Why Choose Application Management Services in 2024?

Application Management Services

AMS (Application Management Services)– changing the way IT support streamlines operations, How?

Today, almost every business relies on apps to increase its online presence and target a wider audience. Whether mobile, desktop, cloud or another app starts to scale, it comes with complexities. One major challenge is for the IT support to consistently manage and maintain the scalable app throughout, delivering an exceptional customer experience.

For example, you are in the middle of an online bank transaction, and the banking app crashes. And the IT team will take time to fix that due to more work in hand. 

Solution- Application Management Services (AMS). 

AMS covers everything from managing to monitoring and releasing patches in time to ensure complete security and availability of the app. Thus, the AMS market is projected to rise from $17.12 billion in 2020 to $94.79 billion by 2030.

Whether you are a small or large organization struggling to manage your internal IT operations, you must consider choosing the best application management service to improve efficiency, enhance user experience, and focus on more productivity. 

Let’s understand the application management services in detail and how they can help businesses in 2024. 

Understanding Application Management Services 

Application management services simply mean delegating the management and maintenance of your application to a third-party- external AMS provider. 

These AMS providers are a team of dedicated experts with the required skills to effectively manage all the IT operations for your business. They ensure the complete availability of your apps by working instantly on issues, providing effective root-cause analysis, improvements, and other operations for smooth lifecycle management of software applications. 

Driving Factors 

The core factor that is driving the demand for application management services is the adoption of digital transformation. As businesses look to integrate the latest technologies and want smooth operations, Application management services assist businesses in efficiently adopting these new-age digital transformations and help them expand their application(s) portfolio.

Other factors driving the global AMS market are-

  • Increasing demand for hosted/SaaS AMS to deploy enterprise software.
  • Increased Use of Personal Devices at Work. AMS minimizes the complexity for IT departments to keep corporate information secure.
  • Growing Adoption of Ready-Made AMS Solutions. Ready-made solutions reduce challenges in deploying and managing AMS solutions. You can reuse these solutions to reduce the launch of new products, offering a cost-effective solution. 

Also Read- Cloud Migration: Prepare Your Business to Scale and Evolve

Application Management Services- What’s it included?

A dedicated application management service provider ensures smooth operations of your application, from optimization to scalability. They offer several types of services-

Application Management Services- What’s it included?

  • Infrastructure Management: AWS manages the entire infrastructure, including provisioning, managing, and operating business infrastructure. 
  • Application Management: AWS focuses on the consistent development, customization, and maintenance of enterprise applications to meet changing business needs to boost productivity.
  • Service Management: they manage your incidents under strict SLAs to optimize efficiency and ensure high-quality user experiences.
  • Licenses and Compliance: they check software licenses adhere to regulatory complaints that are recommended for specific business case
  • SYSOPS Management: they automate crucial operations and rapid deployments of full-stack complex applications
  • Security Management: Implement and maintain security measures to protect the application and its data from unauthorized access, breaches, and vulnerabilities. This includes implementing security patches, access controls, and encryption.

How Application Management Services Differs from IT Support?

Some might get confused between the application management services provider and the IT support team. Below is the difference to understand where they differ. So you can make the right choice based on your business needs.

Aspect Application Management Services (AMS) IT Support Services
Services Manages applications’ lifecycle: development, customization, maintenance, and upgrades. Addresses technical issues, and supports IT systems and users.
Goals Enhances app performance, efficiency, security, and value. Ensures smooth IT operations, minimizes downtime, and resolves issues.
Expertise Specialized in app development, integration, optimization, and security. Broad knowledge covering hardware, software, networks, and systems.
Interaction Collaborates with developers, stakeholders, and IT teams to align apps with goals. Directly assists end-users or IT staff with technical problems.
Approach Proactively monitors and maintains apps to prevent critical issues. Reactively responds to reported issues or user inquiries.
Impact Directly impacts business operations and productivity through efficient app management. Indirectly supports business by ensuring IT systems function well.

Benefits of Application Management Services 

Benefits of Application Management Services

Reduced cost

Today, 40 to 72% of businesses use AMS or managed app services to reduce operational costs. You can reduce costs by hiring additional teams, saving your upfront IT investment, and minimizing ongoing IT costs. 

Improved productivity and efficiency

Businesses can focus on their core operations by delegating crucial management and maintenance tasks to AMS teams. AMS providers follow agile and DevOps methodologies for faster time-to-market. Also, with real-time monitoring, they ensure quick fixes of your app.

Improved app performance

They monitor the app regularly and frequently to ensure timely updates to improve the app’s availability. They also optimize the app’s performance to ensure the smooth running of your app.

Improved security

They implement strong security measures to reduce the attack surface of your apps. They leverage the latest tools for quick detection and resolution. They also carry our regular patches so your apps are always up-to-date following regulations.

Access to expertise

These AMS teams are well-equipped and skilled with the latest technological solutions to manage your app even in complex situations. They follow the latest standard practices to deliver the best experience. 

Scalable and flexible solutions

They monitor resource utilization and help your business scale during changing business requirements, supporting easy and quick growth. 

Competitive edge

Application management keeps apps up-to-date and adapts them as businesses grow and get a competitive edge. Identifying areas to improve is challenging, but application management services can help. 

Proactive approach

Application management is a proactive way to ensure that your organization’s apps help achieve its goals. By checking requests, logs, and how resources are used, you see what the app needs to work well. You can fix issues before they cause big problems. 

Working with a skilled provider, you get advice tailored to your business, helping you add useful new features that boost your business.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) usually have limited internal IT resources and may lack extensive physical infrastructure. Because of this, they rely heavily on applications to run their operations smoothly.

To ensure these apps work well, stay updated, and are secure, SMBs often opt for AMS. These providers make sure all systems run smoothly, avoiding work disruptions and potential loss of customers.

Benefits of AMS Services Challenges Faced AMS Benefits
Large Enterprises Managing many complex applications gets tougher as the company grows. Efficient use of AMS services cuts the need for large in-house IT teams, reducing costs.
Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Limited internal IT resources and reliance on applications due to minimal physical infrastructure. SMBs avoid the hassle and expense of hiring in-house IT support, allowing focus on core business activities.

Signs you Need AMS Provider For Your Business

Finding the right application management service provider is challenging. Before it’s too late, analyze your business operations and understand your need for an AMS provider.

Below are the signs to consider it-

  • You are overspending on infrastructure, software, hardware, and managing IT staff to manage your app and increasing complexity.
  • Your app is not performing as expected, showing low latency, frequent downtime, and impacting your team’s productivity.
  • Your app is not secure and is prone to high risks.
  • Using traditional systems stops you from scaling your business and cannot cater to growing business needs.

If you face similar issues, choose the right AMS provider like OnGraph for your business. 

Tips to Choose the Right AMS Provider

Among several AMS providers in the market, you must choose the right provider that helps you achieve your goals. Consider their experience and skills in offering scalable services and their pricing model for a long-term commitment. 

You must consider the following factors while choosing AMS for you.

  • Expertise- check if the AMS provider has experience in managing applications similar to your business. This will ensure that the provider is well-equipped to manage the challenges and complexities of your business model.
  • Customization- you must also check if the AMS solution is tailored to your unique business requirements. The provider must agree to create customized solutions to manage your applications in the growing environment. 
  • Future-readiness- consider their capability and tools if they can handle your growing business demands, by fulfilling your existing and future business demands. Make sure they adopt the latest tools and technologies to make your business stand out.
  • Cost structure- this is the foremost corn for every business. Make sure the AMS cost is reasonable and within your budget. Make sure there are no hidden service charges. 
  • 24/7 support- also confirm if they offer quick and 24/7 support for ongoing maintenance and patches to ensure quick fixes.
  • Service level agreements (SLAs)- The AMS provider should promise specific levels of service and support through SLAs. This could mean fixing issues within set deadlines and offering continuous monitoring and assistance.

Challenges of Managing Applications In-house

Managing applications with in-house teams can work until things get too complex to manage. Things get complex, when there are more important things to focus on and teams are distracted while managing existing apps.

There are several challenges in managing scaling business operations and applications in-house.

  • Not having enough know-how- Sometimes, the people working internally might not know everything they need to about certain applications.
  • Spending a lot of money- it is costly to keep everything running smoothly with in-house teams and equipment.
  • Having trouble growing- It might be hard to handle more applications or expand without enough resources.
  • Running out of time- Keeping up with new technology and changes in the business world can be tough for in-house teams.
  • Staying safe- Making sure applications are safe from cyber threats can be really hard and needs a lot of resources.
  • Dealing with maintenance- It takes effort to keep applications up-to-date and fix any problems that come up.
  • Meeting rules and regulations- Following laws and standards in certain industries might need special skills and attention.
  • Relying too much on certain people- If key staff members leave, it can disrupt how applications are managed.

Real-world Use Cases of Application Management Services in Action 

Real-world Use Cases of Application Management Services in Action

  • Online Store Improvement- A company selling things online uses AMS to make its website work better. AMS checks the website all the time, finds problems like slow checkout, and fixes them. It also makes sure the website stays safe from hackers by updating it regularly. This helps the company’s website run smoother, makes customers happier, and sells more products.
  • Healthcare System Organization- A hospital uses AMS to manage all its computer systems. AMS helps connect different systems like patient records and billing so everything works together. It also keeps an eye on the systems all day, every day to quickly fix any problems. This ensures patients get the care they need without any issues.
  • Bank Security and Rules- A bank works with AMS to follow all the rules and keep customer information safe. AMS sets up strong security on the bank’s computers, like locks on a door. It also helps the bank do all the paperwork needed to follow the rules. This keeps the bank safe from hackers and saves time and money on paperwork.

Choose Application Management Services with OnGraph

In this ever-evolving digital landscape, where everyone is focusing on improving productivity, AMS arises as a solution to achieve that. One of the leading AMS providers is OnGraph, aiming to bring transformation with its expertise and commitment to drive innovation.

OnGraph leverages the latest tools and technologies, and adopts agile-driven development processes and services, to help your business scale, improve performance, and enhance customer experience, while offering cost-effective Application management services.

Reasons to Choose OnGraph as your AMS Provider

  • 15+ years of experience 
  • Offered application management services to 70+ clients,1000+ Projects Completed, 500+ Applications Delivered
  • 99% custom satisfaction rate
  • 24/7 support availability
  • Leverages tech trends like AI, ML, Chatbots, Voicebots, Blockchain, and more for automated AMS services. 
  • Deliver customized and ready-made AMS plans to meet your unique business needs

Going forward in 2024, AMS will help your business explore new business possibilities while scaling. AMS is your way to achieve digital transformation.

Let’s drive the change with OnGraph

Connect with us today.

Cloud Migration: Prepare Your Business to Scale and Evolve

cloud migration feature

If you want your business to be a part of digital transformation, then migrating it to the cloud is the first step. Many businesses have migrated to the cloud, leveraging its immense benefits of pay-per-go resource utilization and reduced cost.

Then what is stopping you from being a part of it?

You will be amazed that the cloud migration market is growing with the global adoption of digital transformation. Cloud migration services were valued at USD 9.22 Billion in 2020 and are estimated to grow to USD 49.96 Billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 23.52% from 2021 to 2028.

Isn’t it amazing how the world is getting digitalized with the simple adoption of cloud technologies? Suppose you have yet to migrate your business and apps and are struggling to migrate to the cloud. In that case, you have landed on the right page, as we have gathered all the necessary information to help you understand its long-term business benefits and concerns related to cloud migration.

So, let’s get you started.

But wait, are you clear with the core term “cloud” here?

Before you think of migration, you must be clear about what cloud means. Simply put, the cloud is cloud computing with a vast pool of resources, services, and others over the internet. To avail of these services (database, storage, applications, servers, etc.), you only need an internet connection without any specific setup.

cloud computing

Image credits: Atlassian

Today, you will find several companies providing cloud services to others and even helping migrate their entire setup to the cloud with different plans. 

However, understanding your business requirements is necessary before you start migration, as the cloud offers different services, and you must know what services you want to help your business scale. You need to know what other cloud services are there so you can choose your plan wisely and reduce your IT spending.

Different Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides instant access to various computing services and resources online. This encompasses a range of applications, services, and servers, all stationed at remote data centers operated by cloud service providers.

Different types of cloud structures cater to distinct business needs. Let’s delve into the main types of cloud solutions to help you determine the best fit for your enterprise.

Public Cloud

public cloud

Image credits: netvault

These services are accessible to anyone via the Internet. They may be available at no cost or based on subscription or pay-as-you-go models. Cloud providers take on the responsibility of managing the data centers, hardware, and infrastructure, ensuring seamless operations for their users.

The public cloud market is anticipated to experience significant growth in 2022 thanks to its adaptability in accommodating fluctuating workloads.

It is a perfect fit for any business, so why do some companies opt for other options? If you have a scaling business that requires consistent resource demand, then the public cloud is not for you, as all the resources are shared over the network. If any other company exhausts all the help, it might be available at a different time, leaving your business to lose potential opportunities. 

This is why we have another option- Private cloud.

Private Cloud

private cloud

Image credits: netvault

With a private cloud, businesses will get dedicated resources, overcoming the shared resources issue of the public cloud. In a private cloud, the virtual environment is split into different backgrounds for various businesses. 

Many businesses choose the private cloud as it is more secure and can have all resources dedicated to them to scale their business. 

But some businesses are on a significant level that need private and public cloud benefits, so they go for Hybrid Cloud.

Hybrid Cloud

hybrid cloud

Image credits: netvault

For leveraging the benefits of both private and public cloud, Hybrid cloud is the better option for your business to scale efficiently. A hybrid cloud can connect your business’s private and public services into a single architecture so you can seamlessly run complex workloads. 

Also, the hybrid cloud allows your business to switch between private and public clouds per changing business needs. 

The core purpose of any business is to get necessary services within its budget. What if the company wants to avail of only some required assistance from a single cloud vendor as they get cheaper rates of a specific service from another vendor?

Of course, they want the best and cheapest services available. To accommodate such requests, multi-cloud and hybrid multi-cloud come to the rescue.



Image Credits: factioninc

With the multi-cloud option, the cloud can avail services from different cloud vendors (Amazon, Oracle, Salesforce, and others), eliminating vendor lock-in situations. This is why it is popular among businesses as they get suitable services, such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, at a reasonable price without sticking to a single vendor.

This helps businesses to migrate among the cloud and vendors efficiently. Some companies might be wondering what are IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Well, these are core cloud computing services that you will be available. Let’s understand them in the next section.

Cloud computing services 

The cloud offers unlimited services that are categorized into three categories- IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service). 

Let’s understand in detail how availing of such services can help your business save high costs in the long term.

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)


Image credits: milesweb

The cloud vendors host software on the cloud that companies can use directly. Anyone connected to that company network can use a good internet connection. It eliminates the need to physically install the software on each system on the company’s network. All you need is to pay as per your business requirement. 

The teams can access that software from any location or device with a single click. You know what is the next best thing- no technical support and maintenance of that software is on you. All is handled by the cloud vendor, from updating, upgrading, and troubleshooting that software. 

The software as a service (SAAS) market is expected to grow to $328.03 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 6.6%.

PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)


Image Credits: iron

The cloud vendors will provide on-demand platforms that include hardware, software, entire tech stack, infrastructure, servers, networks, storage, database, operating system software, and middleware. 

It helps businesses to integrate different platforms without even managing their internal complexities. The cloud vendors will handle all the technical work so the company can focus on the core part. 

Seeing the benefits, many businesses are adopting cloud PaaS services. The platform-as-a-service (PaaS) market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.42% from 2022 to 2027. An increase of approximately USD 80.82 billion in the market size is anticipated during this period.

IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)


Image Credits: filecloud

This service offers easy online access to basic computing like servers and storage.

IaaS lets companies adjust resources as their needs change and removes the need to own their infrastructure. After the pandemic, there was a significant increase in the use of IaaS cloud services worldwide.

Some leading IaaS providers in the market are-

Some leading IaaS providers in the market

Image Credits: Statista

Reasons to Migrate to the Cloud

Migrating to the cloud offers a variety of advantages for businesses and individuals alike. Here are the core benefits.

  • Cost Efficiency

Traditional IT infrastructure requires significant capital investment in hardware, software, and the physical space to house it. There are also ongoing costs for maintenance, energy, and hardware upgrades. With cloud computing, you typically operate on a pay-as-you-go model, allowing for predictable operational expenses and eliminating the need for hefty upfront investments. Maintenance costs are often included in the subscription price, further reducing overhead.


  • Scalability & Flexibility

Traditional infrastructure might require a complete hardware overhaul to scale up. The cloud, on the other hand, allows businesses to adjust resources based on real-time needs quickly. This ensures that during peak periods, the system can handle the extra load while you’re not paying for unused resources during off-peak times.


  • Disaster Recovery

Cloud providers typically have data centers in multiple locations. This redundancy means if one center faces an issue, your data can be quickly recovered from another area. This robust backup and disaster recovery solution would be costly and complex to implement on-premises.


  • Automatic Updates

Cloud providers take care of routine software and security updates, ensuring all users have access to the latest features and are protected from known vulnerabilities. This removes the burden and potential human error from manual updates.


  • Remote Access

The cloud facilitates a modern mobile workforce. Employees can access their work from home, during travel, or at client locations, improving productivity and flexibility.


  • Collaboration Efficiency

Cloud platforms often include collaboration tools that allow multiple team members to work on documents or projects in real-time. This boosts team efficiency and ensures everyone is on the same page.


  • Security

Cloud providers invest heavily in state-of-the-art security protocols. This includes encryption during transmission and while at rest, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits.

While no system can be 100% secure, the expertise and resources of major cloud providers often exceed what a single organization can muster.


  • Resource Management

Managed cloud services relieve businesses from the technicalities of daily IT operations. This allows companies to focus on their core competencies instead of getting bogged down in IT challenges.


  • Competitiveness

With cloud platforms, small and medium-sized businesses can access sophisticated technology without a massive investment, allowing them to compete more effectively with larger corporations. This democratization of technology can be a game-changer in many industries.

These benefits are tempting for any business to consider cloud migration. If you know that migrating your business to the cloud will reduce your workload, reduce cost, enhance security, and much more, why should you not do it?

But the question arises- migrating to the cloud as easy as it sounds. It can be complex, but the right cloud migration partner can make it easy for you and handle all the complexities. 

To understand the process of migration. How it works and what challenges you can face during migration.

Is Migrating to the cloud easy?

Moving to the cloud can be smooth if you plan well and understand your business needs. The cloud provider will handle the technical parts for you.

It’s essential to pick the right cloud partner. You might only get the desired results if you plan well.

Before migrating, ask yourself-

  • Where are you moving to?
  • Why are you making the move?
  • How will you do it?

Cloud Migration Process

It’s a good idea to have a checklist for your cloud migration. This way, you can track what’s done and what’s left, ensuring you keep all the data and avoid potential problems.

Here’s a simplified process-

  • Know your purpose of migration- Understand why you’re moving to the cloud. Everyone in your team, especially decision-makers, should know the benefits and reasons for the move.
  • Decide What and How to Move- Get to know the cloud you’re moving to. Figure out which applications you’ll transfer, any related dependencies, and the tools you’ll need.
  • Start the Migration- Begin with more straightforward tasks. Once you’ve moved, test your applications to ensure they work well and address any issues.

In short, a clear plan and understanding can make your cloud journey smooth and effective. Several migration strategies depend on your business situation. Let’s understand those strategies and choose the right one for your business.

The 6 Rs of Cloud Migration (strategies) 

These popular 6R cloud migration strategies will fit all your business needs. You can help you choose the right one after understanding them in detail. With the right approach, your migration will be more feasible and accessible. 

These strategies have been popularized by AWS (Amazon Web Services) but apply to any cloud migration effort.

Rehost (“Lift and Shift”)


This involves moving applications and data directly from the on-premises data center to the cloud without any modifications. It’s the quickest method but may only partially exploit cloud-native features.

Picture just lifting your entire room and placing it in a new house—no changes, no fuss. This is a straight move, and it’s fast. But, like when moving homes, sometimes you wish you’d rearranged a bit.

Replatform (“Lift, Tinker and Shift”)


This approach involves making a few cloud optimizations to realize a tangible benefit without changing the core application architecture. An example might be moving a database to a cloud-based managed database service. 

Think of this as packing your stuff but getting a shiny new cupboard at the new place. You’re not changing everything but making a few tweaks to fit better.

Repurchase (The “New Start”)

This involves moving to a different product or service, often shifting to a cloud-native solution. A typical scenario is changing from a traditional CRM to a SaaS platform like Salesforce. Have you ever felt like leaving behind the old and starting afresh? This is your chance to switch to a brand-new set, like swapping out that old couch for a modern sectional.

Refactor / Re-architect (The “Home Makeover”)


This is about reimagining how an application is architected and developed using cloud-native features. It’s the most involved strategy and is often undertaken to add scalability, flexibility, or other cloud-specific benefits.

Imagine redesigning your room in the new house entirely. This is for those looking for a fresh, modern vibe, taking advantage of the latest home decor – or, in this case, cutting-edge cloud features!

Retire (The “Declutter”)


Identify IT assets that are no longer useful and can be turned off. This helps save costs and reduces the complexity of migration. If you’ve got stuff you no longer need, why take it with you? This is the Marie Kondo method – if it doesn’t “spark joy” (or isn’t helpful), leave it behind.

Retain (The “Not Now”)


Not all applications will be migrated immediately. Some might be kept in their current state for various reasons, such as an impending phase-out or regulatory constraints. The idea is to keep these applications and data in the current environment without migrating them.

Some items have sentimental value or might be needed later. So, for now, they remain where they are. It’s okay; we all have those pieces we’re not ready to part with or move.

Challenges during Cloud Migration

It can be challenging if you are migrating your business from traditional architecture. Sometimes, it includes developing an entire system from scratch. Not only this, there are a few list of challenges that any business can face despite full-proof understanding.

  • System Outages 

During the migration, there might be times when your local servers need to be paused. This can impact how well your applications run and test the patience of your loyal customers. It’s essential to have robust backups and proper resource planning to prevent significant disruptions.


  • Risk of Data Compromise 

When transitioning to the cloud, your data can be especially exposed. There might be moments when specific data is inaccessible or prone to security threats. Enhancing protection during this phase is critical, employing measures like advanced access controls and ensuring data encryption.


  • Adjusting to the New Environment 

Some IT staff might be wary of the cloud, having been accustomed to traditional server management. Adapting to the cloud might mean retraining some team members or reshaping specific IT roles. This transformation can also touch on the fundamental processes of your business operations.


  • Ensuring Seamless Communication 

Marrying your existing applications with the new cloud setting can be a challenge. To maintain smooth system interoperability, it’s crucial to tweak and align your procedures with your cloud provider’s environment.

Experience Seamless Cloud Migration with OnGraph.

The day when every business leverages cloud-based solutions is just around the corner. With the right tools, any organization can embrace the cloud, simplifying the workflow for professionals across all sectors.

Businesses can shift to the cloud multiple times or transition between providers based on evolving needs. However, it’s crucial to identify which cloud solutions align best with your business objectives, the specific services you wish to utilize, and the nature of your chosen cloud provider.

The advantages of cloud migration often unfold over time. Seamlessly expanding resources in tandem with business growth brings immense satisfaction, especially to visionary leaders who championed the migration journey. to make your cloud migration journey easier, you need expert hands.

OnGraph has the capabilities and expertise to deliver efficient cloud computing services for seamless cloud migration from simple to complex infrastructure.

Waiting for the right partner for quick and professional migration to the cloud? Drop OnGraph a query today!