on each system on the company’s network. All you need is to pay as per your business requirement. 

The teams can access that software from any location or device with a single click. You know what is the next best thing- no technical support and maintenance of that software is on you. All is handled by the cloud vendor, from updating, upgrading, and troubleshooting that software. 

The software as a service (SAAS) market is expected to grow to $328.03 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 6.6%.

PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)


Image Credits: iron

The cloud vendors will provide on-demand platforms that include hardware, software, entire tech stack, infrastructure, servers, networks, storage, database, operating system software, and middleware. 

It helps businesses to integrate different platforms without even managing their internal complexities. The cloud vendors will handle all the technical work so the company can focus on the core part. 

Seeing the benefits, many businesses are adopting cloud PaaS services. The platform-as-a-service (PaaS) market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.42% from 2022 to 2027. An increase of approximately USD 80.82 billion in the market size is anticipated during this period.

IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)


Image Credits: filecloud

This service offers easy online access to basic computing like servers and storage.

IaaS lets companies adjust resources as their needs change and removes the need to own their infrastructure. After the pandemic, there was a significant increase in the use of IaaS cloud services worldwide.

Some leading IaaS providers in the market are-

Some leading IaaS providers in the market

Image Credits: Statista

Reasons to Migrate to the Cloud

Migrating to the cloud offers a variety of advantages for businesses and individuals alike. Here are the core benefits.

  • Cost Efficiency

Traditional IT infrastructure requires significant capital investment in hardware, software, and the physical space to house it. There are also ongoing costs for maintenance, energy, and hardware upgrades. With cloud computing, you typically operate on a pay-as-you-go model, allowing for predictable operational expenses and eliminating the need for hefty upfront investments. Maintenance costs are often included in the subscription price, further reducing overhead.


  • Scalability & Flexibility

Traditional infrastructure might require a complete hardware overhaul to scale up. The cloud, on the other hand, allows businesses to adjust resources based on real-time needs quickly. This ensures that during peak periods, the system can handle the extra load while you’re not paying for unused resources during off-peak times.


  • Disaster Recovery

Cloud providers typically have data centers in multiple locations. This redundancy means if one center faces an issue, your data can be quickly recovered from another area. This robust backup and disaster recovery solution would be costly and complex to implement on-premises.


  • Automatic Updates

Cloud providers take care of routine software and security updates, ensuring all users have access to the latest features and are protected from known vulnerabilities. This removes the burden and potential human error from manual updates.


  • Remote Access

The cloud facilitates a modern mobile workforce. Employees can access their work from home, during travel, or at client locations, improving productivity and flexibility.


  • Collaboration Efficiency

Cloud platforms often include collaboration tools that allow multiple team members to work on documents or projects in real-time. This boosts team efficiency and ensures everyone is on the same page.


  • Security

Cloud providers invest heavily in state-of-the-art security protocols. This includes encryption during transmission and while at rest, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits.

While no system can be 100% secure, the expertise and resources of major cloud providers often exceed what a single organization can muster.


  • Resource Management

Managed cloud services relieve businesses from the technicalities of daily IT operations. This allows companies to focus on their core competencies instead of getting bogged down in IT challenges.


  • Competitiveness

With cloud platforms, small and medium-sized businesses can access sophisticated technology without a massive investment, allowing them to compete more effectively with larger corporations. This democratization of technology can be a game-changer in many industries.

These benefits are tempting for any business to consider cloud migration. If you know that migrating your business to the cloud will reduce your workload, reduce cost, enhance security, and much more, why should you not do it?

But the question arises- migrating to the cloud as easy as it sounds. It can be complex, but the right cloud migration partner can make it easy for you and handle all the complexities. 

To understand the process of migration. How it works and what challenges you can face during migration.

Is Migrating to the cloud easy?

Moving to the cloud can be smooth if you plan well and understand your business needs. The cloud provider will handle the technical parts for you.

It’s essential to pick the right cloud partner. You might only get the desired results if you plan well.

Before migrating, ask yourself-

  • Where are you moving to?
  • Why are you making the move?
  • How will you do it?

Cloud Migration Process

It’s a good idea to have a checklist for your cloud migration. This way, you can track what’s done and what’s left, ensuring you keep all the data and avoid potential problems.

Here’s a simplified process-

  • Know your purpose of migration- Understand why you’re moving to the cloud. Everyone in your team, especially decision-makers, should know the benefits and reasons for the move.
  • Decide What and How to Move- Get to know the cloud you’re moving to. Figure out which applications you’ll transfer, any related dependencies, and the tools you’ll need.
  • Start the Migration- Begin with more straightforward tasks. Once you’ve moved, test your applications to ensure they work well and address any issues.

In short, a clear plan and understanding can make your cloud journey smooth and effective. Several migration strategies depend on your business situation. Let’s understand those strategies and choose the right one for your business.

The 6 Rs of Cloud Migration (strategies) 

These popular 6R cloud migration strategies will fit all your business needs. You can help you choose the right one after understanding them in detail. With the right approach, your migration will be more feasible and accessible. 

These strategies have been popularized by AWS (Amazon Web Services) but apply to any cloud migration effort.

Rehost (“Lift and Shift”)


This involves moving applications and data directly from the on-premises data center to the cloud without any modifications. It’s the quickest method but may only partially exploit cloud-native features.

Picture just lifting your entire room and placing it in a new house—no changes, no fuss. This is a straight move, and it’s fast. But, like when moving homes, sometimes you wish you’d rearranged a bit.

Replatform (“Lift, Tinker and Shift”)


This approach involves making a few cloud optimizations to realize a tangible benefit without changing the core application architecture. An example might be moving a database to a cloud-based managed database service. 

Think of this as packing your stuff but getting a shiny new cupboard at the new place. You’re not changing everything but making a few tweaks to fit better.

Repurchase (The “New Start”)

This involves moving to a different product or service, often shifting to a cloud-native solution. A typical scenario is changing from a traditional CRM to a SaaS platform like Salesforce. Have you ever felt like leaving behind the old and starting afresh? This is your chance to switch to a brand-new set, like swapping out that old couch for a modern sectional.

Refactor / Re-architect (The “Home Makeover”)


This is about reimagining how an application is architected and developed using cloud-native features. It’s the most involved strategy and is often undertaken to add scalability, flexibility, or other cloud-specific benefits.

Imagine redesigning your room in the new house entirely. This is for those looking for a fresh, modern vibe, taking advantage of the latest home decor – or, in this case, cutting-edge cloud features!

Retire (The “Declutter”)


Identify IT assets that are no longer useful and can be turned off. This helps save costs and reduces the complexity of migration. If you’ve got stuff you no longer need, why take it with you? This is the Marie Kondo method – if it doesn’t “spark joy” (or isn’t helpful), leave it behind.

Retain (The “Not Now”)


Not all applications will be migrated immediately. Some might be kept in their current state for various reasons, such as an impending phase-out or regulatory constraints. The idea is to keep these applications and data in the current environment without migrating them.

Some items have sentimental value or might be needed later. So, for now, they remain where they are. It’s okay; we all have those pieces we’re not ready to part with or move.

Challenges during Cloud Migration

It can be challenging if you are migrating your business from traditional architecture. Sometimes, it includes developing an entire system from scratch. Not only this, there are a few list of challenges that any business can face despite full-proof understanding.

  • System Outages 

During the migration, there might be times when your local servers need to be paused. This can impact how well your applications run and test the patience of your loyal customers. It’s essential to have robust backups and proper resource planning to prevent significant disruptions.


  • Risk of Data Compromise 

When transitioning to the cloud, your data can be especially exposed. There might be moments when specific data is inaccessible or prone to security threats. Enhancing protection during this phase is critical, employing measures like advanced access controls and ensuring data encryption.


  • Adjusting to the New Environment 

Some IT staff might be wary of the cloud, having been accustomed to traditional server management. Adapting to the cloud might mean retraining some team members or reshaping specific IT roles. This transformation can also touch on the fundamental processes of your business operations.


  • Ensuring Seamless Communication 

Marrying your existing applications with the new cloud setting can be a challenge. To maintain smooth system interoperability, it’s crucial to tweak and align your procedures with your cloud provider’s environment.

Experience Seamless Cloud Migration with OnGraph.

The day when every business leverages cloud-based solutions is just around the corner. With the right tools, any organization can embrace the cloud, simplifying the workflow for professionals across all sectors.

Businesses can shift to the cloud multiple times or transition between providers based on evolving needs. However, it’s crucial to identify which cloud solutions align best with your business objectives, the specific services you wish to utilize, and the nature of your chosen cloud provider.

The advantages of cloud migration often unfold over time. Seamlessly expanding resources in tandem with business growth brings immense satisfaction, especially to visionary leaders who championed the migration journey. to make your cloud migration journey easier, you need expert hands.

OnGraph has the capabilities and expertise to deliver efficient cloud computing services for seamless cloud migration from simple to complex infrastructure.

Waiting for the right partner for quick and professional migration to the cloud? Drop OnGraph a query today!