Rise of Blockchain in Modern Industries in 2024

Blockchain in Modern Industries

Imagine a world where a farmer in rural India gets an instant, tamper-proof payment for his produce from an international buyer, all without the need for intermediaries or hefty transaction fees. This isn’t a glimpse of a distant future but a reality being carved out by blockchain technology today. Explore how blockchain in modern industries is reshaping.

The decentralized ledger system of blockchain is more than just the backbone of cryptocurrencies; it’s a revolutionary tool setting the stage for its vast array of applications, from simplifying international transactions to ensuring data security.

As we delve deeper into this topic, you’ll witness the transformative journey of blockchain across different industries, illustrating its remarkable potential.

How Is Blockchain Transforming Finance?

blockchain in finance

The intricate fabric of the financial landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, spearheaded by blockchain technology. Let’s explore its profound impacts:

Revolutionizing Cross-border Payments

Traditional international payments, plagued with inefficiencies, delays, and high costs, are being revamped by blockchain.

  • Swift and Seamless: With blockchain, cross-border transactions can occur in real time or within minutes, drastically reducing waiting times.
  • Cost-effective: By eliminating intermediaries, blockchain reduces transaction fees significantly.

The Potential of Smart Contracts in Financial Transactions

Smart contracts are changing the game regarding automated, secure, and transparent financial agreements.

  • Automated Compliance: Financial agreements often come with a slew of regulations. Smart contracts ensure that all conditions are met automatically before a transaction proceeds.
  • Transparent Agreements: Every party involved can view the terms and verify the execution, promoting trust among parties.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The New Financial Paradigm

DeFi platforms are forging a new path, offering financial services independent of traditional intermediaries.

  • Peer-to-peer Lending and Borrowing: DeFi platforms offer direct lending and borrowing opportunities without banks as intermediaries, often at more favorable rates.
  • Innovative Financial Products: From yield farming to liquidity mining, DeFi is introducing new financial products that were previously unimaginable.

Securing Financial Data with Blockchain

Financial institutions manage a treasure trove of sensitive data. Blockchain’s attributes can bolster data security.

  • Tamper-proof Records: Once data is recorded on the blockchain, altering it is nearly impossible. This ensures a high level of data integrity.
  • Multi-layered Authorization: For any financial transaction or alteration, blockchain can require multiple authorizations, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities.

Streamlining Trade Finance

With its heavy reliance on paper documents and intermediaries, trade finance is ripe for disruption.

  • Digitizing Trade Documents: Blockchain can store and verify trade-related documents, ensuring authenticity and reducing the scope for errors or fraud.
  • Transparent Tracking: All parties involved in a trade can track goods, payments, and other trade components in real time on a blockchain, ensuring transparency and trust.

[Also read: Blockchain App Development Cost Estimate in 2024]

How Is Blockchain Revitalizing Healthcare?

The healthcare sector, known for its complexities and vast data pools, stands at the brink of a revolution driven by blockchain technology. Here’s how:

Can Patient Data be More Secure with Blockchain?

The sanctity of patient data is paramount. With data breaches becoming increasingly common, the need for enhanced security measures is clear. Enter blockchain.

  • Immutable Records: Once patient data is stored on the blockchain, it becomes almost impossible to tamper with. Every change is chronologically stored, enhancing data integrity.
  • Control in the Hands of Patients: Blockchain can grant patients the power to decide who accesses their medical information, and to what extent, reinforcing patient privacy.

Streamlined Medical Records: How Is Blockchain Making It Possible?

Medical records often exist in fragmented systems, leading to potential misdiagnoses or ineffective treatments.

  • Unified Patient Profiles: Blockchain can create a singular, unified record for every patient, accessible across different healthcare providers.
  • Real-time Data Updates: As patients undergo treatments or medical tests, their blockchain-based profile can be updated in real-time, ensuring all care providers have the latest information.

The Promise of Collaborative Drug Research: A Reality or a Dream?

Blockchain is poised to tackle challenges in drug research and development.

  • Data Sharing without Compromise: Research institutions can share findings without revealing sensitive data, fostering collaboration while preserving data confidentiality.
  • Accelerating Clinical Trials: By ensuring data integrity and streamlining patient recruitment processes, blockchain could significantly expedite clinical trials.

Counteracting Medical Fraud: Is Blockchain the Solution?

Medical fraud, a multi-billion dollar problem, can be curtailed with the attributes of blockchain.

  • Transparent Billing: Every medical transaction, from diagnosis to billing, can be recorded on the blockchain, minimizing the potential for overbilling or phantom treatments.
  • Authentication of Medical Components: Counterfeit drugs and medical devices can be traced and authenticated using blockchain, ensuring only genuine products reach the patients.

What Role Does Blockchain Play in Supply Chain and Logistics?

blockchain in SCM

The intricate web of supply chain and logistics, riddled with complexities and multiple stakeholders, has long sought an integrated solution for transparency, authenticity, and efficiency. Blockchain might just be the key.

Tracking in Real-time: Is Blockchain the Answer?

One of the longstanding challenges in logistics is the real-time tracking of goods and assets.

  • End-to-End Visibility: With blockchain, every product’s journey—from manufacturer to end consumer—can be mapped transparently, allowing stakeholders to view product status in real-time.
  • Timestamped Milestones: Each step in the product’s journey gets a timestamp on the blockchain. This makes it easier to identify delays or disruptions in the supply chain promptly.

Ensuring Product Authenticity: How Does Blockchain Fit In?

Counterfeits and misrepresentations are significant concerns in global supply chains.

  • Immutable Product History: Blockchain records each product’s origin and its journey, ensuring that every item’s authenticity can be verified by stakeholders.
  • Secure Tagging Techniques: Integrating technologies like QR codes or NFC with blockchain can offer a secure way to validate product authenticity.

Can Customs Processes Benefit from Blockchain?

Customs and cross-border transactions come with their own set of bureaucratic challenges.

  • Streamlined Documentation: All essential customs documents, like bills of lading or certificates of origin, can be digitized and stored on the blockchain, ensuring swift customs clearances.
  • Reduced Fraud: Blockchain’s transparent and tamper-proof nature reduces the chances of fraudulent documentation or misrepresented goods during customs checks.

Efficient Product Recalls: Can Blockchain Reduce Wastage?

Recalling defective or unsafe products has historically been a daunting and inefficient task.

  • Precision in Recalls: With a detailed, blockchain-based product history, companies can pinpoint the exact batch or set of products that need recall, minimizing the wastage of unaffected goods.
  • Instant Notifications: Blockchain can facilitate immediate notifications to all stakeholders in the event of a product recall, expediting the process and ensuring consumer safety.

How Is Blockchain Disrupting the Real Estate Market?

blockchain in real estate

The real estate industry, with its vast landscape of transactions, deeds, titles, and trust-building, stands to gain significantly from the adoption of blockchain technology. From democratizing property ownership to streamlining administrative processes, blockchain is ushering in a new era for the property market.

Tokenized Assets: The Future of Property Ownership?

The concept of tokenizing real estate assets represents a transformative approach to property ownership.

  • Democratizing Ownership: By breaking properties into smaller tokenized units, blockchain allows more people to invest in real estate, even with limited capital. This democratizes the investment process, allowing for broader participation.
  • Ease of Transfer: Tokenized assets can be traded on blockchain platforms, making buying and selling fractions of property as straightforward as trading stocks or cryptocurrencies.

Making Property Transactions Seamless: Can Blockchain Remove Paperwork?

The real estate industry has traditionally been laden with paperwork and bureaucratic hurdles.

  • Digital Titles and Deeds: Blockchain allows for digitizing property titles and deeds, ensuring they’re tamper-proof and easily accessible. This reduces the need for physical documentation and speeds up transactions.
  • Smart Contracts: These programmable contracts can automate various aspects of the property transaction process. For instance, upon verification of payment, a smart contract can instantly transfer ownership rights, eliminating delays.

Building Trust in Property Deals: Is Blockchain the Answer?

Trust has always been a cornerstone of real estate transactions.

  • Transparent History: Every property transaction recorded on the blockchain is visible to all parties involved, fostering transparency and trust.
  • Tamper-proof Records: Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it becomes immutable. This ensures that property histories are secure from fraudulent alterations, increasing confidence in property deals.

How Is Agriculture Benefitting from Blockchain?

Agriculture, the backbone of many economies, has often grappled with issues ranging from trust in food quality to the complexities of international trade. Blockchain, with its transparent and immutable nature, has begun to address many of these challenges, offering solutions that enhance trust, transparency, and efficiency.

Ensuring Food Quality: Can Blockchain Trace from Farm to Table?

As consumers become increasingly concerned about the quality and origin of their food, the traceability of agricultural products has taken center stage.

  • Transparent Supply Chain: With blockchain, every stage of the product’s journey, from sowing to harvesting and processing to retailing, can be recorded and verified. This creates a transparent, tamper-proof history of the product.
  • Instant Recalls: In cases of contamination or health risks, blockchain can identify and trace the exact batch of products, enabling quicker recalls and limiting potential harm.

The Rise of Smart Contracts in Agriculture: What Does it Mean for Trade?

Agricultural trade, especially across borders, has its share of complexities, from pricing agreements to quality assurances.

  • Automated Transactions: Smart contracts can be programmed to release payments once specific conditions (like product quality or delivery time) are met, reducing disputes and the need for intermediaries.
  • Fair Pricing: Blockchain can record and track global commodity prices in real time. This can ensure farmers get a fair price for their produce by referencing these immutable records.

Decentralized Systems for Farmers: How Are They Making a Difference?

Decentralized systems empower farmers by giving them more control and access to information.

  • Peer-to-Peer Trading: Farmers can sell directly to consumers or businesses using blockchain platforms, eliminating middlemen and increasing their profit margins.
  • Access to Global Markets: Blockchain can facilitate cross-border trade by streamlining documentation and customs processes, allowing farmers to access global markets more easily.

What Are the Challenges in Adopting Blockchain Broadly?

Despite the multitude of advantages blockchain presents across various industries, its adoption on a large scale is not without its challenges. From technical barriers to societal misconceptions, industries must address several concerns before blockchain can achieve its full potential.

Addressing Scalability: Are There Concrete Solutions?

Scalability remains one of the primary technical challenges for blockchain systems, especially when we consider networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

  • Transaction Throughput: Blockchain networks traditionally have lower transaction speeds than conventional systems. This limitation poses challenges, especially in industries requiring real-time transaction validations.
  • Layered Solutions and Off-Chain Transactions: Some proposed solutions, like the Lightning Network for Bitcoin, seek to carry out most transactions off-chain and only record final balances on-chain, providing faster transaction times.
  • Alternative Consensus Mechanisms: Moving away from energy-consuming mechanisms like Proof-of-Work (PoW) to alternatives like Proof-of-Stake (PoS) can address scalability and environmental concerns.

Regulatory Challenges: How Are Industries Navigating Them?

The decentralized nature of blockchain can sometimes be at odds with centralized regulatory bodies.

  • Legal Status: The classification and legal status of digital assets remain ambiguous in many countries, causing uncertainty for businesses and investors.
  • Data Privacy and GDPR: While blockchain’s transparency is one of its strengths, it can also pose challenges with regulations like GDPR that emphasize the right to be forgotten.
  • Cross-Border Complexities: Blockchain facilitates global transactions, but differing regulations across countries can be a challenge to navigate.

Overcoming Trust Barriers: Can Misconceptions Be Clarified?

Blockchain, being a relatively new technology, faces trust issues from both individuals and corporations.

  • Education and Awareness: Dispelling myths and providing factual information through educational campaigns and training is crucial.
  • Association with Cryptocurrencies: Blockchain, often synonymous with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, sometimes inherits the skepticism or negative perceptions associated with volatile digital currencies.
  • Tech Complexity: The technical intricacies of blockchain can be daunting for the average person. Simplifying its understanding and making its adoption more user-friendly can be pivotal in gaining trust.

What Future Innovations Does Blockchain Hold?

Blockchain, as an evolving technology, has the potential to redefine the very fabric of how businesses and societies operate. Its decentralized nature, combined with other emerging technologies, sets the stage for unprecedented advancements.

The Collaboration of AI, IoT, and Blockchain: A New Dawn?

Integrating blockchain with other cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformative potential.

  • Decentralized Intelligent Systems: Imagine a world where smart contracts on blockchain platforms make decisions based on AI algorithms, facilitating autonomous, trusted, and efficient transactions without human intervention.
  • Enhanced Data Security and Authenticity for IoT: As billions of devices continue to connect to the internet, ensuring their security and the authenticity of the data they generate becomes paramount. Blockchain can offer immutable and transparent records of every device’s activity.
  • Personal Data Monetization: AI models thrive on data. With blockchain, users could control their personal data and even monetize it by providing it to AI companies, all while ensuring security and privacy.

Are Industry and Government Collaborations Shaping the Next Steps?

Public-private partnerships can play a pivotal role in the evolution and adoption of blockchain.

  • Standardization and Regulation: Collaborative efforts can help establish standards for blockchain implementations and ensure that regulations facilitate growth while ensuring security and ethical considerations.
  • Public Infrastructure on Blockchain: Governments could leverage blockchain for public goods, from land registries to transparent and verifiable voting systems.
  • Research and Development: Joint investments by the industry and governments in R&D can accelerate breakthroughs and drive adoption across sectors.

The Quantum Computing Era: How Will It Impact Blockchain?

Quantum computing poses both challenges and opportunities for the world of blockchain.

  • Security Implications: Quantum computers have the potential to break current cryptographic techniques used in blockchains, which could jeopardize the security of existing platforms.
  • Post-Quantum Cryptography: Research is already underway to develop cryptographic techniques resistant to quantum attacks, ensuring the longevity and security of blockchain systems in a post-quantum world.
  • Quantum Blockchains: Some visionaries and researchers speculate about the possibility of quantum blockchains, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics for even more secure and efficient decentralized systems.

Partnering with the Future: OnGraph’s Vision for Blockchain

As the vast horizons of blockchain technology unfurl, organizations and businesses must not only observe but actively participate to stay ahead in this dynamic landscape. One such vanguard in this revolution is OnGraph.

Recognized as a leading blockchain development company, OnGraph boasts a team of seasoned blockchain developers who are at the forefront of bringing innovations in areas like NFTs, smart contract development, tokenization, DApps, and more.

With expertise spanning blockchain development and consulting, they are the architects designing the blockchain-powered world of tomorrow.

Whether you’re a business looking to integrate blockchain into your operations or someone eager to grasp its nuances, partnering with OnGraph ensures a journey in sync with the future’s brightest potential.

How Much Does Blockchain App Development Cost: A Detailed Overview

Blockchain App Development Cost

Blockchain Technology in web development has been in the market for a very long but got people’s attention during COVID-19. Due to its increasing demand and security aspects, it is a huge buzzword in every IT sector. Today, global businesses are adopting blockchain technology which is the major factor in increasing Blockchain App Development Cost.

But, do you know how much it costs to develop a blockchain App? 

Well, the answer is not a definite number. It depends on your purpose and your requirements for the app. If you want to dig deeper and find out what factors significantly affect blockchain development cost, then you are on the right page. 

We have gathered all the stats and figures for you to understand how much you need to invest to make a next-gen, tech-led blockchain app. For that, we need to understand the blockchain market, factors affecting cost, and more.

Consistently Evolving Blockchain Market: A Quick Peek

Today, major market sectors are adopting blockchain technology to stay in the race. To compete with them, you need an out-of-the-box blockchain app that can significantly help your business grow and stand out.

This is why there has been tremendous growth in blockchain projects globally. 

As per Grand View Research, In 2022, the worldwide market for blockchain technology was worth $10.02 billion. This market is predicted to expand quite rapidly, with an average yearly growth rate of 87.7% from 2023 to 2030.

This growth is likely because more and more investors are putting their money into businesses that work with blockchain technology.

To understand how Blockchain works and its use cases, read this blog- The Ultimate Guide to Blockchain Development and Use Cases.

As you can see the increasing trends of blockchain adoption over the last few years, blockchain development might not be easy. The cost will definitely rise going from simple to complex, tech-integrated apps. 

So what do you think could be the average cost of developing a blockchain app? Let’s simplify the Blockchain app cost.

Cost of a Blockchain App Development

Cost of a Blockchain App Development

Different industries have different app requirements, features, and technologies to be used. So, what could be the rough estimate for you? No idea?

Well, on average, developing a Blockchain app can cost from $40,000 to $300,000, and beyond. Different factors contribute to the cost of blockchain app development, which we will discuss in the next section.

This is a rough estimate, these numbers can increase with the app’s complexity.

So as per your understanding, what could be other significant factors that can impact the blockchain development cost? Let’s explore those factors with us.

Top 5 Factors Affecting the Cost of Blockchain App Development

5 Factors Affecting the Cost of Blockchain

1. The size of the Agency

If you are outsourcing the development of your blockchain application, then the size of the agency matters a lot and can impact the overall cost of your app development.

Generally, there are three categories of agencies in the market- Small Cap Agencies, medium-sized agencies, and Large Size Agencies. 

Size of Agency

Image Credits: Oyelabs

  • Small Cap Agencies- a group of up to 50 blockchain developers ready to bring your ideas to life. Although they might not be the most seasoned experts out there, their fresh perspective in the industry shouldn’t be underestimated. Plus, their competitive pricing provides a great opportunity for those on a budget. A word of caution though – if you have an exceptionally large or complex project, they might find it a challenge to manage. Choose them if you appreciate the hustle of growing talent and the freshness of new perspectives.
  • Medium Size Agencies- Blockchain App Development Companies boasting a battalion of 500-1000 blockchain developers. With their impressive resume of experience, they promise nothing short of quality service. It’s true, that their rates might be a step above those of the small-cap agencies, but what you invest in cost, you reap in assurance and expertise. Select them if you’re after a blend of solid experience and dedicated service.
  • Large Size Agencies- Large Size Companies featuring a staggering roster of 1000+ blockchain developers. Their wealth of experience is as vast as their team size, making them pros at handling sizeable projects with finesse. Their rates might be on the higher end, but in return, you’ll gain access to a powerhouse of knowledge and capability. Choose them if your project demands the might and mettle of the industry’s most seasoned veterans.

Large Size Agencies

2. Industry-based Blockchain App Development Cost

Industry-based Blockchain App Development Cost

Do you know, that Blockchain has made its impact on almost every industry in the market?

Considering blockchain app development, your industry decides the price tag. Take the banking sector, with its layers of complexity and need for tight security – developing a blockchain app here would naturally carry a higher cost compared to, say, the healthcare sector.

Similarly, the intricate web of supply chain management presents its own challenges that call for more advanced security features.

As a result, it’s costlier to build a blockchain app here than it is for the more straightforward retail sector. In essence, the complexity and security requirements of your target industry directly influence the cost of your blockchain app development.

Industry-based Blockchain App Development Cost

3. Complexity Level of Blockchain App

While creating a blockchain app, several factors come into the picture that must not be neglected. Such factors might increase the complexity of the app, resulting in increased cost. 

So what factors define the complexity level of the Blockchain App?

 Complexity Level of Blockchain App

Let’s discuss each factor in depth. 

  • Goal- Before diving into blockchain app development, focus in on your ‘why’. Understand the user’s pain points, explore current solutions, and assess how a blockchain app could up the ante. Ask yourself – why does the world need this blockchain innovation and how can your app raise the bar? Answering these questions will guide your choice of development services. For any enterprise stepping into the blockchain arena, this initial clarity is invaluable.
  • Consensus Mechanism- Think of Consensus Mechanisms as the rulebook for how a blockchain network agrees on its information. There are a bunch of different types, like Proof of Work that Bitcoin uses, or others might use Proof of Stake, Delegated Proof of Stake, Proof of Elapsed Time, or Federated. Each type has its own balance of security, decentralization, cost, and efficiency, so it’s important to pick the one that fits your needs best.

There’s more to consider, such as who can use the system, how new assets are made and managed, how transactions are handled and confirmed, and the format of addresses and signatures.

This is a big step, so if you’re new to all this, it could be a good idea to get advice from a company that specializes in making blockchain apps.

  • Platforms to Build Blockchain Apps- You can build blockchain applications on various platforms like Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, and others, each with its own special tricks and tools. The platform you pick will influence how complicated your application ends up being. So, it’s a bit like choosing the ingredients for a recipe – the choice directly affects the final dish!

Many businesses find it challenging to find the right platform for their blockchain app development. To make the choice easier, below is the checklist for choosing the right platform based on your requirements.

Platforms to Build Blockchain Apps

Image Credits: 101blockchains

  • Tools and Technology Stack

Below is the list of all tech stacks that can be implemented within each layer of blockchain.

Tools and Technology Stack

Image Credits: moralis.io

  • Layer 1(Networks)- Ethereum, Avalanche, Cronos, Fantom, BNB Chain, Solana, NEAR, Flow, Polygon, Arbitrum, Hermes, and others.
  • Layer 2 (Nodes)- Infura, Alchemy, Chainstack, Getblock, Pocket Network, QuickNode, and RunNode.
  • Layer 3 (APIs)- Covalent, QuickNode, The Graph, Bitquery, Alchemy, and Biconomy
  • Layer 4 (Web3 and Web2 Dev Tools and Platforms)- Firebase, Supabase, and PlayFab
  • Layer 5 (Dapps)- DeFi dashboards, DEXs, identity and authentication dapps, NFT marketplaces, data handling dapps, MetaMask, and many others.

Every stack has its own good points and not-so-good points. This means you need to choose the best mix of stacks to make your development work really shine.

  • Third-party Tools

Third-party Tools

  • APIs- You’ll find many ready-made APIs out there that can help with the development process. But sometimes, you might need to create your own API for specific tasks like checking and keeping track of data, making key pairs and addresses, storing and retrieving data, or managing how smart contracts interact with the system.
  • UI & UX- After you’ve figured out all the backend stuff, it’s time to make a control panel for the UI and Admin. This is where you decide on the right front-end coding language, servers, and external databases for your app.
  • POC or MVP- Blockchain is still pretty new, so it’s often better to start with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach. This means building and testing a simple version of your app that just includes the core features, rather than trying to build the whole thing at once.

4. Blockchain App Development Category

The world of blockchain applications basically splits into two categories.

  • Cryptocurrency-based Solutions- Imagine apps built using a system where everyone keeps track of all transactions together, with no need for a middleman. This kind of system is called a decentralized ledger. It can help keep costs down when developing blockchain apps.
  • Non-cryptocurrency-Based Solutions- These apps work a bit differently. They use a system where one main player is in charge of checking and approving all transactions. This is known as a centralized ledger. Because of this setup, it can be a bit pricier to develop these kinds of blockchain apps.

In short, whether the ledger is run by everyone or run by one can affect the cost and design of your blockchain application.

5. Blockchain App Development Services

The type of blockchain app services you need can affect the cost. Here are some popular ones.

  • ICO Development- Initial coin offerings, or ICOs, help blockchain startups get funding. It takes both tech and marketing skills to create an ICO, which can be expensive. Costs can include things like designing a website, writing a whitepaper, and creating a smart contract. Marketing an ICO can be costly too because you need to reach a lot of people. Expect to spend around $10K to $15K on this.
  • Smart Contract Development- Smart contracts are a big deal in blockchain because they let transactions happen without a middleman, saving on fees. However, creating smart contracts can be tricky and time-consuming. So when you’re planning your budget, remember to include around $5,000 for this.
  • Cryptocurrency Exchange Development- Building a place for people to trade cryptocurrencies can be a challenge, requiring high security and functionality, and that means higher costs. However, if you want your users to trade cryptocurrencies, then it’s a must-have. The cost for a basic exchange can range from $50,000 to $98,000.
  • Wallet Development- A crypto wallet holds users’ private keys, which lets them send and receive cryptocurrencies. Because this involves sensitive data, wallet development can be tricky and pricey. This could cost you about $15,000 to $150,000.
  • NFT Marketplace- Finally, there’s the NFT marketplace, a place where users can buy and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) online. These represent an authenticity certificate related to online or physical assets.

Remember, figuring out the exact cost of a blockchain app isn’t easy. You’ll first need to decide what kind of blockchain app you want for your business.

Blockchain App Development Services

How Much Does it Cost to Hire Blockchain Developers?

With the increase in the development of blockchain apps, the demand for blockchain developers has increased. 

A blockchain developer must possess various skills that also impact their cost.

  • Strong programming skills in Java, Solidity, Python, PHP, etc.
  • Web development skills
  • Proficiency in data structure and concepts
  • Skilled in developing smart contracts
  • Cryptography skills

Such a combination of skills also increases the developer’s cost. As per Codementor.io, the average and medium hourly rates of blockchain developers are shown in the below image.

Cost to Hire Blockchain Developers

All these costings can be improved and optimized if you choose the right agency offering better pricing with expertise in every domain of Blockchain app development.

Fast-track your Blockchain Software Development with OnGraph 

No matter the size or complexity, we’re ready to assist with every blockchain development service your business requires.

Our talented team, equipped with 15+ years of experience, creates decentralized blockchain systems that pave the way for new business strategies and ensure greater transparency in data and transactions.

From crafting smart contracts to developing apps, OnGraph (a blockchain development company in the USA) offers a comprehensive range of blockchain development services.

What are your thoughts about hiring the best Blockchain developers in the market?

Whatever your requirements, we are happy to turn your ideas into real-world full-fledged apps. Connect with us today.