Build a Food Delivery App Like Zomato

Food Delivery Apps

On-demand food delivery is a rapidly growing industry. When millions of people want and desire something, on-demand food delivery apps such as Zomato, Eat 24, FoodPanda, and Uber Eats satisfy their demands.

People are having meals sent to them any time of day or night, whether it’s midnight cravings or early morning hunger pains.

Why Are Food Delivery Applications So Popular?

Higher sales are expected by using these platforms to register a food business or restaurant. Sellers also benefit in numerous other ways, including cost savings, internet presence, and customer happiness.

Even if you order food from a well-known restaurant chain today, many clients would advocate using one of the most popular food delivery apps.

Should You Invest in a Food Delivery App Like Zomato?

If you’ve already recognized the growth possibilities of online food ordering and delivery, go to our next section on “What It Takes To Develop A Food Delivery App.”

If you’re not aware of the sector or its development, keep reading to discover how much potential there is.

The restaurant market is exploding. Restaurant finder applications now provide three-fold benefits to restaurants, delivery people, and consumers.

Although numerous major players have already entered the league in order to gain a head start. However, if new players can only improve the experience for all three users of the apps, the sector has huge prospects for newcomers.

Let’s take a look at some statistics and get some important insights into the restaurant industry in order to better appreciate the value of a food delivery app:

Statistics That Prove Demand For An App Like Zomato

1. Sales Growth 20-25%

On-demand food ordering and delivery applications have helped eatery businesses increase sales by 20-25%.

2. 10 Million+ App Downloads In App Stores

One of India’s popular food delivery applications has reached more than 10+ million application downloads which is no less than popular social media apps. If provided with even better features, functionalities, and services, the number can bring you to another level.

3. Revenue Growth In Food Delivery $91, 701M+

Food delivery apps help restaurateurs generate revenue and multiply it 5x faster. An app like Zomato having advanced features and customer service enables you to meet your dreams.

4. Increase in In-App Payment

In 2019, payments made through applications on food orders have already touched $210.45 billion.

Market Share

On-demand enterprises are experiencing tremendous success. When compared to other fast-growing businesses, the food delivery app market has a 10% share of the overall market.

However, Zomato and Uber Eats occasionally provide consumers with innovative discounts and alternatives that boost their user base and app downloads in the Play Store.

As a consequence, we predict that the food delivery apps’ market share will surge in the near future. It’s an excellent time to start working on your own food delivery app if you’re considering it and searching for the appropriate team.

How a Food Delivery App Generates Revenue?

Food Delivery Process

One would not regret the decision of investing in a food delivery app. The program may help you generate money in a variety of ways through various food-delivery procedures.

Delivery Charges

Food delivery is one of the most important aspects of an online restaurant’s operation. Food delivery is a time-consuming process that not all restaurants are prepared for. It’s a lifesaver for those restaurants because it allows them to take internet orders without having to think about their dispatch.

You have the option of applying a fee to each delivery or, alternatively, a set price depending on the distance. Charging a fee for delivery services helps you to maintain a consistent revenue stream.

Commission from Food Joints

You may set up commission rates for each food establishment based on the total order amount during a specific time period. The rate is determined by factors including a restaurant’s level of operation, average income, and other metrics.

Surge During Peak Hours

The most common method for increasing your income is to offer more services or items at different times of the day. Charging extra during peak hours may provide you with a significant amount of extra cash. UberEats adopted this strategy in their food delivery app strategically. They limit the number of menu items, locations, and delivery costs during peak hours in order

Although the technique has certain benefits, it also has drawbacks. Customers may switch to a competing app if they discover lower prices.


Advertising is an indefinitely renewable source of income. With a premium, you may incorporate restaurants in innovative ways in your app. This helps you earn money faster. However, keep in mind not to stifle or inconvenience your customers’ in-app experience. Also, always verify the restaurant’s feedback and ratings for their satisfaction levels before trusting them.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Food Delivery App?

As we get some idea about food delivery apps on a holistic level, it is time to talk about app’s components that directly impact the cost of food delivery app development and allow us to make the most from the whole industry.

Here we are listing down the top features that make an on-demand food delivery app stand out.

Must-Have Features of a Food Delivery App

Whether you go with a Food delivery app like Zomato or UberEats, you’ll have to build four apps and then combine them into one program that gives users a consistent experience in real-time.

Yes, it’s correct. There are four applications to be created. Your application concerns three distinct stakeholders: restaurants, delivery personnel, and consumers. Then a panel for Admin is required that will keep track of your company’s operations and success.

Let us look at the features from the side of all four stakeholders.

Customer Side:

  • Login
  • Search
  • Menu
  • Cart
  • Payment Integration
  • Order Tracking
  • Rating and Review
  • Customer Support

Restaurant Side:

  • Login
  • Menu Management
  • Push Notification Checking
  • Rating and review

Delivery Side:

  • Registration
  • Order Management
  • Updating the Order Status

Admin Side:

  • Admin Login
  • Restaurant Management
  • Application Management
  • Payment Management
  • Discount Offers and Coupons
  • Technical Assistance

Take note of these features since your application needs them at first to make it to the market/target audience.

  • Technology Stack of Food Delivery App Development
  • For Restaurant Listing – Grubhub API or FourSquare API
  • For Payment – Square API, Braintree, Stripe, PayPal
  • To Find user Location – Core Location Framework, Google Places API
  • To Find Directions – Google Maps, MapKit
  • For Cloud – AWS, Azure
  • For Registration – Facebook SDK Login
  • For Storage – Amazon Cloud Storage
  • For Analytics – Google Analytics

We hope that after reading this, you have a better idea of what it takes to create a successful food delivery app. It’s also critical to be familiar with the problems you’ll encounter and the potential solutions available when you begin an app development project.

The difficulties of entering the mobilized food-delivery Market (and their solutions)

1. Competition

Whether you’re just starting out, or well established and want to get into the online food ordering and delivery industry, you’ll have to compete with other companies already operating in the crowded field.

One of the most striking instances that substantiates our claims is the buzz surrounding Zomato’s purchase of UberEats’ Indian operations.

When it comes to competition, you must take a step out and provide something that other players lack, both in terms of features and the app UI/UX.

All three stakeholders of a food delivery business must be addressed in new ways. It also covers registered restaurants and delivery drivers, as well as your rivals’ customers.

When the time comes, more interesting features will be available on-demand for food ordering and delivery, such as discounts, alternatives, in-app conveniences, and many additional elements. This competitive market will allow you to make a statement by providing more appealing options like discounts, choices, in-app amenities, and other factors.

2. Finding Restaurants to Partner With

Establishing credibility for a startup is a time-consuming process. As a result, you should not attempt to compete with established restaurants that are selling well below your competitors’ rates. Though it has nothing to do with the app’s pricing, this is undoubtedly one of the most difficult phases in increasing your company’s success.

You might contact small restaurants to see if they want to partner with you for business promotion. Instead of approaching major companies, you should target smaller businesses that not only provide additional food ordering choices but also help you develop recognition for your firm.

3. Stable UX/UI Among All Panels

The goal of each of the four screens is distinct, and they must meet every individual requirement. Because food delivery applications need to be nimble, change frequently, and provide a wide range of services and products, they require frequent adjustment in all four apps.

The goal of this interactive installation is to create an experience in terms of design and movement. This is constant across all the various screens, with different purposes.

4. MVP Features

MVPs have a significant impact on the cost of food delivery app development. It’s difficult to pick out which elements to include and which to eliminate when you’re first starting out.

It is suggested that you should not start full-scale development right away. Rather, start with the MVP [minimum viable product], which is not only cheap but also time constraining. A mobile application development firm will assist you in creating an MVP that may be used to finance your company.

5. Finding the Right Team of Experts to Develop Food Delivery App

An excellent application development firm is crucial to the success of a project. It’s not only difficult, but it’s time-consuming to locate the finest technical help for every technical question you might have.

The number of potential clients in the market is another factor to consider, which means finding your dedicated developers may be the most difficult part. Your developers are your company’s greatest asset and one of its most significant expenses.

While it may seem like a time investment, finding the best-outsourced team that not only converts your concept into a fully functional application but also ensures that your journey in the crowded on-demand food delivery business is smooth.

After all of the variables have been considered, it’s time to look at the expenses of a food delivery app development.

Cost of Developing a Food Delivery App

There are a number of elements to consider that contribute to the overall cost of mobile application development. We’ll try to give an estimate for how much it would cost to develop a food delivery app.

Your specific requirements for your on-demand food delivery mobile app will determine the price at first. You pay a team of experts to help you build and integrate those features into your meal delivery app, which costs between $30,000 and $40,000.

When you hire a capable app development firm, the cost will usually include all app development needs, including mobile application design and development for both Android and iOS versions of the app, as well as testing and market launch. If your company’s model requires an online restaurant menu application, costs may range from $50,000 to $60,000.

It’s important to understand what features and characteristics you’ll want in the future food delivery app market. When talking to your application development businesses, you not only reach a better position when it comes to marketing but also make more informed decisions. 


The trends that will define the future of online food ordering and delivery applications are shaped by people’s increasing demands every day. However, not many players are currently in the market, so it is likely that the sector will change in the near future.

We hope that our comprehensive blog will assist you in creating an excellent app and establishing a lucrative online food ordering and delivery company.

Have a next big app idea? Get in touch with our experienced mobile app developers and get started with your own entrepreneur journey today!

Complete Guide On Food Review Mobile Application Development

Trip Advisor, Urbanspoon, Starbucks App, and Yelp are some of the most common food review mobile applications found on one’s smartphone. We are providing a complete guide on food review mobile application development.

Complete Guide On Food Review Mobile Application Development

Why? Because!

  • 92% of diners read restaurant reviews before visiting. 
  • 77% of restaurant-goers trust peer reviews rather than critic reviews.
  • 33% of consumers refuse to go to restaurants that have fewer than a four-star rating
  • 35% of diners say that online reviews help influence their decision when choosing a place to dine. 


Why User Reviews Are Important Today?

User reviews are more significant than ever for businesses these days and a growing number of registered users and reviews on apps like Yelp prove it too. 

One of the most interesting things about these review-based apps is that customers voluntarily share reviews evaluating businesses and their products or services. Personal experiences with a particular product or service listed on an online feedback system containing reviews and ratings indicate the level of customer satisfaction. 

But most of the existing applications for food businesses are more restaurant-focused and lack food-specific reviews and ratings that a foodie is actually after. 

Apps like ‘FreeBeer’ – a food review mobile application is a solutions to this problem. The app smartly addresses this issue by providing a platform for users to write quality and authentic reviews focused entirely on food.


How An App Development Idea For ‘FreeBeer’ Came Into Existence?

Our client came up with the idea of free beer when he and one of his associates met for a business meeting in London. They quickly realized their joint frustration of an unpleasant experience with the traditional review websites and apps. 

They simply searched over a search engine for the best meal in town for lunch, and it displayed the results of restaurants with five-star ratings and not food. 

You must be thinking why would search engines show the wrong information about a place or property? Because the search engine gets the right information from users, for example – a reviewer might doll out a five-star review just because it is their birthday, and they got a complimentary cake with their name on it or because they got on really well with the waiter that day.

“The problem is, if you’re looking for, let’s say, the best cocktail in the area, it’s difficult to get a review that focuses solely on the quality of the cocktail and nothing else.

When you are just after a certain type of food or experience, you just want that food and the best possible version of it. 

FreeBeer is developed as a food review app that provides you with a way of finding just that.  

How Does A Food Review Mobile App like Free Beer Works?

Food review apps enable people to search and share their favorite dishes and drinks in town by taking pictures, tagging the location, and sharing it within the app as well as other social channels using the in-app sharing features. 

The app also allows people to share reviews and experiences by food type. That means the foodies can satisfy their cravings by finding multiple reviews from real customers, pertaining to the specific meal they’re after.  

A food review app like FreeBeer combined experience of software and the culinary scene.    

What we mean when we say the culinary scene is the importance given to the front-end design. As software specialists, we were concerned more about business logic aka the back-end – but we also understood the significance of the front-end as this is the only way, people can see how good the meal really is. 

Front-end of the app allows users to upload real food pictures, and it only takes 30 seconds because you’re not telling a huge story about the restaurant, but just the meal. 

Let’s start by understanding the

Importance of A Food Review Mobile Application.

A five-star review of a restaurant might be all you need to get convinced to visit the restaurant and delight yourself with your favorite food. But if you are just after a great meal or drink, simply a five-star rating does not help. 

People share ratings based on several factors such as location, ambiance, service, cost and food, and many others. Ratings do not provide you enough insights into the served food, and it can prove a little misleading to visitors and they leave with an unpleasant experience. 

This is the problem that FreeBeer – a food review app is attempting to solve.   

FreeBeer is a food review app that allows users to find the best food and drinks served in town. 

FreeBeer is one of the amazing mobile apps developed by the highly talented and skilled developers of OnGraph. Within a short span of time, this food review mobile application has developed a robust user base for itself.

In the following blog post, we are going to discuss why food review apps are important today and how it is shaping up the industry for both diners and restaurants. 

Read till the end as we are also going to discuss How To Build A successful Food Review App and several monetization methods for the app.


Key Features Of Food Review Apps

If you want to create an app like FreeBeer, it is important to list down the core features that the app must-have. We are listing down top features here that are essential for a similar food review app. 

Review and rating system. It is the feature that has the most impact on users. A user not just looks for reviews to decide what to eat and where, but also the ratings of the served food and services from his personal experience. 

Geolocation and location-based search are essential for a user as it helps them find places near their existing location. The app automatically picks up the user location to provide multiple food choices near them, this increases the in-app experience.

Social login. Login through social media accounts like Facebook simplifies the registration process for the app as well as lets users share their experiences of food and the application on social accounts. It gives the app a word-of-mouth promotion.

Push notifications have several roles to play for restaurants as well as diners. They provide information as per user preferences and creates personalized offers for the users. The app also uses information from check-ins and reviews for a highly personalized experience.

Photo/video uploading. This is the crucial feature of the app as it enables users to share their dining and food experiences visually through photos and videos in their reviews.

User accounts. The app has two types of users; and thus, two types of accounts. User accounts for individuals and business accounts for restaurants and food providers. 

Analytics. A food review app like FreeBeer also provides analytics to users to track and compare their activities and engagement with other users. Business owners, on the other side, use analytics to track the activity on their business page.

It helps the app owner track overall in-app engagement, and improve performance & experiences based on shifting user preferences.

How To Make Money With A Food Review App

There are several ways to monetize a food review application. All you need is to build your monetization strategy in advance so that you get to build the features and functionalities required to make money. However, here are the popular methods used for monetization of a food review app:

1. Advertising:

The app can be used to provide free as well as paid advertising to promote relevant products and services. Advertisements can be placed within the mobile application as well as on the website. Targeted advertisements help businesses get profile enhancement, and add to their revenue.  

2. Transaction Fees 

Another exciting and highly successful source of monetization for a food review is getting a commission through transactions like advance table booking, ordering food, and online payment. Though, this would only be possible once you have loyal app users.

You can consider the option for future implementation after building a reliable user base and popularity.  

3. Discounts and Deals

You can let the restaurants create promotional offers and provide discounts on check-in and other methods to attract more customers. You can charge fees on the sold deals. The exclusive deals also help the app attract new users. 

4.  Premium Features

Here you can implement freemium techniques which means you allow users to use the premium features for free for a limited amount of time. The idea is to attract them with premium features that they wouldn’t find anywhere else and once they are hooked they will be willing to pay for it. Just make sure your premium features stand out from competitors and deliver a unique and enhanced user experience.

Want to develop an app like FreeBeer Food Review?

We are proud of the results FreeBeer is generating for our client. FreeBeer offers geo-location-based services and therefore delivers an enhancing experience to users. The app is dedicated to local businesses, and its features are built accordingly. Find a table below and understand what it takes to create amazing food review apps like FreeBeer:

  1. User profile
  2. Uploading pictures and videos
  3. Social sign in
  4. Reviews and Rating
  5. Reservation
  6. Push Notifications
  7. In-app purchases
  8. Geolocation
  9. Filter Integration
  10. Filter by category
Estimation in a Hour
  1. 300–340 hours
  2. 80–160 hours
  3. 30–40 hours
  4. 80–160 hours
  5. 200–250 hours
  6. 80–100 hours
  7. 120–160 hours
  8. roughly 70–100 hours
  9. 300+ hours
  10. 40–60 hours

The Application Solution Experience

People like to visit new places and share their experiences. For this reason, online food review mobile applications like FreeBeer will remain highly popular in the near future. By effectively using the above-mentioned monetization techniques, a food review app can receive significant profit from users. 

If you are looking to develop a similar food review app for your startup and are looking for a development team to implement the project, we are here to help.

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