AWS Solutions Architect vs Developer Certification – What Startups and Tech Companies Need to Know

AWS Solutions Architect vs Developer

AWS is like a giant computer system that powers many websites and applications on the internet. It’s been around since 2006 and is used by developers worldwide. We are providing a complete guide about AWS Solutions Architect vs Developer Certification.

AWS Solutions Architect vs Developer Certification- Key takeaways

Just like you use a personal computer for tasks, AWS offers three main benefits: scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. This means it can handle small tasks, like a blog read by a few people, or big ones, like a blog read by millions.

AWS has over 200 different services to help with all kinds of tasks, like storing data, running code, or using artificial intelligence.

For example:

  • EC2 gives you virtual computers that run in the cloud.
  • S3 offers unlimited storage for your data.
  • Lambda lets you run code without needing to manage servers.

The best part is that you only pay for what you use. If your website gets a lot of visitors, you pay more, but if it’s quiet, you pay less.

Many big companies, like Netflix, use AWS because it’s reliable and easy to use. So, whether you’re just starting out or already have a big project, AWS is a great choice. And with so much data being used and stored online, AWS is always busy helping to keep things running smoothly.

AWS Solutions Architect vs Developer Certification- Stats

The Impact of AWS on Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is like renting technology services online instead of buying and maintaining your own hardware. You can access things like storage, computing power, and databases whenever you need them.

Lots of different types of businesses use the cloud for things like storing data, running email systems, or creating software. For example, healthcare companies use it to develop new treatments, banks use it to detect fraud and video game companies use it to host online games. Create a secure Banking Experience with Ongraph!

Using the cloud makes your business more flexible and saves money. You can quickly scale up or down depending on your needs, and you don’t have to invest in expensive hardware upfront.

It also lets you try out new ideas faster. You can easily experiment with things like machine learning to improve your services without having to buy special equipment.

With cloud computing, you can access resources instantly and only pay for what you use. You can also easily expand your services to different parts of the world to reach more customers.

For example, Amazon Web Services has servers all over the globe, so you can launch your app in different places with just a few clicks. This makes things faster for your users and saves you the hassle of managing your own servers. Click here: To Create an exceptional Mobile App!

No matter what kind of business you have, the cloud takes the headache out of managing technology so you can focus on what’s important. Read more: About Cloud Computing

How AWS Empowers Startups and Tech Companies?

AWS helps startups and tech companies in many ways. Over the past 13 years, startups have preferred AWS because it offers a wide range of services, making it easier to tackle big challenges with small teams. AWS also partners with top venture capital firms, accelerators, and incubators, which can help startups secure funding.

AWS offers programs like the AWS Start program, which assists startups in the education sector in building their services on AWS. Additionally, AWS has diversity and inclusion outreach programs to support underrepresented technologists in the industry.

The AWS evangelism team provides technical expertise across all AWS services and helps startups figure out which services are best for their business. They also help startups share their stories and showcase their innovations at events like the AWS summit.

Startups can benefit from AWS lofts, which are free event spaces where they can work and attend technical workshops led by AWS experts. The AWS team is dedicated to supporting startups, offering guidance, and listening to their feedback to improve services.

Overall, AWS is committed to helping startups succeed by providing technical support, resources, and opportunities to showcase their innovations.

Another interesting fact about AWS is that some of the world’s biggest companies, including Netflix, Airbnb, and Spotify, run their operations on AWS.

Understanding the AWS Certifications Ecosystem

Are you interested in AWS but not sure where to start? Getting an AWS certification could be your ticket to the cloud industry! But here’s the deal: it’s not easy. It takes dedication, especially if you’re new to tech.

First off, there are different levels of AWS certifications: foundational, associate, professional, and specialty. Each level has multiple-choice questions, some with hands-on tasks. The number of questions varies.

If you’re new to AWS, start by learning the basics of cloud computing. Understanding why it’s important and how businesses use it will motivate you to learn more. The AWS Cloud Practitioner certification is a good starting point. It costs $100 and gives you a solid foundation in AWS basics.

After that, you can aim for associate-level certifications. There are three: Solution Architect, Developer, and SysOps Admin. Most people start with Solution Architect because it’s seen as the easiest. Then they move on to Developer and SysOps Admin. These exams cost $150 each.

Once you’ve conquered the associate level, you can go for professional-level certifications. These are more challenging and cost $300 each. It’s recommended to clear all associate-level exams before attempting professional ones.

Lastly, there are specialty certifications for specific AWS domains. These are tough and cost $300 each. It’s best to focus on building your skills rather than collecting certifications.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to AWS certifications. It depends on your goals and experience. Don’t spend too much time deciding which certification to pursue. Focus on building skills, and the certifications will follow.

Alright, buckle up as we dive into a closer look at what it takes to become an AWS Solutions Architect, starting with the basics.

Deep Dive: AWS Solutions Architect Certification

Let’s talk about the AWS Solutions Architect Associate level exam. With cloud computing on the rise, companies are moving their infrastructure from on-premise to cloud platforms like AWS. The AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification tests your ability to design and deploy solutions on AWS.

Exploring the AWS Solutions Architect Certification: Objectives, Prerequisites, and Targeted Skill Set

The AWS Solutions Architect certification is designed for individuals who want to showcase their ability to design and implement systems on AWS. It validates the holder’s expertise in making informed decisions on AWS architecture that complies with best practices and business requirements.


  • Mastering AWS Services: Acquiring deep understanding and hands-on experience in using a wide range of AWS services.
  • Designing and Deploying: Learning to effectively design and deploy secure, robust applications on AWS technologies.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Knowing how to create cost-effective solutions that optimize performance.
  • Scalability and Elasticity: Demonstrating the ability to design systems that are scalable and can adapt to changing demands.
  • Data Security: Ensuring the data and systems are secure and comply with the necessary regulations.


  • Knowledge of AWS: Basic familiarity with the AWS platform, its services, and its infrastructure.
  • Experience: Some background in designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform.
  • Understanding Architectural Principles: A general grasp of architectural principles and services used to build on the AWS cloud, including best practices around security, reliability, and scalability.

Skill Set Targeted:

  • Technical Skills: Proficiency in using AWS services to design, deploy, and manage scalable, available, and fault-tolerant systems.
  • Analytical Skills: Ability to evaluate cloud application requirements and make architectural recommendations for implementation, deployment, and provisioning of applications on AWS.
  • Security Skills: Understanding of and ability to apply best security practices to AWS solutions.
  • Cost Management: Skills in evaluating and identifying cost-effective strategies for AWS services.
  • Communication: Ability to communicate the architectural decisions and designs based on AWS architectural principles and best practices.

By acquiring this certification, one demonstrates not just the capability to build and configure cloud solutions using AWS, but also the versatile skills needed to be efficient, secure, and responsive to business needs.

The Importance of AWS Solutions Architects

AWS Solution Architects take a look at what a company needs—whether that’s storing huge amounts of data, running a website that millions of people visit, or performing complex data analysis. Then, they pick the best pieces from the AWS “Lego box” to construct a solution that’s just right for those needs.

Here’s where their expertise really shines:

  • Scalability: They ensure that the cloud infrastructure can grow with the company. Just like how you might plan your dream home with room to expand for future children, Solutions Architects design systems that can handle more customers, more data, or more transactions without a hitch.
  • Security: They make sure that the company’s data and operations are safe, akin to installing strong locks and a security system in your home. They use AWS tools to protect against hackers, data leaks, and other digital dangers.
  • Efficiency: They build systems that don’t waste resources, similar to choosing energy-efficient appliances for your house. This might mean setting up the cloud infrastructure in a way that uses just the right amount of computing power, ensuring you pay only for what you absolutely need.

In simpler terms, Solutions Architects are the master planners who know the AWS terrain inside out. Their job is to take a company’s vision—whatever they need to achieve with their online presence—and turn it into a practical, cost-efficient, and secure reality using the plethora of tools AWS offers. 

Deep Dive: AWS Developer Certification

Exploring the AWS Developer Certification: Objectives, Prerequisites, and Targeted Skill Set

The AWS Developer certification is aimed at individuals who want to validate their ability to develop and maintain applications on the AWS platform. It focuses on ensuring candidates can effectively use AWS technology to create and manage secure, scalable software solutions.


  • Utilizing AWS Technology: Gaining proficiency in using AWS services and infrastructure to develop, deploy, and debug cloud-based applications.
  • Writing Code: Learning to write code that optimizes the performance of AWS services used in applications.
  • Application Lifecycle Management: Understanding the process of application lifecycle management, from design to deployment and operation within AWS.
  • Security: Ensuring applications are built with secure and reliable security practices integrated into the development process.
  • Troubleshooting: Developing the ability to identify and fix issues within applications deployed on AWS.


  • Familiarity with AWS Platform: A solid foundational knowledge of the AWS cloud architecture, core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS architecture best practices.
  • Development Experience: Practical experience in developing software applications, including an understanding of developing secure, scalable applications.
  • Understanding of High-Level Programming Language: Competency in at least one high-level programming language.
  • AWS Usage Experience: Hands-on experience in using AWS service APIs, AWS CLI, and SDKs to write applications.

Skill Set Targeted:

  • AWS Service Knowledge: Detailed knowledge of key AWS services, their uses, and best practices for application development.
  • Coding Skills: Proficiency in writing, debugging, and optimizing code for building applications on AWS.
  • Security Practices: Skills in implementing secure access controls and permissions using AWS services.
  • Deployment and Operations: Ability to deploy, manage, and operate scalable and fault-tolerant systems on AWS.
  • Problem-Solving: Capabilities to troubleshoot and resolve issues related to application performance on the AWS platform.

Achieving the AWS Developer certification confirms that an individual possesses the technical skills and knowledge required to build and maintain applications on the AWS platform, ensuring they meet the required security and performance standards.

The importance of AWS Developer certification 

The AWS Developer certification plays a significant role for professionals aiming to focus on crafting and upkeeping applications on the AWS platform. In essence, it serves as a stamp of approval that showcases an individual’s grasp and expertise in utilizing AWS services to design, deploy, and manage applications. This certification is critical for various reasons in today’s tech-centric environment.

Firstly, it confirms an individual’s technical proficiency with AWS services, demonstrating that they possess the necessary skills to efficiently develop and manage applications on AWS. This can include a wide range of tasks from writing code that interfaces with AWS services to deploying applications that scale efficiently and operate reliably.

Moreover, the certification indicates a thorough understanding of best practices for software development on the AWS platform. This includes securing applications in accordance with AWS standards, optimizing application performance for better efficiency, and troubleshooting common issues that may arise during development and deployment processes.

Possessing the AWS Developer certification can also enhance a professional’s credibility and marketability. It signals to employers, clients, and peers that the certificate holder has invested time and effort into deepening their AWS skills and knowledge, qualifying them as a proficient developer on the AWS platform.

Additionally, it can open doors to new job opportunities and career advancements. Given the vast adoption of AWS in various industries, having a certification that demonstrates expertise in AWS development can position professionals favorably for roles that require such specialized skills.

Furthermore, the certification process itself encourages continuous learning and skill enhancement. Preparing for the certification exam enables professionals to stay current with the latest AWS technologies and practices, ensuring their skills remain relevant in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

In summary, the AWS Developer certification is vital for professionals looking to excel in developing and maintaining applications on the AWS platform. It validates their skills, boosts their career prospects, elevates their professional standing, and drives them toward continuous learning in an ever-changing technological environment.

Comparative Analysis: Solutions Architect vs Developer Certification

AWS Solutions Architect vs Developer Certification - What Startups and Tech Companies Need to Know

When considering the AWS Solutions Architect versus the AWS Developer certification, it’s like comparing architects to builders in the realm of digital infrastructure. Both play crucial roles in constructing sustainable and efficient digital solutions, but their focus areas, prerequisites, exam content, and how they apply their expertise in professional settings diverge.

Solutions Architect Certification Focus:

This certification emphasizes the design aspect of cloud infrastructure on AWS. Think of it as drawing the blueprint for a building. The professional aims to understand the client’s requirements and design a system that is secure, cost-effective, scalable, and reliable. They need a broad understanding of AWS services to suggest the best solutions.

Developer Certification Focus:

In contrast, the Developer certification hones in on the actual construction or development of applications within the AWS environment. This is more about turning the blueprint into a tangible outcome by coding and maintaining applications. The focus is more on the technical execution, ensuring the application functions well, integrates AWS services effectively, and remains secure and efficient.


Solutions Architects are expected to have a deeper understanding of the AWS ecosystem as their work is more about designing holistic solutions that encompass various AWS services.

Developers, on the other hand, need proficient coding skills and a detailed understanding of at least one high-level programming language, as their work is heavily involved in writing and debugging code.

Exam Content:

The Solutions Architect exam will test designing and deploying AWS systems, focusing on building secure and robust solutions, cost estimation, and identifying the right AWS service for the requirement.

The Developer exam leans towards AWS-specific development tools and environments, automation technologies, debugging, and maintaining applications.

Professional Application:

Solutions Architects often step into roles where strategic planning and client consultations are central. They guide businesses on how to build and optimize their cloud infrastructure, aligning AWS solutions with business objectives.

Developers dive into the technical side, working on coding, deploying applications, ensuring application scalability, and integrating various AWS services into the software development lifecycle.

Both certifications showcase a deep commitment to mastering AWS technologies, but the path chosen will depend on whether the professional is more inclined toward strategic design or hands-on development.

Alright, now that we know the differences, let’s weigh in on which certification might be the right fit for your team.

Strategic Decision Making: Which Certification is Right for Your Team?

When navigating the decision-making process of selecting the right AWS certification for your team, consider your team’s current skills, your project objectives, and the future trajectory you envision for your company.

Factors to Consider:

  • Current and Future Projects: Assess the nature of your projects. If your focus is on designing and implementing cloud infrastructure, the Solutions Architect certification might be more suitable. For projects centered around developing and maintaining applications, the Developer certification could be a better fit.
  • Team Skills and Interests: Evaluate your team’s existing strengths and areas of interest. Team members with a knack for big-picture thinking and strategy might lean toward the Solutions Architect role. Those with a passion for coding and technical problem-solving may find the Developer pathway more rewarding.
  • Company Vision: Consider how each certification aligns with your long-term goals. If expanding and scaling your technology infrastructure is a priority, Solutions Architects can guide this growth. If continuously enhancing and innovating your software offerings is key, certified Developers can drive these efforts.

Next Steps: Preparing for and Succeeding in Your Chosen AWS Certification

  • Resources and Strategies: Leverage official AWS learning resources, such as documentation, whitepapers, and AWS training courses. Practical experience is invaluable, so consider setting up real-world scenarios for your team to work on using AWS technologies. Practice exams can also help familiarize your team with the exam format and the types of questions they will face.
  • Professional Development Plans: Integrate AWS certification goals into your team’s professional development plans. Encourage a culture of learning and knowledge-sharing, perhaps by organizing study groups or internal workshops led by team members who have already achieved AWS certification.
  • Support: Offer support in the form of study time during work hours, access to online courses, and covering the costs associated with taking the exams.


The choice between AWS Solutions Architect and Developer certifications is not one-size-fits-all; it depends on individual talents and the strategic direction of your company. Both paths offer valuable insights and expertise that can significantly impact your team’s ability to leverage cloud technologies to innovate and grow.

We encourage startups and tech companies to view AWS certification as an investment in their team’s development and their company’s future. Cultivating an environment of continuous learning and professional growth can set the stage for innovation and expanded capabilities in the cloud domain.

As you consider the best path forward in leveraging AWS for your project, remember that Ongraph is here to support your team with customized development and consultancy services. Let us help you innovate and grow in the cloud domain.


Q. What is the role of the AWS Solution Architect?

  • Designing Solutions
  • Implementation Guidance
  • Cost Optimization
  • Security and Compliance
  • Customer Support
  • Collaboration
  • Documentation

Q. What is the role of AWS Solution Developer?

  • Developing AWS-based Solutions
  • Implementing Best Practices
  • Integrating Services
  • Coding and Development
  • Troubleshooting and Debugging
  • Optimizing Performance
  • Collaborating with Teams

Q. Do you have experienced AWS experts?

Yes, we emphasize continuous learning and we are building a team of AWS solution architects and developers to deliver full-fledged solutions for every business need.