How to Publish An Android App on Google Play Store?

App on Google Play Store

When you build an Android application that completely reflects your idea (or say, goal), you are almost halfway there. The next half path gets completed through Android app store submission. In this blog, we are sharing a complete guide about Publish An Android App on Google Play Store.

You wish to introduce your special product to the rest of the world and are hell excited about the same. Although first-app publishing is as tricky as thrilling it is.

Today, we will take you through a comprehensive guide that will traverse the complete process of submitting your Android app to the Google Play Store step by step.

Note that Google Play is not the only option when it comes to releasing an Android app. There are many other alternative app stores available to publish your Android app. To choose the best one, you must take into consideration the target audience and geography you wish to cover. For instance, Google Play doesn’t work in China.

[Also Read: how to submit an iOS app to the app store]

If you have built an app majorly for the Asian market, then you need to consider an alternative app store for your app launch. However, here we will particularly discuss “how to release an Android app on Google Play Store?

Why Google Play Store?

Undoubtedly, Google Play Store is the leader when it comes to the number of users as well as the number of apps published. It is one of the substantial app stores serving Android users all around the globe.

When you submit your Android app to the Google Play Store, you publish the app in front of 1 billion active Android users in more than 190 countries around the globe.

When it comes to the field of mobile applications and software, there’s absolutely no denying the supremacy and popularity of the Google Play Store.

According to the Play Store data, there are more than 3.48 million apps on the Google Play Store and about 3739 apps are released on it each day. It is the biggest source for Android users to download apps. Thus your app featured prominently on Google Play Store ensures more downloads.

All these figures demonstrate the prominence of the Play Store for Android and make it an incredible choice for the Android app launch.

Things to Do Before Releasing Your App on Google Play Store

Before we start with the step-by-step guide, you should consider the below points before submitting your app to the Google Play Store.

Once you build and sign the release version of your app ( we will discuss it further in the blog), the app is all set to get published for inspection, testing, and submission.

However, you need to first make sure that the app satisfies the following aspects:

  • Enroll in Google Play App Signing

In case you have missed it, always remember to sign your app to Google Play. Experts recommend the same for uploading apps. Moreover, if you create and submit an Android App Bundle, ensure that you enroll in the Play App Signing.

The Play App Signing stores the signing key of your app on Google’s secure infrastructure and enhances security by providing upgrade options.

Furthermore, Android App Bundle is an uploading format consisting of the compiled code and resources of your app. With the help of this app bundle, Google Play generates and provides optimized APKs for the configuration of every device. This means that only the code and resources for a particular device are downloaded for the successful run of your app. This avoids the need for creating, signing, and managing several APKs in order to optimize the support for various devices. As a result, users receive smaller and more optimized downloads.

  • Stay Within the Recommended Compressed Download Size Limit

Only 150 MB and even smaller compressed app downloads are supported by Google Play.

If you upload your app using Android App Bundles, then the users can download the app with the smallest downloads possible. This expands the compressed download size limit to 150 MB. Thus, make sure that the total size of the compressed APKs should not exceed 150 MB when a user installs your app, else it will lead to an error.

In case it goes beyond 150 MB, enable all the configuration APKs, making sure that the users download only the code and resource they require so as to run your app successfully on their device. Apart from this, you can also shrink the app by just removing the unused code and resources. Besides, you can also follow the best practices in order to further decrease your app size.

Once your app satisfies these criteria, you can proceed and follow the publishing instructions.

Step-by-Step Process to Submit Your App To Google Play Store

Step-by-Step Process to Submit Your App To Google Play Store

Let’s move on to the steps for submitting an app to the Google Play Store after addressing the obvious. Make sure you complete each stage of the Google app publishing procedure in the exact chronological order to avoid making any mistakes.

1. Google Play Developer Console

To upload an app to the Android Play Store, you need a developer dashboard. As a sort of backend controlling center, the Google Play console allows developers to publish Play Store apps for Android. For a one-time fee of $25, a developer can open an account with a pool of features and functions. After paying this one-time fee, you are able to submit apps for free to the Google Play Store.

Your name, country, and other details must be included together with all other information requested when registering the account. Once you submit your account, it may take up to 48 hours to be accepted.

2. Develop Application

Here is another step when submitting an app to the Google Play Store.

To submit an app to Google Play after signing into your developer or publisher account, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the menu’s “All applications” tab.
  • Select the “Create Application” option that is presented to you.
  • From the drop-down option, choose the app’s default language.
  • Enter the name of your application (it can be changed later)
  • Click “Create” now.


Develop Application

Develop Application

Set up your app-

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

App access

App access

Content Ratings

Content Ratings

categorycontent ratings

content ratings

News Apps

News Apps

Covid -19

Covid -19

Data Safety

Data safety

App Category

App Category

App Details

App Details

3. App Store Listing

Your preparations will be useful at this moment of Google Play uploads.

You must carefully fill up all the information and details you have already prepared in this step of the process to upload an app to the Play Store.

To enhance the likelihood that your app will appear in searches, utilize the right keywords in the description of your app.

4. Upload App Bundles or APK To Google Play

Upload Appapp integrity

You must now upload the files, such as the signed app release and app bundle or APK, into your application. Here is the process:

  • Go to the “Release Management” tab, then the “App Release” tab.
  • Following that, you will have to select one of four release types: internal test, close test, production release, or open test.
  • You can choose “Create Release” once you’ve determined what kind of release you want.

You will now be taken to the page for the new release to production. You must choose whether to sign on to the app through the Google Play apps store at this point. Simply select the “OPT-OUT” option if you opt for the latter.

Choose “Browse files” next, then follow the on-screen instructions to name and describe your release while looking into how to upload an apk to the Google Play store. To confirm the information, you can also click on “Review.” Press “Save” once everything has been taken care of.

5. Time For Content Rating

Rating your app is the next stage in the process of publishing Android apps to the Play Store. It is essential to rate the application since, as it is now classified as “Unrated,” it may be completely removed from the store.

You must once more access the menu on the left side of the screen and choose the same option for Content Rating. After this, you can proceed by selecting “Continue,” entering your email address in the appropriate area, and then clicking “Confirm.”

You can now complete the survey to rate the app. To see your app’s rating on the Play Store, click the ‘Save Questionnaire’ option after that, and then select the ‘Calculate Rating’ option. Clicking “Apply” is the last step to complete your app’s content rating.

6. Fix App Pricing and Distribution

You must now be certain which nations your app will be accessible in. It’s important to understand that Google does not support releasing apps worldwide. Instead of being released globally, the app will be distributed in a few countries.

Additionally, giving your app pricing is really important. Make sure that your decision to make your app free is permanent if you do so, as Google does not permit you to change a free app’s status to paid. The app’s pricing can be changed, though.

To begin, select the Pricing and Distribution tab from the menu, after which you must decide whether your app will be free or paid. Now you can choose the nations in which you want your application to be made available. Additionally, you can use the Primary Child-Detected option of “Yes” if your program is appropriate for users under the age of 13. Choose “No” if the situation is different. Select the choices to allow ads inside your application in a similar manner.

7. Finally, Publish Your Application

Take the final step of this guide on how to publish an Android app to the Play Store, i.e., adding the application to the platform, once you are certain that everything is correct. You must return to the “App Releases” tab and choose “Manage Production” before choosing “Edit Release.” Following that, select “Review” and then “Start rollout to production.” Select the “Confirm” option to finish the process, and presto! The app has been successfully posted to your free Google Play Store apk account.

All that’s left to do is wait for your application to be approved after uploading the app to the Google Play Store. Earlier, applications were assessed in a typical two-hour period. Now, however, it takes hours or even days for the same, thanks to the apps store Google Play’s modified privacy policy, which motivates mobile app development companies to produce even more faultless products that are promptly chosen. Hold your excitement in check and wait instead.

Reasons Why Your App Got Rejected by Google Play Store 2024?

While working on an Android app development project, ensuring that the app complies with the Google Play Store’s app submission requirements is one of the major challenges that developers encounter. With 2.1 million active apps, Google Play Store is home to the biggest repository of apps.

Google has strict guidelines for app creation and submission since the corporation is aware that the platform might be misused by malicious actors. Google, in the 1st quarter of 2024, rejected 55% of the Android apps that were submitted to the play store based on them.

Below are some of the reasons why an android app can get rejected by the Google Play Store and how to rectify the same.

#1: Your app might not be as bug-free as you considered it to be

Your app is put to the test using specific criteria during the review process. Reviews would undoubtedly dump it if it exhibited any bugs or performance difficulties. Given that Google aims to preserve the caliber of the apps that are made available to users on the platform, it is without a doubt a valid justification for rejecting apps.

Solution – Testing, testing, and more testing are a few proven strategies to prevent this destiny. Test your software on various devices with various specifications before submitting it to the Play Store. If your application has previously been rejected, identify the issues and fix them.

#2: Presence of Duplicate Content

Sometimes mistakes are unavoidable. You might accidentally or inadvertently utilize the trademarked title for your app. Google would deem this to be an infringement, and it would refuse to publish your app. Everything on your app must be unique in accordance with the requirements.

Solution – To ensure that every element of your app is distinctive, make sure to undertake in-depth and lengthy research. If it has already been rejected, you must delete all text that is regarded as duplicate, such as the app title, textual descriptions, images, etc.

#3: Breach of Privacy and Data

As severe as it can get for Google is a data breach involving sensitive information. For your app to pass approval, your privacy policy must be perfect and compliant with Google’s rules.

Solution – You must ensure that your app has a strong privacy statement that Google would accept. Additionally, if your application was turned down, for this reason, you should revise the policy once more and republish it under a new account.

#4: False App Rating

An essential step in the submission process is app rating. Here, you may give all the details about your app’s target audience and the appropriate age range. The submission process requires the completion of a questionnaire. You already know what will happen to your app if you offer inaccurate information, whether intentionally or not.

Solution – Google provides a second chance to complete the questionnaire correctly in order for the app to be chosen. Don’t make the same error twice or your application can be completely rejected.

#5: Presence of Inappropriate Content

In comparison to the app ratings you’ve indicated, if your app contains content that Google would deem unsuitable, it may be rejected immediately. Racist remarks, graphic violence, or sexual content might be there in the content.

Solution – As previously mentioned, be careful to accurately evaluate your software according to its category. Your developer account may be permanently terminated for a persistent error like this. Republish your app under a different account.

#6: Improper / Ineffective UI

The principles of Google Material Design should be adhered to faithfully. Your app won’t be chosen if you don’t design it in accordance with these recommendations and also if it doesn’t meet Google’s requirements.

Solution – Check the font used by your app. The rules are used to design all of the colors and images. If it’s been turned down, you can also have it redesigned.

#7: Presence of Malware in Code

Google does not accept any parts that are Trojan-related, malware-related, or that violate users’ privacy in any way. Your app won’t be chosen if it is discovered to have any of these elements (whether in-app or referenced in the description).

Solution – Because these tactics are against Google’s rules, you must make sure that no link or ad network in your app engages in them. If the program has already been rejected, you must get rid of all the viruses and draft a fresh privacy statement. Then, use a fresh developer account to publish your app.

Now you can take care of these appropriate measures to effectively launch your app on one of the biggest app stores ever without having to worry about “What to do if your app declines on Google Play Store?”


We hope that the preceding guidance was useful in assisting you with the Android App Store Submission process. When you publish an app to the Play Store, you need a proactive marketing plan to draw users. After the Android app is released, you must continue to work on it to make it successful or the competitors will eclipse it. Let us know if you need any assistance in publishing an Android app to the Play Store or want to develop an Android app by the top developers.

Tech Stack You Should Choose For Mobile App Development

Which Tech Stack You Should Choose For Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development Technology Stack

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, having an amazing idea for a product can only be considered the very basic step toward success. Product development, in actuality, involves elements of strategy, design, development, distribution, marketing, and on the foundation of all of these, the right technology stack so as to support and evolve the idea.

Choosing the right technology stack for your mobile app development can greatly enhance your performance, time to market, as well as overall maintenance. On the other hand, failing to choose the right technology stack could result in additional development time, performance issues, frequent debugging, or a tech stack that could not deliver the product you are looking for!

In this blog, we will outline all the essential elements of a tech stack required to build and support a mobile app in 2022. The blog will traverse through various tech stacks, examples, and a guide on how to choose the best tech stack to support the agile development process.

What is a Technology Stack?

A Technology Stack (or Solutions Stack) is the amalgamation of technology services, languages, and frameworks that make up the entire ecosystem of a mobile application. It is referred to as the ‘stack’ because one layer of technology can be considered as layered upon the other. The tech stack, basically, is organized into two parts – The Front-end (how it looks) and the Back-end (how it works).

Front-end (how it looks) and the Back-end

In every element of the technology stack, you may observe different formatting – front-end/ back-end, front-end/back-end, or front-end/ back-end.

Formatting of the Tech-stacks

Components of a Technology StackComponents of a Technology Stack

Now that we understand that the technology stack is composed of two parts, let’s split each part into its components and analyze it.

  • Front-End Tech Stack (Client-Side)

Though the front-end is what the client actually faces, it is essential to analyze beyond just the surface-level design. The front-end is composed of all the elements that go into the visual representation on the mobile device, which involves the use of three programming languages: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript (JS).

Front-End Frameworks

These provide fundamental templates and components of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating websites and web apps. There are several frameworks available to developers, with the two most popular mobile frameworks being Bootstrap and Foundation.

JavaScript is greatly versatile for simplifying complex integrations for delivering user-friendly results as well as an exceptional digital experience. Given its complexity, there are a number of frameworks or libraries specific to JavaScript, including Angular, React, Vue, and Backbone. 

  • Back-End Tech Stack (Server-Side)

The back-end tech stack signifies everything that is present on the server ‘behind’ what can be seen, the inside workings or the backbone of an app. Here are the elements of the back-end tech stack:

Server-Side Programming Languages

This basically is the code which is used to build the application, with a number of options available for cross-platform and native development. Server-side languages may include Swift, Python, PHP, Ruby, C++, JavaScript, Objective-C, Dart etc.

Server-Side Frameworks

A framework can be defined as a set of functionalities that can be built upon or assembled so as to assist in development. The choice in the framework will be governed by the chosen programming language for development and also the target platform.

Common Server-Side Frameworks are Ruby, Django (Python), Symfony(PHP), Laravel(PHP), Swift, NodeJS(JavaScript), Flutter(Dart), and React Native.

  • Databases

The database, which is also a server, is the repository for your mobile app code. It is also responsible for collecting, storing, processing and managing the collected data. Common databases are MySQL and MongoDB.

  • Operating System

The OS (Operating System) in a tech stack is basically the software interface via which the frameworks, servers, and other software elements of the stack access the computing resources. The most common OS are Android, Windows, iOS, Linux, and Mac OS.

Why Choose The Right and Best Tech Stack for Mobile App Development?

The mobile application that you build completely depends upon the technology stack that you choose for it. Thus, it is imperative to check different traits of your app, such as whether or not your app is robust or has the caliber to scale up to different versions of the various OS.

You can choose anything you like, but you must know that the right tech stack greatly enhances the performance of the app and also supports its growth prospects. On the contrary, choosing the wrong one will make you suffer for its development cost as well as the time to market the mobile application. Other than this, you will also face more basic issues in your mobile application.

So, before starting with the development of your mobile app, giving proper time and attention in choosing the best tech stack is extremely important and a must thing to do.

How to Choose the Right and Best Tech Stack for Your Mobile App?


How to choose tech stack?

There are a number of important considerations for choosing the best tech stack for your mobile app in 2022. Some of these are discussed below:

1. Product Scope

Clear user and market research helps to define the needs and requirements of the application. The product scope will help to define business assumptions, user assumptions, and then technical assumptions. The business analysts and project managers work together to define the problem that the product is trying to solve, the target users, the competitive solutions, etc. After these business and user assumptions are solved, the technical assumptions about which platforms/devices the product needs to work on, the level of interactivity, and the basic functionality.

2. Existing Infrastructure

Though a specific tech stack might have been successful for an existing product, it might not work for other products. Having said that, leveraging existing infrastructure is an essential consideration. This step will also analyze if the product can leverage the existing assets, either available in external libraries and frameworks that are being used or proprietary to other products.

3. Defining The Platform

This should align with dictating native vs cross-platform, the target users, and the ability to reach those specific requirements. If building for native platforms, then consider side-by-side (tandem) vs sequential development of various platforms. Though this speeds up the time to market, things analyzed during testing must be applied to every platform. In the case of sequential development, the idea can be refined, however, there’s a risk of alienating users of alternate platforms.

4. Performance

On the other side of the scalability, lies the base performance of the application, which is directly dictated by the business needs of the app as well as the choice of the tech stack that influences the size of the app, the number of requests the system can process, and the speed of the system reaction. With performance being the foremost aspect in user acceptance of a new product, it is essential to have this aspect as a part of each decision in terms of the tech stack, for the front-end as well as back-end. When performance becomes the number one priority, often native development outweighs the advantages of cross-platform development.

5. Time to Market

In case the application requires to get to market quickly, or in case the product is likely to change, concentrate on a simple, well-tested, as well as flexible tech stack supporting agile development.

6. Scalability

The potential to scale both horizontally (scaling to more devices) and vertically (adding more data or elements) while also maintaining performance. This will be significant to understanding databases and servers, but specific attention needs to be paid to frameworks since there’s a tradeoff between modular-oriented development and the potential for those modules to be modified or scaled in the future.

7. Budget

While analyzing the budget, the majority of the organizations focus on an MVP app and need to plan an initial budget that is based on the required infrastructure, product plan, open-source vs license fees, in-house/freelance or outsourced skills, and ongoing maintenance. The budget must involve the complete anticipated life cycle of the product – from development to maintenance and its ultimate disposal.

8. Security

Note the fact that not all technologies are secure on an equal scale. Well-tested, mature technologies provide stability, however, all tech stacks require proper testing.

9. New Trends

Though new technologies can provide a meaningful boost to features, performance, development time, or scalability, there’s a risk of being quite trendy in new technologies. However, keeping on track with the latest UI/UX trends can help to ensure that the tech stack offers the latest as well as the greatest options.

10. Skill Availability

Expert availability, via hiring and in-house skill, often limits the tech stack, especially considering the IT skill gap. Instead of limit choices, rely on the expertise of seasoned development via outsourcing.

Some Examples of Popular Tech Stack

  • Facebook Tech Stack

Programming Languages: GraphQL, PHP, Linux, JavaScript, C++
Framework: React Native, Xanmarin, Swift, React (front-end)
Databases: MySQL
Server: Apache

  • Airbnb Tech Stack

Programming Languages: Ruby, JavaScript
Framework: Ruby on Rails
Databases: MySQL
Server: NGINX

  • Uber Tech Stack

Programming Languages: Java, Python, NodeJS, C, C++
Framework: NodeJS
Databases: MySQL
Server: Apache Mesos, NGINX

  • Netflix Tech Stack

Programming Languages: JavaScript, Java, Swift, Python, Kotlin
Framework: NodeJS, React
Databases: DynamoDB
Server: Amazon EC2 and RDS

  • Dropbox Tech Stack

Programming Languages: Swift, Python, C, Kotlin, Java, Objective-C
Framework: React
Databases: MySQL
Server: Apache, NGINX

  • Spotify Tech Stack

Programming Languages: Python, PHP, HTML5, JavaScript, C++
Framework: Hub
Databases: Hadoop, Cassandra
Server: Apache Storm, NGINX

Wrapping Up:

The process of product development is an entire journey in itself that begins with an idea and is followed by careful research and the establishment of the right tech stack in order to ensure success. Of course, it is not an easy journey to build and scale every idea into a successful product… It is indeed worth it!

If you are also looking for an agile mobile app development process to deliver end-to-end full-stack excellence, reach out to learn more.

Mobile App Industry to Surpass Records in Year-End Reports

Mobile App Industry to Surpass Records in Year-End Reports

A great welcome to our News Series ‘OnGraph Tech-Buddy’ which reviews the latest in Technology News, mobile & web applications, and the overall app economy.

The mobile app industry continues to evolve, with a record number of consumer spending as well as several downloads across both iOS and Google Play Stores combined at the end of the year 2024, going by the latest year-end reports.

Mobile App Industry to Surpass Records in Year-End Reports

According to App Annie, the global spending across Google Play, iOS, and third-party Android app stores grew 19% to reach $170 billion in 2024. Apps downloads also grew by 5% to reach 230 billion, and mobile ad spend grew by 23% reaching $295 billion year-over-year.

Furthermore, it was also revealed that consumers today are spending much more time in apps than ever before, which is even more as compared to the time spent by them in watching TV.

For instance, an average person watches 3.1 hours of TV on a daily basis. However, in the year 2021, they spent about 4.1 hours on their mobile device. And they are not even substantial mobile users. In markets such as South Korea, Indonesia, and Brazil, users exceeded 5 hours a day when it comes to mobile applications in 2021.

Applications today aren’t just a way to pass some free hours. They can evolve to become giant businesses. In the year 2021, about 233 applications and games generated more than $100 million in consumer spend, and 13 exceeded $1 billion in revenue, according to App Annie. This grew to 20% from the year 2020 when about 193 applications and games generated $100 million in annual consumer spend, and just about 8 applications exceeded $1 billion.


Your Tech-Buddy offers a way to keep up with this ever-evolving industry in just one single place with the latest from the world of applications, including news, updates, mergers & acquisitions, startup funding, and suggestions about new games and applications to try, and much more.

Apple to Launch Its Latest Watch Series

Apple to Launch Its Latest Watch Series

When it comes to Apple watch development, the Apple Watch Series 8 will replace the existing Apple Watch Series 7 in 2022. After the denial of the biggest leakers claim by Apple and the introduction of the more rounded smartwatch rather than a flattened one, it is really difficult to predict what we can expect from the Apple Watch Series 8. 

As compared to the next iPhone, Apple Watch rumors have conventionally been less common. In order to ease the task of controlling information leaks, the Apple Watch does not have as many users and there are also fewer suppliers for its manufacturing. 

Although, as the Apple Watch has been around in the market for over six years, we can predict some of the trends in Apple Watch development. So, let’s have a look at them.

Latest Trends in Apple Watch Development

Latest Trends in Apple Watch Development
Latest Trends in Apple Watch Development


Health Sensors

In recent years, we can observe that Apple has marked itself by providing health care practically with its Apple Watch. Now the question arises, what other health sensors will come out with Apple Watch Series 8.

Temperature Sensor 

From 2021, it was revealed that Apple wishes to install a temperature sensor in its latest watch series 8. This appears much more feasible as compared to blood glucose monitoring as there are devices already available in the market that allow continuous temperature measurements like the Oura-Ring and the Fitbit Sense. 


In general, the Tick-Tock cycle signifies the development of alternating design or technology. This means that one year, a change might happen and the other year, no change might happen. This seems like a common method that Apple has been using with its Watches since the Series 3. 


Apple has spent many years researching a non-invasive method of measuring blood sugar. There are a few startups who claim to be capable of measuring blood sugar without the need for a blood sample and also offering working prototypes. Dexcom G6 makes use of a tiny sensor under the skin to measure blood sugar and the Japanese company Quantum Operations claims to be able to measure blood sugar without a blood sample. 

For some time, Apple has been working with vendor Rockley which in 2021 announced the distribution of biosensors in 2022 to measure different biomarkers. 


The design of the next Apple Watch is its biggest unknown. Though, images from 2021 showed a new look for the Watch with straight edges. However, in contradiction to this, the Watch had more rounded edges as compared to before. Some suggested that due to manufacturing issues with design, Apple was forced to make last-minute modifications to its plans. 

There has been a prediction by display expert Ross Young claiming that Apple is planning on a third display size for its latest Watch. There’s a good chance for a bigger model, maybe with a 49mm screen size. 


Wrapping Up:

So, these are some of the many trends one can expect with the latest Apple Watch Series 8. For more updates, you can stay tuned! You can also hire Apple Watch developers from a good company to work with you as an extended team.

Top 8 vue js development tools to use in 2020

vue js development tools

Gone are the days when VueJS was just an advanced JavaScript framework. Today, it is one of the widely used frontend frameworks which has grown in popularity recently due to the ease it offers both in terms of learning as well as building applications. VueJS enables developers to create UIs efficiently and elegantly. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, the in-detail documentation, easy learning curve, and functionality-driven structure make it a favourable choice. 

A popular JavaScript framework to create user interfaces and single-page applications, thousands of VueJS development tools have probably been created by its large and active open-source community. Many businesses as well as startups hire VueJS developers so as to leverage all the benefits of it. 

While selecting VueJS development tools for your project, it is essential that you do so with the right tools. We have compiled this list of top 8 VueJS development tools considering the entire VueJS development cycle based on their usefulness, uniqueness, and effectiveness, as per their GitHub and Stack Overflow popularity or star ratings. But before getting to the list, let us first understand what VueJS is and how it is useful. 

What is VueJS?

VueJS is a JavaScript framework that enables developers to build single-page, front-end applications for both web and mobile. As per many experts, VueJS is ranked high in the category of the satisfied JavaScript framework as it enables a developer to quickly change the content, and doesn’t even let the page reload. Many big tech giants such as NASA, Adobe, Monito,, and Gitlab have adopted the VueJS framework for their projects. 

With VueJS development tools, one can save development time and deliver faster to production. Undoubtedly, the framework is a growing sensation and you should use it in your next project without any doubts. 

Best 8 VueJS Development Tools For Use in 2020

VueJs Development tools



1. Vue CLI

Just like in any other JavaScript framework, one can’t do much on Vue without a CLI tool. It enables you to create project structures and deploy boilerplates rapidly. It also enables you to build instant prototypes to exhibit new features. 

Besides the usual bells and whistles, the Vue CLI also offers much more support for web development tools such as Babel, ESLint, TypeScript, PostCSS, PWA, Unit Testing, and End-to-end Testing. The tool is also compatible with extensible third-party plugins that are created by the community. 

Additionally, Vue CLI does not even require ejecting. That being said, with the Vue CLI, it is possible to do more in terms of customization in comparison to other frameworks. One of the most significant features of Vue CLI is its Graphical UI which enables you to develop new projects and also manage them conveniently. 

2 Bit for Vue

An amazing way to create the next-gen Vue component library of your team, Bit solves the problem of sharing and collaborating on UI components across repositories. It is a strong way to compose UIs with shared components, independently built, versioned as well as updated. 

You can easily host and organize your components in the platform. If a component library is like a CD music-album, the happens to be like iTunes. uses the CLI tool of Bit to let you version and push independent components from any local project to a collection, where they are documented, organized, rendered, and can be imported/installed.

Your team can search, render, install and update any component in from any new project. Features such as rendered sandbox, auto component-docs and more are all available on the platform out-of-the-box. 

Bit tracks the dependencies of every component and versions it as a stand-alone unit of code. Also, it ensures that the shared components are reusable truly by developing and testing them in an isolated environment, before exporting them to a collection from their local projects. 

3. NuxtJS

The very first step in building your applications after you have VueJS setup is to arrange a good boilerplate which helps you to avoid writing code from scratch. There are a number of options for developing boilerplates, but NuxtJS enables you to build many types of applications like Single Page Applications (SPA), Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Server-Side Rendered (SSR), and Static Sites.

Nuxt makes your development process faster as it has a modular architecture and over 50 modules which support tasks such as adding Google Analytics, getting PWA benefits, or generating a sitemap. 

Nuxt implements best practices of VueJS and NodeJS through its bundle analyzer and offers out of the box performance tuning. 

4. Vuex

Many developers struggle with considerable state management issues. A lack of proper control of state would imply that an application can be unpredictable. Vuex centralizes all state management functions and only allows states to be mutated in a predictable manner. 

Mutations are permitted based on State, View, and Actions. The state defines the applications’ truth which the view displays to the user and actions cause the state to change, thus restarting the cycle of mutation. 

Vuex also offers features like state snapshot export/import and zero-config time-travel debugging. 

5. Vue-router

If you are familiar with any other JavaScript framework, then the concept of routing should not be new to you. Routers are used so as to map application URLs to components. Vue-router performs this task amazingly and supports a component-oriented router configuration. 

Additionally, it also supports router params, querying, and wildcards so as to allow for complicated routing. Features like transition effects that make changing routes more appealing to users as well as links with active CSS classes make the vue-router offer a lot more as compared to other frameworks.  

Vue-router also offers the possibility to choose between hash mode or HTML5 history. Since it affects the user experience, it is extremely important, especially when the nature of the application needs the users to navigate to previous pages. 

6. Vuetify

As the name suggests, Vuetify is a combination of the words “Vue” and “Beautify” and will do the same for your application. It is a graceful library of handcrafted UI components that helps you to build beautiful applications even when you are not a designer. 

It offers over 80 components based on the Material Design Specification with off-the-shelf project scaffolding through its Vue CLI plugin. SSR support is built-in as well. These components include Banners, Alerts, Buttons, Badges, Progress widgets, Form inputs and controls and more. 

7. Axios 

Axios is a popular third-party library to create and manage ajax requests. The team of Vue’s go-to choice has been Axios after the separation of “vue-resource”, the once “official” ajax library of Vue from its repository. This has led to a rise in popularity and usage of Axios. 

It’s for good reason, though not part of the official Vue repository, Axios is quite similar to its predecessor, and is universal, has TypeScript definitions, and supports cancellation. One of the tips to use Axios is that, in case your server doesn’t support promises natively, you are required to provide a polyfill yourself.

8. Vue Apollo

A versatile tool, GraphQL is used to harness the potential of APIS. It enables you to query for just the right data that you need for your application or function. One of the most convenient ways of using GraphQL for Vue is Vue Apollo.  

The components of Apollos help to use GraphQL in a quiet declarative manner. Apollo, at its core, provides a Schema Language for the back-end application as well as a Query Language for the front-end for easy data exchange. It also provides support to SSR so that your HTML can be rendered on the server-side. 


Hope this collection gave you an idea about the many VueJS development tools to make your project spectacular. However, if you are in search of a VueJS development services for your project who is proficient and well-versed with the above tools, then you can hire VueJS developers from us to build user-friendly, lightweight, and swift interfaces as well as beautiful applications.

Just drop us an email with your project requirements. Our team will reach out to you very shortly with the right solution to your query. Till then, give a try to these wonderful tools and have fun with your applications.

Why VueJS with Laravel is becoming a popular choice to build applications?

VueJS and Laravel

Have you recently used the latest version of Laravel? If yes, then you might have noticed that it generally comes with Vue coupled in with other tools such as Bootstrap and jQuery. Moreover in Laravel documentation, you would also notice that they have included a small introduction to using Vue components.

You must be wondering why you should use VueJS with Laravel and how? Laravel is a PHP framework and VueJS is a JavaScript framework, so what purpose could they serve to each other? So what’s all about VueJS vs Laravel?

In order to understand all this, you first need to acquaint yourself with a number of facts about both VueJS and Laravel framework. After that, you’ll be able to analyze how VueJS with Laravel is going to be a useful combination to build applications. So, let’s start with VueJS first.

Brief Introduction About VueJs

VueJS is an advanced JavaScript framework that is used to create user interfaces and single-page applications. Unlike many of its monolithic counterparts, VueJS has been designed from scratch so as to be incrementally adoptable. The basic library of the framework is focused on the view layer of the application and is extremely simple for developers to pick up and integrate with other libraries or any of the existing projects.

Brief Introduction About Laravel

Laravel is one of the eminent members of a new generation of web frameworks. It’s an open-source PHP web framework, developed in 2011 by Taylor Otwell with the intent to build web applications following the MVC (Model View Controller) model. Moreover, it is also free.

As now you are familiar with both of the platforms, so let’s move to our main objective, which is to understand why developers prefer to use VueJS with Laravel while creating the user interface of an application.

So, there are 6 foremost reasons that justify the usage of VueJS with Laravel by developers. These are as follows:

  • Everything happens on the frontend
  • Reactive components make for an amazing event-driven app
  • Creating optimal complex frontend pages
  • Single page application
  • Easy to learn and use
  • Allows developers to issue database queries using PHP Syntax

Let’s discuss all the above-mentioned points in detail so as to have a better understanding of the idea.

6 Prominent Reasons to Use VueJS and Laravel

Although both VueJS and Laravel drive from different programming languages, it may appear irrelevant as to how VueJS with Laravel could offer support to each other. However, you would be surprised to know that VueJS supports Laravel in more than one way. Below discussed are 6 main reasons for why one should use VueJS and Laravel.

1. Everything happens in the frontend

All the applications available on the internet today are event-driven. They are developed to offer the users a smooth experience as if they would have used the application installed on their computers.

VueJS enables Laravel developers to build the front end in a way that their application doesn’t have to reload the pages whenever an update is made.

2. Reactive components make for an amazing event-driven app

VueJS can help you to create a full-scale event-driven web application that manages all the activities on the frontend. It also provides composable components that can be used in whichever way you wish to use. As it couples amazingly with Laravel, you will only require to make a few trips so as to request data from your Laravel application and make user interface changes by just switching components without the need to reload the page.

You can easily prompt user interface changes in your VueJs frontend, which in turn offers an incredible experience to your users. It could be as simple as creating a text on your page editable or swapping out a complete component so as to load up a video that is requested by a user without reloading the page.

Considering the speed and performance of VueJS, this happens quite smoothly as well as fast without consuming much of your computer resources.

3. Creating optimal complex frontend pages

If you have been thinking of developing an application with parts that require frequent updating, you don’t have any other choice other than to make the frontend run entirely on JavaScript.

The main challenge with other JavaScript libraries is that they don’t have a virtual DOM. This is the reason you hit the performance issues quickly as the frequency of the updates increases or the data volume to track the changes significantly increases.

The changes to DOM will discreetly stop being instantaneous and you start to experience substantial performance lags. When your application is developed with VueJS components, the dependencies of every component while it is rendered are tracked automatically. Because of this, the system precisely knows which component needs to be updated in actuality when there’s a change in the data.

VueJS is also agreeable with state managers such as Redux, Vuex, and Flux which are outstanding in handling data flow in complex applications. The application of VueJS of the one-way data binding model also makes state management simpler in complex applications.

4.  Single Page Application

Single Page Applications or the SPAs are the most amazing thing to happen to the internet in the past few years. It opens up applications to a broader audience of users than it was possible before. When you realize the fact that many internet users outside of certain parts of Europe and America have challenges when it comes to getting on the internet, you start to appreciate the role played by Single Page applications in delivering a rich web experience. Your complete application assets get loaded once and most of it is cached. As the user engages with your application, all it does is request data which usually needs low bandwidth to fulfill.

5.  Easy to learn and use 

VueJS is quite easy to get into. As a developer, it provides you with many options and has a lot abstracted away. You feel as if you are writing plain JavaScript when using VueJS and can build a simple application with plain JavaScript which remains valid in VueJS.

Another fantastic thing about VueJS is that your valid HTML is also a valid VueJS template. You can either keep your CSS external or can process it with JavaScript as per your application requirements. You can also take advantage of scoped styling so as to apply style changes to a single component on the fly without the change actually affecting other components.

You can easily develop a non-trivial application with VueJS if you are familiar with JavaScript, after just one day of going through the documentation.

6. Allows developers to issue database queries using PHP syntax

Just like all other frameworks, VueJS employs virtual DOM where the ideal representation of the user interface is kept in memory in the form of JavaScript data structures.

Laravel presents the Eloquent ORM, which is a progressive PHP implementation of the active record pattern that enables web developers to issue database queries leveraging PHP syntax.

Wrapping Up

Combining VueJS with Laravel into one project is not an easy task. It takes a team of great expertise and talent to combine the two powerful frameworks and build an outstanding web application. What you require is to bring together a team of top developers in VueJS and the top developers in Laravel who carry the expertise over the frameworks. The Laravel developers shall develop a quick and functional core for your web application, while the VueJS developers shall build a richer and more interactive user interface for your web application. If you manage to get it right, you can develop web applications that will become a work of art.

With over 15+ years of expertise in web and mobile app development, our developers are highly professional, well-skilled, and experienced in their trade. Get in touch and our team will reach out to you very shortly with the right solution as per your project requirements.

Android Studio 4.0 is Now Available For Download With a New Motion Editor, Build Analyzer and More

Android Studio 4.0

Google has launched the latest version of its IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Android Studio 4.0 in May 2020. This release is supposed to help app developers code smarter, build faster, and design apps’.

Android has a large user base of more than 2.5 billion monthly active devices. Though Android app development is available in additional IDEs, the newest features appear first in Android Studio. Google released Android Studio 3.5 last year in February, shortly after Project Marble ended, which concentrated on performance improvements and stability rather than introducing many new capabilities. The release of Android Studio 4.0 includes a substantial increase in new features. Anyone who creates apps or games for Android should consider this version number 4.0 to be a major debut.

The most interesting features that developers would find in the latest version are new tools to help in designing the apps. It includes a new Motion Editor, a Build Analyzer, and Java 8 language APIs. Google also revamped the CPU Profiler user interface and enhanced the Layout Inspector.

The new Motion Editor lets you build complex MotionLayout animations with the help of a simple click-and-drag interface, while earlier this required editing XML files manually. In the meantime, the Layout Inspector and Layout Validation tools allow you to preview the design of your app in 3D or across multiple screen sizes.

Android Studio 4.0’s features are organized into three categories: design, development, and building. On top of the most recent capabilities, the most recent version also includes standard performance improvements and bug fixes.



Design Features:

  • Motion Editor

For almost a couple of years now, AndroidX has had a subclass of ConstraintLayout known as MotionLayout. The purpose of MotionLayout is to help animate between layout states more easily.

The main disadvantage with this approach is that one must construct the transitions in XML. Android Studio 4.0 includes a new Motion Edit user interface that allows you to make and modify motion transitions visually within a MotionLayout. Although it all ends up in an XML file, one does not have to write it oneself.

  • Upgraded Layout Inspector

This one is a very useful tool that Android Studio has had for a while now. The Layout Inspector lets you see on debuggable apps exactly how your app is laid out on-screen, besides their various attributes. The New and Enhanced Layout Inspector in Android Studio 4.0 expands on the old version.

Though one can still use it for simple view-tree inspection, it now has features such as live refreshing. Paired with devices that are running at least Android 10, there are even more new features such as a 3D representation of what’s on-screen and more detailed View attributes.

  • Layout Validation

The creation of layouts is without a doubt one of the most challenging elements of building an app. One may create a layout in Android Studio’s built-in preview, but it will appear terrible on your real phone or tablet. Switching among multiple screen sizes and resolutions while previewing, on the other hand, is still possible; however, it can be time-consuming.

However, there’s no need to be concerned about this any longer, because you’ve stumbled upon something good. Android Studio 4.0 includes a Layout Validation view that shows how the layout will appear on a range of screen sizes and resolutions across all devices simultaneously.

Develop and Profile Features:

  • CPU Profiler UI Upgrades

The CPU profiler is designed to offer a rich amount of information about the thread activity and trace recordings of your app. Now, the CPU recordings are separated from the main profiler timeline and have been organized in groups. For additional customizations, one can drag and drop individual items within a group or can even move the entire group up and down. There’s a Thread Activity timeline that includes methods, functions, and events.

Here one can view all thread activity and can also try navigation shortcuts to move around the data easily like using W, A, S, and D keys for fine-grained zooming and panning.

  • Smart Editor Features

In Android Gradle plugin 3.4, the R8 compiler was added to assist with shrinking, resurging, optimizing, obfuscating, and dexing – resulting in significant build speed improvements. When creating R8 rule files in Android Studio now has smart editor functions such as syntax highlighting, completions, and error checking. The editor ties into your Android project to offer comprehensive symbol completion for all methods, classes, and fields as well as refactoring and fast navigation.

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 platform update

The core Android Studio IDE has been updated with enhancements from IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 and 2019.3.3 releases. These updates focus majorly on quality and performance enhancements across the IDE.

  • Live Template Update

An IntelliJ feature lets you insert common constructs into the code by typing simple keywords. Android Studio 4.0 includes Android-specific live templates for your Kotlin code. For a complete list of available live templates, navigate to Editor > Live Templates in the Preferences or Settings dialog.

  • Clangd Support for C++

Clangd is the primary language analysis engine for developers writing C++ for code navigation, completion, inspection, and showing code errors as well as warnings. Google also bundles clang-tidy now with Android Studio.

Build Features:

  • Build Analyzer

Misconfigured or outdated tasks can lead to longer build times resulting in lost productivity and frustration. The Build Analyzer helps the developers to understand and address blockage in your build by highlighting the tasks and plugins that are most responsible for the overall build time and also suggests steps to mitigate regressions.

  • Java 8 Language Support Update

Earlier versions of the Android Gradle plugin supported a wide variety of Java 8 language features for all API levels like lambda expressions and method references, via a process known as desugaring. In Android Studio 4.0 version, the desugaring engine has been extended to support Java language APIs, irrespective of your app’s minSdkVersion.

This implies that you may now utilize standard programming APIs that were previously available only in more recent Android versions, such as java.time, java.util.function, and

  • Feature-on-Feature Dependencies

One can now specify a Dynamic Feature module depending on another feature module. Being able to define this relationship means that your app has the needed modules to unlock additional functionality leading to fewer requests as well as easier modularization of your app.

  • BuildFeatures DSL

The Android Gradle plugin includes built-in support for modern libraries like view binding and data binding, and build features, like auto-generated BuildConfig classes. However, one might not require these features and libraries for every project. One can now easily disable discrete build features, which can help to optimize build performance for bigger projects.

  • Kotlin DSL

Built-in support for Kotlin DSL build script files implies that Kotlin build scripts provide a full suite of quick fixes and are also supported by the Project Structure dialog. Throughout the next year, Google will continue to refine the DSL API of the Android Gradle Plugin, which might lead to breaking API changes for Kotlin script users. In the longer run, these fixes will make for a more easy-to-use, idiomatic DSL for Kotlin script users.

In the end, Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0 includes support for Build Analyzer of Android Studio by using Java 8 language APIs, irrespective of the minimum API level of your app, and building feature-on-feature dependencies between Dynamic Feature modules.

You may download Android Studio 4.0 for Chrome OS, Mac, Windows, and Linux from the Android Developers site or simply upgrade your current installation from within the app.


Given all of Android Studio 4.0’s tools and updates, this may well be a golden opportunity for aspiring mobile app developers to get their hands on intriguing development. We have expertise in developing apps for a variety of platforms after more than 12 years of experience in mobile app development. Looking for some expert solutions for your project? Connect with our team of specialists today.