Everything You Should Know about New OpenAI Model GPT5


In May, OpenAI launched the GPT-4o (Omni) model offering next-level multimodality. During the launch, OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman discussed launching a new generative pre-trained transformer that will be a game-changer in the AI field- GPT5.

OpenAI has started training for its latest AI model, which could bring us closer to achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). OpenAI described GPT-5 as a significant advancement with enhanced capabilities and functionalities.

It is astounding how OpenAI has progressed and made remarkable improvements over the years. Explore what capabilities GPT-5 unlocks for us.

A brief ChatGPT timeline: From GPT-1 to GPT5

The improvements are amazing from GPT-1 to GPT5. 

A Brief GhatGPT Timeline: From GPT-1 to GPT5

What is ChatGPT-5?

OpenAI describes ChatGPT-5 as “a state-of-the-art language model that makes it feel like you are communicating with a person rather than a machine.”

GPT-5 is the latest in OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer models, offering major advancements in natural language processing. This model is expected to understand and generate text more like humans, transforming how we interact with machines and automating many language-based tasks.

How ChatGPT-5 is better than previous models?

Just like GPT-4o is a better and sizable improvement from its previous version, you can expect the same improvement with GPT-5. However, GPT-5 has not launched yet, but here are some predictions that are in the market based on various trends. 

1. It’s smarter than GPT-4 

Altman said the upcoming model is far smarter, faster, and better at everything across the board. It shows exceptional performance at every general task. With new features, faster speeds, and multimodal, GPT-5 is the next-gen intelligent model that will outrank all alternatives available.

2. More multimodality

During the podcast with Bill Gates, Sam Altman discussed how multimodality will be their core focus for GPT in the next five years. Multimodality means the model generates output beyond text, for different input types- images, speech, and video. 

From verbal communication with a chatbot to interpreting images, and text-to-video interpretation, OpneAI has improved multimodality. Also, the GPT-4o leverages a single neural network to process different inputs- audio, vision, and text. 

It allows users to use the device’s camera to show ChatGPT an object and say, “I am in a new country, how do you pronounce that?” The new model will produce results incredibly quickly. 

We expect to see an extraordinary advancement in GPT-5. 

3. Improved reasoning

GPT-5- Improved reasoning

We cannot say that AI cannot reason, with high computation and calculation power they are capable of generating human-like intelligence and interactions. This capability will be enhanced with the upcoming GPT models. 

Sam Altman said they will be focusing on improving reasoning ability. The GPT-4o model has enhanced reasoning capability on par with GPT-4 Turbo with 87.2% accurate answers. 

However, GPT-5 will be trained on even more data and will show more accurate results with high-end computation.

4. Larger context windows

Context windows refer to how many tokens a model can process in a single go. A bigger context window means the model can absorb more data from given inputs, generating more accurate data. Currently, GPT-4o has a context window of 128,000 tokens which is smaller than  Google’s Gemini model’s context window of up to 1 million tokens. 

As per Alan Thompson’s prediction, there will be a whopping increase of 300x tokens. This could change the course of the Gemini model, offering notable advancement. 

5. Enhanced customization capabilities

Altman said they will improve customization and personalization for GPT for every user. Currently, ChatGPT Plus or premium users can build and use custom settings, enabling users to personalize a GPT as per a specific task, from teaching a board game to helping kids complete their homework.

In the later interactions, developers can use user’s personal data, email, calendar, book appointments, and others. However, customization is not at the forefront of the next update, GPT-5, but you will see significant changes.

6. Increased parameter size

From GPT-1 to GPT-4, there has been a rise in the number of parameters they are trained on, GPT-5 is no exception. The size of these parameters affects how well the model can learn from data. OpenAI hasn’t revealed the exact number of parameters for GPT-5, but it’s estimated to have about 1.5 trillion parameters. This is a huge jump from GPT-3’s 175 billion and GPT-2’s 1.5 billion.

GPT-5- Increased Parameter Size

AI expert Alan Thompson, who advises Google and Microsoft, thinks GPT-5 might have 2-5 trillion parameters. He bases this on the increase in computing power and training time since GPT-4.

7. Increased reliability

Improving reliability is another focus of GPT’s improvement over the next two years, so you will see better reliable outputs with the Gpt-5 model. 

In the case of the GPT-4, Altman says, “If you ask GPT-4 the same question 10,000 times, one answer will probably be good, but it can’t always pick the best one. You’d want it to give the best response every time, so making it more reliable is important.”

In GPT-4o the reliability improved, reducing AI hallucinations. So, we are hoping GPT-5 to be more reliable and stable.

[Also Read: How to Use AIML In Chatbot Development with Python?]

When can we expect GPT5 release?

It is estimated to be in the market and available in 2024. Some are suggesting that the release is delayed due to the upcoming U.S. election, with a release date closer to November or December 2024.

Considering the training period of around 4-6 months (double of GPT-4 training time), the new model will take time in reinforcement learning, red teaming, and further testing before being released.

How much does GPT5 cost?

If OpenAI keeps its usual pricing, using GPT-5 will be expensive. ChatGPT with GPT-4 costs $20/month, while GPT-3.5 is free.

How much does GPT-5 cost?

For the API, GPT-4 costs $30 per million input tokens and $60 per million output tokens (double for the 32k version). If GPT5 is as powerful as expected, it will cost more than previous models.

However, the latest OpenAI model, GPT-4o, is much cheaper. It costs only $5 per million input tokens and $15 per million output tokens. While pricing isn’t a big issue for large companies, this move makes it more accessible for individuals and small businesses.

The future of ChatGPT

As Altman said, we just scratched the surface of AI and this is just the beginning. There is much more to explore and improve the AI capabilities. GPT5 is just a step closer in the race of AI intelligence. 

AGI: The Ultimate Goal

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to AI that understands, learns, and performs tasks at a human-like level without extensive supervision. AGI has the potential to handle simple tasks, like ordering food online, as well as complex problem-solving requiring strategic planning. OpenAI’s dedication to AGI suggests a future where AI can independently manage tasks and make significant decisions based on user-defined goals.


Q. What is GPT-5 and how does it differ from previous versions? 

GPT-5 is an upcoming OpenAI model with key features-

  • Smarter and faster than GPT-4
  • Larger context window
  • Trained on larger data sets for accurate and reliable results
  • More multimodality
  • Better reasoning 

Q. Can GPT5 understand and generate results in different formats? 

GPT-5 is more multimodal than GPT-4 allowing you to provide input beyond text and generate text in various formats, including text, image, video, and audio.

Q. How does GPT5 ensure the generated content is accurate and reliable? 

GPT-5 is estimated to be trained on millions of datasets which is more than GPT-4 with a larger context window. It means the GPT5 model can assess more relevant information from the training data set to provide more accurate and human-like results in one go. 

Q. What are the applications of GPT5? 

You can use GPT5 for content creation, customer service chatbots, language translation, code generation, and more. 

Q. Is GPT-5 available for public use? 

It will take time to enter the market but everyone can access GPT5 through OpenAI’s API. also, developers can integrate its capabilities into their applications. However, it might have usage limits and subscription plans for more extensive usage.


Build AI Apps with OpenAI, Streamlit & LangChain

feature image- AI apps

OpenAI and Streamlit are two more key players in the development of advanced AI Apps.

OpenAI, the inventor of ground-breaking language models such as GPT-3, has been instrumental in pushing the limits of what AI can accomplish.

Streamlit, on the other hand, provides a quick and easy approach to creating custom web apps for machine learning and data science.

In conjunction with LangChain, these tools pave the path for the construction of advanced and powerful AI apps. LangChain is the foundation, giving the framework and ‘rapid plumbing’ required for sophisticated LLM operations.

OpenAI delivers the strength of its cutting-edge language models, while Streamlit enables simple, efficient web application deployment. This trinity of technologies constitutes a formidable armory for AI developers seeking to create superior, domain-specific apps.

About OpenAI, Streamlit, and LangChain

OpenAI is an AI research organization dedicated to ensuring that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits humanity as a whole. The GPT series of language models is one of its most noteworthy creations.

These large language models (LLMs) have many uses and may generate human-like prose in response to an input prompt. However, offering nuanced, professional replies to issues requiring significant domain expertise can be difficult for these LLMs.

LangChain enhances LLMs’ capabilities by making them more customizable and domain-specific. It employs “prompt plumbing,” a technique that involves breaking down a massive text corpus into manageable summaries, embedding them in a vector space, and retrieving similar portions when a question is asked. This dramatically improves LLM functionality.

Furthermore, LangChain is based on the concept of “chains,” allowing the connection of numerous components for complicated LLM usage. Prompt Templates, Models (LLMs), Agents, and Memory Modules are a part of these chains.

LangChain enables developers to design cohesive apps capable of accomplishing complex tasks by chaining components.

Streamlit is the technology to turn these data scripts into shareable web apps once an AI application is constructed utilizing LangChain and OpenAI’s models. It is a user-friendly Python framework that enables developers to quickly and simply transform machine learning models and data analysis into interactive web apps.

It can act as an interface layer, allowing end users to interact with advanced AI applications built with LangChain and OpenAI models.

The combination of OpenAI, LangChain, and Streamlit has the potential to be a strong trinity. OpenAI offers the basic AI models, LangChain extends and customizes them, and Streamlit turns these upgraded models into interactive online applications.

This collaboration can dramatically expedite the development of complex AI applications and revolutionize the AI environment.

Crafting a Powerful AI App with LangChain, OpenAI, and Streamlit: Step-by-Step Guide

If you’ve ever wondered how you could use LangChain, OpenAI, and Streamlit to build your intelligent online application, you’ve come to the right spot!

In this post, we’ll walk you through the building of a LangChain-enhanced Streamlit app, explaining how to use OpenAI’s GPT-3 model along the way.

Before we begin, make sure your system has the necessary dependencies installed:

installing dependencies

Streamlit is an excellent tool for developing data science web apps, LangChain provides a framework for working with Large Language Models (LLMs), and OpenAI provides access to the ground-breaking GPT-3 language model.

Kickstarting the Web App

Adding Libraries

Start by importing the required packages. Notably, we’re importing three classes from the LangChain package:

importing libraries

We require all: LLMChain, SimpleSequentialChain, and PromptTemplate for running our language model chains.

Configuring the App

Set the title and other essential information for your app using the Streamlit syntax.

configuring AI app

Creating Widgets for User Interaction

Your app must interact with users. For example, allowing them to access the language model by entering their OpenAI API key. We also provide a text input widget where people can enter their questions.

widget creation of user interaction

Unleashing the Power of Chains

With the press of a button, we’ll feed the query through numerous SimpleSequentialChain pipelines to generate a well-thought-out response to our user’s question.

The concept here is that the output of one chain becomes the input for the next, resulting in a series of operations that provides our final response. We have four different chains in the works, each with a specific purpose:

  • Question Chain: Takes a user’s query as input and outputs it.
  • Assumptions Chain: Uses the Question Chain to construct assumptions based on the statement.
  • Fact-checking Chain: Verifies the assumptions.
  • Answer Chain: Provides the ultimate solution based on the facts and assumptions validated in the preceding chains.

code example for creating chain in langchain

And there you have it! By building a fact-checking app with LangChain, OpenAI, and Streamlit, you’ve entered the world of AI-powered web applications. However, this is only scraping the surface of the enormous possibilities offered by these robust instruments.

Though exciting, building web apps with AI can be difficult at times, and certain features may appear oppressive. If you ever find yourself in such a position or wish to design more complicated apps, keep in mind that expert assistance is only a click away.

Leveraging OpenAI, LangChain, and Streamlit for Industry-specific Applications

OpenAI, LangChain, and Streamlit can be combined to create highly specialized applications in a variety of sectors. Here are a couple of such examples:


AI applications in healthcare can deliver individualized patient care, automate appointment scheduling, and even offer medical advice based on symptoms. OpenAI’s nuanced language understanding, combined with LangChain’s customizability and Streamlit’s user-friendly interface, may power interactive health portals.

An AI chatbot, for example, can triage patients, leading them to the proper level of care depending on their symptoms, decreasing the strain on medical workers.


E-commerce AI can fuel recommendation engines, and customer care chatbots, and potentially automate key elements of the e-commerce supply chain.

An intelligent chatbot can be created using OpenAI and LangChain to aid customers in product selection, answer their questions, and even handle returns and complaints.

Streamlit can then turn this into an interactive web app that interfaces smoothly with the e-commerce platform, resulting in a better user experience.


The combination of OpenAI, LangChain, and Streamlit has the potential to transform online learning. Because of the customization capabilities of LangChain, GPT-3 can be used to create an AI-enhanced tutor capable of addressing students’ inquiries 24/7 in an accurate and contextually relevant manner.

This AI tutor, offered by Streamlit as a user-friendly online tool, provides personalized learning support, improving the educational experience and freeing up human educators to focus on more sophisticated teaching activities


AI applications in finance can range from investing in robo-advisors to chatbots for customer service and even fraud detection systems. These applications can understand complex financial language and give accurate, useful information to consumers because of the capability of GPT-3.

LangChain can further tailor these responses to reflect the company’s policies and tone of voice, and Streamlit makes it simple to deploy these models.

These are only a few examples. The possible applications are essentially infinite and cover almost every industry.
Businesses with the proper knowledge and vision may use the power of OpenAI, LangChain, and Streamlit to innovate, improve customer experience, and gain a competitive advantage in their industry.

Transform Your Business with AI Solutions From OnGraph

In the ever-changing world of artificial intelligence, it’s evident that a combination of OpenAI, LangChain, and Streamlit has immense potential. This combination could transform the way we create and engage with AI applications.

These three technologies combined create a powerful tool for developers. They can use it to develop domain-specific apps and powerful AI apps. These apps can serve various purposes from customer service to online education.

It’s an exciting time to be in the AI area, with enormous opportunities for growth and innovation. The combination of advanced AI models is revolutionary. Added to this are frameworks for managing these models. Lastly, methods for deploying the models as interactive web apps play a key role. Together, these elements define the future of AI application development.

We are here to support you if you’re ready to explore these technologies. OnGraph has a team of professionals ready to assist. They can guide you through the complexity of AI application development. Furthermore, they can help you realize the full potential of these game-changing technologies.

To get started, contact us today.

The AI Digest: OpenAI’s Vision, Warnings, and Regulatory Appeals

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As we navigate the fascinating labyrinth of the digital era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) continue to influence our environment in subtle and significant ways. This week, the convergence of AI, ethics, and politics was front and center, with critical insights provided by none other than Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI.

His ringing pleas for regulation and his serious concerns about artificial intelligence’s potential misuse in electoral processes echo the drumbeat of AI’s evolution.

Let’s take a look at some of the fascinating breakthroughs that are altering the boundaries of technology, governance, and democracy.

Altman’s Appeal: Driving the Need for AI Governance in the US

sam atlman

The rapidly expanding subject of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a source of interest, innovation, and, at times, deep anxiety. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the group behind the breakthrough chatbot ChatGPT, is at the vanguard of this digital frontier. Altman, who is emerging as a significant advocate for AI legislation, has petitioned the United States government for broad oversight of this breakthrough technology.

Altman testified before a U.S. Senate committee on Tuesday, shedding light on the tremendous promise and underlying challenges that AI brings to the table. With a flood of artificial intelligence models hitting the market, he emphasized the necessity for a specific agency to license and oversee AI businesses, ensuring that the profound power of AI is handled responsibly.

ChatGPT, like its AI contemporaries, has exhibited the ability to generate human-like responses. However, as Altman pointed out, these methods can produce radically false results. Altman, 38, has become a de facto spokesman for this nascent business as an outspoken proponent for AI legislation, bravely addressing the ethical quandaries that artificial intelligence poses.

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Altman acknowledged AI’s potential economic and societal consequences by drawing parallels with breakthrough technologies such as the printing press. He openly highlighted the danger of AI-induced job losses as well as the potential for artificial intelligence to be used to spread misinformation, particularly during elections.

In response, legislators on both sides of the aisle emphasized the need for new legislation, particularly legislation that would make it easier for citizens to sue AI corporations like OpenAI. Altman’s request for an impartial examination of companies like OpenAI was also notable.

Senators reacted in a variety of ways to the testimonies. Republican Senator Josh Hawley acknowledged AI’s potential to transform numerous industries, but drew a sharp parallel between AI and the advent of the “atomic bomb.” Meanwhile, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal has warned against an unregulated AI future.

Altman’s testimony emphasized the critical need for AI governance, which looked to have bipartisan support. Despite the agreement, there was a common concern: can a regulatory agency be able to keep up with the growing pace of AI technology? This critical question serves as a stark reminder of the enormous obstacles that AI regulation entails.

AI and Democracy: OpenAI Chief’s Warning on Election Security

ai and democracy

The spread of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is undeniable. While rapid improvements have brought several benefits, they have also generated severe challenges. One such issue, expressed by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the firm behind the advanced chatbot ChatGPT, is the possible exploitation of AI to undermine election integrity.

Altman’s warning emerges against the backdrop of a frenetic rush among corporations to deploy increasingly powerful AI in the market, fuelled by massive volumes of data and billions of money. Critics are concerned that this would increase societal concerns such as bias, disinformation, and even existential threats to humanity.

Senator Cory Booker expressed similar comments, recognizing the global expansion of AI technology. The task of regulating the genie’ is definitely onerous. Senator Mazie Hirono warned of the dangers of artificial intelligence-enabled misinformation as the 2024 election approaches, citing a popular, manufactured image of former President Trump’s arrest. In response, Altman stressed the need for content providers to clarify the nature of AI-generated photography.

Altman offered a general framework for regulating AI models in his first presentation to Congress, including licensing and testing standards for their development. He advocated a “great threshold” for licensing, especially for models capable of altering or convincing a person’s opinions.

Continue Reading: Neural Networks: The Driving Force Behind Modern AI Revolution

Altman’s testimony also addressed data consumption in artificial intelligence training, arguing for businesses’ ability to decline data usage. He did, however, admit that publicly available web content may be used for AI training. Altman also stated a willingness to include advertising but preferred a subscription-based model.

The debate over AI legislation is heating up, with the White House gathering top tech executives, including Altman, to discuss the matter. Regardless of one’s point of view, everyone agrees on the importance of weighing the benefits of AI against the risks of misapplication. An OpenAI staffer has proposed the creation of a U.S. licensing body for AI, informally dubbed the Office for AI Safety and Infrastructure Security (OASIS).

Altman, who is backed by Microsoft Corp, calls for worldwide AI collaboration and incentives for safety compliance. Concurrently, some business voices, such as Christina Montgomery, International Business Machines Corp’s chief privacy and trust officer, have encouraged Congress to focus regulation on areas where AI has the greatest potential for societal harm.

What’s Next?

As the narrative of artificial intelligence unfolds, the industry finds itself at a fork in the road. The testimony of OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, this week has emphasized the need for comprehensive AI legislation and vigilance against potential exploitation.

We are only beginning the journey toward AI regulation, which will necessitate ongoing discussions, global collaboration, and strategic foresight. As we traverse this complex and unpredictable landscape, we must emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing these problems.

To that end, we at OnGraph urge all of our readers to keep informed and actively participate in this debate. If you have any questions or want to learn more about the implications of AI for your organization, please contact us for a free AI consultation. Let us work together to build the future of artificial intelligence in a responsible and beneficial manner.