Ruby on Rails vs Javascript: Which One to Choose in 2024?

Ruby on Rails vs Javascript: Which One to Choose in 2024?

When building an outstanding web application, two prominent options are often compared- Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript. However, the comparison could be more comfortable, as Ruby on Rails is a web framework and JavaScript is a programming language. 

As per Stackoverflow, JavaScript has more popularity than Ruby on Rails. But what would you prefer when building creative web apps for your next project in 2024?

This article highlights two strong and advancing technologies (Ruby vs JavaScript) that offer unique web experiences. Let’s explore all the details that you must know to choose one over the other.

After reading this guide you will know

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rail, or (RoR), is a popular web development framework for building server-side web applications introduced by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2003 under an MIT Licence. RoR was designed to speed up the development of web apps. Built on Ruby language, it offers simple syntax focusing on the developer’s experience. 

Ruby on Rails- statistics

Key features of Ruby on Rails

  • MVC Architecture- The Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure keeps the code organized as it separates the application logic (Model), presentation (View), and user interaction (Controller), making it easier to manage and maintain complex apps.
  • Convention over Configuration- RoR reduces the need to specify configuration details as there is a standard way of doing things, saving developers time and effort and promoting consistency across projects.
  • Active Record- Active Record is a powerful object-relational mapper (ORM) that simplifies interaction with databases by mapping database tables to Ruby objects, reducing boilerplate code.
  • Gem Ecosystem- Gems are reusable code libraries that allow developers to extend Rails’ functionality ensuring code reusability across projects. You can easily integrate gems for user authentication, payments, social media connections, email sending, background processing, testing frameworks, and virtually any web development task imaginable.

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

  • Rapid Prototyping- Rails’ features, conventions, pre-built structures, and functionalities allow developers to quickly create prototypes and test ideas, making it an ideal choice for businesses where rapid iteration is needed.
  • Developer’s productivity- Rails simple syntax, conventions, and code reusability allows developers to focus on application logic rather than the boilerplate code. 
  • Large and Active Community- Ruby on Rails has an extensive community with unlimited online resources, including tutorials, libraries (gems), and forums. 
  • Scalability- RoR offers several scaling techniques like horizontal scaling, caching mechanisms, and optimization practices, making it suitable for growing businesses. 

Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails

  • Slow performance- RoR exhibits slower performance compared to other low-level frameworks, especially for high-traffic web apps with intensive computational tasks.
  • Lack of flexibility- RoR has a strict dependency between components and models, making it suitable for general web apps. You cannot add functionalities or customize it easily.  
  • Learning curve- Although Ruby itself is considered beginner-friendly, some of Rails’ concepts can be trickier to grasp for those completely new to web development.  
  • Multithreading- RoR supports multithreading, but some of its I/O libraries lack support due to the global interpreter lock.

Build custom web app solutions with Ruby on Rails

[Also read- Ruby Vs. Python: Which Will You Choose for Your Next Project?]

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript (JS) is the programming language for client-side scripting in web development. It provides modern web experiences, making websites more engaging and user-friendly. With Node.js, JS can now run on servers too, allowing you to build entire web applications (front-end and back-end) using just JS. 

JavaScript- Statistics

Key features of JavaScript

  • Versatility- You can use JavaScript for both front-end and back-end development due to JS-based different frameworks.
  • Asynchronous programming- Its non-blocking and asynchronous architecture streamlines I/O operations, ensuring high performance and responsiveness. 
  • Rich ecosystem- JavaScript has a rich ecosystem, including libraries- React and Vue.js, which makes it ideal for building interactive and scalable web applications.
  • JSON support- JS supports JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), making it easy to work with APIs and exchange data in a standardized format.

Advantages of JavaScript

  • Full-stack development- JS offers a wide ecosystem, allowing developers to work on both frontend and backend, providing great developer experience.
  • High performance- The JS V8 engine gets advanced with time, offering great speed and performance to execute apps.
  • It runs right in your browser- You do not need to download separate software as JS code executes right within your web browser, making it convenient and versatile.
  • Beginner’s friendly- Compared to other programming languages, JavaScript is considered friendly for those starting. If you’re curious about web development, JavaScript is a great first step.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

  • Browser compatibility- your web app may not work as expected across different browsers, due to differences in how browsers interpret JavaScript code.
  • Security concerns- JavaScript’s client-side support exposes it to security risks such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, thus requiring proper security measures.
  • Callback hell- JavaScript relies heavily on callbacks for handling asynchronous tasks. Nesting too many callbacks can create complex and difficult-to-maintain code, aptly nicknamed “callback hell.”

Key Differences- Javascript vs Ruby on Rails

  • Ruby on Rails is a framework built using Ruby and JavaScript is a programming language.
  • Using RoR, you can build server-side web applications while JS supports client-side scripting. 
  • RoR has a steep learning curve while JS is easier to get along with even for beginners.
  • RoR ensures faster development with slower apps, while JS ensures faster development with faster apps.
  • RoR is ideal for unique and less complex projects while JS is universally versatile. 
  • Ruby on Rails runs on the Ruby interpreter on servers, while JavaScript runs in browsers and Node.js for server-side execution.
  • Ruby on Rails uses threads with possible GIL limitations, while JavaScript employs an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.

Detailed Comparision: Ruby on Rails and JavaScript

1. Performance

JavaScript outperforms Ruby on Rails in terms of performance. JavaScript’s asynchronous behavior enables concurrent code execution, leading to faster speeds. In contrast, Ruby on Rail’s synchronous execution architecture makes it slower. However, you can implement caching systems and optimization techniques to overcome these bottlenecks.

JavaScript- 1

Ruby on Rails- 0

2. Development Time

Ruby on Rails is praised for its quick development. Its convention over configuration approach lets developers concentrate on writing code rather than configuring the framework. In contrast, JavaScript’s numerous functionalities, like operators and HTTP query management, can slow down overall development speed, making it slower in execution.

JavaScript- 1

Ruby on Rails- 1

3. Scalability

Both frameworks have their strengths and limitations regarding scalability.

Ruby on Rails is scalable, but for larger apps, you need more servers or to scale horizontally to handle increased traffic. Vertical scaling, adding resources to a single server, has limitations, so extensive scalability needs thorough planning. JavaScript, however, is easily scalable due to its modular and flexible architecture.

JavaScript- 2

Ruby on Rails- 1

4. Security

Ruby on Rails offers built-in security functionalities for cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection. This built-in security provides robust protection for applications developed with Rails.

In contrast, JavaScript’s security measures are relatively weaker. Due to its client-side rendering, it is exposed to attacks such as XSS and CSRF, making it important for developers to implement additional security measures and practices when using JavaScript for web development.

JavaScript- 2

Ruby on Rails- 2

5. Flexibility 

RoR provides a structured environment with built-in tools, but its CoC approach may limit its flexibility compared to JavaScript’s widespread ecosystem. JavaScript offers unparalleled flexibility through its vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, empowering developers to tailor their stack to specific project requirements.

JavaScript- 3

Ruby on Rails- 2

6. Architecture 

Rails follows the MVC pattern and emphasizes convention over configuration, providing a structured architecture suitable for rapid development. However, its monolithic nature may limit its scalability. While, JavaScript offers diverse architectures, from MVC to component-based, allowing developers to tailor solutions to their project’s needs. JS is suitable for microservices and serverless architectures, promoting scalability and flexibility.

JavaScript- 4

Ruby on Rails- 2

7. Use Cases

Ruby on Rails vs Javascript: use cases

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails offers a robust framework for building server-side applications with robust backend support. Its convention-over-configuration approach streamlines development, making it ideal for rapidly prototyping and launching web applications. 

Rails improves database interactions, user authentication, and server-side rendering. It helps developers prioritize code simplicity, and rapid development while adhering to CoC conventions. 

Ruby on Rails is a popular choice for building- 

  • Content management systems, 
  • Ecommerce platforms
  • Single-unit applications
  • Quick Prototyping
  • Data-driven web applications.


JavaScript is used to build dynamic and interactive user experiences on the front end. With frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Angular, JavaScript allows developers to create highly responsive single-page applications (SPAs) and progressive web apps (PWAs). 

JavaScript’s versatility extends beyond the front end, as you can use it for server-side development with Node.js, making it an excellent choice for full-stack development. It allows developers to use the same language and ecosystem for client-side and server-side logic. 

JavaScript is well-suited for building-

  • Real-time applications, 
  • Browser Extensions
  • Cross-platform mobile apps.
  • Game development
  • Web-based applications

JavaScript- 5

Ruby on Rails- 2

Tabular Difference: Ruby on Rails and JavaScript

Tabular Difference: Ruby on Rails and JavaScript

8. Cost to Hire Ruby on Rails and Cost to Hire JavaScript Developers

The cost of Ruby on Rails Development Services typically ranges from $25 to $200+ per hour, depending on location, experience level, and project complexity. While the cost to JavaScript Development Services generally falls within the $20 to $200+ per hour range.

Cost to Hire Ruby on Rails and Cost to Hire JavaScript Developers

JavaScript- 6

Ruby on Rails- 2

9. Threading Support

Ruby on Rails can handle multiple jobs concurrently, but using multi-threading negatively impacts performance in complex applications. JavaScript does not support true multi-threading either. While there are ways to implement multi-threading in JavaScript, they are less efficient than true multi-threading. Therefore, both JavaScript and Ruby on Rails do not explicitly support multi-threading.

JavaScript- 7

Ruby on Rails- 2

JavaScript wins here when we consider the overall scenarios. 

Top Companies Using Ruby on Rails in 2024

Top Companies Using Ruby on Rails in 2024

Top Companies Using JavaScript in 2024

Top Companies Using JavaScript in 2024

Key Takeaways

  • JavaScript is a versatile programming language for frontend and backend development with a vast ecosystem of frameworks and libraries.
  • Ruby on Rails is a development framework for backend applications, emphasizing convention over configuration.
  • JavaScript’s asynchronous nature enables efficient concurrent execution, ideal for real-time applications.
  • RoR has built-in security features and scalability options, suitable for a wide range of web applications.

To Conclude, What Should You Choose Between Ruby on Rails vs. JavaScript?

Ruby on Rails or Javascript are trending and advanced frameworks for web development, with Ruby on Rails focusing on backend development and JavaScript on frontend development. When deciding between the two, consider factors like performance, development time, scalability, security, and architecture. The choice depends on your project’s specific needs in 2024.

For comprehensive project oversight and innovative solutions, reach out to OnGraph. OnGraph offers tailored solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency by re-engineering production processes, ensuring future growth potential for your business.

Also read- NodeJS Vs Python: Which One To Pick?



Q1. Which technology should I choose for my new web application- Ruby on Rails vs. JavaScript?

Well, both technologies are suitable for different purposes. Ruby on Rails is a good option for fast backend development, while JavaScript is excellent for dynamic frontends and full-stack solutions. The choice depends on your project needs. Connect with our experts to understand your project scope and we will help you decide the best scaling and robust solution.

Q2. Which offers high performance- Ruby on Rails vs. JavaScript for high-traffic applications?

Javascript (especially with Node.js) is a perfect blend for building high-traffic, real-time applications. Ruby on Rails can handle high traffic with optimizations. We can ensure your app performs well regardless of the framework.

Q3. How will you ensure the security of Ruby on Rails vs. JavaScript for my web application?

Ruby on Rails has strong built-in security features. JavaScript requires careful security practices. We will make sure your app is secure no matter which framework you choose.

Q4. How does the development time compare between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript?

Ruby on Rails allows for faster development due to its conventions. JavaScript is flexible but may take more time due to its complexity. We will optimize development time based on your project needs.

Q5. Can your company provide support and development services for both Ruby on Rails and JavaScript projects?

Yes, we have expertise in both Ruby on Rails and JavaScript. Our team can handle projects using either or both technologies, offering you full support and quality development services.

NodeJS vs Python: Which Backend Technology Should You Choose?

NodeJS vs Python

Comparing NodeJS vs Python is a pretty hot topic these days. Comparing these Technologies, Stack Overflow claims Python to be one of the most used programming languages while Node.js is the best environment for Server development but which of them wins in most cases?

When you’re building a website or app, the backend is like the engine running behind the scenes. It does the heavy lifting, like talking to servers, handling data, and making sure everything works smoothly.

Two big players in backend development are NodeJS and Python.

Node.js burst onto the scene in 2009, changing the game by enabling JavaScript for server-side magic. It’s a hit for platforms swimming in data, like your favorite social media hubs or binge-worthy streaming sites.

Apps like LinkedIn and Netflix are fans of Node.js for its speedster qualities and knack for managing a deluge of users without breaking a sweat.

Meanwhile, Python has been a quiet achiever since 1991, winning developers over with its readability. It’s a jack-of-all-trades, lending its skills to everything from slicing through data analysis, and powering AI innovations, to crafting sleek websites.

Thanks to handy tools like Django and Flask, Python smooths out the coding process, capturing the hearts of developers far and wide. A recent poll even revealed that a whopping 44.1% of developers turn to Python for their projects.

So, if you’re in need of a website that can keep pace with a flood of traffic, Node.js might be your golden ticket. But if your project dives deep into data pools or dabbles in AI, Python could be your trusty sidekick.

The choice between NodeJS and Python depends on what your project needs, what your team is comfortable with, and how you want your app to perform.

Basically, both languages are powerful tools for building websites and apps, and it just depends on what you’re trying to do.

Understanding the role of backend technology in web development is step one on the journey of building robust, efficient, and scalable web applications.

What is Node.js?

Node.js isn’t just another tool for coding; it’s a game-changer in web application development. Created by Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node.js solves the problems developers faced with traditional server setups.

What makes Node.js special is that it lets developers use JavaScript for everything, from making interactive web pages to handling behind-the-scenes server tasks.

It acts like a bridge, bringing together the front-end and back-end parts of web development seamlessly.

Why Nodejs is Great?

Why choose Nodejs on comparison NodeJS Vs Python

  • Speed: Node.js really zips along – all thanks to its V8 engine brewed up by the folks at Google. This powerhouse lets it multitask like a champ, handling a bunch of tasks simultaneously without any hiccups, ensuring everything keeps ticking over swiftly.
  • Scalability: When it comes to accommodating a crowd, Node.js has it down pat. Picture it as opening multiple doors wide, so a whole bunch of users can stream in at once, without ever having to wait their turn. It’s all about keeping the flow going without any slowdowns, even when user numbers go through the roof.
  • Team Collaboration: With Node.js, the whole development crew gets to chat in JavaScript, both for the flashy front-end stuff and the behind-the-scenes back-end work. It’s a bit like everyone speaking the same language fluently, which naturally means fewer mix-ups and smoother sailing all around.

Did You Know?

Node.js has grown exponentially in popularity since its introduction. According to the Node.js 2020 user survey, 96% of respondents stated they were satisfied or very satisfied with Node.js for building web apps, which speaks volumes about its effectiveness and adaptability.

Typical Use Cases of Nodejs in Development

  • Creating Websites: It shines when it comes to piecing together websites that not only work well but can also handle a bunch of users at the same time without breaking a sweat.
  • Building Real-Time Magic: Ever chatted in a live app, duked it out in an online game with friends, or worked together in real-time on a document? Node.js is likely the magic behind the scenes. It’s all about that immediate connection between users, thanks to WebSockets letting everyone chat and share instantly.
  • Powering the Backend: For the tech gurus focusing on the backend, Node.js serves up a robust framework perfect for crafting microservices and APIs. It’s a powerhouse for juggling tons of data and keeping things running smoothly, even when everyone wants a piece of the action at the same time.
  • Streaming Data: In a world where we’re streaming videos and sharing our lives on social media in real time, Node.js steps up. It’s built for apps that need to handle continuous data without missing a beat.
  • Controlling Gadgets: From smart homes to the Internet of Things, Node.js helps developers get all those gadgets talking to each other and working in harmony, making it a top pick for IoT projects. 
  • Bringing Apps to Your Desktop: Fancy using a Node.js app on your computer? Thanks to frameworks like Electron, developers can craft applications you can use on Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  • Automating Everything: For those pesky tasks you’d rather not do yourself, Node.js is a handy tool for setting up scripts to take care of business, making developers’ lives a bit easier.

In essence, Node.js is a cornerstone for modern web app development. It’s speedy, scales brilliantly, and fosters collaboration among developers. And with a vibrant community constantly pushing its boundaries and making it even better, it’s no wonder Node.js has claimed its spot in developers’ toolkits around the globe.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its clear syntax and readability, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced programmers.

It was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Its objective was to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.

Why Python is Great:

why is Python great

  • Python’s syntax is super user-friendly, making it a perfect match for both newcomers diving into coding for the first time and seasoned coders. 
  • It boasts an impressive arsenal of libraries and frameworks, making it a powerhouse for projects in AI and data science. 
  • What’s cool about Python is its adaptability to different programming styles—be it object-oriented, imperative, functional, or procedural—making it a bit of a chameleon in the coding world. This adaptability, along with its straightforward approach, has led to Python being embraced across a variety of fields, from web development and data analysis to pushing boundaries in artificial intelligence.

Its blend of simplicity and capability has made Python an invaluable asset for learners and tech professionals alike, solidifying its status as a must-have skill in the tech realm.

Did You Know?

Python’s popularity continues to soar among developers. According to the TIOBE Index, Python ranked as one of the top programming languages in recent years due to its widespread use and community support.

Moreover, a survey conducted by Stack Overflow in 2019 highlighted Python as the most wanted programming language, underlining its growing appeal in the developer community.

Typical Use Cases of Python in Development

Python is like a handy toolkit for coding—it’s got a solution for almost any task in the development world. Here’s a quick look at what Python can do:

  • AI and Machine Learning: Python is great for creating smart algorithms and models in the field of AI and machine learning. Its simplicity and libraries like TensorFlow and Keras make it perfect for building intelligent systems.
  • Data Analysis and Visualization: If you have lots of data to analyze, Python is your friend. It’s skilled at digging into data, crunching numbers, and turning them into easy-to-understand visuals with tools like Pandas and Matplotlib.
  • Web Development: Python isn’t just for data and AI; it’s also useful for building websites. With frameworks like Django and Flask, you can create secure and scalable websites without much hassle.

In short, Python is like a reliable companion for various coding tasks. It’s user-friendly, powerful, and supported by a large community of developers.

Whether you’re exploring AI, analyzing data, or building websites, Python has got your back.

Nodejs vs Python: Comparison Based on Various Factors

Choosing between Node.js and Python for your next web development project? Both languages have their unique strengths, appealing to different project requirements and developer preferences.

This article dives deep into the contrasts NodeJS vs Python across various factors, including popularity, performance, scalability, and more.


Analysis based on website usage and developer surveys

Node.js and Python are both immensely popular in the development community. Developer surveys, like the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, often rank Python as one of the most loved and wanted languages due to its simplicity and wide range of applications.

Conversely, Node.js shines in web usage statistics, particularly for high-traffic websites, bolstered by its ability to handle concurrent requests efficiently.

Industry adoption and fields of application

While Python dominates fields like data science, AI, and academic research, Node.js is the go-to for building fast and scalable web applications.

Companies like Netflix and LinkedIn leverage Node.js for its non-blocking I/O model, facilitating real-time data processing.

Performance and Speed

The non-blocking, event-driven architecture of Node.js

Node.js is designed for speed and efficiency, thanks to its non-blocking, event-driven architecture. This allows it to handle multiple connections simultaneously without straining the server.

Python’s approach and limitations in handling server-side operations

Compared to Node.js, Python’s synchronous nature implies it waits for each operation to complete before moving to the next, which can introduce latency. However, frameworks like asyncio are making strides in asynchronous Python programming.


Node.js’s scalability advantages, including microservices architecture

Node.js’s ability to scale horizontally and vertically makes it a prime choice for applications expecting rapid growth in user numbers or data volume.

Python’s scalability issues related to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

Python’s GIL can be a bottleneck for CPU-bound applications requiring concurrency, limiting the execution to one thread at a time.

Syntax and Ease of Learning

NodeJS vs Python readability and simplicity

Python’s syntax is celebrated for its readability and simplicity, making it an excellent choice for beginners. Node.js, utilizing JavaScript, requires a steeper learning curve, especially for those not already familiar with front-end development.

Suitability for beginners and developers with JavaScript background

Individuals with a JavaScript background might lean towards Node.js for full-stack development consistency, whereas Python is often recommended for those starting their programming journey.

Libraries and Development Tools

Comparison of the npm and pip package managers

Both Node.js and Python boast robust package managers – npm for Node.js and pip for Python. These managers and their extensive libraries significantly streamline the development process.

Extensive standard libraries and ecosystems for both technologies

Python is renowned for its comprehensive standard library, while Node.js benefits from a vast ecosystem of open-source tools and libraries.

Error Handling and Debugging

Node.js’s complex error handling

Node.js can introduce complexity in error handling due to its asynchronous nature, requiring developers to be vigilant in catching and managing exceptions.

Python’s simpler syntax and design for easier error handling

Python’s design philosophy emphasizes readability and simplicity, making error detection and correction more straightforward.

Community Support

Active and supportive communities for both Node.js and Python

Both languages have vibrant communities, ensuring developers have access to a wealth of resources, including documentation, forums, and tutorials.

Availability of resources, tutorials, and documentation

The abundance of learning resources makes both Node.js and Python accessible for developers of all skill levels.

Use Cases

When to prefer Node.js: real-time applications, microservices

Node.js excels in building real-time applications like chatrooms or gaming servers and is well-suited for microservices architecture due to its performant nature.

When to prefer Python: Data Science, AI, server-side applications

Python remains the preferred choice for projects focusing on data analysis, artificial intelligence, or requiring a clear and concise syntax for server-side logic.

Both Node.js and Python offer significant benefits, and the choice between them should be guided by the specific needs of your project.

Consider factors like project type, performance requirements, and the experience of your development team to make an informed decision.

Now that we’ve gone through a comprehensive showdown of Node.js and Python, let’s wrap things up and see which language holds the key to your development challenges in 2024!


When it comes down to choosing NodeJS vs Python for crafting websites, both bring something special to the table, perfectly suited to different types of projects.

However, if we had to shine a light on one for its sheer range of uses, Python really steps into the spotlight. Its straightforward nature, combined with an abundance of libraries and its ability to adapt across various programming challenges—from creating websites to diving into AI and machine learning—makes it a solid pick for coders at any skill level.

The strong community backing Python and a treasure trove of frameworks like Django and Flask only add to its appeal, streamlining the development process from start to finish.

While Node.js certainly has its moments, especially in real-time applications where its performance can truly dazzle, Python’s all-encompassing features and its constant growth push it ahead as the go-to for tackling a broad spectrum of development projects in 2024.

So, for developers aiming to build dynamic, robust, and scalable applications, Python emerges as the go-to choice in today’s fast-paced tech world.

Choosing an experienced Python developer or a top-tier Node.js development company is crucial to maximizing the functionalities and benefits these languages offer.

This is where partnering with the right development company makes all the difference. Ongraph’s app development solutions stand out in this regard.

With a team of expert developers specializing in both Python and Node.js, Ongraph ensures that your project harnesses the full power of these versatile languages.

Whether it’s building scalable applications or integrating complex functionalities, Ongraph’s expertise can guide your project to success.

Embrace the journey to digital excellence with Ongraph. Leverage our app development solutions to not only meet but exceed your project’s aspirations.

With the right language and Ongraph’s proven expertise, you’re not just halfway there – you’re on the path to triumph.

Ready to bring your vision to life with Ongraph? Get in touch today and let’s create something remarkable together. Schedule a meeting now!