Start Your First Application With Agile Project Management

Agile Project Management
Aglie Methodology

Agile Project Management is a key component for the efficiency and success of any software development operation besides business analytics, requirement stipulation, programming, design, and testing irrespective of the industry or the business size.

Before starting with project management, there are several project management methodologies to choose from, the most popular one being Agile.

Projects with Agile management have a 64 percent success rate, and businesses who had adopted agile have seen a 60% increase in profit and revenue. But, what is Agile? Why is Agile so popular? Is it the right fit for your business? 

Let’s dive in for the answers.

What is Agile Project Management?

Agile is a method of software development that employs an iterative approach. Teams utilize a variety of Agile approaches to plan releases before working in time-limited “sprints” to consistently release new software and gather feedback from customers.

Agile Project Management

Agile teams can build products more quickly, work more effectively together, and respond to market changes and client needs quickly because of this close “feedback loop” between consumers and developers.

Popular Agile Project Management Frameworks

Here are some popular frameworks for implementing Agile methodology in your next project:


Sixty-six percent of all Agile frameworks that businesses utilize are Scrum or Scrum versions. The tool enables the team to divide the work into weekly (or two-week) sprints, during which the allocated tasks are finished and made ready for review. 

Changes made in the interim are strongly discouraged because they interfere with timely delivery. Each member of the scrum has a predefined role that includes a product owner and Scrum master.


Kanban is another Agile approach that provides a quick passage to bring the code to production. It enables transparency and gives teams a visual representation of tasks, identifying roadblocks, and progress through stages.

You can use Scrum and Kanban for implementing agile since they complement each other and together, both frameworks will make it easier for you to create superior goods and services.

Adaptive Project Framework (APF)

Adaptive Project Framework is an Agile management approach that easily adapts to evolving IT projects. Since software projects have constantly changing needs, stakeholders use this technique to modify project scopes during the initiation of every stage of the project to drive maximum business value.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme programming is a disciplined Agile management strategy that aims to consistently produce high-quality software by streamlining and improving the software. In this method, the team continuously collaborates with high-quality software while planning, estimating, and delivering user stories with the highest priority.

[Also Read: List of Top 10 Python App Development Frameworks in 2024]

The Four Core Agile Principles

Agile Values

This means that even while there are numerous ways to adopt Agile, they all share a few fundamental principles that set them apart from the Waterfall approach:

  • Customer involvement during contract negotiations
  • Persons and interactions, over tools and procedures
  • Adapting to change versus sticking to a plan
  • Functional software over thorough documentation

The 12 Principles For Successfully Running an Agile Project

  • The top objective is to continuously provide early and reliable deliveries to please the consumer.
  • Accept modifying requirements even late in the development process
  • Deliver functional software frequently, every few weeks or months.
  • Daily cooperation between stakeholders and developers is necessary.
  • Create initiatives around motivated people, provide them with a suitable environment with assistance, and trust them to complete the task.
  • Meetings in person are thought to be the most productive and efficient approach for projects.
  • The ultimate indicator of progress is a finished product.
  • Agile methodologies promote sustainable development. The sponsors, programmers, and consumers ought to be able to keep up the current pace indefinitely.
  • Enhance agility with a constant focus on smart design and technical perfection..
  • A crucial component is simplicity, which maximizes the effort that is not done.
  • Self-organizing teams produce the greatest designs, specifications, and architectures.
  • The team often considers how to be more effective, then modifies and adapts their behavior in response.

Agile vs. Waterfall Model: What’s the Difference?

Agile vs Waterfall

Agile vs. Waterfall Model

When is Agile Project Management the Best Fit?


Whenever it comes to using Agile techniques and your project’s budget, there are two key limiting factors to think about. Choose Waterfall if the budgeting is rigid and there is no room for adjustment. 

Agile is a good option if you’re not worried about the budget or prospective increases because it places a higher priority on development speed and providing more features.


Once more, there is a sweet spot for implementing Agile in opposition to your schedule constraints. If a project is only expected to take 4–5 weeks, you might not be able to break it up into 4–5 little iterations; in this case, you should employ the Waterfall approach. 

On the contrary, if the development procedure will take a little more than a month and you need to create a Minimum Viable Project (MVP) or beta release of a product, Agile should be your go-to technique.


Agile should be your preferred technique if you’re working with cutting-edge technology in a field with few starting requirements and little regulation. 

However, you should carefully consider it before choosing which methodology to use if you’re working with a legacy product that is intended for a sector with numerous rules and a large list of expectations at a company whose organizational processes are stringent and needs to be followed precisely.


As was already mentioned, the quantity and level of depth of the first needs will determine the methods you must use. 

You should probably stop using Agile methodology or switch to a hybrid strategy that combines the former technique with Waterfall if there isn’t much room for adjustments and original ideas because of industry laws, such as in the automobile or medical sectors.


It’s crucial to keep in mind that the Agile methodology will need you to become more hands-on and engaged in the project before you go in headfirst. This is especially true when dealing with an outsourced technology partner. You must perform the duties of a Product Owner and collaborate closely with a Project Manager or Scrum Master.

When you view the outcomes after the drawn-out development life cycle, Waterfall may be the way to go if it’s not something you naturally do or if you can’t do it because of your workload or the nature of your work.

Additionally, if hiring an internal Agile team or finding external Agile expertise in your area is challenging and the projects call for on-site work, go with Waterfall rather than Agile.

What are the Core Components of Agile Project Management?

Core Components of Agile Project Management

Agile consists of 5 core components: team roles, product backlog, user stories, agile board, and sprints.

Team Roles

Last but not least, Agile project management introduces a few new team roles that you’re probably not quite familiar with. Although team members are handled somewhat differently by each Agile approach, the common duties you should be aware of include:

Scrum Masters: A sprint’s progress is monitored, meetings are facilitated, and obstacles are helped to be removed by the scrum master, who helps keep each sprint on schedule. They assist in stakeholder communication and act as the team’s spokesperson.

Project owner: One who contributes to the formulation of each sprint’s goals, oversees backlogs, and speaks for the user on the team. You may be responsible for this task being the project manager..

Team members: The development team completes the tasks assigned for each sprint. Agile teams have independence and freedom to decide how to carry out their tasks rather than following instructions from a third party.

Stakeholders: In Agile, stakeholders are just informational, meaning they shouldn’t control carrying out the project.

Product Backlog

You’ll have a ton of possible features and projects to work on as requests, customer feedback, and fresh ideas pour in. Until you’re ready to add them to a sprint, these remain in your product backlog.

The backlog can include non-functional requirements, bug repairs, features, and pretty much anything else that must be completed to provide a usable product. 

The product backlog, however, is more than just a place to store things. It’s a crucial Agile puzzle component that must be updated and “maintained” regularly.

As an Agile project manager, managing the project backlog is a key responsibility.

User Stories

The foundation of an Agile project’s planning is user stories. A user story is, in essence, a succinct, straightforward feature description presented from the viewpoint of your users.

They typically take the following forms:

“As [kind of user], I desire [some specific feature] to gain [some benefit].”

This approach enables you to be more specific about what must be created and why allowing you to calculate the necessary time more precisely.

Agile Board

Agile initiatives require a tool that will keep you organized because they go swiftly.

An Agile board can be as simple as whiteboards with sticky notes displaying the user stories and development for the current sprint. However, there are a ton of fantastic technologies available that help advance your Agile team.


Sprints are brief development cycles in which you work toward a release. A normal sprint should last between one and four weeks and must end with the delivery of some useful software.

Throughout the project, it will be important to maintain these sprint lengths to make it simpler to plan upcoming tasks, revise your objectives, and avoid getting bogged down.

Agile Project Management

We’ve outlined a step-wise process to implement Agile in your projects.

Phase 1

The goal of this phase (also known as a project before the project) is to address any potential problems and challenges. Order what is required for the product to get the team ready for Agile work, and decide on the length of the sprints based on the project’s goal.

It is time to set out to think things through before beginning work on assignments. The items on the list could be putting the team together, setting up the hardware, choosing the tools the team will use, and making the initial backlog. The kick-off meeting, which marks the project’s official start, is also included in spring zero. The entire team gathers at that time to discuss the business objectives, potential advantages, and workflow. To prevent making this a time-consuming phase, keep it as light as feasible.

Phase 2

Day 1

The team determines the work scope for the iteration spanning a week or two during the sprint planning meeting, which takes place on the first day of the sprint. Then, you write functional user stories, which entail outlining the distinct advantages of each feature that will be implemented during your first sprint. The following is the most practical plan to accomplish that:

As a <user>, I want to <name of the feature > so that <the reason>.

Building features in this manner ensures that they make sense and provide the user with benefits. All user stories are prioritized and added to the queue by the team. The team then assigns a number to each card that represents the task’s complexity and duration (remember planning poker?) and calculates the time required to complete each task. User story length is assessed concerning other user stories. The team can plan more effectively as they gain experience and learn how many sprints they can accommodate.

There shouldn’t be a ton of jobs in the “first round,” but those that are completed should still benefit the client’s business. It’s a good idea to test processes and frameworks now and make sure all environments are ready.

It’s like a warm-up before the run.


Days 2-14

The team meets daily during the sprint to coordinate their efforts, communicate their progress, and discuss any obstacles. The following questions should be addressed by this 15-minute activity:

  • What did I do the day before?
  • How will my day go?
  • Do I face any issues or worries?
  • The needs of your team and the nature of the project will influence how you change these simple questions; other examples include:
  • Are we getting any closer to finishing the sprint?
  • Do we perceive any dangers in completing it?

These stand-ups should only last 15 minutes each day, as was previously said, and the formula is repeated.


Day 15

It’s the conclusion of our stellar two-week sprint. The team conducts a reality check after each iteration to determine which practices should be kept and which ones should be improved. The result of this period is a little yet useful product component that may be tested on a potential customer. Here’s where the agile part comes into play; even this tiny component can be tested, and if it doesn’t pass, it can be changed or eliminated.

Agile teams participate in the retrospective meeting following each sprint. As the name implies, it enables people to reflect on the past to make inferences for present initiatives and steer clear of errors. It also aims to generate enhancements that can be implemented during the following Sprint.

Every iteration ends with a “retro,” which allows the team to identify and address errors immediately without delaying further work. Additionally, it is the occasion where the sprint’s work is discussed and the customer is presented with the completed increment.


Day 150 (or later; releasing)

It’s crucial to note that while an Agile project may have a clear goal, each sprint may be thought of as a new project and should conclude with a release and the provision of business value. Every sprint, including the most recent one, aims for a shippable feature. You’ve reached the finish line! It concludes with a review, retrospective, and unofficial celebration.

A backlog for management or a product advancement project could be created as a conclusion because, with application development, the task is never truly finished.

6 Benefits of Agile Project Management to Your Product

Benefits of Agile Project Management

Here are six benefits of adopting agile project management in your organization:

Increased Project Visibility and Transparency

Daily stand-up meetings ensure that everyone in the team is aware of who is responsible for what, reducing confusion and misunderstandings. The team can address problems before they go out of control when issues are noticed beforehand.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Agile project management puts the customer first and urges you to collaborate directly with them and with other stakeholders to ensure your work genuinely addresses their problems. It also allows regular testing and reviewing in every sprint for honest feedback in real-time as you make changes to your functioning product.

Increased Accountability of Teams

Instead of a project manager giving directions, the team decides what can be accomplished in every sprint. Collaboration, freedom, support, and cooperation form the core of the teams for finishing up tasks.

Easy Accommodation of Changes

It’s simpler to deal with and adapt to changes with shorter sprints and frequent feedback loops. For example, if the agile team comes across a brand-new user story during one sprint, they can add that feature to the next sprint during the backlog refinement meeting.

Increased Resource Savings

Constant communication keeps the team informed of any problems or changes as soon as they happen, which helps to reduce costs and improve quality. Smaller feature pieces allow for continuous input and the early detection and correction of errors.

Happier Organizational Teams

Agile teams have the freedom to come up with fresh suggestions, to be creative, and to solve problems, all of which can be lacking in more conventional project management approaches.

With that level of accountability, employees are trusted to complete the task and inspired to view themselves as essential members of the team who can significantly impact the project’s financial results.

Additionally, putting a focus on cooperation and communication can promote teams that are more open, effective, creative, and, happier.

Top 5 Agile Project Management Tools

Here are some Agile Project management tools that you can use for the successful implementation of Agile.


Top 5 Agile Project Management Tools

Asana is our recommended cloud-based Agile Project management tool for best for task management that enables you to plan sprints, track iterations and launches, and communicate with team members.

Besides timelines and boards, Asana provides various features and functionalities for assigning, organizing, planning, and tracking the progress of tasks.

Atlassian JIRA

JIRA Work Management

JIRA is a popular and customizable project management tool best suited for app development projects and used for tracking and Agile testing. Besides assisting in project management, JIRA offers issue tracking and bug tracking.

JIRA gives teams visibility to real-time data and long-term goals, Some essential features of Atlassian JIRA are assigning, setting priorities in your to-do work list, and capturing.



Nifty is a comprehensive project management tool that combines multiple tools to encompass the entirety of a project cycle. It strikes the perfect balance between the daily grind and big-picture planning. 

With Nifty, you can manage projects through Kanban-style tasks that you can connect with milestones. Some features of Nifty include team chat, the creation of documents directly within each project, and project overview. 

Active Collab

Active Collab

Active Collab is one of the most powerful agile project management tools suited for small businesses. It adapts to your workflow and offers a seamless workflow.

It provides features like email integration, invoicing, time tracking with a timer app, task management for tracking updates, task filtering for an immediate search, and team collaboration features like collaborative writing, @mentions, and an all-in-one calendar.

Monday is a comprehensive Agile PM tool that enables tracking of your project development with timelines, chats, and Kanban. It offers features like time tracking, reporting, planning, and a calendar. is suitable for businesses of all sizes. One of the advantages of using is that it enables you to plan sprints and also allows assigning tasks to team members, create user stories, and so on.


Is Agile Project Management Possible With Outsourcing?

At OnGraph, we provide several outsourced development services with Agile implementation and we have completed 500+ projects. So yes, you can deploy Agile project management with outsourcing.

For a successful project completion with agile implementation, you should follow these rules:

Select a Partner in Agile Technology

Finding a technology partner with a continuous improvement mindset, an open mind, and familiarity with the Agile methodology should be a no-brainer.

As has already been mentioned several times in this article, Agile calls for you to remain involved throughout the development phase and function as a liaison between the client’s side and the outsourcing firm. It’s important to remember that you may need to fulfill both of these tasks.

Frequent Visits and Team Meetings

Physical meetings and team visits are just as crucial and essential to the Agile approach process as daily standups and other Agile ceremonies.

Communication is the Key!

Agile emphasizes the importance of daily feedback and team check-ins as vital components of the process.

Evaluate the Collaborative Performance of The Team

When building an Agile team, it may be tempting to just evaluate individual contributors’ skills or to place the blame solely on one person when things don’t go according to plan. 

The Agile method places more emphasis on how effectively the team functions as a whole than on the value of the contributions made by each team member.

Go Agile With OnGraph

OnGraph is an Agile development company that develops scalable, robust, and flexible web and mobile applications for businesses of all sizes across numerous industries worldwide.

At OnGraph, we have over 14+ years of experience with a team of over 250+ Agile developers trained to deliver industry-leading development services and are experienced in various technologies and stacks from Python, Java, and Angular to MEAN, Flutter, React Native, and so on.

If you wish to outsource your development services with Agile implementation, you can contact us or schedule a 1:1 free consultation with our experts.

Single-Page Vs Multi-page Applications: Which is Right for Your Business?

Single-Page Applications vs Multi-page Applications

Several business owners are switching to single-page apps as the go-to option as they search for more productive and economical ways to satisfy their client’s expectations.

Single-page applications are gaining widespread popularity and save users’ time by eliminating the waiting time when pages refresh and they also give developers shorter development cycles and more maintainable code.

As a result, companies can lower their maintenance and deployment expenses while also increasing customer satisfaction.

Through this blog, we will provide a comprehensive view of single-page applications with their benefits, usage, and popular examples, analyze their acceptance in the growing digital environment, and how they are different from multi-page apps.

What is a Single-Page Application (SPAs)?

A single-page application (SPA) is a web application (mobile/desktop) with only one webpage that loads only one HTML page and keeps updating it dynamically based on the user’s interaction.

Users can access and utilize single-page apps without having to open and load entire web pages like native multi-page apps on a web browser, providing a seamless user experience and eliminating any waiting time for reloads for the users.

Single-page apps are swift and highly responsive, enabling them to compete in performance with native desktop apps, making them quite popular among users as well as developers since it offers lower development costs, high security, swift debugging, and portability.

The Architecture of Single-Page Applications

Single-Page Application (SPAs)

A single-page application behaves like a conventional website from the outside. The user engages the same way when they view HTML with buttons and images. But things are extremely different in the background.

Single-page apps have links to JS files in addition to some placeholder items. Their heart and soul are these JavaScript files. After being loaded, they request content from the server and deliver it back, updating the HTML in the browser to produce a useful web page.

When you request a web page, the server sends an HTML file to the browser. In a SPA, the server only sends an HTML file in response to the first request; JSON data is sent in response to subsequent requests.

A single-page app rewrites content on the current page instead of the initial load page, preventing page reloads and eliminating waiting time. Single-page web applications that dynamically load content feel like mobile or native desktop apps, providing a natural and seamless user experience.

How Single-Page Apps Work?

SPAs keep all application code in a single, cohesive project instead of having several pages scattered across various files. Since there aren’t any needless requests to an API or the server itself, developers can update their applications more quickly as well as end users’ performance.

What are Multi-Page Applications?

Multiple-page applications or MPAs are websites with several pages embedded and function in a “conventional” manner. Every time a user clicks on one of these apps’ many links, the pages are loaded. Such applications are really a collection of independently created web pages. The majority of websites you’ll encounter online are multi-page apps, and you may come across countless links to them that direct you to various pages.

Most E-commerce websites and blog pages are multi-page apps. Popular examples of MPAs include eBay and Amazon.

Here’s a demonstration of MPAs work. MPA Design

Single-Page Applications vs Multi-page Applications: What’s the Difference?

Sometimes you might be confused about whether to consider multi-page apps or single-page apps for your development project. A multi-page approach is traditional that allows the creation of feature-rich, vivid applications with various categories, like an e-commerce store, whereas a single-page approach builds swift and responsive apps like mail or social media apps.

We’ve outlined some basic differences between single-page and multi-page applications to help you make a better decision.

single-page and multi-page applications

3 Popular Single-Page Application Frameworks For 2023

Framework for single page application

Here are some popular single-page app development frameworks you can consider for your next development project in 2023.


In today’s highly evolving digital environment, features like scalability and adaptability are increasingly essential in any application, making it critical for creating an effective single-page application.

React is a fantastic framework for developing SPAs because of its swiftness and flexibility, thanks to stand-alone libraries. It utilizes Virtual DOMs and component-based architecture, allowing easy maintenance, monitoring, and updating.

Here are some other features of React that make it a suitable choice for single-page application development.

  • High-performance
  • Lightweight design
  • Supports SoC (Separation of concerns)
  • Follows the object-oriented paradigm
  • Supports JSX – enabling HTML code rendering using JavaScript

Dropbox, Reddit, Instagram, and Asana are some popular organizations that leverage React development.



While developing single-page applications, performance must be the highest priority since unresponsive SPAs and delays can turn away your customers. You can achieve high performance by choosing Angular are your framework for single-page app development.

Angular single-page apps are cross-platform and support data binding and component routers, creating high-performing and swift single-page applications and enabling quick development with minimized coding.

Here are other features of Angular development that make it a preferred single-page app development framework:

  • Supports caching, testing, and debugging
  • Supports dependency injection
  • Eliminates DOM manipulation with two-way data binding.
  • Zero code dependencies

Popular tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and PayPal leverage Angular to develop single-page applications. Learn more about how you can supercharge your development with Angular.



Vue.JS is best suited for single-page web app development when the right combination of Vue.JS tools and libraries and used. It is said to be the best of Angular and React with various features like-

  • MVVM architecture that eases the handling of Handling HTML blocks for two-way communication,
  • Easy addition of State Management and Routing
  • React-like components and Virtual DOM, making it fast
  • Two-way data binding and directives, making it reactive
  • Small in size (18kb to 21kb) and simple to download

Major firms like Facebook, Adobe, Netflix, and Xiaomi use Vue.js on their websites. Click here to learn more about Vue.JS development and tools.

Advantages of Single-Page Applications

Advantages of Single-Page Applications

Here are some benefits of using single-page applications to interact with your customers.

Caching Capacity

SPAs only make a single server request for data. When an internet user’s connection improves, site data can be accessed by the server if they have a bad connection.

Additionally, even though the SPA is a landing page and only downloads the data once, the browser will frequently check to determine whether the cached data has changed. Asynchronously retrieving anything that updates is how applications work.

Faster loading speeds

When loading new content, SPA sites load it all at once rather than necessitating the request for more HTML pages from the site’s design. This eliminates back and forth. Rapid access to all website features and processes is made possible by JSON’s increased speed and efficiency.

A SPA can also make switching between sites faster due to caching and fewer data loads. Only relevant information is transmitted back and forth. Even if a user needs the submitted data, the program will only retrieve the portions that are still needed. So, compared to MPAs that retrieve pages upon request, the entire process is quicker.

Ease of Creating and Debugging

Because they only require one HTML page, SPAs are quicker to develop and easier to debug in a browser thanks to the use of strong frameworks and technologies like React, Angular, and Vue.

Cross-Platform Support

SPA serves as an example of a cross-platform strategy. The developers who run across browsers employ a single codebase to make it function on several operating systems and browsers. Due to the adaptive app layout’s compatibility with devices of all sizes, helps create a fantastic user experience.

Enhanced User Experience

Additionally, single-page applications provide a better user experience. To find the data they desire, MPA users must browse through links and menus, whereas SPA users merely need to scroll. SPAs are especially well-suited to mobile settings because of this characteristic.

Additionally, a SPA makes it possible for consumers to browse websites even with subpar internet connections, and it is frequently simpler to interact with a SPA from any device. Due to the reuse of page elements, the experience doesn’t require a page refresh, and navigating is often quicker.

Cost-effective Development

The server doesn’t need to use a lot of resources in this situation. The development of numerous layouts on the server side is not the primary priority for SPAs. Instead, the emphasis is on sending and receiving data effectively through APIs.

Offline Support

SPAs use less bandwidth because just a one-page load is required. No matter the internet speed, SPAs are practical to use and can be employed in locations with slow connections. 

Since the program only needs to ask the server for data once during the initial download, it also offers caching capabilities. In light of this, even when a user is offline, a webpage can still be accessed even with a weak internet connection.

Drawbacks of Using Single-Page Applications


No Back Button Option

Finally, when browsing a website, internet users regularly click the “back” button. Reverting to a single-page app eliminates them from the app or website, which is annoying and could even be a turnoff for users.

Website Statistics

SPAs affect the precision and utility of website traffic data, which is another problem. It can be difficult to establish which websites or content are most popular with SPAs because you just have a page to compare it to. For instance, Google Analytics gathers data on each page that users download from a website.

The default Google Analytics tag must be explicitly configured to measure activity on SPAs and page views.

SEO Issues

Having just one page as opposed to several pages can hurt your SEO because JavaScript must be handled by search engine crawlers rather than HTML. Only Googlebot is capable of rendering JS pages, but SPA can still produce quality rendering; it’s simply a little difficult.

To lessen SEO friction, one can employ feature detection, pre-rendering, and server-side rendering.

Initial Slow Loading in Some Cases

Initial processing takes longer in SPAs since the JS volume is significantly bigger. A mobile browser can also significantly slow down the loading of an app because it needs to evaluate and understand the JavaScript data, especially if the processor in the smartphone isn’t powerful.

5 Popular Examples of Single-Page Apps

Popular Single-Page Application

Here are some examples of single-page applications that we often use.


Netflix is a popular streaming platform created with React framework to avoid any delays in the streaming experience. It leverages SPAs to broadcast huge data amounts to several users on the platform and loads new data only upon the user’s new request, making it swift. 


Facebook is a popular social media platform built on React that boasts millions of users. It has various features and functionalities like image posting, story sharing, video posting and sharing, and direct messaging.


Grammarly is a popular online writing tool built on the Vue.js framework that checks your spelling and grammar in real-time with extensive SAP capabilities and AI. It enables users to leverage its features to Google Docs or Microsoft Word for making their writing precise and clear.


Gmail is one of the most popular single-page applications that does not require reloading emails when you open them since data gets loaded all at once from the servers. SPAs are also used for other Google Apps like Google Maps, Google, Drive, and Google Calendar.

Apple Music

Apple Music is a streaming app for music created with Ember with an effective user interface and smooth navigation to explore the database of numerous songs from different artists across the globe.

When To Use Single-Page Applications?

When To Use Single-Page Applications?

Although single-page apps are said to be the future of applications, they are best suited when you need apps with:

  • Leveraged existing APIs to handle most app logic
  • Dynamic platform with smaller data volumes
  • Seamless user experience
  • Real-time, quicker updates, and faster testing and deployment
  • Offline-mode functionality where client-side gets updated for sync once connection gets re-established
  • Functionality beyond traditional HTML forms
  • Mobile applications with live updates like alerts, notifications, data streaming, and real-time charts
  • Cross-platform functionality and consistency across various devices and platforms
  • Rich client-side functionalities without reloading the page with every change.
  • Social networks, SaaS platforms, and closed groups/communities

OnGraph Provides Innovative Web Development Services to Develop Engaging Single-Page Apps

Being customer-centric is the key to any successful strategy for expanding your business and establishing yourself as a successful player in the highly evolving, dynamic, and competitive digital world.

Also, the attention span of today’s users has shortened drastically, pressuring businesses to explore different approaches to provide high-quality, robust user experience, SPA is one of the approaches gaining widespread popularity.

Although the development process of single-page applications is easier, certain problems like an effective development team of JavaScript developers, software engineers, project managers, UX/UI designers, QA testers, and other factors like social sharing, SEO, and the choice of single-page development frameworks can prove challenging.

OnGraph is a leading web development company that provides industry-leading single-page app development services as well as multi-page app development services suited to businesses of every size across various industries worldwide.

To know more about our web development services, contact us or schedule an appointment for a 1:1 consultation.

How to Hire an iOS Developer

Hire iOS Developer

The best way to hit the iOS or Android market is by building your own application with a unique and smart solution approach.

Hire iOS Developer

Planning to build a new app that offers a seamless user experience besides its original utility?

In most software development strategies, mobile application development has a major role. According to a report by Statista, the global mobile application revenue is projected to reach $613 billion by 2025.

When building a mobile application, you have two choices for a platform, Android and iOS. While Android has a considerable share in the market, iOS also has a large user base and yields more revenue despite a smaller share.

The Apple store has around 2.2 million applications for iOS users as of 2022, and about 60% of mobile app developers work on the iOS system. Before starting to build a mobile application, there are various key factors to keep in mind, the first and the most important one is hiring an iOS developer.

Since hiring the right professional is a daunting task, this guide will walk you through the best hiring practices and things you should watch out for in an iOS developer.

The Importance of iOS Development for Business

iOS development

Apple still leads the market because potential clients paying for app services are more for Apple than Android. These clients play one of the most crucial reasons for considering iOS development for business.

Another big reason is that iOS users are more satisfied than Android users. This is why iOS users are the first choice for business apps. No lags, glitches, and smooth customer experience make iOS apps less likely to glitch on apple devices.

Mobile App Development: The Latest Trends

Analyzing the trend and working according to it will increase your app’s reach and potential target users.

Here’s a list of trends booming in 2023

5G iOS

1. 5G

In 2022, tech companies started focusing on incorporating 5G at full scale, and every smartphone user now looks for 5G-enabled devices. Year 2023 is going to further accelerate it.

2. Foldable Devices

The trend of compacting things has started, so developers must focus on their app performance on foldable devices.

3. AR & VR

Web3 is ready to capture the tech market very soon, pushing AR and VR in mobile app development.

4. App Security Gets Primary

Regarding Apple, security is always pushed first; thus, mobile apps should focus more on security than new features.

5. Wearable App Integration

Wearable devices are also getting into the trend, so developers should focus more on the seamless Integration of these wearables with application algorithms.

5 Must Consider Points Before Building an iOS App

iOS 14

Building your iOS application is a smart choice to have complete access to application working, modifications and revenues. But, before building an iOS app from scratch, you must know these five crucial things:

  • Research on Apple Users

Apple users are way different in terms of requirements and UI/UX needs compared to Android users.

  • App Must Be Compatible With Various iOS Versions

If you want a good user reach, your app must be compatible with various iOS Versions as various age groups use Apple products.

  • Social Media Integration

Social Integration is a must because billions of iOS users enjoy at least one social network to connect with friends and the world.

  • Match Apple’s Speed

Apple is well known for its smooth and undisputed speed. To match this speed, ensure your app works glitch-free in all device types.

  • Choose The Right Program And Platform

For a perfect user experience, you must build your application on the best app-building platform with the most advanced programming tool.

iOS Developer Role and Responsibilities

iOS developers develop applications compatible with Apple’s iOS operating system. Technically, a good iOS developer is proficient in both complex and (technical skills, including programming and tech tools) soft skills.

iOS developer hard skills

  • Excellent knowledge of Swift and Objective-C language.
  • Being able to write clean code. This can only be possible if a developer can:
  • Understand and edit others’ code.
  • Understand the requirements and obey the rules of the App Store.
  • Knows Apple app guidelines.
  • Ensure UI/UX requirements.
  • Use MWM, Services, Rx, etc.
  • Understand C ++.
  • Understand the concept of object-oriented programming.
  • Understand HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
  • Use the Core Data, iOS SDK, APNS, and GCD.
  • Test applications and fix bugs.

iOS Developer Soft Skills

  • Spatial Reasoning: Visualizing things in a three-dimensional before implementation.
  • Self-reliance and Proactivity: Good iOS developers can quickly respond to various tasks simultaneously.
  • Creativity, Adaptability: Being creative doesn’t just give new ideas but also helps find solutions when things get stuck.
  • Communication skills: A developer has to communicate with different team members and software engineers.
  • Stress tolerance: A developer under stress can push the entire team into difficulty; thus, resilience against stress is a crucial skill that iOS developers should have.


Experience comes with time. In an iOS development project, there are several vital tasks, like requirements definition, formulating development approach, architectural decision-making, testing, review, deployment, etc. A developer gets experience by performing these tasks again and again.

Based on these, a developer’s experience is subdivided into three different levels:


It determines the beginner’s level and ranges from 0 to 2 years of experience. Junior-level developers work under the direction of more senior colleagues.


At this level, developers have 2-5 years of experience and can now work on different projects independently with little or no guidance.


This is a proficient level, and developers at this level have more than five years of experience. They can guide Junior-level developers in more complex-level projects.

Choose Between Hybrid vs. Native Development Before Hiring iOS Developers

Before hiring an iOS developer, you must ensure whether you need a native or hybrid app. A native app gives the best user experience using device-specific hardware features. This is why native apps offer better performance and security.

On the other hand, hybrid apps work with one codebase and can be used on both iOS and Android.

Other Skills iOS Developers Need

Apart from the significant hard and soft skills, there are three other skills that you need to look for in a good iOS app developer.

  • The developer must know how to work with Xcode, the most popular IDE.
  • A good iOS developer should know how to use popular APIs like Cocoa Touch, UIKit, etc.
  • The iOS developers should know in-depth about the “Core Data framework.”

Hybrid iOS development: What skills do you need?

iOS developer

Hybrid iOS development builds applications that function in both Android and iOS. For Hybrid iOS development, a developer must know the popular hybrid development frameworks like React Native or Xamarin. Going with any of the frameworks, a developer learns the following skills:

  • JavaScript (or TypeScript)
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Mobile web optimization techniques
  • How to structure an application
  • Platform-specific design and interface conventions
  • Domain-specific knowledge relevant to the app
  • APIs
  • Data structures and access are relevant to the app you’re creating.

Benefits of developing an iOS App


iOS apps are best known for high-end quality and large revenue-generating. There are thousands of clients ready to invest in iOS projects with the ability to meet current business needs and give a return on their investment. Apart from revenue, iOS apps have some other benefits as well:

  • Enterprise Data Security
    iOS apps are more secure for enterprise data compared to Android apps.
  • High-Quality Standards
    Apple is known for its standard, and every app available on App Store has passed various parameters.
  • Customer Base
    Apple’s USP, or the customer base, is one of the prime benefits of iOS application development.
  • Exemplary User Experience
    iOS apps support the inherent capabilities of Apple’s iOS to provide the best user experience.
  • Low Fragmentation and Ease of Testing
    Apple typically develops just one update on its existing OS every year.
  • Less Development Time
    iOS apps take nearly 28% less time than Android apps of similar specifications.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire an App Developer?

Hire an iOS developer cost

Whether you want to develop from scratch or improve an existing application, the cost of hiring an iOS developer depends on various factors. These factors include.

  • Project Complexity
    The complexity of the project demands experience, which costs high. However, hiring an experienced iOS developer can deal with complexity, idea, integrations, design, features, and functionality.
  • Location Of Developer
    As per the developer’s location, the hiring cost varies.
  • Type of App development
    When hiring a developer for a specific application, the cost of hiring the developer can vary substantially.

What are the rates of iOS Developers in Different Countries?

Surprisingly, location plays a crucial role in deciding the rate of iOS developers. For example, in Canada, the rate of mid-level iOS developers is around $95,000. At the same time, a developer at the same level gets $120,000 per year in Australia.

iOS developer salary (glassdoor)

In the US, salaries vary in different states and cities.

For example, in Raleigh, North Carolina, you will pay $88,754 per year for your iOS developer. In New York, the same-level specialist will get $97,084. In LA, the average salary is $104,589.

So let’s dwell upon the discussion about the effect of location and developer experience on iOS developer salary expectations.

How to Hire iOS DevelopersHire iOS developer

Project Description

Before hiring an iOS developer, you must first plan the project upon various parameters and platform support (native or hybrid). Project description refers to a project blueprint that includes all minor to prominent edges.

Choose the Most Suitable Model

As per the project description, you need to choose a suitable model for hiring iOS developers. These models are-

  • In-House
    In this model, you hire an iOS programmer as a full-time team member; you have to pay them a full-time salary. Bringing them in-house will require space for their physical office. You can track their progress on a full-time contract and transfer them from one project to another if needed within the agreement period.
  • Freelance
    This is part-time hiring an iOS app developer for your project. You can use freelancing platforms like GitHub and Upwork to hire. This hiring method is a type of outsourcing where your in-house project manager interacts directly with the developer.
  • Outsourcing
    An outsourcing company takes care of the whole project you have assigned. They are responsible for your project design, entire project management, tech stack, ongoing support, and quality tracking.


Whether you choose in-house, freelancing, or outsourcing to hire iOS developers, you must conduct an interview process to check developers’ capability before handling any task.

The interview process can be different rounds, like technical, managerial, communicational, and HR, to check upon different aspects.

The Agreement, Contract, and Onboarding

After the interview, it’s time to discuss the project outline and deadline. The agreement determines the contract between the developer and company to complete the given project or task. It may vary from project to project, and in the case of in-house, the developer’s ultimate tenure is set irrespective of the number of projects.

Lastly, it’s the onboarding process after successfully approving the agreement or contract. In this onboarding, the process developer learns about the company’s or client’s working model.

Need Help Finding the Best iOS Developers?

apple app store earning 2021

Hiring good iOS mobile Application Developers does half the job by filling the skill gap in your development team. When hiring the right iOS developers, you save time plotting investment structure and design. iOS application development is complicated due to App Store rules and different versions.

If you need assistance hiring talented iOS app developers, partner with OnGraph for the best staffing solutions. With 14 years of industry experience, 250+ experienced developers, 100+ delivered applications, and 500+ completed projects, you can outsource your iOS development to world-class developers to create seamless, next-generation apps with high scalability and performance.

OnGraph Technologies provides you with the best remote iOS developers who provide scalable and robust solutions, timely delivery and follow the agile development methodology.

It’s all set! Kickstart your iOS app development journey by hiring the best iOS developer.

Leverage the Power of Conversational AI to Augment Business

Conversational AI

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies empowering advanced chatbots, virtual agents, voice assistants, speech-enabled apps, and automated messaging systems to create human-like interaction between humans and computers.

Conversational AI

Conversational AI uses large data volumes, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning to understand intent, text, and speech, mimic human interactions, and decipher different languages.

The technologies used in conversational AI are still embryonic but rapidly advancing and expanding. A conversational AI chatbot can troubleshoot issues, answer FAQs, and make small talk through text, audio, and video.

What are the Components of Conversational AI?

Conversational AI is powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence, machine learning, NLP, text and sentiment analysis, speech recognition, computer vision, and intent prediction technologies.

Together, these elements promote interaction, enhance the client and agent experience, shorten the resolution time, and increase company value.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP describes a computer’s ability to understand spoken language and respond in a human-like manner. It is made possible by machine learning, which teaches computers to interpret language. NLP systems examine massive data sets to identify connections between words and the contexts in which they are used.

Most conversational AI utilizes Natural language understanding (NLU) to compare user inputs to various models, allowing a bot to respond to non-transactional journeys more like a human. The technology is trained to mimic multiple tones using AI-powered speech synthesis to comprehend slang, regional subtleties, and colloquial speech.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment detection enables conversational AI to understand customers’ emotions and recognize if the user needs specialized assistance by immediately directing frustrated users to agents or prioritizing unhappy customers to receive special treatment.

Conversational AI Benefits & Features

Machine Learning (ML)

ML is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that enables computers to understand data without explicit programming. ML algorithms can become more effective with high data exposure. Using machine learning, computers can be taught to comprehend language and spot data patterns.

Computer vision

A machine’s capability to comprehend and interpret digital images is computer vision. This entails recognizing the many items in a photo and their positions and angles.

The contents of a picture and the connections between its several items are both determined using computer vision. It also deciphers the emotions depicted in photographs and comprehends the context of a scene.

Intent Prediction

Conversational AI solutions can decipher the true intent underlying each customer’s request through behavioral analysis and tagging operations. Knowing intent enables businesses to send the appropriate response via automated bots and human operators at the appropriate time.

Support for numerous use cases, demands across multiple domains and verticals, and explainable AI is all on the future agenda for conversational AI platforms.

Text analysis

The technique of removing information from textual data is called text analysis. This entails recognizing the many components of a sentence, including the verbs, subject, verb, and object. It also entails recognizing the many word categories in a phrase, including verbs, nouns, and adjectives.

Text analysis is performed to comprehend the relationships between the words in a phrase and their meanings. Additionally, it’s employed to determine a text’s theme and mood (positive/negative).

Speech recognition

It refers to a computer’s capacity to comprehend spoken language. This entails understanding the syntax and grammar of the sentence and the various sounds that make up a spoken sentence.

Speech recognition is employed to translate words into text and decipher their meaning. The context of a conversation can also be understood as well as the emotions of the speakers in a video.

How does Conversational AI work?

Natural Language Processing (NLP), Advanced Dialog Management, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), and Machine Learning (ML) understand and react to each interaction in a conversational AI.

Conversational AI work

  •  A user interface that transforms speech to text enables Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) or allows the user to feed text into the system.
  •  Natural language processing (NLP) converts text into structured data by extracting the user’s intent from the text or audio input.
  •  Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to process the data following grammar, meaning, and context; to understand intent and entity, and to serve as a conversation management unit for developing suitable responses.
  •  An AI model that, using the user’s intent and the model’s training data, predicts the optimum answer for the user. The foregoing processes are inferred by Natural Language Generation (NLG), creating a suitable response to communicate with people.

A conversational AI platform supplier frequently offers several instances of the user interface, AI model, and NLP. However, It is possible to utilize other providers for each component.

How is Conversational AI created?

The ideal technique to develop conversational AI depends upon your firm’s unique requirements and use cases. Hence there is no universally applicable answer to this topic. However, the following are some pointers for developing conversational AI:

Use the FAQs list to determine prerequisites and use cases

FAQs form the foundation of conversational AI development by defining the major user concerns and needs. and alleviating some call volumes for your support team. 

This FAQ list enables you to determine use cases and prerequisites. Defining these requirements will help you determine the best approach to creating your chatbot.

Select the right toolkit and platform

To construct conversational AI, you can use various tools. You must select the platform that best meets your demands because every platform has different advantages and disadvantages. Popular platforms include Google Dialogflow, Amazon Lex, IBM Watson,  and Microsoft Bot Framework.

Design a prototype

The time has come to begin developing your prototype after you have specified your needs and selected a platform. Before releasing your chatbot to your users, you may test it and work out any issues by creating a prototype.

Test and Deploy your chatbot

When your chatbot prototype is complete, it’s time to launch and test it. A small group of people should test it first so that you can gather feedback and make the necessary improvements. 

Enhance and Optimize your chatbot

The final stage is to improve and optimize your chatbot continuously. You can achieve this by changing the algorithms, soliciting user input, and including new features.

Why do Businesses Invest in Conversational AI?


Today’s clients demand top-notch service, even from the smallest businesses. Personalized client conversations are made possible at scale across numerous channels with the aid of conversational AI. 

Therefore, when a consumer switches from a messaging app to either live chatting or social networks, their customer journey will be seamless and highly tailored.

Manage customer calls in high volumes

Higher call counts are a part of the new post-pandemic reality for customer service teams. During abrupt call spikes, chatbots, conversational AI, and voice assistants can help resolve lower-value calls and relieve overworked customer care employees.

Calls can be categorized using conversational AI based on the customer’s needs, previous company experiences, emotions, attitudes, and intents. Routine transactional encounters can be forwarded to an artificially intelligent virtual assistant (IVR), which lowers the expense of high-touch engagements and frees up human agents to concentrate on more valuable interactions.

Deliver the customer service promise

Customer experience is becoming the most important brand differentiator, surpassing both products and prices. 82% of customers, according to Forbes, discontinue business with a company following a negative customer experience.

By fostering a more customer-centric experience, conversational AI can aid businesses in maximizing their commitment to providing excellent customer service. Conversational AI can improve first contact resolution and client satisfaction scores by enhancing self-service—and live agent assistance—with emotion, intent, and sentiment analysis.

Advantages of Adopting Conversational AI

Conversational AI benefits for companies

Businesses can gain from conversational AI in various ways, including lead and demand creation, customer service, and more. These AI-based solutions are widely used in businesses to improve the effectiveness of sales teams’ cross- and up-selling. 

New apps will help and/or automate more operational areas as technology develops and advances. Here are some examples of conversational AI’s value now helping businesses create.

Cost Efficiency

The cost of staffing a customer care department can be high, especially if you want to respond to inquiries outside of typical business hours. Providing customer service via chatbots can lower business costs for small to medium-sized businesses. Virtual assistants and chatbots can answer immediately, making themselves available to potential clients around the clock.

Additionally, contradictory reactions to potential clients can come from human conversations. Businesses can develop conversational AI to handle various use cases, assuring comprehensiveness and consistency since most contacts with support are information-seeking and repeated. 

This maintains consistency in the customer experience and makes valuable human resources accessible for handling more complicated inquiries.

Automating Processes

Not every task needs human involvement. Customer support agents can concentrate on more complex interactions by using conversational AI to address low-effort emails and calls swiftly. Conversational AI can significantly lower contact center operating costs and errors related to human data entry by automating the majority of these processes. The technology can also reveal information that human representatives might not otherwise be able to notice.


Conversational AI offers high scalability since adding infrastructure for conversational AI is swifter and cheaper than hiring a workforce. This proves helpful in expanding products to new markets or during unforeseen spikes in the holiday season.

Enhanced Sales and User Engagement

Since smartphones have become an integral part of users’ lives, businesses should stay prepared to provide real-time data to users. As Conversational AI technology is more readily accessible than agents, it enables frequent and quick user interactions.

The immediate response and support enhance customer satisfaction and improve the brand image with enhanced loyalty and added referrals.

Also, since conversational AI supports personalization, it enables chatbots to give recommendations to users, enabling organizations to cross-sell products that users might not have considered.

What are the Challenges of Conversational AI?

Challenges of Conversational AI

Conversational AI is still young. Although it is being adopted by businesses widely, it poses a few challenges regarding its transition.

Language Input

Whether voice or text, language input is a pain point of conversational AI. Different accents and dialects, slang, unscripted language, and background noises generate issues in understanding and processing raw input.

Another painstaking challenge in language input is the human factor. Tone, emotion, and sarcasm make it quite tough to interpret the meaning and respond correctly.

Security and Privacy

Conversational AI depends on assembling data to respond to user queries, exposing it to security and privacy breaches. So, it becomes vital to design conversational AI applications with enhanced security and privacy to ensure trust with users and to augment usage with time.

User Apprehension

Sometimes, users detest sharing sensitive and personal data, especially while interacting with machines. This can, in turn, create negative experiences and affect conversational AI’s performance.

So, it becomes essential to educate your target users about the safety and benefits of the technology to improve customer experience.

Other Challenges

Chatbots are often not designed to cover extensive queries, which can impact user experience with incomplete answers and unresolved queries. This creates the need to provide alternative communication channels, like a human representative, to help resolve complex issues to maintain a smooth user experience.

Also, while optimizing business workflow, conversational AI can also reduce the workforce for a certain job function, triggering socio-economic activism and hurting the business image.

How is Conversational AI Being Used Today?

How is Conversational AI Being Used Today

Several industries are currently utilizing conversational AI applications. These intelligent applications assist organizations in connecting with consumers and employees in previously unheard-of ways, whether through customer service, marketing, or security, emerging as the core of digital transformation for several businesses.

Conversational AI is growing and providing benefits to a wide range of businesses, including, but not limited to, the following:

Banking: Bank employees can reduce their workload by letting AI chatbots answer complex queries that traditional chatbots might struggle with.

Healthcare: By asking questions designed to reduce wait times, conversational AI assists patients while describing their conditions online. The time-consuming practice of manually reviewing candidate credentials can be automated using conversational AI.

Retail: AI-powered chatbots handle consumer requests 24×7, even on holidays, without traditional customer support employees. Previously, the only way for user communication was through call centers and in-person visits. Because AI chatbots are now accessible through various channels and mediums, including email and websites, customer service is no longer only available during business hours.

IoT:  Conversational AI features are available on popular home appliances like Apple’s Siri and Amazon Echo. Even smart home gadgets can be used to connect with conversational AI agents.

Implementing Conversational AI

Conversational AI can be implemented in a variety of ways. NLP is the most popular method for converting text to machine-readable data. This information can subsequently be utilized to run a chatbot or another type of conversational AI system.

As was already said, NLP is a method that translates text to a format that computers can understand by comprehending human language. This procedure is being used to decipher user inquiries and orders and to review and react to user comments.

NLP can be done in a variety of ways. A computer can be instructed to comprehend natural language using some techniques that use machine learning. Others employ a rules-based strategy, in which a human editor develops a set of guidelines outlining how the machine must process and react to user input.

The computer can utilize this knowledge to fuel a chatbot or similar AI system once it has been trained or given a set of rules. This system may manage customer service requests, respond to queries, and do other duties that require human involvement.

How to Pick the Right Conversational AI For Your Business

To help you select the right conversational AI solution, you can consider these few points:

  • Evaluate your business needs first like analyzing the workflow areas where you can integrate automation and tasks where your users need help. 
  • Evaluate various conversational AI capabilities since some platforms might suit better for your business depending on your industry.
  • Analyze the complexity and cost of integrating different solutions since some solutions are more complex and expensive and might need technical expertise for setting up and use.
  • After applying the above three steps, narrow down the options to choose the right platform.

Conversational AI vendors now provide advanced functionalities to support entity detection and automated intent, conversational design, annotation tools, no-code or low-code paradigm, and compact training datasets to enable non-technical industry professionals to design intelligent solutions like virtual assistants and chatbots.

A Complete Guide to Cross-Platform App Development

Cross-Platform App

Statista sources from 2022 show that Andriod and iOS combined cover almost 99% of the global mobile OS market with 3.5 million apps in the Play Store and about 2.22 million mobile apps in the App Store.

In today’s highly competitive and evolving digital ecosystem, enterprises do not confine their presence to a single platform. Since going for native application development for each platform is quite expensive, cross-platform app development is gained popularity.

A prediction by Forrester shows that over 60% of organizations are already using or involved with cross-platform app development.

What is a Cross-Platform Application Development Framework?

A cross-platform application framework is a tool that simultaneously operates on multiple platforms and operating systems like Android, iOS, and web applications. It follows the one-size-fits-all code and does not require separate coding for the different platforms or OS.

Cross-platform application development builds a software product or service development compatible with several platforms and OS. This process is achieved either by creating separate versions of the app or opting for a cross-platform app development framework.

Cross-platform Mobile Apps use a bridge similar to hybrid apps that allows the programming language to run on any device without the need to rewrite the program for different platforms.

Most enterprises develop a cross-platform application through their in-house development team or outsource the project to reduce expenses and time.

What are the Major Platforms and Operating Systems?

Major Platforms and Operating Systems

Here are a few key platforms and operating systems:

  • Android

It is an open-source mobile OS owned by Google and mainly designed for touchscreen devices like smartphones, smart tech, smart TVs, and smartwatches. It is the most popular mobile operating system.

  • iOS

It is the second-most popular mobile operating system powered by Apple. It is a closed OS with open-source components. It is mainly associated with Apple’s products like iPhone, Macbook, iPad, and so on.

  • Web Application

A Web app is a third-party software or application program in a remote server that you can access over the network through a browser on your device.

Which Programming Languages are cross-platform?

Java is the most popular and robust language among the developer community and is a universal cross-platform language. Other cross-platform programming languages include JavaScript, Dart, Kotlin, Objective-C, C#, and Swift.

Difference Between Native and cross-platform App Development

Both Native and cross-platform development are emerging technologies that are continually and rapidly advancing. Although cross-platform is the latest buzzword, native application development is also quite popular because of the benefits it offers.

Native app development targets creating complex sustainable software with seamless performance and high UI consistency on a particular platform. In contrast, the cross-platform approach aims to cover multiple end devices at a relatively lower cost.

  • Performance
  • Cost
  • Deployment Time
  • Device Access
  • Security
  • User Interface Consistency
Native App Development
  • Seamless performance since all features and functions are built to suit a particular OS
  • Higher development cost
  • Higher time to market since code needs to be written from scratch for multiple platforms
  • The Platform Software Development Kit assures access to API of the device without barriers
  • Comes with several in-built security features
  • A highly consistent user interface
Cross-Platform App Development
  • High performance, but compatibility issues and lagging may occur, sometimes
  • Relatively lower development cost
  • Code reusability significantly lowers the time to market
  • No guaranteed access to APIs of the device
  • Comparatively less secure
  • Relatively lower UI consistency

Examples of cross-platform Application Development Framework Based on Programming Languages

Here are a few examples of common cross-platform app development frameworks and the language they are based on.

Cross-platform App Development Framework
  • React Native, NativeScript, Cordova, Appcelerator
  • Flutter
  • RubyMotion
  • Xamarin
  • BeeWare, Kivy
  • Codename One
Programming Language
  • JavaScript
  • Dart
  • Ruby
  • C#
  • Python
  • Java

What are the Benefits of Cross-Platform App Development?

Benefits of Cross-Platform App Development

Provides Wider Market Research

Compared to the native app development approach, which faces the problem of limited reach and short market research, cross-platform app development wins this battle with wide market research and user reach.

In native app development, your app is developed specifically for Android and iOS, limiting user access. In contrast, cross-platform app development enables developers to launch the same app on multiple platforms. Market research enhances when you are not limited to any specific device or platform.

Reduced Workload

cross-platform app development has a quicker turnaround because developers don’t create multiple apps for different platforms but only one app for all platforms. That means cross-platform app development reduces the development time and workload.

Reduced Development Cost

Using cross-platform app development technology reduces the number of development hours and also the overall project budget. With a reduced development budget, the costs for all related services like deployment, quality testing, and ongoing support get automatically reduced.

Choosing cross-platform mobile app development over native app development technique organizations can cut overall costs by almost 30-40%.

Uniform Design

Smooth performance and a smart look (UI) and feel (UX) attract users. Cross-platform app development requires only one common development team with a single codebase to give a uniform look and feel across different platforms. This means the cross-platform app development technology offers the same user interface and UX on all platforms.

Further, cross-platform development ensures that the app UI/UX will remain uniform for every update and easy to sync.

Easier Maintenance & Deployment

cross-platform app development, with the help of development frameworks like Flutter, streamlines the app development, maintenance, and deployment process. Maintenance is crucial after successfully deploying your high-quality apps across Android and iOS users, and with one codebase, it becomes easy too.

The development cycle may look pretty simple and straight, but there are many inevitable bug fixes and improvements even during the running phase. Imagine doing maintenance and deployment for multiple applications of one business for development platforms. Yes, it does not sound feasible, and that’s why you need cross-platform development technology as a one-point solution for all.

Quicker Development Process

Compared to the native apps, which are developed specifically for one platform, like Android or iOS, but not both. That means building a native app for Android and iOS is developing two apps, two codebase support, and two sets of teams that increase the development time.

However, the cross-platform approach needs only one codebase for all platforms eliminating the rewriting of code from scratch every time and quicker the development process.

Faster Time-to-Market and Customization

A single codebase cross-development approach reduces the development, deployment, and customization time, as testing is required on one single codebase. Also, when any customization or bug is fixed, it’s done in the same code for all platforms saving time and effort.

Reusable Code

Reusability of code is one of the most significant benefits of cross-platform mobile app development, due to which business owners and organizations adopt this approach. Developers don’t have to write the same code separately for different platforms like Android and iOS Android, but they can reuse the same code.

Furthermore, cross-platform app development frameworks like Flutter have pre-written code for other functionalities, which developers can use to save time and effort.

Easy Cloud Integration

Cloud Integration is easy with cross-platform development solutions based on cloud technologies. Also, organizations can integrate with various frameworks with cross-platform applications to implement several ready-to-use plugins for improving pp functionality, aesthetics, validity, and so on.

Challenges in the Cross-Platform App Development Process

Cross-Platform App Development Process

Cross-platform app development process offers several benefits, but it is not without some challenges. These drawbacks are not a deal-breaker, but it is essential to note them.

Inferior UX And UI Compared to Native Apps

Interior UI and UX are significant disadvantages of cross-platforms. This framework builds applications for all platforms using the same code, unlike native apps specifically built for iOS or Android platforms focusing on specific UX and UI design.


The biggest misconception is that cross-platform development is easy because developers have to work only on one codebase. However, novice developers face several difficulties during the development phase as they have to use cross-compliance during the development process.

Cross-compliance, when not used correctly, can result in sluggish code, which ultimately slows the application.

Possible Lower Performance

Performance built up with new features and updates is slow to possess in cross-platform apps compared to native apps because the framework you use for pushing a recent update or feature may or may not be packed with all the latest features and versions of releases for a particular OS.


cross-platform apps are less secure than native apps as they use APIs and native frameworks. Furthermore, cross-platform mobile apps have a high chance of security issues and breaches.

Best cross-platform App Development Frameworks

Best cross-platform App Development Frameworks

The rising popularity of cross-platform app development has given rise to numerous cross-platform frameworks. We have listed the best five cross-platform application development frameworks in the market pool of multiple tools.

React Native

React Native is one of the most popular cross-platform app development frameworks created by Facebook in 2015.

Basic overview of React Native


Flutter is an open-source, free cross-platform application development framework created by Google in 2018. Although Flutter has not been in the market for very long, its features and capabilities has made it one of the most loved frameworks by developers according to the Developer Survey Results by StackOverflow.

Most Loved Frameworks


Xamarin is an independent, open-source, cross-platform app development framework acquired by Microsoft in 2016. It is the oldest framework, founded in 2011, and has a large developer community.

Basic overview of Xamarin Architecture

Phone Gap

Phone Gap is an open-source mobile application framework. It is one of the best frameworks for cross-platform application development developed by Adobe Systems. Phone Gap uses the best existing languages for development, like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

Cross-Platform Market Share


Ionic is an open-source SDK and is one of the most popular cross-platform app development frameworks that enables developers to create a fantastic UI with user-friendly interfaces and features. It also supports the development of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

Ionic Usage Statistics

Cross-Platform Table

How to Select a cross-platform App Development Framework for Your Enterprise

When you have decided to go for cross-platform app development instead of going native, the problem of determining the best platform suited to your business needs arises. The choice of the most suited framework depends on several factors, the most significant ones being the organizational size, required solution, and developer skills.

Here are a few parameters that can drive you to make the best decision.

  • Security: If your project has sensitive data involved, you should choose a framework that offers maximum security benefits.
  • Workload of the development: If you have a large project that involves several functions and processes, you should opt for a cross-platform app tool that can support heavy workloads.
  • Scalability: If seamless performance is your primary goal, you can choose a platform that offers the best app performance.
  • Compatibility: If you’re a brand with a target to cover as many end devices and platforms as possible, you can choose the most compatible framework.

Opting for cross-platform App Development? Partner with OnGraph

Going for cross-platform app development and choosing a framework is not enough. Several other processes are involved, from hiring the developers, planning, and development to testing, updates, bug fixes, and rolling out the software.

Here you have two choices: seek help hiring the best cross-platform app developers, or outsource the entire project. We at OnGraph provide staffing services and custom cross-platform app development on frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Ionic.

Ongraph Technologies has been empowering enterprises and startups around the globe for the last 14 years with smart solutions and delivering sustainable technology. We believe in building long-term relationships with our customers by providing them with affordable, timely, and effective solutions.

How Leveraging Flutter App Development can Scale Your Business

What is Flutter

With Android exceeding the 100 thousand per month mark, scaling the business is getting more challenging. And it’s not just Android; around 30,000+ apps are on the list for iOS devices. Flutter is a one-in-all solution to all your business challenges and has also swiftly gained popularity in the last few years. Choosing Flutter app development helps you in multiple areas:  

  • In creating cross-platform mobile applications.
  • Building simple or feature-rich programs. 
  • Building programs for multiple OS while preserving integrity and speed.

cross platforms mobile apps used by software developers


Statista research shows Flutter is the second most sought-after cross-platform mobile application development framework, with React Native holding the first spot. 

Let’s dive deeper and uncover why Flutter heeds the list.

What is Flutter?

In May 2017, Google developed an advanced framework with a single codebase to create high-quality, high-performance mobile applications for Android and iOS with flexible UI designs and named it Flutter.

Being a free and open-source platform, Flutter gained a massive user base and helped millions of developers all across the globe. Flutter is not just free but a simple, powerful, efficient, and easy-way-to-understand SDK that allows mobile application building in Google’s own language, Dart. 

Technically, Flutter is not completely a framework but a comprehensive SDK that allows cross-platform app creation for various Operating Systems and offers different functionalities like rendering engine, testing and integration APIs, ready-made widgets, and command-line tools.

Flutter is divided into two segments:

  • Software Development Kit (SDK): SDK is required to create fully functioning applications, as it contains a collection of tools, APIs, frameworks, and libraries.
  • Framework: Like any other framework, Flutter also contains a collection of reusable UI elements that you can use and personalize for your development needs.

The Three Architectural Layers of Flutter

Architectural Layers of Flutter

The three architectural layers or the three-tier architecture (N-tier) is one of the most popular architectures for developing applications and programs. These three layers of Flutter are- 


Also known as the interaction layer, most developers associate with Flutter’s platform through this layer. The framework layer is also among the most modern frameworks available.

Building block services and core classes with pictorial explanations, animation, and gestures make Flutter application development easy. 

Components of Framework layer: Widgets, Material, Rendering, and Cupertino


It is the second layer in the architecture where the flutter code is added to an existing or new app as a module or as the entire application’s content. The Embedder application framework can gain required services like accessibility, input, and rendering surfaces.

Moreover, embedder is created in a platform-specific language for iOS, Android, and macOS. For Android, it’s Java, and for macOS and iOS, it’s C++, Objective-C/Objective-C++. 


It is the final layer in the architecture that manages network requests, output, and input. Flutter has Skia as its rendering engine, which reaches Flutter’s framework through Dart. Dart encapsulates the C++ code to Dart classes. Flutter Engine also handles rendering translation challenges in C/C++.

About Dart: Flutter’s Programming Language

In 2011, Google developed Dart as an open-source, object-oriented programming language with C-style syntax, which developers can use as a general-purpose programming language. Application developers can use Dart programming to create front-end user interfaces for mobile and web applications.

Features of Dart

Dart is under active development and is compiled into native machine code for building mobile apps and programs using modern tools. It is inspired by other popular programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and C#. You cannot execute code directly in Dart as it is a compiled language. The compiler parses it and transfers it into machine code for executing the code.

What is Flutter used for?

Fortunately, many answers to this question vary from user to user. 

For users, the Flutter development framework gives life to amazing applications.

For developers, Flutter helps lower the entry bar for creating apps. It also helps reduce complications and fares and increases the speed of application production across different platforms.


For designers, Flutter is a tool that provides amazing UI/UX. Flutter can turn concepts into production code without any compromises typical frameworks impose. After the recent update, CodePen support is added to share your ideas with fellow developers, making it a prolific tool

For tech support teams, engineering managers, and enterprises, Flutter enables the integration of application developers into one desktop, web, and mobile application team. This unification helps build branded apps for multiple platforms out of a single codebase. Also, development gets faster with Flutter synchronizing the releasing timetables through the user base.

Why Opt For Flutter App Development?

The most prominent reason why to opt for Flutter. The primary languages used are Kotlin, Objective C/Swift, and Java. Also, using these languages makes the overall development less expensive and fast, allowing code repetition. 

In the past few years, Flutter has become famous among organizations and cross-platform tools like React Native, PhoneGap, and Xamarin.

With Flutter, you can facilitate responsiveness for mobile applications without JavaScript bridges, reducing most hectic development procedures. Also, it aligns perfectly with various iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, MAC, and Google Fuchsia.

Flutter Details

Flutter’s recent stats say: 

Total Number of Apps: Over 25 Thousand

Total Downloads: Over 12 Billion

Here’s a list of reasons why one should choose Flutter over other application development frameworks: 

Enhanced Performance

Flutter uses Dart language that gets compiled directly into machine code and enhances performance. It also eradicates errors caused by interpreting mistakes which increase competitiveness and performance.

Faster, More Productive, and Steady

At Flutter, you get readymade gadgets and syntax with fewer code lines. Shorter code makes bug fixing and updating more simple. Application takes less time to develop than other native languages and less time to roll out to the marketplace, which ultimately increases overall efficiency and development speed. 


Due to its effective and cost-efficient flow, it gives a tough fight to other cross-platform application development frameworks. Flutter takes less time to establish a mobile app than other development frameworks.

Supports Cross-Platform Application Development

Flutter is an open-source app development framework that offers cross-platform app development. Both Android and iOS device applications can be built using Flutter. 

Enhanced User Experience

The Flutter app development framework helps create the best presentation layer/ UI interface that enhances user experience.

Flutter App Development is Cost-effective

Reusing the code reduces cost and complexity, ultimately making development faster.

Support for Older Devices

Taking modern devices as the primary user platform is essential to compete in the current business race. But, Flutter builds applications that work seamlessly on both new and old devices.

Google guaranteed

Brand trust from Google is enough to ensure quality and modern functionalities. 

Availability of Widgets: Simplifying App Development

Flutter highlights widgets as a constitutional unit to simplify application development. Widgets are simple building blocks of Flutter’s UI, where each widget is a fixed manifesto of the UI.

Based on composition, Widgets outline into different levels where every widget nests in the center of its parent and get context from the parent. This structure carries up to the root widget (the container hosting Flutter, like CupertinoApp or MaterialApp)

Basic widgets


It helps to build a run of designed text in the program or your app.

Column, Row

These widgets enable the development of adaptable layouts in the vertical (Column) and horizontal (Row) directions. 


This widget lets you place other widgets above the other in the paint order rather than following a linear orientation.


This is the most creative widget that allows you to build a rectangular perceptible element.

What Kind of Apps Can You Develop in Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source, cross-stage mobile application development framework for building local interfaces on Android and iOS. Presented by Google in 2017, Flutter works by wrapping a web view in a local application.

Besides its ability to fabricate applications with a native look and feel, this application development structure by Google is generally welcomed by engineers and ISVs for improvement.

Since Flutter works with developers to build cross-platform native apps with very little compromise, Flutter has been dependent on new companies and set-up brands. Here’s a recent usage statistics of the Flutter app development framework – 

Flutter App Development Stats

Benefits of Flutter App Development

Some benefits of Flutter app development are:

Advantages of Flutter App Development

Reusable Code: Single Codebase for Android and iOS

A reusable codebase makes Android and iOS app development easy and quick. It also reduces development time. 

Ready-to-use widgets offer countless possibilities

Widgets are the most useful and innovative features that let you create interfaces through various building components. It offers different fonts, padding, and buttons. It also helps create different layouts and customization from basic to complex.

Flutter App Development has a Low Learning Curve

The accessibility of easy-to-understand documentation makes Flutter learning easy for beginners and gains admiration from developers. The other best part about Flutter learning is that it uses Dart, one of the simplest languages for app development.

Popularity of Flutter App Development

Flutter framework allows mobile app developers with only fundamental programming experience to develop applications and prototypes.

Availability of the Skia Libraries

Skia is a swift and dynamic open-source library with a strong backend. It redrafts the user interface, enabling the rapid load of the application at sixty frames per second. This makes the users like the seamlessness of the application more than any other frameworks available.

Fast testing with hot reload

This feature got the most attention and praise from Flutter engineers worldwide. Yes, almost negligible reloading when making changes. Also, Flutter offers faster updates, testing, the introduction of newer features, and bug fixes.

Cons of Flutter App Development

Drawbacks are not like a deal-breaker, but they allow you to understand if it may not be the best choice for a project. Here are some drawbacks you may come across using Flutter. 

Lack of Support for iOS Features

As Flutter is a Google product, the iOS application support quality suffers. If most Software Development Kit features and functions work perfectly on Android (primary devices), then there are a few problems with iOS. 

Large file size because of the widgets

Adding widgets increases functionalities and file sizes, becoming a substantial concern. Sometimes this storage issue causes a developer or a flutter mobile app development company to select a different tool for development.

Limited tools and libraries

Flutter does not allow third-party libraries (majorly paid) for application development, so developers can only access certain functionality. 

Moreover, searching for free libraries and packages with pre-tested functions is quite difficult.

Tiny Flutter App Development Community

Dart still lacks a wide community since a handful of developers use it for app development. This is why Dart programming language has a relatively smaller application development community than JavaScript.

Examples of Popular Apps Developed on Flutter

Apps like Google Ads, Hamilton, and Alibaba’s Xianyu have distinctive and rich SDKs and are developed on Flutter. One of those prominent reasons why organizations use Flutter is because it helps apps expand faster.

Google Ads

Regarding marketing and monetizing, there’s no one close to Google Ads. It is a mobile application that helps in managing Google Advertisement campaigns. Earlier, managing Google Ads was only possible on a desktop. 

Google Ads is smartly designed to show campaign statistics, budget updates, real-time bids, keyword tweaking, and live notifications. In its recent update, there’s an additional feature to reach a professional for any queries and suggestions. The attractive UI encourages users and also makes it easy to use. 

Other examples of apps developed on Flutter are:

App Examples through Flutter App Development

  • BMW App
  • Google Pay
  • Alibaba
  • Reflect
  • Cryptograph
  • Dream 11
  • Tencent
  • Philips Hue 
  • MGM Resorts
  • Nubank

Have an App Idea? Start Flutter App Development Now with OnGraph

Flutter app development enables organizations and developers to seamlessly create native-like apps without worrying about the strict budget plan. Flutter also stretches the user base by publishing the apps on Android and iOS stores. 

Organizations mastering Objective C/Swift, Java, and Kotlin can directly move to Flutter as these are their primary languages. Further, it offers cross-platform toolkits like React Native, PhoneGap, and Xamarin for application development.

At OnGraph Technologies, we have about 250+ hand-picked top developers with expertise in various technologies and tech stacks. We provide the best resources for Flutter App Development and have created multiple Flutter applications despite the brief existence of this emerging technology.

You can schedule a consultation with us if you’d wish to realize an App idea and discuss Flutter’s benefits and cross-platform app development.

ASP.NET Vs. PHP: Which is Better?


ASP.NET vs. PHP is one of the hottest comparisons developers come across while selecting from these leading technologies for their business or project, as they both have broad bases and comprehensive tool support.

Since both are popular in the web development world, selecting the right one is tricky. We aim to highlight-guide you in choosing the best one for your organization.

What is ASP.NET?


ASP.NET is a popular web development platform and provides a comprehensive software infrastructure, a programming model, and various other mandatory services to create robust web applications for mobiles and desktops.

ASP.NET was released in early 2002 as a successor to Microsoft’s ASP (Active Server Pages). Creating .NET applications is relatively easy with ASP.NET as it is a language-independent software that allows developers to select any . NET-supported language.

Apart from its different libraries, ASP.NET also provides several development toolkits that make the app, dynamic web pages, microservices, and REST API creation more accessible and seamless.

Some popular websites built through ASP.NET are Visual Studio, DELL, Microsoft, Stack Overflow, and GoDaddy.

Advantages of ASP.NET

  • ASP.NET is highly scalable and gives tough competition to PHP in scalability.
  • Support almost all major programming languages, including C#.
  • Capable of highlighting mistakes made by the developers during the coding part before compiling.
  • Support programmers with popular tools and advanced features.
  • ASP.NET works smoothly with Windows OS.
  • Provides the best platform for Enterprise applications.
  • Pre-coded features for fast development.
  • Smart UI to navigate and use different features seamlessly.

Disadvantages of ASP.NET

  • Tough to understand and learn for new developers.
  • A small support community to help developers.
  • The Microsoft license makes it more expensive.
  • Not as suitable as PHP for a website or application development.

What is PHP?


PHP started as an open-source web development project and later evolved over the years with new features and tools. It’s the same reason PHP comes to everyone’s mind when discussing web projects. PHP allows integration with several popular databases efficiently. To interpret PHP code, there’s a PHP interpreter implemented in the web server as a module.

The web server first combines the results of both executed and interpreted PHP code. These codes could be of any type, including images too. In its execution, you may find PHP smugly zippy; however, the execution works even smoother on the Unix side when compiled as an Apache module. PHP also supports major protocols like- LDAP, POP3, and IMAP.

PHP is a recursive acronym for HTTP processors, and as a web development framework, PHP is embedded in HTML. By PHP developers are provided with various open-source libraries and applications to make web designing more efficient and easy. Therefore, PHP is compatible with different web applications, and unsurprisingly, many of our favourite social media sites are written in PHP code.

Some popular websites powered by PHP are MailChimp, Facebook, Flickr, Wikipedia, and WordPress.

Advantages of PHP

  • PHP is a free, open-source server-side scripting language
  • A larger support community to help developers, programmers, and hiring teams.
  • It is perfect for large projects and socializing sites.
  • Perfect for building scripts, primarily web-based ones like- WCMS (Web Content Management Systems), because it is highly effective at communicating and accessing various database types.
  • PHP is highly scalable, which makes customization easier.
  • Experts to support in case of any issue or bug.
  • Low-cost software tool.
  • Powerful frameworks such as Laravel and Symfony make it even more popular.

Disadvantages of PHP

  • Not suited for building desktop applications/software.
  • PHP applications lag a bit more than other frameworks and languages.
  • It enables customization, which results in poor coding and sometimes hard bugs.
  • Approaching, managing, and fixing errors in PHP is poor.

What are Some Standard Criteria for Comparing PHP and ASP.NET?

Here are some parameters that help to understand ASP.NET and PHP-


Cost plays a crucial role when working on a large project. Regarding cost-effectiveness, PHP has a distinct advantage over ASP.NET as PHP is free, while ASP.NET comes with a web hosting fee.


A scalable technology is more flexible and covers a wide area. Compared to ASP.NET and PHP, ASP.NET can handle various web applications, which is impossible with PHP. ASP.NET is a more flexible language, and thus many developers choose it over PHP.


In PHP, scripts are executed faster than ASP.NET because PHP uses its memory, and performance depends on the level of interaction between the script, the database, and the server.

Moreover, PHP web application implementation takes the LAMP format, offering increased performance.


PHP programs run on their own memory space and do not require any other system resources, resulting in less execution time than ASP.NET. Whereas ASP.NET is a bit slow because it is built on a COM-based system that requires different storage areas.


PHP is hugely popular and used by almost 76.0% of all the websites whose server-side programming language we know, whereas ASP.NET is used by 7.6% of total websites whose server-side programming language we know, as per the recent stats.

Learning Curve:

If your organization has new developers, PHP is a better choice as it is easy to learn and understand for beginners, whereas ASP.NET is quite challenging to learn and needs time to master. Also, PHP has large community support to make your learning curve more smooth.


ASP.NET is the best pick for your organization if your applications primarily focus on security and functionality, whereas PHP is better for user interfaces, speed, and performance.

Market Share:

Top websites

PHP has a higher market share than ASP.NET since PHP is a free, open-source scripting language, whereas ASP.NET is a paid web application framework.

According to SimilarTech, there are 4,956,798 websites supported by PHP and 1,681,045 by ASP.NET. Overall, as shown by W3Techs, ASP.NET powers 2.73% of websites, and PHP powers 8.33% of websites.

Comparing ASP.NET and PHP


  • Type
  • Speed
  • Support
  • Solutions
  • Customization
  • Cost
  • Community
  • Security


  • Server-side scripting language
  • Not suitable and slower for desktop application
  • Small to medium-sized web projects
  • More focused on client-facing, user interfaces
  • Allow customization
  • Freely available all over the web
  • Large size community as it is open-source
  • Less built-in security feature than .NET


  • Web application framework
  • High speed, fast enough for desktop application
  • Large enterprise applications
  • More focused on Security and functionalities
  • Less prone to customization
  • License cost attached
  • Dedicated community, mostly skilled developers
  • Highly secure


Which Should You Choose – ASP.NET or PHP?

ASP.Net Popular Websites

For large-scale organizations and enterprises where security is vital, ASP.NET is more suited.

Startups and small organizations focusing on performance, speed, and cost optimization can use PHP for their business.

Also, if you are looking for a general scripting language, PHP is more suited since it is free, open-source, and has an easier learning curve. Whereas, if you want a complete web development programming framework, ASP.NET will do half your job with brand trust from Microsoft.

Trouble deciding between ASP.NET and PHP? Partner with OnGraph

Both ASP.NET vs PHP are great solutions for your business projects with slight differences, but a small difference can bring a significant change when things are done on a large scale.

If you’re facing challenges in choosing the most suited development framework for your business, OnGraph can help you make the right choice and assist in hiring the best developers for your organization’s web application development.

OnGraph Technologies partners with startups and enterprises to provide seamless mobile and web application development backed by the best technology practices and enhanced user experience. Hire PHP developers with us today.

Why an Investment in DevOps is Worth it


The global pandemic challenged the best organizational infrastructures and accelerated digital transformation. Being the heart of digital transformation, DevOps enables businesses to improve through flexibility, agility, and continuous revision.
A report by AMR showed that the international DevOps market size was appreciated at $6.78 billion in 2020 and will reach $57.90 billion by 2030, reporting a CAGR of 24.2% from 2021-2030.

DevOps has transformed the software delivery process by increasing team collaboration and a flexible environment. The benefits of implementing the DevOps approach have made it immensely popular. About 83% of decision-makers said they’ve increased business potential and worth by implementing DevOps methodologies.

devops methodologies

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a collaborative approach of the software development and operations team combining concepts, cultural philosophies, techniques, and tools that enable organizations to enhance speed, efficiency, security, and customer experience to compete better in the market.

The DevOps culture promotes cross-team communication and team empowerment to integrate and automate software processes. Shared accountability and collaboration allow organizations to improve and evolve products faster than traditional software development.

Principles of DevOps

Principles of Devops

The DevOps methodology has four fundamental principles that form the best roadmap to modern software development. These principles guide towards improved planning, better product, and faster market delivery.

  • Automation of the product development lifecycle
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Intense focus on customer’s demands with brief feedback loops
  • Waste minimization with constant improvement

Key Pioneers of DevOps

The formation of DevOps consists of Agile and ESM.

  • Agile Software Development

DevOps is a projection of Agile that boosts strong team collaboration between developers, testers, management, and customers to finalize an improved product. It helps businesses identify communication and service delivery as crucial customer value proposition components.

  • Enterprise Service Management (ESM)

Enterprise Service Management ESM is an extension of IT service management abilities further to enterprise teams like Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Legal, and Facilities to manage business-centric use cases.

ESM allows the management of service demands and supplies through a standard catalog, facilitating faster workflow automation and innovation.
Initially, the system administrators defined the concept of DevOps and incorporated automation, the toolchain approach, configuration management, and system monitoring.

How does DevOps Work?

How does Devops works?

The DevOps approach breaks down the walls between operations and development teams, often merging them throughout the software development lifecycle with a multidisciplinary skillset. Some DevOps models integrate security and quality assurance teams for a seamless development process.

The integrated teams use technology stacks and tools to accelerate and automate reliable applications. These toolchains handle essential DevOps functions like collaboration, automation, continuous integration, and delivery.

The tech stacks and tools also enable engineers to perform tasks like code deployment without help that generally would need assistance from other teams.

DeVops VS DevSecOps

Often the DevOps model is applied to organizational teams other than development, like security, where safety becomes the core part of the process. This model is the DevSecOps approach.

Challenges Faced in SDLC

The traditional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) approach had several flaws that hindered seamless product development.

Software Development LifeCycle

  • The traditional approach ‘siloed’ the software development team, maintenance teams, and test engineers, where they performed tasks separately without communication. This model was time-consuming, and the end product came with several flaws.
  • Test engineers faced issues maintaining a steady process in the different development stages. This issue also created bugs that were avoidable through inter-team collaboration.
  • Bug fixes and fresh adjustments in the product took too long, ranging from several months to a year, due to the lack of collaboration between the developers and testers.
  • Since the customers interacted with the product at the end, it gave rise to a lack of transparency, extra reworks, late feedback, decreased user satisfaction, and delays in working on the user’s complaints.

How DevOps resolves the SDLC Challenges

The DevOps model encourages collaboration and communication between the organizational teams during the development process and tears down all the barriers, solving most challenges. It helps the teams to form T-shaped competencies faster and energetically acclimates to market demands.

Benefits of DevOps for Enterprises

The State of DevOps Report of 2019 showed exceptional outcomes of adopting DevOps by IT organizations.

Benefits of DevOps for Enterprises

  • 106 times swifter lead time from committing to the deployment stage
  • 18 percent improvement in customer satisfaction
  • 2604 times faster recovery from unexpected incidents and failures
  • 22 percent minimized the time on unplanned work and rework
  • 208 times more deployment frequency
  • Two times more employee satisfaction, especially among high-performing teams
  • Six times more accuracy in estimating operational costs
  • Seven times lower failure change failure rate

Organizations adopting the DevOps model experienced a quintuple growth in the deployment frequency from 46x to 208x within a year from 2018 to 2019.

Also, 50% of DevOps enterprises reported reduced expenditure, time-to-market, and revenue growth.

Why Should Your Organization Invest in DevOps?

A study by DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in 2021 shows that the main distinction between powerful and poorly performing teams is the successful integration of the DevOps model or the delay in implementing it.

Here are a few advantages of adopting the DevOps approach for your organization.

DevOps Benefits

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one of the most significant advantages of adopting DevOps. This benefit is achieved by faster delivery, price deduction, transparency, and incorporation of feedback.

DevOps helps streamline several workflow areas, allowing you to charge less for your products than competitors not using the DevOps approach.

Streamlining enables collaboration between the organizational teams and the users, allowing transparency and user feedback and making it easier to finalize the desired product quicker.

Return IT Investments Rapidly

Releasing swift software updates, patches in code, and bug fixes helps corporations return their IT investments quicker and bring pristine revenue. High-performing DevOps organizations deploy 200 times more with about 2,555 times faster lead time compared to low performers. Also, better product quality in production environments saves 50% of the time on security issues, paving a speedier path to ROI.

To become a high-performing firm, your business’s current situation is crucial here. To start with DevOps, you must inspect your present situation and workflow. Also, you need to check your infrastructure state.

AWS tech professionals reveal all critical points, like the business processes you’ll need to induct for the most profitable results, and describe a perfect architecture. It describes six core pillars:

Business Benefits of DevOps

Graphic connecting: Robust Security, Operational Excellence, Performance Efficiency, Reliability, Optimizing Costs, Sustainability.

  • Robust Security: Security is a high-priority task in every development and establishment process. For robust security, the best methods are utilizing cloud capabilities, regulations of infrastructure protection, and providing more valuable data.
  • Operational Excellence: One of the most optimal ways to support the development lifecycle. A perfectly timed operation runs applications efficiently.
  • Performance Efficiency: Performance track the future. Performance Efficiency is utilizing Its resources most efficiently.
  • Reliability: It defines the desired infrastructure state when every unit or module in the system performs its planned operation effectively.
  • Optimizing Costs: Cost optimization is the intelligent way to produce more value at a reduced cost. It’s a practical approach to running workloads efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Sustainability: Sustainability manages your enterprise activities’ long-term environmental, economic, and societal impact.

Embedding all these six pillars to your organization will increase your organization’s ROI and decrease operational expenditure and TCO. These core pillars in your organization will give you 15-20% faster income growth.

How to Calculate ROI from DevOps?

On different aspects, ROI varies in DevOps. Although, there are ways to measure the ROI of DevOps:

1. Acceleration

  • Automation: Reduced manual intervention and continuous testing to fix issues
  • Infrastructure Retrieval: The swiftness of production recovery from incidents of collapses
  • Frequency of Releasing: Speed of code releases to production
  • Resilience of Infrastructure: Reducing downtime induced by infrastructure failures through automation
  • Infrastructure Efficiency: Resource shielding to protect from production, and deployment failures
  • Iterations: Number of modifications and fixes made from customer feedback and requests

2. Mindset

  • Tech-oriented- Application, service, and hardware
  • Procedure-oriented – Enhancing by continuous feedback loops, deploying and undertaking upgrades
  • Employee-oriented – Prioritizing work grade and productivity

3. Performance

  • Low IT Performers- Focus on opportunities and improvement areas to set measurable goals.
  • Medium IT Performers- Reaps benefits by eradicating technological deficits and weighing value and velocity.
  • High IT Performers- Targets high profits and foremost product delivery pipeline.

These are different ways to drive ROI in various aspects. But, there are some key factors as well that can affect ROI monetary values like-

Price of Introducing Process

Expenses of introducing processes begin from software development environments and processes to CI/CD. They all have a shared thread in spite of the changes available in individual working approaches.

Product Development Cost

Product development cost starts with the hourly expense of software product development. You can calculate the cost by multiplying the average yearly compensation and employer expenses and dividing this figure by the yearly working hours.

Expense Savings

Expense savings are accomplished by the successful integration of a specific DevOps model. It should have the accuracy to efficiently recognize the overall monetary benefit discovered through DevOps.

You can use this formula to convert ROI monetary value into ROI percentage:

ROI monetary value into ROI percentage

Boosts Innovation & Development

The traditional SDLC (software development lifecycle) took long lead times and a longer time for patching the code and bug fixes. Various teams were responsible for writing, testing, and deploying code without seamless communication.

DevOps replaced the manual processes with automation and integrated all teams into a single environment. This reduces bugs, makes the team productive, and frees their time to focus on development, improvement, and innovation. Hire DevOps Engineer and harness the benefits.

Reduced Expenditure on IT Infrastructure Upkeep

Here’s how the DevOps methodology automates all software development processes and reduces monthly expenses.

Establishing CI and CD Pipelines, Continuous Delivery, IaC, Reduces Overprovisioning of the Resources, Cloud Migration

Reduced Expenditure on IT Infrastructure Upkeep

  • Establishing CI and CD Pipelines: When CI and CD pipelines in workflow lower the MTTR (mean time to resolution), the development team can focus on improving the product quality and feature releases. Automating software tests ensures that codes deployed in short clusters won’t impact the infrastructure and prevent bugs from escaping to production.

Reduced bugs and MTTR sidestep consistent poor workflows and technical deficits.

  • Continuous Delivery: It is the most substantial aspect of DevOps. After passing through a testing environment, the code is transferred from the development stage to the release stage. The developers can release updates and fix bugs faster. Continuous Integration enables them to upload code.
  • Infrastructure as a Code (IaC): The fundamental key of the DevOps model enables the automation of routine tasks. The IaC approach hit two targets with one arrow: it eliminates the Dev team’s responsibility for infrastructure provisioning, permitting them to avert human intervention blunders and concentrate on product innovation and enhancement.
  • Reduces Overprovisioning of the Resources: Private cloud providers ensure that your system uses the CPU effectively and all complimentary RAM with container orchestration tools.
  • Cloud Migration: It decodes ineffective use of resources. Public cloud providers like GCP, Microsoft Azure, and AWS guarantee smart use of resources through load balancing and auto-scaling. The best part is that you only pay for the cloud features you employ.

These are the five most crucial factors that show how DevOps helps lower the bills of an IT infrastructure.

Promotes Collaborated and Engaged Efforts

Targeting Scaled DevOps Adoption

DevOps accentuates a collective approach and collaboration at all software development levels, from coding and testing to monitoring, release, and updates.

This system allows developers, system administrators, and testers to communicate seamlessly and work effectively as they work in an integrated environment to maintain uniformity across all functions.

Team members in a DevOps model also embrace multiple roles to accomplish tasks, increasing organizational efficiency and roles and responsibilities. This also encourages the team members to improve their skills for a seamless product development lifecycle and seamless user experience.

DevOps also increases employee productivity and satisfaction. By implementing DevOps, the software developed is error-free and efficient. Lesser bugs mean the team members spend less time fixing them, enabling them to work on working and creating better products.

When the development and operations teams spend less time patching bugs and support, it reduces their stress, allows them to enjoy their work, and increases job satisfaction.

Lesser Chances of Failures

The State of DevOps Report shows that businesses adopting a DevOps model experience reduced failures by 60 times.

DevOps aims to promote team collaboration, where the members understand all functions in the development lifecycle, from infrastructure to configuration. This also allows developers to write and fix code simultaneously, reducing the prospect of bugs.

Before releasing the product, the users get to use and give feedback if problems emerge, allowing developers to fix and instantly release the update without much delay.

Enhanced Service Availability

Gartner stated in its study that the average IT downtime cost for large firms could reach $5,600 each minute.


Even if it is not a significant issue, enterprises from inaccessibility for their services to customers, on average, can lose from $140,000 to $300,000 each hour. Mid-size businesses and startups also suffer from downtime, making them lose potential investors and customers.

Prominent market players who embraced DevOps to annihilate unavailability can save up to $100,000 every hour of decreased downtime. DevOps boosts your service availability through the implementation of:

  • IaC (Infrastructure-as-a-Code) enables standard tasks’ automation, reduces human intervention, enhances stability, makes testing more effective, and insinuates system consistency. You can implement this strategy through tools like Ansible, Terraform, and Pulumi.
  • Facilitating the CI and CD workflow and IaC to identify unstable updates with the infrastructure and preclude the deployment to delivery.

Enhances Security and Reduces Risks

DevOps helps organizations mitigate risks and enhance security by:

  • Creating automated testing environments and predefined compliance measures that integrate into the environment. This allows team members to identify the bugs while writing and testing the code simultaneously.
  • Reducing human intervention and errors by automating tasks
  • Incorporating the Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) model eliminates manual intervention and governs infrastructure configuration.
  • Assisting organizations to adapt to market changes faster by promoting an agile and flexible work environment.
  • Ensuring better adherence to compliance measures, like the PCI-DSS, by utilizing Policy as a Code model for managing and defining rules and conditions.

Implementing DevOps? Partner with OnGraph To Accelerate Your Business

To summarize, a well-planned DevOps implementation strategy can drastically increase the proficiency of your end-to-end delivery pipeline.

If you own a startup in the initial stage, we recommend you adopt the DevOps model so that you can scale your business rapidly. The adoption might be more challenging for large enterprises but is worth it, given the result in security, reliability, and scalability.

We at OnGraph, with 14 years of industry experience, can assist your business in developing a DevOps strategy by using containerization, integrating your environment with CI/CD Tools, automating tests and tasks, and monitoring application performance.

We are a group of innovators with proven expertise in various modern technologies like Node, PHP, ROR, WordPress, Angular, MySQL, HTML5, Android, iOS, Joomla, Magento, IOS, React Native, and so on to create exceptional applications, web designs, and tech developments that will assist you in getting ahead of competitors and become the face of the latest innovation.

List of Top 10 Python App Development Frameworks in 2024

python app development frameworks

Top 10 Python App Development Frameworks

The latest Statista research shows that over 48% of developers worldwide use Python app development frameworks for software development. Python is among the most popular programming languages, with major firms like IBM, NASA, Spotify, and Instagram using them. Many developers use Pyjnius. Pyjnius is a Python library for accessing Java classes. It either starts a new JVM inside the process, or retrieves the already surrounding JVM (for example on Android).

The popularity of Python is because of its vast range of libraries, packages, and frameworks. A Python application framework is a collection of modules and packages that allows developers to build apps through a pre-built implementation of redundant functions. They release developers from minor issues like thread management, sockets, and protocols.

Several best Python frameworks for mobile app development and web app development enable seamless, efficient, and swift application development. We’ve listed the best frameworks in this blog.

Why Should I Go for Python App Development?

Python is best suited for creating dynamic applications integrated with CRUD operations and avoiding repetitive coding for activities like authentication and sessions. It also provides an execution system when you’re building a separate UI with associated logic. 

Python is also the best option when you have strict deadlines and time and resource constraints. From full-stack and DevOps to AI/ML, data engineering, and data science, Python offers all-around Python App Development options. 

Here are some reasons why Python is the king of programming languages:

  • Python’s vibrant range of frameworks, libraries, and tools enables swift development and gives access to code templates.
  • Python is a high-level programming language and quite close to English, hence it has a lower learning curve compared to other coding languages.
  • Python has a large developer community and rich documentation with new frameworks and libraries being added quite often.

Types of Python App Development Frameworks?

There are three types of Python application development frameworks: Microframework, Full-stack, and Asynchronous Framework.

1-Micro Framework

Micro Framework

A Python micro-framework is easy to use with basic capabilities or features required for web development and does not have added functionalities like form validation and data abstraction layers. They are lightweight and useful for building small applications.

Some popular examples of Micro Python frameworks include CherryPy, Bottle, Falcon, and Dash.

2-Full-Stack Python Framework

Full-Stack Framework

A full-stack framework is an end-to-end solution for web and app development with functionalities like template layouts, form validation, form generator, and so on. It is the most convenient and popular Python framework since it offers features of back-end functions, front-end interfaces, and databases. 

Some popular examples of Full-stack Python frameworks include Django, Pylons, CubicWeb, and Giotto

3-Asynchronous Python Framework

Asynchronous Framework

The asynchronous framework empowers developers to work on large amounts of concurrent connections, databases, web servers, connection libraries, high-performance networks, and so on. It is gaining widespread popularity recently since the development of the Asyncio library.

Some examples of Asynchronous Python frameworks are Tornado, Growler, AIOHTTP, and Sanic.

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How to Choose the Right Python Framework For App Development?

The most essential factor before selecting the right framework for development is the nature, size, and complexity of the project. For example, you can opt for a micro-framework for a smaller project while considering full-stack frameworks for larger projects. 

Also, here are some examples of frameworks based on the project’s nature.

Python application development

Other factors that you can consider before selecting a Python app development framework for your project are

  • Scalability to handle traffic load when they run on several servers
  • Core libraries like authentication, data validation, URL mapping/rewriting, and templating.
  • Comprehensive documentation with tutorials, sample codes, blogs, and snippets.
  • Easy installation of the preferred Python framework.

10 Most Popular Python App Development Frameworks

Here’s a list of the most popular python app development frameworks:



Django is a high-level development Python framework for creating both mobile and web apps that operate on a power ORM and follows the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern, making the code reusable and readable. It has built-in tools like URL routing/parsing, authentication system, form validation, template engine, and caching to ensure a swift development process.

Django follows the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) concept and focuses on rapid app development with a neat design. It is the first choice of developers for any Python project due to its versatility, customization, scalability, deployment speed, simplicity, and compatibility with the latest Python versions.

According to a Stack Overflow survey of 2020, Django and Flask are the most popular Python frameworks. Popular examples of apps built with Django include Instagram and Spotify.

Key Features of Django:

  • Enables execution of automated migrations
  • Robust security
  • Enhanced web server support
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Vast add-ins with SEO optimization


Flask Framwork

Flask is an open-source, lightweight, and the best Python microframework with a built-in development server, debugger, HTTP request processing, file storage, and support for establishing client-side sessions. It has a modular and adaptable design and added compatibility with Google App Engine.

Besides Django, Flask is another popular Python framework with the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template. Flask comes under the BSD license and it is inspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework. Popular examples of apps developed with Flask include Lyft and Netflix.

Key Features of Flask:

  • Jinja2 templating and WSGI compliance
  • Unicode-based with secure cookie support
  • HTTP request handling capability
  • RESTful request dispatch handling
  • Built-in server development and integrated unit-testing support
  • Plugs into any ORM framework



Web2Py is an open-source, full-stack, and scalable Python application framework compatible with most operating systems, both mobile-based and web-based. It is a platform-independent framework that simplifies development through an IDE that has a code editor, debugger, and single-click deployment.

Web2Py deals with data efficiently and enables swift development with MVC design but lacks configuration files on the project level. It has a critical feature, a ticketing system that auto-generates tickets in the event of issues and enables tracking of issues and status.

Key Features of Web2py:

  • No configuration and installation needed
  • Enables use of NoSQL and relational databases
  • Follows MVC design with consistent API for streamlining web development
  • Supports internationalization and role-based access control
  • Enable backward compatibility
  • Addresses security vulnerabilities and critical dangers



TurboGears is an open-source, full-stack, data-driven popular Python web app framework based on the ObjectDispatch paradigm. it is meant to make possible to write both small and concise applications in Minimal mode or complex application in Full Stack mode.

TurboGears is useful for building both simple and complex apps with its features implemented as function decorators with multi-database support. It offers high scalability and modularity with MochiKit JavaScript library integration and ToscaWidgets for seamless coordination of server deployment and front end.

Key aspects of TurboGears:

  • MVC-style architecture
  • Provides command-line tools 
  • Extensive documentation
  • Validation support with Form Encode
  • It uses pylons as a web server
  • Provides PasteScript templates



Falcon is a reliable and secure back-end micro Python application framework used for developing highly-performing microservices, APIs, and large-scale application backends. It is extensible and optimized with an effective code base that promotes building cleaner designs with HTTP and REST architecture.

Falcon provides effective and accurate responses for HTTP threats, vulnerabilities, and errors, unlike other Python back-end frameworks. Large firms like RackSpace, OpenStack, and LinkedIn use Falcon.

Falcon can handle most requests with similar hardware to its contemporaries and has total code coverage.

Key Features of Falcon:

  • Intuitive routing with URL templates
  • Unit testing with WSGI mocks and helpers
  • Native HTTP error responses
  • Optimized and extensible code base
  • Upfront exception handling support
  • DRY request processing
  • Cython support for enhanced speed



CherryPy is an object-oriented, open-source, Python micro framework for rapid development with a robust configuration system. It doesn’t require an Apache server and enables the use of technologies for Cetera templating and accessing data.

CherryPy is one of the oldest Python development frameworks mainly for web development. Applications designed with CherryPy are self-contained and operate on multi-threaded web servers. It has built-in tools for sessions, coding, and caching.

Popular examples of CherryPy apps include Hulu and Juju.

Key features of CherryPy:

  • Runs on Android
  • Flexible built-in plugin system
  • Support for testing, profiling, and coverage
  • WSGI compliant
  • Runs on multiple HTTP servers simultaneously
  • Powerful configuration system



It is an open-source asynchronous networking Python framework that provides URL handling, HTML support, python database application framework support, and other crucial features of every application.

Tornado is as popular as Django and Flask because of its high-performing tools and features except that it is a threaded framework instead of being WSGI-based. It simplifies web server coding, handles thousands of open connections with concurrent users, and strongly emphasizes non-blocking I/O activities for solving C10k difficulties. 

Key features of Tornado:

  • Web templating techniques
  • Extensive localization and translation support
  • Real-time, in-the-moment services
  • Allows third-party authorization, authorization methods, and user authentication
  • Template engine built-in
  • HTTP client that is not blocking



AIOHTTP is a popular asynchronous client-side Python web development framework based on the Asyncio library. It depends on Python 3.5+ features like Async and Awaits. 

AIOHTTP offers support for client and server WebSockets without the need for Callback Hell and includes request objects and routers for redirecting queries to functions.

Key highlights of AIOHTTP Python framework:

  • Provides pluggable routing
  • Supports HTTP servers
  • Supports both client and WebSockets without the callback hell.
  • Middleware support for web servers
  • Effective view building

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Popular Cross-Platform Python Frameworks for Mobile App Development

Here are the two main cross-platform Python mobile app frameworks: Kivy and BeeWare

9- Kivy


Kivy is a popular open-source Python framework for mobile app development that offers rapid application development of cross-platform GUI apps. With a graphics engine designed over OpenGL, Kivy can manage GPU-bound workloads when needed.

Kivy comes with a project toolkit that allows developers to port apps to Android and has a similar one for iOS. However, porting Python apps to iOS currently is possible with Python 2.7.

Features of Kivy:

  • Enables custom style in rendering widgets to give a native-like feel
  • Enhanced consistency across different platforms with a swift and straightforward approach
  • Well-documented, comprehensive APIs and offers multi-touch functionalities



BeeWare is another Python framework for Python iOS development & mobile app development that enables developers to code apps in Python and cross-compilation for deployment on several mobile platforms and OS like Android, Linux GTK, iOS, and Windows.

The primary repository of BeeWare gets updated often with added commercial support including technical support, consulting, and training.

Features of BeeWare:

  • Enables code reusability
  • Provides consistency across apps with the native look and feel
  • Includes tools like Briefcase and Toga that are designed for precise functions
  • Agile developer community

Still Confused? Partner with OnGraph for Python App Development

Python has several app development frameworks and selecting the perfect fit can prove tough with several factors to note from budget and complexity to scalability, additional features, learning curve, and so on. 

Fortunately, you can get the right pick for your project with OnGraph, a leading Python Development Company that offers tailored Python development solutions with proven expertise in various Python application frameworks like Django, Flask, TurboGears, Kivy, and Tornado.

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 Q1. How do I choose the right framework for my project?

Choosing the right framework depends on your project’s specific requirements. Consider factors like project complexity, scalability needs, and your team’s expertise. Django is excellent for robust, feature-rich applications, while Flask is lightweight and suitable for smaller projects. FastAPI is a good choice for building APIs with high performance, and Pyramid offers flexibility for diverse project structures.

Q2. What are some popular Python libraries?

Python boasts a rich ecosystem of libraries. Some popular ones include NumPy and Pandas for data science, requests for HTTP requests, Flask for web development, Django for full-stack web applications, Matplotlib for data visualization, and TensorFlow for machine learning.

Q3. Can Python replace Java?

While Python and Java serve different purposes, Python’s simplicity and versatility have led to increased adoption. Python is often preferred for quick development and readability, but Java remains a strong choice for large-scale enterprise applications and performance-critical systems. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project.

Q4. Can Python be used for enterprise application development?

Yes, Python is suitable for enterprise application development. Its simplicity, extensive libraries, and frameworks like Django make it a viable choice. Python’s readability and ease of maintenance contribute to its growing popularity for developing scalable and robust enterprise applications.

Q5. Is Flask better than Django?

The choice between Flask and Django depends on your project needs. Flask is lightweight and modular, suitable for small to medium-sized projects. Django, on the other hand, is a full-stack framework with built-in features, making it ideal for larger, more complex applications. The decision should be based on project requirements, development speed, and scalability.

Q6. Which Python framework is mostly used for app development?

For app development, both Flask and Django are widely used. Django is often chosen for its built-in features and conventions, making it suitable for rapid development of full-stack applications. Flask, being lightweight and modular, is preferred for smaller projects or when developers want more flexibility in choosing components. The choice depends on the scale and requirements of your app.

Q7. What are some GUI frameworks for building mobile apps with Python?

GUI framework is an open-source Python package that allows you to quickly build a demo or web application for your machine learning model, API, or any arbitrary Python function. Below are the top 10 GUI frameworks.

  • Gradio
  • Streamlit
  • Kivy
  • Tkinter
  • PyQt
  • PySide
  • wxPython
  • PyGTK
  • wxPython
  • PySimpleGUI