Cloud Managed Services for Business Growth in 2024

Cloud managed services offer flexibility, costing savings, and enhanced security, enabling businesses to focus on their core operations.

By : Aashiya Mittal

As technology landscapes and markets continue their rapid evolution, an increasing number of businesses are leveraging cloud managed services to bolster their adaptability, mitigate risks, and streamline operations.

These services provide comprehensive assistance for organizations seeking to harness the power of cloud platforms while staying laser-focused on their main competencies instead of getting overwhelmed by IT infrastructure tasks.

Encompassing everything from partial to end-to-end management of cloud environments, cloud-managed services empower businesses to enhance responsiveness, simplify processes, reinforce security, and more effectively pursue strategic goals.

However, there are key distinctions between popular service models such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, as well as variances in individual cloud-managed service providers‘ offerings.

While fundamental benefits include upgraded infrastructure, robust security protocols, streamlined software lifecycle management, proactive monitoring, and disaster recovery systems, providers like OnGraph also promise faster time-to-market, scalability, flexibility, compliance maintenance, optimized ROI, and expert consultation on migration strategies.

What are Cloud Managed Services?

The cloud-managed services would let organizations gain access to the benefits of the cloud with the day-to-day management and control work being done by professionals.

This way, businesses can entirely focus on their strategic priorities and core business, and their cloud infrastructure and applications will have a stabilized environment and security.

With the growing need to adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape, companies are turning to cloud-managed services. From partial to full control, businesses can customize their plan for cost-efficient cloud services.

Cloud-managed services (CMS) offer comprehensive support for businesses too.

  • Enhance agility and response capability
  • Simplify IT operations to reduce technical debt and optimize infrastructure for improved performance, scalability, and cost efficiency.
  • Improve security posture to safeguard your sensitive data.
  • Focus on strategic goals so businesses can focus on innovation and growth, boosting productivity.

There are, however, different kinds of Cloud services. So you need to know the differences before choosing the best solution for your business.

How Managed Cloud Service differ from Cloud Computing?

Feature Cloud Computing Managed Cloud Service
Control Users have full control over their resources. Provider controls the cloud infrastructure.
Management Responsibility Users are responsible for managing and maintaining everything. Provider handles management, maintenance, and support.
Setup Users must set up software and applications themselves. Provider takes care of setup and integration.
Cost Structure Users pay for individual services. Follows pay-as-you-go model.
Customization High customization based on user needs. Some limitations on configuration options.
Support Users must manage their support. Provider offers ongoing support and monitoring.
Scalability Users need to manually scale resources. Providers can automatically scale resources as needed.


How Managed Cloud Service differ from Bare Metal?

Feature Bare Metal Managed Cloud Service
Type Physical server with no pre-installed software. Virtual service shared among multiple users.
Control Dedicated to a single user with full control. The provider manages the infrastructure and resources.
Management Responsibility User is fully responsible for management, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Provider handles management, maintenance, and support.
Setup User must install the operating system and software. Provider takes care of installation and setup.
Cost Structure Typically involves higher upfront costs for hardware. Generally follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model.
Scalability Scaling requires physical upgrades or additional hardware. Easily scalable based on usage needs.
Performance Offers dedicated performance with no resource sharing. Performance may vary based on shared resources.
Flexibility Less flexible; requires physical changes for upgrades. Highly flexible with quick adjustments to resources.

How Managed Cloud Service Providers Help With Different Cloud Models?

They can help with-

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • Resource Management: They set up and manage virtual servers and storage.
  • Cost Control: Help businesses pay only for what they use.
  • Maintenance: Handle updates and keep systems running smoothly.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

  • Development Tools: Help build and run applications easily.
  • Integration Help: Assist with connecting different services.
  • Manage Tech: Manage underlying technology so developers can focus on coding.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • Subscription Management: Help manage subscriptions for software.
  • User Support: Offer training and support for using applications.
  • Data Security: Ensure that data is protected and meets regulations.

Bare Metal as a Service (BMaaS)

  • Custom Servers: Provide dedicated physical servers tailored to needs.
  • Hardware Management: Set up and maintain the hardware.
  • Flexible Options: Allow businesses to scale hardware as needed.

Storage as a Service (STaaS)

  • Storage Solutions: Offer various cloud storage options.
  • Backup and Recovery: Provide solutions to protect data and recover it if needed.
  • Monitoring: Keep track of storage usage and performance.

Leading Managed Cloud Service Providers in the Market- 2024

Google Cloud is hoping to gain more cloud market share.

Many managed cloud service providers offer various cloud computing services to businesses, including

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS is the biggest cloud provider offering a cloud computing platform.
  • Microsoft Azure: Azure is the second-largest cloud provider and is growing quickly.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP is a Google Cloud managed services platform with AI and machine learning features.

Whichever cloud managed service you end up choosing, rest assured that you are guaranteed to benefit from certain standard features.

Cloud service models and managed service providers provide a basket of diverse skills to help companies utilize cloud services rightly to better their operations in the areas of efficiency, scalability, and achieving business objectives.

What Types of Services are Included in Cloud Managed Services?

What Standard Offering in Cloud Managed Services

  • Infrastructure Management: You get enhanced cloud infrastructure management that emphasizes strategic setup and provides ongoing optimization processes. This includes auto-scaling capabilities, resource allocation, and performance tuning to ensure that operations are streamlined and costs are minimized.
  • Security and Compliance Management: CMSs offer a comprehensive approach to maintaining secure cloud environments through advanced threat detection, encryption practices, and regular audits. They place prime importance on adhering to industry regulations and standards to protect data integrity and client trust.
  • Software and Application Management: They provide multiple methodologies for efficient software lifecycle management, from deployment to updates and maintenance. It includes  CI/CD pipelines, containerization, and microservices architecture to ensure fast and reliable software delivery.
  • Monitoring and Analytics: They manage the IT workload of your business by monitoring and analyzing cloud performance, resource utilization, and operational health.
  • Disaster Recovery and Backup Solutions: You will receive robust in-built strategies for data protection, including automated backups, geo-redundancy, and failover systems that guarantee data recovery and business continuity in the event of system failures or cyber incidents.
  • Governance and Policy Management: CMSs also offer standardized processes for developing and implementing governance frameworks and policies that align IT operations with business objectives. This includes access controls, resource usage policies, and compliance checks to enforce best practices across the organization.
  • Cloud Strategy Development: The provider helps businesses define a clear vision for their cloud goals. Their team creates a detailed plan to achieve the best cloud setup, focusing on results that address challenges and opportunities.
  • Cloud Migration: They facilitate a smooth and quick transition to cloud solutions. Using proven methods and trusted partners, they ensure the move is low-risk and minimally disruptive, aiding in efficient business transformation.
  • Cloud Management and Operation: Their services include managing various cloud solutions, from networks to data centers. They ensure the cloud environment aligns with business needs, keeping applications running smoothly. Additionally, they help maintain the right resources without unnecessary costs.

The services offered by CMSPs can be advantageous to your business in several ways. Consult Outsourcing cloud management service providers for next-gen solutions.

[Also Read: Cloud Migration: Be Cloud Ready]

Reasons to Choose Managed Cloud Services for Your Business

4 Great Reasons to Choose Managed Cloud Services

1. Cost Savings and Efficiency

By hiring a third-party cloud-managed services provider (MCSP), you eliminate the need for internal IT staff and high capital expenses for infrastructure.

And you will only need to pay for services you require, providing budget flexibility and a flat, predictable schedule.

Thus, MCSPs help ensure business agility and scalability by efficiently managing workloads and optimizing resource usage within public, private, and hybrid cloud environments.

The best part of using an MCSP is that the prices may be lower than the cost of hiring full-time in-house IT staff, leading to substantial savings.

The expertise that MCSPs bring to the table can help you determine which cloud resources best suit your needs as well as suggest the most cost-efficient pricing models.

MCSPs often offer subscription offerings for a wide range of services, allowing you to optimize your support plans and maintain a budget-friendly strategy.

For example, tax or audit companies can leverage managed services with increased demands during specific periods.

2. Performance and ROI

Integrating cloud-managed services significantly boosts IT infrastructure efficiency, driving strategic advancements and enhancing ROI.

MCSPs cloud integration enables seamless transitions and connections between on-premises and cloud resources, hence addressing the complexities of modern, multi-cloud, or hybrid cloud environments

MCSPs can help streamline operations through automation, offer scalable resources for agility, and minimize downtime with proactive management.

It helps businesses save significant costs, which can be reallocated for further innovation and business growth.

3. Security, Compliance, and Disaster Recovery

MCSPs place great emphasis on ensuring network and data security. Their expertise and monitoring enable prompt response times in case of emergencies and increased awareness of new technological advancements.

They also provide clear reports and performance metrics and ensure compliance with industry-wide regulations.

MCSPs also facilitate a solid disaster recovery plan involving minimized downtime following unforeseen incidents. Many providers offer service-level agreements ensuring service performance and continuity.

Partnering with MCSPs provides a competitive advantage as they have exhaustive cloud knowledge with the flexibility demanded by modern businesses.

Their familiarity with your network allows for quicker response times and faster issue resolution enabling you to focus on growth.

4. Flexibility

One of the key USPs of cloud-managed services is their unparalleled flexibility. They provide businesses with cost-effective, scalable solutions tailored to manage cloud infrastructure efficiently.

This adaptability ensures companies can pivot and scale their IT operations in alignment with changing business objectives, without incurring prohibitive costs.

By partnering with a CMSP like OnGraph, you can help unleash greater transformative benefits and cost savings for your business than those achievable through self-managed cloud operations.

5. Automatic Upgrades

A big benefit of cloud-managed services is automatic upgrades. This means your cloud services stay up to date without you having to do anything. Your systems are always modern and secure, allowing your business to quickly adapt to new opportunities and challenges.

Pros and Cons: Cloud Managed Services Providers

Pros of MCSPs

  • Resource Optimization: MCSPs help you find the right services for your needs. They can show you the best pricing options and how to set up services for better performance while saving money. Many providers offer reports on your current resources and tips for improvement.
  • Integrating Cloud Services: MCSPs make it easier to connect cloud services, especially in hybrid or multi-cloud setups. They help ensure your cloud resources work smoothly with your existing systems, allowing employees and applications to access everything without issues.
  • Flat, Predictable Spending: Many MCSPs offer subscription plans that help you manage your budget. You’ll know what to expect in costs each month. Some providers even allow you to use credits, letting you access more support when you need it and less during slower times.

Cons of MCSPs

  • High Cost: hiring an MCSP adds to your cloud expenses, depending on the services you choose, it can be significant.
  • Optimization at the Expense of Performance: Sometimes, optimizing resources means using lower-quality storage or performance options. This can slow down access to data or processes for some applications. It’s important to discuss any suggested changes with your provider and check that they meet your needs.
  • Security and Privacy Risks: MCSPs often use a multi-tenant model, meaning many customers share the same resources. This can raise security concerns if not managed properly. If another customer has issues, it could impact your data. Check the security approaches of your provider to ensure your information is protected.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Managed Cloud Service Provider

Picking the right MCSP can be tough, as they all provide the same services with competitive pricing models. To make the right decision, you must follow the below tips.

1. Skills and Expertise

Choose a provider that understands the cloud services you want to use and your business needs. They should know best practices and how to integrate any important tools or applications.

Consider asking:

  • What cloud services are they trained in?
  • What types of organizations do they usually work with?
  • How familiar are they with your industry’s tools and workflows?

2. Security and Compliance

Security should be a top priority. Managing security and compliance can be tricky, so the right provider can help you improve on what you might do alone.

Helpful questions include:

  • What security qualifications do their team members have?
  • What compliance regulations do they specialize in?
  • What measures do they take to protect your data?
  • Do they offer any built-in security solutions?

3. Transparency and Control

Trust is important when working with an MCSP. They will have full access to your data, so it’s crucial to choose one that is open about how they manage your services.

Look for providers who work with your in-house team to explain how everything is handled. This transparency helps you verify that the services are as promised.

Questions to ask:

  • Are they willing to share reports on service performance?
  • Do they use their own tools or open-source tools?
  • How do they inform you about changes or issues?
  • What training do they provide to boost your team’s skills?

Unique Benefits of OnGraph’s Cloud Managed Services

Using OnGraph’s cloud-managed services can offer many benefits to your business, in addition to the usual advantages of CMSs. These benefits include:

Faster Market Delivery: Cloud services can be leveraged for rapid market deployment and updates.

OnGraph’s Role: Accelerates project timelines with agile development practices.

Scalability: Cloud services can easily scale to meet demand without upfront investment.

OnGraph’s Role: Provides customized cloud solutions that scale with your business.

Flexibility: Changing market needs require businesses to adapt IT resources quickly, which cloud services excel at.

OnGraph’s Role: Offers personalized cloud strategies for enhanced operational flexibility.

Comprehensive Security Solutions: Protecting data and applications in the cloud is a major concern.

OnGraph’s Role: Implements robust security measures and compliance protocols.

In-Built Compliance: Using any sort of cloud service means businesses have to commit to meet industry-specific regulations and standards.

OnGraph’s Role: Ensures cloud solutions are compliant with relevant laws and guidelines.

Simplifying Investment Decisions: Identifying which cloud investments will deliver the best ROI can fall outside the purview of the core business, making the decision-making process long and difficult.

OnGraph’s Role: Provides expert consultation to optimize cloud spending and impact.

Workload Refactoring and Migration: A critical decision needs to be made regarding which applications have to be moved to the cloud and how to go about it.

OnGraph’s Role: Offers expertise in workload assessment and cloud migration strategies.

Why Choose OnGraph for Managed Cloud Services?

OnGraph has been a pioneer in the web/mobile design and development industry and can guide you through the unique opportunities cloud-managed services can unlock for your business.

Our cloud services provide a flexible and cost-effective solution for managing all your cloud-based IT infrastructure, ensuring compliance, security, and overall system robustness.

In the rapidly evolving technology landscape, OnGraph’s cloud services can not only offer greater adaptability and reduced risks but also enable your business to focus on the core functions.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including cloud storage, hosting, migration, security, application management, optimization, and monitoring.

Our years-long experience, expertise in technologies like PHP, Node, ROR, and Angular, and our commitment to innovation serve as the foundation for building cutting-edge web designs, apps, and other digital solutions.

Schedule a meeting with us to find out how you can make the most out of cloud-managed services and transform your digital operations. 

[Also Read: On Premise vs Cloud: Understand What Works Best?]


Partnering with a reliable cloud managed service provider like OnGraph unlocks immense potential for modern businesses seeking to embrace cloud technology.

While all CMSPs facilitate upgraded infrastructure, watertight security, efficient software workflows, proactive analytics, and robust disaster recovery, OnGraph goes the extra mile with faster product delivery, bespoke scalable solutions, operational flexibility, inbuilt compliance, easy investment decisions, and workload migration expertise.

This frees up internal staff to concentrate on advancement. Ultimately, cloud services increase responsiveness to change, reduce risks, lower expenses, drive performance efficiencies, and have impressive ROI – ensuring you have the tools and support necessary to gain those critical competitive edges.



Q. What is the cost structure for Cloud Managed Services?

Each cloud service provider has their unique pricing model that includes specific services for you to scale. You can choose any plan that covers all your requirements. Also, you can customize plans and pay for the services required.

Q. What types of businesses can benefit from Cloud Services?

  • Small scale business
  • mid-sized business
  • startups
  • enterprises

Q. What is the role of a Managed Service Provider (MSP) in cloud migration?

  • Planning Migration Strategy
  • Assessing Current Infrastructure
  • Providing Technical Expertise
  • Ensuring Data Security
  • Managing Data Transfer
  • Offering Ongoing Support
  • Cloud Automation Services
  • Training Staff on New Systems
  • Monitoring Performance Post-Migration

Q. What is the difference between cloud management and cloud monitoring?

  • Cloud management and monitoring seem to be similar terms but use in different aspects.
  • Cloud Management involves controlling, managing, and organizing cloud resources.
    while, on the other hand, Cloud Monitoring includes tracking the performance and health of those resources.

Q. What are the benefits of using Cloud-Managed Services?

  • Time Efficiency
  • Cost Savings
  • Expert Guidance
  • Enhanced Security
  • Scalability Options
  • Performance Optimization
  • Focus on Core Tasks
  • Regular Maintenance and Updates

Q. What types of services do cloud-managed providers offer?

  • Cloud Migration
  • Data Backup and Recovery
  • 24/7 Monitoring
  • Security Management
  • Performance Optimization
  • Compliance Management
  • Network Management
  • Technical Support

connect with our cloud experts to understand our Managed Service Provider Solutions in detail.


Aashiya Mittal

A computer science engineer with great ability and understanding of programming languages. Have been in the writing world for more than 4 years and creating valuable content for all tech stacks.

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